Facebook Scheduled Posts and Twitter - facebook-graph-api

I linked my Facebook page and Twitter. When I post messages through API, they are getting posted to both my Facebook and Twitter.
However, it's not working when I try the scheduled Facebook posts. At the scheduled time, the Facebook post is getting posted, but it is not sending them to Twitter.
Is this a known problem?

I faced the same problem too, but unfortunately Google search gave me an answer that Facebook's scheduled post won't integrate with Twitter.
Here is the link that I found (Read #5):


How to get notify when a user mention page?

I just started to make Facebook page bot with Facebook Graph Webhooks/APIs
I'm finding a way to receive notifications, including mentioner_id and post_url, when someone mention my page in any posts.
I have tried searching for mentions in app permissions / page subscriptions
I also searched it up and found this one:
But still no luck...
This is what my page subscription fields looks like:

Facebook's Graph API posts are not visible?

I want to publish posts on a page using Facebook API. I’m an admin of the page.
I’ve done these steps:
Created an app in dev mode
Received page access token
Made a post using Facebook Graph API
A post appeared on the page. But unfortunately no one sees it. Only me.
What am I missing? Is it because the app in dev mode? If yes, is there any way to post on a page without app review?

How do I get real-time facebook page feed in my webhook?

I subscribed my page with feed event in pages webhook (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages/realtime/).
Also, setup the apps webhook product with feed subscribe and changed the domain name as webhook domain name. We have "manage_pages" permission on our app and our app is now live mode. I tried every possible way that I know and got after googling. But I couldn't receive facebook page feed real-time data in my webhook. Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks so much.
Note: I tried before posting this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52039198/5695622 with the test user. But didn't get the real-time facebook page feed on my webhook.
The problem with the "Ngrok", that's why I didn't get the real-time facebook feed data. After chatting with facebook support they fix the problem.
Here is the facebook support link

Facebook Graph API Post to facebook page issue after posting

I am using facebook graph api to post on my facebook page through gmail, there everything is 100% perfect and i successfully posted all emails to my facebook page
The issue is
After posting on facebook no one can see those posts, neither other page admins, nor the audience who liked the page ( Only i can see those posts)
I created everything from my facebook ID.
Kindly help me to resolve this issue or tell me why is this happening so that i can resolve it and my audience can see those posts on my page.
Thanks in advance

Is there anyone who is really able to get facebook page feed through realtime updates?

I was trying to setup a realtime update for one of my facebook app from a facebook page. I have tried each and every process described in facebook official api docs as well as other developers blogs. But no luck till now. My subscription is successful, I can see it both from api explorer and facebook url. My callback url also works perfectly. But when something new published in my page, I don't get any updates. Hoping anyone will reply who got it really working by him/her self.
Please do not suggest any facebook doc, I have already tried them.