Unable to download latest VimService.dll file - vmware

I have VimService2005 and VimService2005.XmlSerializers in my project but that is not working since it is old version.So I am trying to download the latest version of these files but I couldn't find any download link for that.

Step 4 of the following KB article reference a way to build your own: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/87402
csc /t:library /out:VimService2005.dll VimService.cs


I used uDraper plugins in source edition UE5,tips build through you IDE

I used Draper in Source Edition UE5(release version UE4.24 and UE5.0.3 works correctly ), operated 1,2, and 3 according to ReadMe in the installation path, and also replaced BuildId. However, when I opened the project tips : build through you IDE
I get an error when I don't follow the README:
enter image description here
ReadMe Info:
uDraper plugin is distributed in a binary form (without source code).
There where some undocumented but well known ways to achieve this without breaking the build of C++ projects in UE4.
But in UE5 it seems not to be the case anymore (there are plenty of complaints about this issue on the Internet).
At this point we can suggest a somwhat hacky way to make your C++ projects work properly in the presence of uDraper plugin:
Copy UnrealBuildTool.DraperHook.* files into [UE5 Root]\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool
Replace "UnrealBuildTool.exe" with "UnrealBuildTool.DraperHook.dll" in [UE5 Root]\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat
replace "UnrealBuildTool.exe" with "UnrealBuildTool.DraperHook.exe" in [UE5 Root]\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini ("UnrealBuildTool" value under "PlatformPaths" section)
It's still a work in progress so we hope to find a better solution in the future.
Regarding custom Engine builds we expect that the binary distribution of the uDraper plugin should be compatible as long as ABI didn't change.
Just replace "BuildId" in Draper\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.modules to your "CompatibleChangelist" from [UE5 Root]\Engine\Build\Build.version
step 1:
enter image description here
step 2: The original file says "UnrealBuildTool.dll" not "UnrealBuildTool.exe"
enter image description here
step 3:
enter image description here
The above modification is still the error of FIG. 1
step 4:
enter image description here
open project
enter image description here
I opened the project with VS and compiled it successfully, and opened it again with the same erro.Previously, the plug-in was placed in the project path to open the project promptFailed to generate Projiect files,
We try to keep uDraper plugin up to date with official UE releases and do not attempt to support custom builds from GitHub.
The instructions you're referring to might be helpful but we do not guarantee that it will work with any GitHub version.
You can try to find an earlier UE version on GitHub to better match an officially released version and try it out.

How to install the pylzma library on Linux?

The pylzma library is a requirement for another tool that I would like to use. I am new to python and programming and have a few questions:
I have already followed the procedure to download and install pylzma from the following site since it seems to be the easiest:
But I get stuck at the byte compile py7zlib part.
How do I byte compile py7zlib?
When I check the documentation on the authors page http://www.joachim-bauch.de/projects/pylzma/ and go to the designated folder I see the following files:
In the /tmp/pylzma-0.4.6/build/lib.linux-i686-2.7 folder I see:
py7lib.py py7zlib.pyc pylzma.so
But no the "py7zlib.pwd" as stated on the authors page however I do see the "py7zlib.pyc" as stated on the original page listed.
Do I still need to compile this bytecode?
When I "import py7lib" in at the python prompt I see nothing, no feedback or error.
How do I check to see if this has been correctly imported and that I have installed this library correctly?
Thank you for your feedback.

Unable to bootstrap ClojureScript

I got the latest version from Github and followed the instructions:
$ script/bootstrap
Fetching Clojure...
Copying clojure-1.3.0/clojure-1.3.0.jar to lib/clojure.jar...
Cleaning up Clojure directory...
Cleaning up Clojure archive...
Fetching Google Closure library...
End-of-central-directory signature not found.
Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.
In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of closure-library-20110323-r790.zip or
closure-library-20110323-r790.zip.zip, and cannot find closure-library-20110323-r790.zip.ZIP, period.
I'm on Mac OSX Lion
I just tried this on both Mac OS X Lion and Ubuntu 11.04 and it worked just fine. Maybe you got a bad download during the bootstrap? Delete your ClojureScript folder, git clone it from github again and try the bootstrap again.

