Compiling Code with CMAKE written with C++ and DDS - c++

I am new to using CMAKE and I am writing a Cmakelists.txt file to compile my project. I get the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: /home/tarun/rti_connext_dds-6.0.0/lib/x64Linux3gcc5.4.0/ undefined reference to symbol 'PRESTypePlugin_interpretedSerialize'
/home/tarun/rti_connext_dds-6.0.0/lib/x64Linux3gcc5.4.0/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
I have tried other solutions already available like adding LFLAGS and CFLAGS but I still get the same error.
This is how I am linking my libraries in cmakelists
target_link_libraries(test_IMU_DDS PUBLIC
Will anyone be able to help me out with this?

There is an example about how to build a ConnextDDS application in their community GitHub profile: Build a ConnextDDS application with CMake
That example is using the files from the "resources/cmake" folder (to call RTI Code Generator and a FindPackage CMake script). The FindPackage script is also provided with the ConnextDDS installation (6.0.0) but the one from the community is more updated. The FindPackage script will provide you with all the definitions, flags and libraries you need in order to integrate ConnextDDS in your project.

I added this nddscd, nddscored, nddscpp2 to target_link_libraries and these flags to CMakeLists.txt:


CMake undefined reference to `pthread_create` in Github Action Ubuntu image

When I was using Github Action CI, I found that no matter what method I used to link, there was no way to link pthread_create
But this error only appears in the Ubuntu environment, Windows, macOS are no problem
I tried:
Not Working
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
add_executable(xxx xxx.c)
target_link_libraries(xxx PRIVATE Threads::Threads)
Not Working
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -pthread")
You can view the compiled log here:
If you read the build log carefully
/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/GenerateAudioModelTest.dir/__/src/GenerateAudioModel.cpp.o: in function `GenerateAudioModel::GenerateModelFromFile()':
GenerateAudioModel.cpp:(.text+0x27aa): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
You notice the error has happened while linking the target GenerateAudioModelTest that is located in the directory test and CMakeLists.txt there does not have the compiler flags you shown. Just add -pthread in test/CMakeLists.txt.
This is a bad idea.
target_compile_options(GenerateAudioModelTest PRIVATE -pthread)
See What is the modern method for setting general compile flags in CMake?
Not Working
You did not link with Thread::Thread nor any library that the target links to.
Not Working
Flags have to be set before add_executable. Which means before all the add_subdirectories. And flags have directory scope. Use targe_compile_options.
Consider just making it one library, why so many, and so many CMakeLists.txt in every directory. If the tools are not so separate and you are never going to use them separately, just make it one library with one CMakeLists.txt that links with all the libraries.

vcpkg wxWidgets CMake linker error with libjpeg.a

I'm trying to use wxWidgets on an arm64 macOS with vcpkg, CMake, and VS Code. Everything is wired up correctly because other vcpkg libraries include, link, and run fine. But, when I try to use wxWidgets there's a linking error.
My CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22.0)
project(main VERSION 0.1.0)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
set_property(TARGET main PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 17)
find_package(wxWidgets REQUIRED)
target_include_directories(main PRIVATE ${wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})
The CMake error I get:
[build] [ 50%] Linking CXX executable main
[build] ld: library not found for -llibjpeg.a>
[build] clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The value of the wxWidgets_LIBRARIES list (set by find_package(wxWidgets REQUIRED)):
-L/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib;-pthread;/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_xrc-3.1.a;/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_qa-3.1.a;/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib/libwx_baseu_net-3.1.a;/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_html-3.1.a;/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib/libwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.1.a;/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib/libwx_baseu_xml-3.1.a;/Users/myname/cpp/vcpkg/packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx/lib/libwx_baseu-3.1.a;-lwx_osx_cocoau_core-3.1;libjpeg.a>;libjpeg.a>;libpng.a>;libpng16d.a>;libz.a>;libz.a>;libtiff.a>;libtiffd.a>;liblzma.a>;liblzma.a>;libjpeg.a>;libjpeg.a>;libz.a>;libz.a>;m;-framework AudioToolbox;-framework WebKit;-lwx_baseu-3.1;libexpat.a>;libexpat.a>;libz.a>;libz.a>;-lwxregexu-3.1;libiconv.tbd;-framework CoreFoundation;-framework Security;-framework Carbon;-framework Cocoa;-framework IOKit;-framework QuartzCore;TIFF::TIFF;expat::expat;ZLIB::ZLIB;png_static
I don't have much experience with CMake, so I don't know what the right angle bracket is for, but is that the problem? Could its being the first non-full-path file in the list mean that it doesn't know where to look?
-L is for directories, and -l is for individual library files. I see you have mixed .a files with directories. You'll need to fix that.
Your best bet is to debug cmake configure with --trace-expand and see who is setting wxWidgets_LIBRARIES to a incomplete and very strange generator expression libjpeg.a>;libjpeg.a>;libpng.a>;libpng16d.a>;
Another suspicious thing is that your library paths contain packages/wxwidgets_arm64-osx which indicates either wrong usage of vcpkg or there is a -config.cmake involved which was not fixed by vcpkg. (everything vcpkg finds via cmake should be living in /installed/<triplet>)

