How can i use other apps api in my own project? - django

Let's say i wanted to use the weather api to implement in my django code. I know how to create Rest-api in django but how can i use api of other sources to django itself?


Django rest framework and frontend

I want to use Django Rest Framework to create RESTAPI to integrate with the payment gateway API like stripe. For the frontend part I can only see project using React for the frontend. Cant i use Django as a frontend?
Looking for suggestions if i really just need to use React or Vue. Or is it possible to use django as frontend as well.
Looking for your suggestions. Thank you.
To use Stripe in Django, you may refer to this package which supports Stripe out-of-the box specific for Django
For replacing React with Django for front-end, it is possible and you can use Django template, however, it depends on your use-case.

Django Rest API vs pure Django

I want to build an app that will use a database.
I already build few of them, with models, views, urls... But I discovered that I can build my own API using Django Rest and use this API in my Django project. So if I undersand I will have to separate apps: -an API and my Django app and all my models and database related datas will be in my API app.
If I want to use vue.js for the frontend in my Django app, using an API will make eveything simpler to implement?

Where to make API call with Vue/Django project

I have a Vue project and have previously used Django as a backend API only to access a database, but I have a project now where I reach out to the Yelp API. This API doesn't allow client-side(JS) API access because of CORS. Does it make sense that I would have to make an API call from Vue to Django to pass user input and then another API call from Django to Yelp.
This sounds like bad practice, but is there a better way to do this other than integrating a Django form to the page?

Is there a django-avatar app with REST API support?

I am working on a django project that uses django avatar. But we also have other clients that are communicating with APIs. Does the django-avatar app have API endpoints or do I have to implement that myself?
You would have to implement endpoint using the Django rest framework or you can write your own custom endpoint, but there is no API endpoint already available in the market.

Is django a restful api?

I am confused. Some say it is a Restful API and some say it is not.
How do we define a RESTful API? GET,PUT,POST and DELETE commands ?
Can I call any web application which is built using django Web framework a Restful API?
I am confused. Some say it is a Restful API and some say it is not.
Two different kinds of Django:
Django - a web application framework to rapidly develop web applications
Django REST Framework (DRF) - a powerful framework to create RESTful APIs.
Both framework are in Python.
How do we define a RESTful API? GET,PUT,POST and DELETE commands ?
You create an API on your backend application that defines its purpose. If you use DRF for example, and the URL of your API is, you can have it to:
return all the customers information by implementing GET method
create a customer information by implementing POST method
... and so on
Can I call any web application which is built using django Web framework a Restful API?
You call it as backend
Django is a web framework to create web backend while REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style for developing web services.
You can use django to create REST apis.
You can explore further here:
What I understood from the web is here:
It should have some commands like PUT, GET, POST and DELETE etc., commands
The URL of the API should be user/machine understandable
It should have OAuth secret key and token for each client to access from his
The URL should be But I am not sure about it to have api in the URL. Can someone confirm it?
And few more constraints to be a RESTful API. Hope all these points are correct.