Missing dlls when converting py file to exe - python-2.7

I'm trying to convert my python script and I keep getting the following error:
error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'libopenblas.TXA6YQSD3GCQQC22GEQ54J2UDCXDXHWN.gfortran-win_amd64.dll'
Can someone, please help me?

Do you have NumPy installed? It appears that files comes with it.
Try: pip install intel-numpy or conda install numpy depending on which package manager you want to use.
If you already have it installed, and are still getting the error... Identify which folder it is installed in and add that folder to your path before running the exe tool.


Failing to install sqlite3 plugin for electron project on windows

I am trying to include sqlite3 in an electron project I am getting my hands dirty with. I have never used electron, nor Node before, excuse my ignorance. I understand that to do this on Windows, I need Python installed, I need to download sqlite3, and I need to install it.
As per the NPM sqlite3 page, I am trying to install it using npm install --build-from-source
It always fails with
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I have Python 2.7 installed and the path has been added to environment variable PATH. I can verify that if I type 'python' in cmd, I get the same response. BUT, if I type 'py', it works....
So, my question is: how can I make node-gyp use the 'py' command instead of 'python' when trying to unpack sqlite3?
If this is not possible, how can I make 'python' an acceptable command to use?
I am using Windows 10 if this helps. Also, please let me know if I can do this whole procedure in a different way.
Thanks for any help!
This has been resolved....
Uninstalled Python 2.7.13. Reinstalled, added path to PATH variable again, now command 'python' works just fine...

python protobuf install for windows

I am currently trying to install version 3 of google protocol buffer on windows for python.
I have gone to the python folder through the command line and I am attempting to use:
python setup.py build
however I am getting the following error:
python : protoc is not installed nor found in ../src. Please compile it or install the binary package.
What's going on here?
As the error says, you must first install protoc.exe. You can get it from the Win32 package included with every Protobuf release. The latest version is here:
(You can also build protoc from source by downloading the C++ source code release.)
I was able to solve this issue, by following the steps below:
Download the package which contains the precompiled version of Protoc from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases. You will find the zip file at the bottom, in the assets section (e.g.,protoc-3.14.0-win32.zip)
Add the path of your .exe file which is located inside the bin of the Protoc folder, to the system variables of your system.
Open cmd and go to the directory where you have cloned the source code for the protocol buffer (https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf). Get inside the python folder
Check if python version 2.7 or newer is installed by running the command python -V. If yes then try the command, python setup.py build
python setup.py install
check the installed protoc version with protoc --version

Syntax Error while trying to create database using gpx2spatialite_create_db

I'm trying to use gpx2spatialite but I'm stumped with setting the path needed..I have already installed the module and I see the gpx2spatialite files in my python scripts and site-packages folder. The instructions say
[ Make sure that $HOME/.local/bin is available in your PATH environment variable. Otherwise the gpx2spatialite executable will not be found when you run it from the shell:
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin ] from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gpx2spatialite
What is PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin in windows 8?
I already have [ C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts; ] in my environment path.
I found this: [ The Windows equivalent of HOME is the user-specific application data directory .. C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming ] from htttp://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Windows-HOME.html so I substituted and typed in [ C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming.local\bin ] in my environment path.
Still, when I tried to follow the instructions for creating a spatial database for GPX given in https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/32618/how-to-build-a-geographic-database-of-gps-logs, I get an invalid syntax error which I feel is not a syntax error at all but might actually be due to a missing path.
I really hope somebody can help me out on this..
*By the way, I'm a newbie here and I wanted to tag this question under gpx2spatialite. Seems I won't be able to do so yet..
Issue was discussed on https://github.com/ptrv/gpx2spatialite/issues/20
Windows installation instructions were given on https://github.com/ptrv/gpx2spatialite/tree/one-script#windows:
Download python 2.7 32bit for windows
Install pip.
Install gpxpy with pip install gpxpy
Download mod_spatialte and extract all dlls to C:\Python27\Scripts
Download sqlite3.dll (something like 'sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3080704.zip') and overwrite sqlite3.dll in C:\Python27\Scripts\DLLs with the downloaded version (This ensures that sqlite3.dll is capable of loading extensions)
Install gpx2spatialite with pip install gpx2spatialite

error while installing mahotas to python 2.7

I am using command prompt for installing Manhotas 1.1.0. I have mahotas in zip file and I have extracted it out. My procedure was:' python setup.py install' . But,its giving me error:
Thanks in advance!
Try using pip or easy-install
And if you get an error of numpy.distils.core Refer this
I know this is late answer, Still it may be useful.
You can download .whl package for windows from here : http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#mahotas
and use
pip install <packahename.whl>

Installing anaconda to use with windows

I am lost in the installation process of installing anaconda on windows.
I've installed the windows 32bit package (I'm running windows 7 x64)
I have anaconda in the start menu and I can open the python console and use scipy.stats.t.interval(), the function I am interested in.
However, how do I go about including this in another python program? I think it's something like adding it to the path. For instance, I have the scipy.stats.t.interval() function call in my other python file which I run through cygwin via python myscript.py. However it returns the error:
from scipy.stats import t
ImportError: No module named scipy.stats
I think it might be a change of path / add to path issue, but I'm not sure how to fix it :/. While I try to fix it, I figure I will post for help here.
well you might have two installations of python, one inside the anaconda package, and other which you might have installed earlier. try doing :
which python
from CygWin console.
If it returns:
then it is definitely a add-to-path problem.
to fix it for CygWin,
you have to add the python installation from anaconda to the path.
try this fromn CygWin:
and then doing:
which python
should give you:
and then it will work.