How do I get real-time facebook page feed in my webhook? - facebook-graph-api

I subscribed my page with feed event in pages webhook (
Also, setup the apps webhook product with feed subscribe and changed the domain name as webhook domain name. We have "manage_pages" permission on our app and our app is now live mode. I tried every possible way that I know and got after googling. But I couldn't receive facebook page feed real-time data in my webhook. Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks so much.
Note: I tried before posting this question: with the test user. But didn't get the real-time facebook page feed on my webhook.

The problem with the "Ngrok", that's why I didn't get the real-time facebook feed data. After chatting with facebook support they fix the problem.
Here is the facebook support link


How to get notify when a user mention page?

I just started to make Facebook page bot with Facebook Graph Webhooks/APIs
I'm finding a way to receive notifications, including mentioner_id and post_url, when someone mention my page in any posts.
I have tried searching for mentions in app permissions / page subscriptions
I also searched it up and found this one:
But still no luck...
This is what my page subscription fields looks like:

Realtime Updates from FB API

I have a working Azure function that receives updates when I use the Graph API Explorer.
All I want to be able to do is submit a UserId to an endpoint and have any Posts they make sent to my WebHooks. We want to do this without the users always having to give permission. Unfortunately, I find the FB docs very confusing as most pages only have partial examples and the majority of the online SO or blog examples are far out of date.
On the FB WebHooks page it says
For example, if you subscribed to the user object's photos field and one of your app's Users posted a Photo, we would send you a POST request that would look something like this
They then say
You can also do this programmatically by using the /{app-id}/subscriptions endpoint for all Webhooks
On the Subscriptions page they have this example
POST /v12.0/{app-id}/subscriptions HTTP/1.1
But then its says this under Permissions
Subscriptions for the object type user will only be valid for users
who have installed the app.
This is not for a mobile I'm confused
The above is to show that I have made all attempts to get this working without first posting here.
Now, I have to ask. Do anyone have experience or a existing code that demonstrates how to Subscribe to a User so that when they Post, I receive Notifications via webhooks?
Or, this this entirely the wrong way to use the Webhooks?

Facebook API - Post to page

I'm trying to figure out how to post to my Facebook page automatically from my website. I have a custom CMS written in PHP that I use with my website, and I have already created the Facebook App and set up the necessary App ID and App Secret. I have PHP code written that when I create a page in my CMS, it will take the Page Title and a blurb of the content and create a post in my Facebook page, however because my Facebook App is not live, only I can see the post.
I've tried to apply for my app to go Live, but have been denied because I do not involve a login process. However, I don't want to log in again. That defeats the whole point of having the extended life access token.
Is it possible to do what I am trying to do? Or is there something I need to include in my app review request to have this approved? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, as the response I get from Facebook is rather generic and unhelpful.
Thank you!

Is there anyone who is really able to get facebook page feed through realtime updates?

I was trying to setup a realtime update for one of my facebook app from a facebook page. I have tried each and every process described in facebook official api docs as well as other developers blogs. But no luck till now. My subscription is successful, I can see it both from api explorer and facebook url. My callback url also works perfectly. But when something new published in my page, I don't get any updates. Hoping anyone will reply who got it really working by him/her self.
Please do not suggest any facebook doc, I have already tried them.

Facebook Scheduled Posts and Twitter

I linked my Facebook page and Twitter. When I post messages through API, they are getting posted to both my Facebook and Twitter.
However, it's not working when I try the scheduled Facebook posts. At the scheduled time, the Facebook post is getting posted, but it is not sending them to Twitter.
Is this a known problem?
I faced the same problem too, but unfortunately Google search gave me an answer that Facebook's scheduled post won't integrate with Twitter.
Here is the link that I found (Read #5):