Static link boost library with shared library in CMakeLists.txt

I am trying to build an executable, and to change the link for boost library to static. The codes that I am trying to compile is here.
I am using Xubuntu 14.04, cmake 3.5.1, boost 1.54.
The error I got is:
Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_system.a(error_code.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_system.a: error adding symbols: Bad value
Things I have done:
Set boost library to static link in CMakeLists.txt (an example):
FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.46.0 COMPONENTS system regex program_options thread filesystem REQUIRED)
There are alot of CMakeLists.txt, so I did the above for 3 of them that uses Boost.
Next, I set the compiler flag to -fPIC for CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG, for example:
SET (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g -Wall -fpic")
Again, I did it for all CMakeLists that have CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG variables.
Lastly, I recompile boost with -fPIC option. I downloaded boost.tar.gz from sourceforge, extract it, and ran this:
bjam clean
bjam -d+2 link=static cxxflags="-fPIC" install
However, this does not seem to change anything. the date modification for libboost_system.a is dated a few years ago.
I have tried to tinker with add_library, making this static
ADD_LIBRARY(rexd STATIC ${sources_symbolic} ${sources_parsers} ${sources_lfit} ${sources_teacher} ${sources_rexd} ${sources_ippc_planner})
I got this error instead where it couldn't find a header .h:
No such file or directory
How should I proceed? I apologize if this question is too specific for my use case, but I can't find any other answers out there that I haven't tried.

CMake and Make need to be run twice in order to build code successfully

I am using CMake 3.8.2, GNU make 4.2.1 and GCC 6.4.0 for my C++14 project and I noticed a strange behavior when building. I am using CMake for an out-of-source build in a sub-folder called "build" where I run cmake .. followed by make.
CMake runs fine without any errors and make will build all source files like I expect until it is done compiling and starts linking them. It will then fail with an error
[ 83%] ...
[100%] Linking CXX executable myproject
/usr/bin/ld: undefined reference to symbol '_ZNKSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE3strEv##GLIBCXX_3.4.21'
Interestingly it doesn't show any compiler warnings up to this point and only shows the above mentioned linker error.
Now when I ignore the error and simply run cmake .. and then make again (just like I did before) I get all the compiler warnings that my code should produce and everything links perfectly fine, even though I didn't change any code or CMake-related files in the meantime.
I can reproduce this behavior by deleting all files in the build dir by running rm -r *.
Here is my CMakeLists.txt file:
# Define minimum required CMake version
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)
# Setting compiler related settings
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/binary/gcc-6.4.0/bin/gcc")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -O2 -lstdc++")
# Define project name
# Find source files
file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES application/*.cc)
# Adding third-party sources
set(SOURCES ${SOURCES} "third-party/cpp-base64/base64.cpp")
# Executable to be built from which source files
add_executable(myproject ${SOURCES})
# Find and include and link Botan
find_library(BOTAN botan-2 "third-party/botan/build/lib")
# Includes that are part of the project
# Include nlohmann/json
# Include cpp-base64 by René Nyffenegger
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS program_options)
# Link third-party libraries
target_link_libraries(myproject ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${BOTAN})
Note: I am required to check-in the compiler and libraries I am using, which is why I specified them in the CMake file.
If it only works the second time it has to do with cached variables.
So I'm pretty sure that it will work the first time if you modify CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER setting by adding set(... CACHE INTERNAL "") to:
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/toolchain/binary/gcc-6.4.0/bin/gcc" CACHE INTERNAL "")
And move set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ...) after the project() command.
But please also be noted that you shouldn't put the compiler into your CMakeLists.txt.
CMake: In which Order are Files parsed (Cache, Toolchain, …)?
Passing compiler options cmake
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found

Linking GSL in CMakeLists.txt

I have a code with multiple files, that uses the GSL Library. When I compile the code through the terminal with the command
g++ main.cpp -lm -lgsl -lgslcblas -o Exec
This compiles and gives the correct output and no errors.
However, when I try and build the code in CLion I get the error
undefined reference to `gsl_rng_uniform'
I have linked the various .cpp files in my code through the CMakeLists.txt, but I think, I have to something similar to the flags to link to GSL.
My CMakeLists.txt file is as follows currently (only the .cpp files are included in the source files, not the .h files):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp
add_executable(Unitsv1 ${SOURCE_FILES})
I'm very new to C++, and can't seem to find any answers online.
You haven't linked in the GSL libraries, so the linker won't find any of the symbols it provides. Something like this should get you most of the way there:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp
add_executable(Unitsv1 ${SOURCE_FILES})
find_package(GSL REQUIRED) # See below (2)
target_link_libraries(Unitsv1 GSL::gsl GSL::gslcblas)
If your code uses C++11, then you need the line at (1) to ensure you actually get C++11 support. Without CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED YES, the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD variable acts only as "Use it if it is available, or fall back to the closest standard the compiler can provide". You can find a detailed write-up here if you're curious.
The more important part for your question is at (2). The find_package() command looks for the GSL libraries, etc. and makes them available as import targets GSL::gsl and GSL::gslcblas. You then use target_link_libraries() to link your executable to them as shown. The CMake documentation explains how the find_package() side of things works in plenty of detail:
Start here: find_package()
Specifics for GSL: FindGSL module
Linking: target_link_libraries()