AWS Elastic beanstalk custom image IIS deployment failing - amazon-web-services

I have created a custom image in AWS elastic beanstalk and configured IIS and Management Services as well. but when using the said custom image to deploy an application. the instance spins up and i can see the IIS welcome page but the deployment never completes and the environment stays in pending (grey) state forever. Any help on how i can resolve this is much appreciated.


Why Elastic beanstalk restore to old version

why Elastic beanstalk restore to old version in AWS.
i try to deploy simple leraval project to aws.
Elastic Beanstalk is a service that makes it easy to deploy, run, and scale web applications and services on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. When you deploy your application to Elastic Beanstalk, it creates an environment for your application and manages the details of the infrastructure and application components for you.
In some cases, Elastic Beanstalk may automatically restore your application to a previous version if it detects that the new version you are deploying is not working correctly. This can happen if the new version is not compatible with the environment or if it is causing errors. Restoring to a previous version can help prevent downtime or other issues with your application.
It is important to carefully test your application before deploying it to Elastic Beanstalk, to ensure that it is compatible with the environment and will run smoothly. This can help prevent issues like an automatic restoration to a previous version

how to deploy MEAN stack app on AWS elastic beanstalk?

I'm trying to deploy my mean stack app on AWS using elastic beanstalk but there doesn't seem to be a tutorial good enough that can help me through it.
I would also like to know if I should really deploy it on elastic beanstalk or Lightsail?
Can you share any articles, videos or anything good enough to help me. It will be helpful to a lot of people.
Angular Version : 7
Node Version: 10.14.1
elastic beanstalk will be the option for production while you can use light sail for testing dev enviroment
now if we talk about the deploying Mean stack app
Open Elastic Bean stalk console and you will get option to choose Webserver
Choose web server with apache, tomcat, nginx, configure it as per your requirement
at last you will get option for upload your application
Upload your app using zip file (if dist folder is output then direct deploy dist in elastic beanstalk)

Elastic Beanstalk 502 errors during autoscaling

I have an Elastic Beanstalk app running on Docker set up with autoscaling. When another instance is added to my environment as a result of autoscaling, it will 502 while the instance goes through the deployment process. If I ssh into the relevant box, I can see (via docker ps) that docker is in the process of setting itself up.
How can I prevent my load balancer from directing traffic to the instance until after the instance deployment has actually completed? I found this potentially related question on SuperUser, but I think my health check URL is set-up properly -- I have it set-up to point at the root of the domain, which definitely 502s when I navigate to it in my browser, so I suspect that's not the cause of my problem.

running a docker loop device on aws

I'm new to aws and am having some issues with getting my mobile app back running again. Forgive me if this question seems vague.
For a school project we created a mobile app on aws and deployed using docker containers (another student managed these tasks). When trying to get my own key pair to ssh into my ec2 instance i detached the volume associated with my instance and reattached it after getting my own key pair. Now i can ssh into my instance but my front end cant talk to my web server.
So my question is, do i create a new application on elastic beanstalk to deploy my app? Even though when i run lsblk is shows a have a docker loop device and when i run docker images i see several that match the name of my application? or do i somehow get the container running again, docker run doesn't seem to be working.
No need, just upload a new update into Elastic Beanstalk. AWS will handle the rest.
FYI, Elastic Beanstalk - Single Docker Container update process (simple under the hood):
You upload the update into AWS.
AWS will put it on your S3.
Inside your EC2, there is an Elastic Beanstalk agent. It will check for a new update.
If there is an update, the agent will download the update file and extract it.
The agent will build a new Docker image.
If the build is success, it will generate a new config to tell Nginx (web proxy) the new web server container.
Nginx will be reloaded.
Your old docker container will be destroyed.
Don't change anything inside EC2 of Elastic Beanstalk, except you know what you do. Elastic Beanstalk is design for automate deployment and scaling. So, if you change something in your EC2 manually, it might be lost. Of course, you can modified your EC2 instance, but you need to automate it using .ebextensions or take an image.

How to setup AWS elastic beanstalk with windows server 2012

I'm new to AWS setup, and after having put quite a lot of time into researching an easy way to setup an instance on AWS for a .NET application, I finally decided to go with Elastic Beanstalk.
After creating an elastic beanstalk application (sample application), I need to upload my files and DB to that application and access it via an URL.
I haven't found a simple straight forward tutorial showing this. If someone has links to tutorial websites or have got this done, would like you know the process.
I've created a security group and added a keypair. Do i need to access it via SSH and install FTP and so on?
Help is appreciated.
There are some tutorial videos on .NET development and AWS Elastic Beanstalk available from the Amazon Web Services site here: