Audio manipulation and delete some part of the audio - c++

I'm new in voice codding, now I am succeed to recording microphone in the files and save each 10 seconds in a file with SaveRecordtoFile function(doing this with no problem)
Now I want to delete for example 2 seconds from the recorded data so my output will be 8 seconds instead of 10, in the randomTime array 0 is the number of seconds witch I want to be delete...
In a for-loop I copy the data of waveHeader->lpData in a new buffer if (randomTime[i] == '1')
It seems this is a true algorithm and should works but the problem is the outputs, some of the outputs are good (about 70% or more) but some of them are corrupted
I think I have a mistake in the code but I debug this code for some days and I don't understand what is the problem?
And as my 70% or more of outputs are good I think It's not because of bytes or samples

Your code can break a sample apart, after that the stream is out of sync and you hear a loud noise.
How it happens? Your sample size is 4 bytes. So you must never copy anything that is not a multiple of 4. 10 seconds of audio will take 10x48000×4=1920000 bytes. However Sleep(10000) will always be near 10 seconds but not exactly 10 seconds. So you can get 1920012 bytes. Then you do:
dwSamplePerSec = waveHeader->dwBytesRecorded / 10; // 10 Secs
that returns 192001 (which is not multiple of 4) and the steam gets out of sync. If you're lucky you receive 1920040 bytes for 10 second and that remains multiple of 4 after division on 10 and you're ok.


MPEG 2 and 2.5 - problems calculating frame sizes in bytes

I have a console program which I have used for years, for (among other things) displaying info about certain audio-file formats, including mp3. I used data from the mpeghdr site to calculate the frame sizes, in order to further calculate playing time for the tracks. The equation that I got from mpeghdr was:
// Read the BitRate, SampleRate and Padding of the frame header.
// For Layer I files use this formula:
// FrameLengthInBytes = (12 * BitRate / SampleRate + Padding) * 4
// For Layer II & III files use this formula:
// FrameLengthInBytes = 144 * BitRate / SampleRate + Padding
This works well for most mp3 files, but there have always been a small subset for whom this equation failed. Recently, I've been looking at a set of very small mp3 files, and have found that for these files this formula fails much more often, so I'm trying to finally nail down what is going on. All of these mp3 files were generated using Lame V3.100, with default settings, on Windows 7 64-bit.
In all cases, I can successfully find the first frame header, but when I used the above formula to calculate the offset to the next frame header, it is sometimes not correct.
As an example, I have a file 'wolf howl.mp3'; analytical files such as MPEGAudioInfo show frame size as 288 bytes. When I run my program, though, it shows length of first frame as 576 bytes (2 * 288). When I look at the mp3 file in a hex editor, with first frame at 0x154, I can see that the next frame is at 0x154 + 208 bytes, but this calculation does in fact result in 576 bytes...
File info:
mpegV2.5, layer III
frame: bitrate=32, sample_rate=8000, pad=0, bytes=576
mtemp->frame_length_in_bytes =
(144 * (mtemp->bitrate * 1000) / mtemp->sample_rate) + mtemp->padding_bit;
which equals 576
I've looked at numerous other references, and they all show this equation...
At first I thought is was an issue with MPEG 2.5, which is an unofficial standard, but I have also seen this with MPEG2 files as well. Only happens with small files, though.
Does anyone have any insights on what I am missing here??
Later notes:
I thought maybe audio format would be relevant to this issue, so I dumped channel_mode and mode_extension for each of my test files (3 calculate properly, 2 don't). Sadly, all of them are cmode=3, mode_ext=0
(i.e., last byte of the header is 0xC4)... so that doesn't help...
Okay, I found the answer to this queston... it was in the MPEGAudioInfo program on CodeProject site. Here is the vital key:
// This reference data is from MPEGAudioInfo app
// Samples per Frame / 8
static const u32 m_dwCoefficients[2][3] =
{ // MPEG 1
12, // Layer1 (must be multiplied with 4, because of slot size)
144, // Layer2
144 // Layer3
{ // MPEG 2, 2.5
12, // Layer1 (must be multiplied with 4, because of slot size)
144, // Layer2
72 // Layer3
It is unfortunately that none of the reference pages mention this detail !!
My program now successfully calculates frame sizes for all of my mp3 files, including the small ones.
I had the same problem. Some documents, I've read, don't define dividing by 2 in Frame-Size formula for MPEG2.5L3. But some src-code, I encountered - does.
It's hard to find out any proof.
I have nothing better than this link:
(it's better to share that link in "add a comment"-form, but I have insufficient rank)

SDL_Mixer is playing single chunk over itself possible?

