WSO2 CLI tools Unable to connect to host - wso2

I'm just using WSO2 micro intregrator and having issue with CLI tools, mi: Unable to connect to host
i run the WSO2 Micro Integrator on a VM using command :
$micro-integrator.bat -DenableManagementApi
and i wanna Get information about one or more Carbon Apps using :
$mi show carbonapp --verbose
[INFO] Executed ManagementCLI (mi) on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 14:59:47 +07
[INFO] Show Carbon app called
[INFO] URL: https://localhost:9165/management/applications
$mi: Unable to connect to host
mi init --verbose
[INFO] Executed ManagementCLI (mi) on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:01:52 +07
[INFO] Init called
Enter following parameters to configure the cli
Host name(default localhost): localhost
Port number(default 9164): 9165
CLI configuration is successful
i expect Get information about one or more Carbon Apps

Can you check the port ManagementApi is running. By default it is 9164 since you have mentioned as 9165, is MI started with offset 11 ( default offset 10 )? Else you may find the offset in carbon.xml.
Following logs will be printed in console when MI is started with Management Api
[2019-07-28 21:05:05,318] [micro-integrator] INFO - PassThroughListeningIOReactorManager Pass-through EI_INTERNAL_HTTPS_INBOUND_ENDPOINT Listener started on
Here "9164" is the port of it. Please make sure that it is started and the port it is started is same as what you define in init.


How can I get Jenkins to run on a different port?

I'm having some trouble in trying to change my jenkins port as I was hoping to use port 8080 for a different service. I've tried this so far:
Currently running on amazon linux:
Jenkins version: Jenkins 2.332.1
I've tried to edit the config file: /etc/sysconfig/jenkins to:
After I restart jenkins however, the port does not change:
● jenkins.service - Jenkins Continuous Integration Server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/jenkins.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/jenkins.service.d
Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-04-05 15:52:24 UTC; 1min 33s ago
Main PID: 1017 (java)
Tasks: 36
Memory: 500.6M
CGroup: /system.slice/jenkins.service
└─1017 /usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /usr/share/java/jenkins.war --webroot=%C/jenkins/war --httpPort=8080
Apr 05 15:53:38 jenkins[1017]: at$
Apr 05 15:53:38 jenkins[1017]: at$
What am i missing here?
Check the service starting command
/usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /usr/share/java/jenkins.war --webroot=%C/jenkins/war --httpPort=8080
Edit the service by changing --httpPort=8080 to desired port then call daemon-reload and restart the service
Also, ensure the Security Group is configured for that port
There is a different fix in this link which suggest editing JENKINS_PORT in /usr/lib/systemd/system/jenkins.service the calling service jenkins start

Vaadin with using Jetty Server -> ERROR: Jetty server existing

I recently started studying Vaadin. At the beginning I am using Vaadin 8 and have started a small Vaadin project in eclipse for practice purposes. I always started and opened this project via Jetty on my localhost:8080. That worked great for the first few days, but since yesterday
my localhost:8080 wants username and password at once and the application is no longer opening there.
The only difference is that the day before yesterday I installed an Oracle database (OracleXE 11 g) - could that have something to do with it?
Here is a snipppet if the error-message that I am getting:
Sep. 12, 2021 10:51:20 VORM. org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereFramework addInterceptorToAllWrappers
INFORMATION: Installed AtmosphereInterceptor Track Message Size Interceptor using | with priority BEFORE_DEFAULT
[INFO] Started o.e.j.m.p.JettyWebAppContext#60b616c8{/,file:///C:/Repositories/ProgrammingCourses/Vaadin-and-Maven_Crash-Course/VaadinFirstSteps/src/main/webapp/,AVAILABLE}{file:///C:/Repositories/ProgrammingCourses/Vaadin-and-Maven_Crash-Course/VaadinFirstSteps/src/main/webapp/}
[INFO] Jetty server exiting.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 42.520 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-09-12T10:51:20+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin:9.3.9.v20160517:run (default-cli) on project VaadinFirstSteps: Failure: Address already in use: bind -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
Anyone know how to get Vaadin up and running again? I am grateful fur any help,
Zrebna :)
"Failure: Address already in use: bind" means that you are trying to start web application server on localhost port 8080 while there is already web application server running and owning that port. Hence new one cannot be started.
You need to check you processes already running and kill the old one.