The Xcode4.2 with ASIHTTPRequest configuration

I installed ASIHTTPRequest follow the document on their official site . But still have errors here. Please help. The related info is as follows :
Xcode 4.2 build 4D58
Lion 10.7.2
I can not upload the images because I am rookie here.(now I upload to site and linked here)
build settings and build phrase png is here :
I have added all the files including external dir. and added libraries ,all of them in docs mentioned.
Even added the header search paths as $[SDKROOT]/usr/include/libxml2
But still have 107 or 67 errors . This problem has boring me one more day.
Thanks a lot in advance!
How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
If you follow the instructions here for all of the ASIHTTPRequest files it will compile as you need to disable arc on those files.
ah right, yep, so ASIHTTPRequest isn't ARC compatible and it doesn't look like that will change. i've never actually "downgraded" a project from ARC to non-ARC, but if it's something you've just started on you could create a new project and uncheck the ARC checkbox when you do and re-add all your existing files. this will mean you need to handle the memory management of objects (retain/release/autorelease).
this thread has more info:
as an alternative, you could look into AFNetworking:
you still need to take some extra steps to get it working with ARC, but it doesn't look too bad.

Chromium Embedded Framework MP3 support

I've downloaded Chromium Embedded Framework r306 for Windows and built it. Unfortunately, it shows, that it doesn't support mp3:
var a = document.createElement("audio");
Output is empty and when I try to open an mp3 file, it can't be played (ogg is playable).
The same time Google Chrome writes "maybe" (and it actually plays).
How can I add support for MP3 in CEF?
Marshall Greenblatt (the maintainer of the Chromium Embedded Framework) addresses the lack of support for MP3 (and AAC) in Chromium and CEF in this bug report (see comment #7, copied below):
Codecs like MP3 and AAC are included in Google Chrome releases but not Chromium builds. This is because these formats are not open and require licensing. Distributing these codecs with your application without a licensing agreement may violate the law in certain countries. You should discuss with a lawyer if appropriate.
There is a way to enable MP3 support in CEF, but you'll have to modify the cef.gypi in the source distribution, regenerate the visual studio projects and rebuild.
Step by step instructions:
There is a way to enable MP3 support in CEF, but you'll have to modify the cef.gypi in the source distribution, regenerate the visual studio projects and rebuild.
Detailed build instructions:
Enabling proprietary codecs support:
Add 'proprietary_codecs': 1 to your cef.gypi configuration so that USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS will be defined as required by net/base/mime_util.cc.
You'll also need proper builds of the avcodec, avformat and avutil DLLs. Luckily, you can just get these from the installation directory of Google Chrome itself ($User/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/$Version).
the options to enable proprietary codecs (i.e. H.264 and MP3) have been moved since the last answer.
you can read my answer with all the details on how to compile CEF with enabled proprietary codecs
the magic now happens here:
set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
there is 2 batch files that you should update/create (as found here):
set CEF_USE_GN=1
set GN_DEFINES=is_official_build=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
set GN_ARGUMENTS=--ide=vs2015 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
python ..\automate\automate-git.py --download-dir=C:\code\chromium_git --depot-tools-dir=C:\code\depot_tools --no-distrib --no-build
set CEF_USE_GN=1
set GN_DEFINES=is_win_fastlink=true proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding=Chrome
set GN_ARGUMENTS=--ide=vs2015 --sln=cef --filters=//cef/*
call cef_create_projects.bat
There is 2 wiki articles that explain how to build CEF/Chromium:
and BranchesAndBuilding in the same wiki
MP3 codec only be supported When build to Google Chrome, check chromium's Codec Support.
On client side, the compatible way may be Flash, check google translate's code.
I followed the steps in null1941's answer and they worked great save a few caveats having to do with modifying the build.ps1 script
step 16 e. search for any instances of 3.y.z and replace them with the current version you are building (from the folder name containing the builds ex. 3.2272.32.gbda8dc7).
in function DownloadNuget it is trying to see if you have nuget in a specific place and if it isn't there it tries to go get it. Problem is DownloadFile would fail if the save directory didn't already exist. so you can manualy create or add this to the function:
$Nuget_dir = Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA .\nuget
if(-not (Test-Path $Nuget_dir))
mkdir $Nuget_dir
change line: "Copy-Item $Cef64\include $CefInclude -Recurse | Out-Null" to use $Cef32 if you don't have 64bit cef folders