I'm having trouble with SDL_Mixer (my lack of experience). Chunks and Music play just fine (using Mix_PlayChannel and Mix_PlayMusic), and playing two different chunks simultaneously isn't an issue.
My problem is that I would like to play some chunk1, and then play second iteration of chunk1 overlapping the first. I am trying to play a single chunk in rapid succession, but it instead plays the sound repeatedly at a much longer interval (not as quickly as I want). I've tested console output and my method of playing/looping is not at fault, since I can see console messages printing, looped at the right speed.
I have an array of Chunks that I periodically load during initialization, using Mix_LoadWAV();
Mix_Chunk *sounds[32];
I also have a function reserved for playing these chunks:
void PlaySound(int snd_id)
if(snd_id >= 0 && snd_id < 32)
if(Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sounds[snd_id], 0) == -1)
printf("Mix_PlayChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
Attempting to play a single sound several times in rapid succession(say, 100ms delay/10bps), I am given the sound playing at a set, slower interval(some 500ms or so/2bps) despite the function being called at 10bps.
I already used "Mix_AllocateChannels(16);" to ensure I have allocated channels (let me know if I'm using that incorrectly) and still, a single chunk from the array refuses to play at a certain rate.
Any ideas/help is appreciated, as well as critique on how I posted this question.
As said in the documentation of SDL_Mixer ( :
"... -1 for the first free unreserved channel."
So if your chunk is longer than 1.6 seconds (16 channels*100ms) you'll run out of channels after 1.6 seconds, and so you wont be enabled to play new chunks until one of the channels end playing.
So there are basically 2 solutions :
Allocate more channels (more than : ChunkDuration (in sec) / Delay (in sec))
Stop a channel, so that you can use it. (and to do it properly, you should not use -1 as channel but a variable that you increment each time you play a chunk (don't forget to set it back to 0 when it's equal to your number of channels) )

GNURadio issues with timing

I am having trouble getting a custom block to operate at high frequency.
The block I would like to use is going to take in data from an external radio.
I am using an Ettus USRP block to stream data in from this radio, and I can display this on the QT Scope. I can set this block's sample rate to 15 MHz, and with the scope this seems to work ok.
I have tried making a simple block with the gnuradio gr_modtool which takes in 2 floats as input and has 0 outputs. The block has private members "timer", a time_t, and "counter", an int. In the "work" function, my code simply does this at the moment:
const float *in_i = (const float *) input_items[0];
const float *in_q = (const float *) input_items[1];
if (count == 0){
if (*in_i > 0.5){
timer = clock();
count = 30000;
count --;
if(count == 0){
timer = clock()-timer;
printf("Count took %d clicks, or %f seconds\n",timer,(float)timer/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// Tell runtime system how many output items we produced.
return 0;
However, when I run this code, it takes longer than the expected time.
For 30000 cycles, it takes 0.872970 to complete, instead of the desired 0.002 seconds. Since the standard gnuradio block generated with gr_modtool is a sync block, and the input stream to the block is coming from the 15 MHz USRP, I would have expected this block to run at that same frequency. This is not currently the case.
Eventually my goal is to be able to store data streaming in over a period of time, and write it to file with certain formatting(A block already exists to do this, but there is some sort of bug that is preventing that block and the USRP block from working at the same time, so I am attempting to write my own.). However, unless I can keep up with the sample rate of 15 MHz, I will lose data. Since this block is fairly simple, I would have hoped it would be able to run quickly enough to keep up. However, the input stream block is able to pull data from the radio and output at 15 MHz, so I know my computer is capable of it.
How can I make this custom block operate more quickly, and keep up with the 15 MHz frequency?(Or, how can I make this sync block operate at the input stream frequency, since it currently does not)
Your block is not consuming any samples. I presume you're writing a sync_block (work function, not general_work), so your number of produced items is identical to the number of consumed items. But as your source code says:
// Tell runtime system how many output items we produced.
return 0;
In other words, your block tells GNU Radio that it didn't use any of the input GNU Radio offered, and produced no output. That means GNU Radio can't do nothing. You must return the number of items you've produced, and for sync blocks, that's the number of items you consumed – even if you're a sink, with zero output streams!

