Where to make API call with Vue/Django project - django

I have a Vue project and have previously used Django as a backend API only to access a database, but I have a project now where I reach out to the Yelp API. This API doesn't allow client-side(JS) API access because of CORS. Does it make sense that I would have to make an API call from Vue to Django to pass user input and then another API call from Django to Yelp.
This sounds like bad practice, but is there a better way to do this other than integrating a Django form to the page?


Where should I make a python-twitter API call in my Django/React webapp

I'm creating a full stack web app using react, react-redux, and Django-rest, and I need to make an API call using the python-twitter api, then display the data from this request in my react frontend. The flow of control will be a user enters their twitter username in the frontend, which needs to trigger an API call using this username in the Django backend. Then the data from this call needs to be fed back into the React frontend using redux. Where should I be making this API call in the Django backend?
You can make authentication and configuration of the python-twitter in Django Backend. Then you can simply call the API's from the react web application. I have made for it. Here you go: python-twitter boiler-plate. Hope this helps :)

How can i use other apps api in my own project?

Let's say i wanted to use the weather api to implement in my django code. I know how to create Rest-api in django but how can i use api of other sources to django itself?

Combining a project made in Django with a RESTful API using Django-Rest-Framework

We have a project that was developed by using Django, and we want to develop a mobile application out of one part of that project(not entirely the whole project).
From my own understanding, RESTful APIs are used to be the backend of mobile applications. So we want to build this API as an app inside the django project using Django-RESTful-Framework.
So my question is, is it okay to build an API inside an already made Django Project?
Because the RESTful API will need models of that project. For now, we already have a problem of accessing the api endpoint from the mobile app because the django project we developed was using sessions and it responses with 403 forbidden.
ABSOLUTELY! DRF is an awesome package, and if you need to power a mobile app through an API off the same models, this is the way to go. Of course it is an opinion thing, but I think that DRF's strength is that it is easy to get up and running with, but allows some really in depth control when needed.
If you are getting a 403, it is tough to say why without seeing any code. Take a look at this: http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication/

How to create simple restful login system in django?

I want to create simple restful login system in django. I searched every where they are creating rest-full login system using Restful Framework. How to create without using any rest framework.
Though the default authentication views in Django are not RESTful, you can use third party addons that extend the default views.
Djoser works with Django Rest Framework and provides most of the endpoints for login system.
You can find the other options that work with most Django REST frameworks here: http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication/#third-party-packages

What is the role of django REST framework if I want to integrate angularjs with django?

I am trying to set up django with angularjs and play around with it. Most of the tutorials contain something about django REST framework, Creating endpoints for an application, APIs and so forth. What is django REST framework, what are endpoints, APIs, why are they important for angular?
First of all, you should learn what is angularJS and how it works, with that knowledge is pretty clear why there is need for an API.
In short words: You feed angularJS with template and data, AngularJS will take it and build correct site on client side. There won't be any benefits if you won't change data dynamically. That's why you need to have API for you app (to exchange data, not pre-build templates) and for that API, good choice is Django Rest Framework.