Visual Studio 2013, unable to create Win32 Console Application - c++

I tried repairing the installation and reinstalling everything from scratch but nothing seems to fix this problem. This problem also exists when I try to create a Win32 Application in Visual C++ as well as Visual Studio 2013.
Clicking finish and cancel seem to do nothing while the only button that works is the red X on the top right hand corner.
I have heard good things about this IDE but I can't seem to create a new project. Please help!


Missing Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64

I installed Visual Studio 2017 recently. Today, when I tried to create a new C++ Win32 Console Application project, it shows me the New Project wizard again and again. It also displays the following error.
Project 'ConsoleApplication8' could not be loaded because it's missing install components. To fix this launch Visual Studio setup with the following selections:
I don't know whether this is a pre-existing problem when I installed Visual Studio , because this is the first time that I attempted to create a C++ console app.
I wanted to reinstall Visual Studio, but unfortunately my DVD is broken. So I need to find another solution.
I've finally resolve problem. thanks Ken White to ensure me.
I ran Setup then click modify and select following mentioned Items. Then I just wait a few minutes.

Visual Studio Failing to Create C++ Console Project

I have a problem where Visual Studio will not create a new C++ Console Application project. I can input the project name and location, but when I hit the create button it simply closes the project creator window and reopens it without creating anything. It will do this with both types of the standard C++ Win32 project templates. Everything else works and will load without this error, but for whatever reason Visual Studio will not create Win32 C++ project types. I have previously been able to create such projects in the past; the problem I am encountering is recent.
My version of Windows 10 has recently been updated to the most recent version, but I do not think this will have effected the program. I have tried to run the repair tool included with Visual Studio and running it as an administrator, but nothing has helped. Can you please tell me why Visual Studio might be refusing to create Win32 Projects and how to fix it?
Fixed it. I completely uninstalled Visual Studio and it worked fine after that. Rebooting didn't help; the reinstall did the trick.

Visual Studio 2015 - Can't see code to existing project

When I open a C++ project created recently on Visual Studio 2015 I am able to debug it and have it run, but the code window is blank. I've clicked all around and can not find anything to show me the code so I can continue to work on it.
I have tried:
F7: View Code does not work.
Opening from the Solution Explorer window does not do anything.
Searching Google, Stack Exchange, and YouTube tutorials for my identical problem.
I suspect it is a very straightforward misunderstanding of the interface on my part, but wanted to get involved on Stack Exchange to figure it out.
Fixed with the following for me.
Change 'Color Theme' to something other that what you have.
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Color theme:
Select OK then exit Visual Studio.
Open project and should see your source.
Please clear Visual Studio Cache, then open the Visual Studio again.
You can find cache folder on follwing path
Note : Close Visual Studio, and stop all Visual Studio processes.

Visual Studio(2015) stuck at the first step when creating C++ new project

As shows in the screenshot, when creating a visual c++ new project, it got stuck at the first step, after clicking "OK", instead of going to the next step, this window popups up again and no c++ new project will be created. There is however no problem for creating c# project.
The OS is windows 7 and I have tried with Visual Studio 2015 as well as Visaul Studio Express 2015 for windows desktop, they both work fine with c# but have this problem with c++.
Any suggestions will be grateful. Thanks!
Problem solved after uninstall all versions of Visual Studio on my Laptop and reinstall the Visual Studio 2015 express for desktop.

Visual Studio 2005 crashes when i open a c++ project or solution

i have quite a large solution with 10 projects (I am new to Visual Studio so be forgiving if I don't get the terminology right). One of the projects is a C++ project that would compile to a .dll. I have a new machine so everything is freshly installed. However, every time I try to open the c++ project VS crashes.
I then tried creating a new c++ solution/project but as soon as it is created and the solution explorer is presented VS crashes. I have searched Stackoverflow and there was something that may have worked but the reference to hot fix KB947315 is not accessible. I have tried to find the hot fix but to no avail.
I tried debugging VS2005 with VS2010 but did not get far.
My OS is windows 7 and I have included a screen shot of the VS help about for the version