Way to make Dropdown Form Fields required in semantic ui react - semantic-ui-react

I have a Form, Is there a way to make these Dropdown Fields required?

Yes it's possible to make a Dropdown field required :
label='Required Dropdown'

As per my knowledge i dont think "required" works with Form.select in semantic ui.
What we can do is use if and else in the handleSubmit function and not let the function run when Form.select is empty and show a relevant message to the user.


Why does NullBooleanField in form give a dropdown when rendered in template?

When I change the form field to CharField, there is no dropdown in the template, BooleanField does not have one either. Why does NullBooleanField get a dropdown(in forms)? What if I dont want a drop down? Is this in built in generic view?
Due to the HTML specification of the checkboxes they only send value when checked. Quote from the HTML 4 spec:
When a form is submitted, only "on" checkbox controls can become successful.
You have no way to figure whether a missing values means it is just missing or is false.
NullBooleanField allows you to make that difference but it can not use a checkbox because of the HTML specifications so it has to fall back to a dropdown in order to offer a choice between false value and no value.

How to remove required validation from WFFM hidden required fields in sitecore?

I am working on WFFM Sitecore.
I have one droplist "Title" with option of
other title
And one required text-box called Other.
The text-box is hidden on page load and it will be shown only when the user selects the other title option from droplist.
If we are selecting Mr or Miss then the Other text-box is hidden but it is still a Required field. When we submit the form it triggers the required field validation of the hidden Other text box .
How can I remove the required fields that are hidden on WFFM save action.
You will need to remove the "Required" flag from the field in the WFFM editor, and then add some custom JS validation that checks the Title field and if its set to Other Title, validate that the text box has been populated.
You can't do that in WFFM without custom JavaScript.
You would also want to make sure that your server code validates this again to protect against someone trying to bypass the JS validation.

CFWheels: Display form errors on redirectto instead of renderpage

I have a form which I am validating using CFWheels model validation and form helpers.
My code for index() Action/View in controller:
public function index()
title = "Home";
forms = model("forms");
allforms = model("forms").findAll(order="id ASC");
#startFormTag(controller="form", action="init_form")#
<select class="form-control">
<option value="">Please select Form</option>
<cfloop query="allforms">
<option value="#allforms.id#">#allforms.name#</option>
<input type="text" name="forms[name]" value="#forms.name#">
#errorMessageOn(objectName="forms", property="name")#
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
This form is submitted to init_form() action and the code is :
public function init_form()
title = "Home";
forms = get_forms(params.forms);
// don't want to retype allforms here ! but index page needs it
allforms = model(tables.forms).findAll(order="id ASC");
As you can see from the above code I am validating the value of form field and if any errors it is send to the original index page. My problem is that since I am rendering page, I also have to retype the other variables that page need such as "allforms" in this case for the drop down.
Is there a way not to type such variables? And if instead of renderPage() I use redirectTo(), then the errors don't show? Why is that?
Just to be clear, I want to send/redirect the page to original form and display error messages but I don't want to type other variables that are required to render that page? Is there are way.
Please let me know if you need more clarification.
This may seem a little off topic, but my guess is that this is an issue with the form being rendered using one controller (new) and processed using another (create) or in the case of updating, render using edit handle form using update.
I would argue, IMHO, etc... that the way that cfWheels routes are done leaves some room for improvement. You see in many of the various framework's routing components you can designate a different controller function for POST than your would use for GET. With cfWheels, all calls are handled based on the url, so a GET and a POST would be handled by the same controller if you use the same url (like when a form action is left blank).
This is the interaction as cfwheels does it:
While it is possible to change the way it does it, the documentation and tutorials you'll find seem to prefer this way of doing it.
The workaround that is available, is to have the form be render (GET:new,edit) and processing (POST:create,update) handled by the same controller function (route). Within the function...
check if the user submitted using POST
if it is POST, run a private function (i.e. handle_create()) that handles the form
within the handle_create() function you can set up all your error checking and create the errors
if the function has no errors, create (or update) the model and optionally redirect to a success page
otherwise return an object/array of errors
make the result error object/array available to view
handle the form creation
In the view, if the errors are present, show them in the form or up top somewhere. Make sure that the form action either points to self or is empty. Giving the submit button a name and value can also help in determining whether a form was submitted.
This "pattern" works pretty well without sessions.
Otherwise you can use the Flash, as that is what it was created for, but you do need to have Sessions working. their use is described here: http://docs.cfwheels.org/docs/using-the-flash and here:http://docs.cfwheels.org/v1.4/docs/flashmessages
but it really is as easy as adding this to your controller
flashInsert(error="This is an error message.");
and this to your view
<cfif flashKeyExists("error")>
<p class="errorMessage">

Setting selected entry using helper.options?

