How do I close a code review with changeset that has been depricated? - visual-studio-2017

I use Visual Studio 2017, tfs 2017.
I sent a code review on a changeset few months back and forgot to close it. The branch has now been depricated, and so the changeset is gone.
My review now looks like this
with no visible/usual way to Close/Abandon it
Is there a way to close reviews with no changesets like this one?
Its very annoying to see in hanging around there !
Please help!

How do I close a code review with changeset that has been depricated?
As we know, the code review is a work item. You can try to delete the incorrect code review work item by using witadmin destroywi command.
To delete the single code review work item, simply enter the ID as shown:
witadmin destroywi /collection:http://TFSServerName:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /id:xx
It will cleanup the paper trail in TFS by deleting the useless code review work item, the association with changeset will also be released.
Check the Remove work items permanently for some details.
Hope this helps.


Why does the VS Solution Explorer Script Documents list keep growing and how do I use those links?

When we debug an MVC5 application, links are provided to access the running scripts as shown below. This is for a basic MVC5 application that has had absolutely no modifications:
If we simply refresh the screen 3 times on the home page, the list displayed gets longer as shown below:
I've never really tried to debug a script yet. I have used the html links to view pages and I understand I can open one of the .js files, set a breakpoint and try to debug a script. But why are there so many links?. I would have thought I only need a single link for any given script or page that is in progress; that the links would go away when the script or page is no longer active. Clearly I'm missing something about the constantly growing list.
Could someone provide a brief explanation of this feature and how I will use it. My book on Visual Studio mentions this feature, but doesn't provide enough text for me to get a handle on this aspect of the feature.
This looks like a bug in the Edge debug adapter. Specifically, the adapter is supposed to send an event when the page refreshes (or a navigation occurs) to clear out old scripts that are no longer valid for the new execution context (here's a link to the event description in the debug adapter protocol if you're curious).
We've opened an issue on the GitHub project where you can track the progress of the fix.
For a workaround in the mean time, if you click on the bottom-most duplicate script in the list, that should be the latest loaded version, and should work without error.
We've got a fix for the issue which should be out with 16.2 Preview 2 of Visual Studio.

getgauge How to get All Steps using GelAllStepList?

I want to get all Step informations for scenarios using on BeforeScenario Method. So I tried to get with getAllStepsList() method. But everytime return "0". Could you please help me, how can I do it?
The API package is meant to be consumed by IDEs which open gauge as a daemon, and communicate with it. What you see is the default value of an empty instance.
The information about steps in a scenario is available with gauge when it parses the spec file. This information is not relayed to the runner or the user code currently. Please feel free to log an issue if you'd like to see such meta information here:

TFS2015 modified Scrum Template Tfs_Warehouse DimWorkItem System_WorkItemType always null

We use a modified Template based on the Scrum template. Basically there are some new fields introduced we are need for our deployment process.
After some time we looked into reporting and take a look in the Tfs_Warehouse database and notices that the Field System_WorkItemType is null all the time.
We can also see this effect on the original Scrum Template which we left in it's original state. Does someone ever had a similar effect.
On our test environment for TFS 2017 we can not reproduce the problem but we are unable to switch to TFS 2017 anytime soon.
Pleas try following below steps to fix that:
Make sure the field System.WorkItemType is in use. For example:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
witadmin listfields /collection:http://server:8080/tfs/CollectionLC /n:System.WorkItemType
Manually process the TFS data warehouse and analysis services
cube to force sync the data.
Check the issue again after the sync.
If that not work, just try to Rebuild the data warehouse and cube, then check it again.
If that still not work, just try to create a new team project with the default Scrum template, check if the issue occurs there.

How to feedback in visual studio 2017 when report a crash crashes

Ran into problems with first run of Visual Studio 2017 rc; tried reporting with the "Report a Problem" feature within VS, that blew up too. Wonder what the best way is to report a problem with "report a problem"?
Thanks for taking the time to try and report your problem to Visual Studio. Sorry you ran into an issue while using Report a Problem. If you'd like to report issues to us about that, please email us at We'd like to understand more about what happened and how we can fix it.
You can always file a bug on Since this is just a web site, it doesn't depend on VS stability at all. Issues filed on Connect might take a little while to get routed to the product team, but AFAIK they will all get filed as bugs in the product database.
To make it more useful for the product team, please try to capture a dump of the crash and upload that with your Connect issue. That will also help it get triaged and investigated quicker than going back and forth trying to reproduce the problem.

Team Foundation Server CheckIn Comment Template

I want to be able to provide a default comment template when developers check in items into TFS.
Code Reviewer:
Incident #: "
I know there's a policy with Power Tools that checks if any text has been entered at all, but I'd like some predefined text to be presented ready for the developer to fill in the rest.
I know there's also a 'Check-in Notes' section, but I'm trying to avoid this to make the process as streamlined as possible.
The comments are also the first thing a user sees in the history list. That's why I want to use the comments box over the other options that are available.
I don't think you can do that the way you want. Check-in policy are one-way only in the sense you can only read the data and validate but you can't update what's in the Pending Changes dialogs.
You're not supposed to directly interact with the pending changes dialog of Visual Studio (which has been revamped in the 2012 version anyway), so I don't think there's a solution.