Unable to log in Visual Studio - visual-studio-2017

I get this error while I'm trying to login to Visual Studio 2017:
Impossible to load IEFRAME DLL

SOVLED! There is some bug (unknown) with the sign in option presented in the top right corner of the Visual Studio window. As part of opening this issue, I was directed to report this problem via Visual Studio>Help>Send Feedback>Report a problem. This openes a new instance of "Visual Studio Feedback" which required that I log in. Funny enough, it let me sign in via this interface. When I went back to Visual Studio proper, I was signed in!!! Major bug. Please fix.
Via: source


SignIn fails in Visual studio 2017 with reason : Winlnet cannot redirect

Installed VS 2017 and trying to sign-in but getting the following error:
Following trick worked for me..
Close Visual Studio.
Open the Visual Studio Installer.(https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/enterprise/)
Click on the report a problem link at the top.
On the left hand side, there should be a person icon to sign in. Sign in.
Close that, and open Visual Studio. You should now be signed in.
Then go to File -> Account Settings. You should see a license, or click check for an updated license. (I didn't need to do this step. Things started working before this point for me.)

Visual Studio 2017 on Team Explorer tab missing Builds work Items Reports

I have Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 on my machine. I cannot see Builds under Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2017. I can see it in Visual Studio 2015. I was connected to the same collection and project and had the same credentials.
Please make sure that you are connected to team foundation server.
Go to Source Control Explorer and try opening the solution again after connecting to TFS.
According to your description, the situation is very likely you are opening a local project in VS2017.
Suggest you double check your project source control binding. You could try to unbind and rebind it. How to do this please refer this link.
You could also connect some other projects and collections in VS2017 to narrow down if the issue is only with that specific project.

Visual Studio 2015 - Can't see code to existing project

When I open a C++ project created recently on Visual Studio 2015 I am able to debug it and have it run, but the code window is blank. I've clicked all around and can not find anything to show me the code so I can continue to work on it.
I have tried:
F7: View Code does not work.
Opening from the Solution Explorer window does not do anything.
Searching Google, Stack Exchange, and YouTube tutorials for my identical problem.
I suspect it is a very straightforward misunderstanding of the interface on my part, but wanted to get involved on Stack Exchange to figure it out.
Fixed with the following for me.
Change 'Color Theme' to something other that what you have.
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Color theme:
Select OK then exit Visual Studio.
Open project and should see your source.
Please clear Visual Studio Cache, then open the Visual Studio again.
You can find cache folder on follwing path
Note : Close Visual Studio, and stop all Visual Studio processes.

Visual Studio Express 2013 freezes when opening project properties

Main Problem
When I try to access the properties of a project in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop through Project -> ProjectName Properties, Visual Studio freezes completely without an error and I must end it through the Windows Task Manager.
I ran Visual Studio with /safemode enabled. This did provide some information by saying that "The 'Visual Studio Component Model Host Package' package did not load correctly."
It also produced a log file with some errors and warnings. Errors and warning entries in the log can be searched for with <type>Error</type> and <type>Warning</type> respectively. Additionally, opening the file in Internet Explorer seems to apply some styles to the file and makes it more readable.
Errors only - http://pastebin.com/295sX8kH
Full log - http://pastebin.com/KGspUgGs
The errors in the log seem to center around this Visual Studio Component Model Host Package. I tried searching for errors related to that, but did not find anything I thought was applicable to my situation.
The dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentModelHost.Implementation.dll is present in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\
The dll Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.DataSourceWizardExtension.dll is indeed missing from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\DataDesign
Extra Info
I am using version 12.0.30723.00 Update 3 of Visual Studio and I am running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 6.1 build 7601.
I have tried re-installing Visual Studio in order to to clear out any bad settings, but that did not seem to work.
I tried running Visual Studio with /resetskipkgs and /resetsettings, and neither of those worked.
Trying to open project properties in safe mode still froze Visual Studio.
I am ultimately trying to setup an environment in which to develop OpenGL applications. I have some experience with it through following the Arc Synthesis tutorials, but I do not know how to operate outside of the specialized environment the tutorials provided.
Following the OpenGL Book setup instructions, I am told development will go more smoothly if I use the GLEW and freeGLUT libraries. In order to do so, I need to be able to link in extra files to a project. In Visual Studio, this is done through the project properties dialog, but I cannot access it due to the freezing problem.
I am not very familiar with the development process in C++, so I am wary of venturing outside of the IDE provided by Visual Studio, but I might just have to do that if this problem persists.

MFC DateTime picker format changes when I open visual studio

I have a form in which I have placed a MFC DateTimePicker control. I set its format property to Time. Work with my app and everything is fine. But when I close visual studio and open it the next time, format has changed to its default value.
I noticed everything saves just fine, since if I build my solution using devenv.exe at command line the dialogs are displayed correctly. So it seems to me that whenever I open VS, it changes my setting.
How do I avoid this?
Tried VS2010, the problem did not occur there. However the project I'm working on is using VS2003 so the problem still persists.
you are the 210th user of visual studio who found that bug but don't worry this will not show you from visual studio 2005 onward.
As per release note by Microsoft this issue came due to the,
behavior occurs because a problem exists in the Visual Studio .NET resource editor for Visual C++ projects.
For more information on this please seen following bug of visual studio resource editor.
FIX: The Format property of the DateTimePicker control reverts to Short Date in Visual Studio .NET 2003