Im am using Play 2.0.4 and
in my template (inside of a helper.select)
In this case, how can I define the default selected entry, which shall be one entry out of myitems? Thanks for any hint!
A little bit more about my case:
Imagine a news archive, showing all news titles. This news archive uses pagination, pagination uses GET to pass the next/previous page number.
The play framework however will only correctly select the currently selected "select" item (here: news category) when a POST request was used - while pagination uses GET!
Intended behaviour: While a filter is applied / a specific news category is selected, this shall always be visible to the user by preselecting the currently selected news category in the "select" form.
A "screenshot" for illustration:
So, anyone having a good idea on how to cope with this problem? Any way to tell Play manually which entry from the "select" form it shall select? '_default always adds a new entry instead of selecting one out of the given options ): Would be great, if one wouldn't have to build the complete "select" form manually.
Try passing '_default option to select helper:
#import views.html.helper._
#select(form("email"), options(List("first", "third")), '_default -> "second")
It seems, unfortunately, the only way to figure it out is to look up the source.
Specifying _default property doesn't set selected attribute on option tag. It looks like the only way to preselect entry is to pass prefilled form to the template. For example, suppose you have following form:
case class RegInfo(email: String, color: String)
private val registrationForm = Form(
"email" → email,
"color" → nonEmptyText(minLength = 5, maxLength = 32)
Then in the action prefill form before passing to the view:
def create = Action {
Ok(html.create(registrationForm.fill(RegInfo("user#qwe.com", "blue"))))
Then in template use helper:
#select(form("color"), options(List("red", "green", "blue")))
And value will be preselected.
Ended up with the pragmatic approach:
<select id="myfield" name="myfield" >
<option class="blank" value="">-- All items --</option>
#for((key, value) <- MyModel.options) {
#if(key == GETValuePassedToTemplate) {
<option value="#key" selected>#value</option>
} else {
<option value="#key">#value</option>
Still wondering if there is a better option / way to do it.
Actually, there is a nicer solution to it. If you call the template having the form partially bound you will achieve your goal. Here's the code for your controller:
Map("fieldName1" -> "value1",
"fieldName2" -> "value2"))))
Make sure you map fieldnames to the values of the options you want pre-selected.
Still wondering if there is a better option / way to do it.
Well, if your not hell-bent on using play to solve this particular problem, you could always solve it using JavaScript and jQuery:
$(function () {
Where your select options each has values and the one option you whish to pre select has value 5.

django admin list_filter too long

I have a list_filter with loads of sectors. This list, on the right side of the page, is too long.
Can I use an input select field instead since I can't choose more than one sector?
I have seen this before, screenshots, but I can not find the way to do this.
I have a custom FilterSpec not a list_filter
You can write your own custom FilterSpec (custom admin list filter).
This feature is not part of the Django code yet; it is planned for version 1.2. You'll need to apply this patch to the Django code: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/5833.
There are many examples on stackoverflow on how to do that, e.g: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1294952/342473.
The long list that you said comes from the default template 'admin/filter.html', in django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/filter.html, of builtin ListFilters.
There are several ways to customize it:
Globally override 'admin/filter.html'. Render select tag instead of ul tag if the count of choices hit certain limit. This affects all list filters in admin. The select tag should have onchange event handler like
<select ... onchange="location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
Set template attribute in your specific ListFilter instance, to the name of the customized filter template. The content of the template is like #1. Django 1.4+ is required for this.
Add javascript in the ModelAdmin instance to convert HTML content inside the ul tag to select tag as soon as DOM has been fully loaded.
This is how i resolved it (jQuery):
$('#changelist-filter ul').each(function(){
var maxlength = 10;
if ($(this).children().length > maxlength )
var list=$(this),
$('>li a', this).each(function(){
var target=$(this).attr('target'),
.attr('selected', $(this).parent().attr('class'))
if (target==='_blank'){