Couldn't access Go Server with base url.. broken pipe

I'm installing a modern GoCD (16.7) on an Ubuntu machine. openjdk-8 (jre and jdk). The agents (on localhost) fail to connect to the server:
[Sat Jul 30 05:58:47 UTC 2016] Starting Go Agent Bootstrapper with command:
-jar /usr/share/go-agent3/agent-bootstrapper.jar
java.lang.Exception: Couldn't access Go Server with base url: Broken pipe
at com.thoughtworks.go.agent.launcher.ServerCall.invoke(
2016-07-30 06:00:48,790 [main ] ERROR go.agent.launcher.ServerBinaryDownloader:118
- Couldn't update admin/agent-launcher.jar. Sleeping for 1m.
Error: java.lang.Exception: Couldn't access Go Server with base url: Broken pipe
(I manually wrapped those lines for readability)
The server is actually accessible. For instance:
$ curl --silent --insecure | head -2
<!-- *************************GO-LICENSE-START******************************
* Copyright 2014 ThoughtWorks, Inc.
Yes, I'm using --insecure, but gocd ships with a self-signed cert. It's standard practice. Some of the things I've seen said "oh, you are blocking your port" but this is to localhost.
Are your GOCD server and agent using identical versions of Java? We have found they must be the same because the certificates have to match. See chatter

SSH Connection disconnected

I'm a student from korea
first, i'm sorry about my low level english :)
I'm make a web service using AWS + nginx + django
I connect to AWS instance(ubuntu) using SSH protocol
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-74-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Sat Apr 30 07:03:51 UTC 2016
System load: 0.0 Processes: 105
Usage of /: 23.8% of 7.74GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 14% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0%
Graph this data and manage this system at:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
21 packages can be updated.
17 updates are security updates.
Last login: Sat Apr 30 07:03:52 2016 from
pyenv-virtualenv: no virtualenv has been activated.
and runserver --settings=abc.settings.production
So everyone can access my web service!
but.... after 30miniute
the SSL connection is broken itself....
export this message
packet_write_wait: Connection to Broken pipe
and nobody can't access my web service...
so... my web site can't access when my computer was power off, none SSL connection...
I want everyone can access my web service 24/7
please give me a method thank you :)
When you want to run a command that continues after your current shell terminates, you should use the nohup command to launch it.
That causes the process to be detached from its initial parent shell so it is not killed when the parent terminates.

Google Cloud Bigtable HBase shell connectivity hangs

To start, I think this issue is related to the issue in this post. However, the fix for HBase shell connectivity suggested in comments did not work for me either, and I see no resolution.
Connecting to my Bigtable cluster from the HBase shell just hangs on any command. Example:
ubuntu:/opt/hbase-1.1.2# ./bin/hbase shell
2016-02-29 13:43:38,975 WARN [main] util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
2016-02-29 13:43:39,114 INFO [main] grpc.BigtableSession: Opening connection for projectId [removed], zoneId us-central1-b, clusterId [removed], on data host, table admin host
2016-02-29 13:43:39,191 INFO [BigtableSession-startup-0] grpc.BigtableSession: gRPC is using the JDK provider (alpn-boot jar)
2016-02-29 13:43:39,516 INFO [bigtable-connection-shared-executor-pool1-t2] io.RefreshingOAuth2CredentialsInterceptor: Refreshing the OAuth token
HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
Version 1.1.2, rcc2b70cf03e3378800661ec5cab11eb43fafe0fc, Wed Aug 26 20:11:27 PDT 2015
hbase(main):001:0> list
The shell just hangs there indefinitely and does this on any command entered.
Here are the results CheckConfig utility:
ubuntu:/opt/hbase-1.1.2# ./bin/hbase
User Agent: bigtable-hbase-1.1-0.2.2
Project ID: [removed]
Cluster Id: [removed]
ZoneId: us-central1-b
Cluster admin host:
Table admin host:
Data host:
Attempting credential refresh...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field from class
Here are the relevant versions and environment variables:
Linux ubuntu7 3.19.0-30-generic #34~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 2 22:09:39 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
java version "1.7.0_95"
export ALPN_VERSION=7.1.3.v20150130
export HBASE_CLASSPATH="$(pwd)/lib/bigtable/bigtable-hbase-1.1-0.2.2.jar"
export HBASE_OPTS="${HBASE_OPTS} -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -Xbootclasspath/p:$(pwd)/lib/bigtable/alpn-boot-${ALPN_VERSION}.jar"
I'd appreciate any solutions/advice/hints at resolving this. Thanks!
You might wish to use our Quickstart for HBase Shell access - It should just work. (Take a look at the hbase-site & hbase-env after running quickstart to see how to configure in the future)
The 1.7.0_95 release of Java is incompatible w/ alpn-boot. We are moving all of our samples to use netty-tcnative-boringssl see the Managed-VM-GAE example for additional info.