Serial communication protocol design issues

This is an embedded solution using C++, im reading the changes of brightness from a cellphone screen, from very bright (white) to dark (black).
Using JavaScript and a very simple script im changing the background of a webpage from white to black on 100 milliseconds intervals and reading the result on my brightness sensor, as expected the browser is not very precise on timing, some times it does 100ms sometimes less and sometimes more with a huge deviation at times.
var syncinterval = setInterval(function(){
bytes = "010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101";
bit = bytes[i];
i += 1;
if(i > bytes.length) {
i = 0;
for (i=0; i < input.length; i++) {
tbits = input[i].charCodeAt(0).toString(2);
while (tbits.length < 8) tbits = '0' + tbits;
bytes += tbits;
}, sync_speed);
My initial idea, before knowing how the timing was on the browser was to use asynchronous serial communication, with some know "word" to sync the stream of data as RS232 does with his start bit, but on RS232 the clocks are very precise.
I could use a second sensor to read a different part of the screen as a clock, in this case even if the monitor or the browser "decides" to go faster or slower my system will only read when there is a clock signal (this is a similar application were they swipe the sensors instead of making the screen flicks as i need), but this require a more complex hardware system, i would like not to complicate things before searching for a software solution.
I don't need high speeds, the data im trying to send is just about 8 Bytes as much.
With any kind of asynchronous communications, you rely on transmitter sending a new 'bit' of data at a fixed time interval, and the receiver sampling the data at the same (fixed) interval. If the browser isn't accurate on timings, you'll just need to slow the bitrate down until its good enough.
There are a few tricks you can use to help you improve the reliability:-
a : While sending, calculate the required 'start transmit time' of each 'bit' in advance, and modify the delay after each bit has been 'sent', based on current time vs. required time. This means you'll avoid cumulative errors (i.e. if Bit 1 is sent a little 'late', the delay to bit 2 will be reduced to compensate), rather than delaying a constant N microseconds per bit.
b: While receiving, you must sample the incoming data much faster than you expect changes. (UARTS normally use a 16x oversample) This means you can resynchronize with the 'start bit' (the initial change from 1 to 0 in your diagram) and you can then sample each bit at the expected 'centre' of its time period.
In other words, if you're sending data at 1000us intervals, you sample data at ~62us intervals, and when you detect a 'start bit, you wait 500us to put you in the centre of the time period, then take 8 single-bit samples at 1000us intervals to form an 8-bit byte.
You might consider not using a fixed-rate encoding, where each bit is represented as a sequence of the same length, and instead go for a variable-rate encoding:
Time: 0 1 2 3 4
0: _/▔\_
1: _/▔▔▔▔▔\_
This means that when decoding, all you need to do is to measure the time the screen is lit. Short pulses are 0s, long pulses are 1s. It's woefully inefficient, but doesn't require accurate clocking and should be relatively resistant to inaccurate timing. By using some synchronisation pulses (say, an 010 sequence) between bytes you can automatically detect the length of the pulses and so end up not needing a fixed clock at all.

Calculating Disk Read/Write in Linux with C++

My requirement is to profile current process disk read/write operations with total disk read/write operations (or amount of data read/written). I need to take samples evry second and plot a graph between these two. I need to do this on Linux (Ubuntu 12.10) in c++.
Are there any APIs/Tools available for this task ? I found one tool namely iotop but I am not sure how to use this for current process vs system wide usage.
Thank You
You can read the file /proc/diskstats every second. Each line represents one device.
From kernel's "Documentation/iostat.txt":
Field 1 -- # of reads completed
This is the total number of reads completed successfully.
Field 2 -- # of reads merged, field 6 -- # of writes merged
Reads and writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for
efficiency. Thus two 4K reads may become one 8K read before it is
ultimately handed to the disk, and so it will be counted (and queued)
as only one I/O. This field lets you know how often this was done.
Field 3 -- # of sectors read
This is the total number of sectors read successfully.
Field 4 -- # of milliseconds spent reading
This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all reads (as
measured from __make_request() to end_that_request_last()).
Field 5 -- # of writes completed
This is the total number of writes completed successfully.
Field 7 -- # of sectors written
This is the total number of sectors written successfully.
Field 8 -- # of milliseconds spent writing
This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all writes (as
measured from __make_request() to end_that_request_last()).
Field 9 -- # of I/Os currently in progress
The only field that should go to zero. Incremented as requests are
given to appropriate struct request_queue and decremented as they finish.
Field 10 -- # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
This field increases so long as field 9 is nonzero.
Field 11 -- weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
This field is incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O
merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress
(field 9) times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the
last update of this field. This can provide an easy measure of both
I/O completion time and the backlog that may be accumulating.
For each process, you can get use /proc/<pid>/io, which produces something like this:
rchar: 2012
wchar: 0
syscr: 7
syscw: 0
read_bytes: 0
write_bytes: 0
cancelled_write_bytes: 0
rchar, wchar: number of bytes read/written.
syscr, syscw: number of read/write system calls.
read_bytes, write_bytes: number of bytes read/written to storage media.
cancelled_write_bytes: from the best of my understanding, caused by calls to "ftruncate" that cancel pending writes to the same file. Probably most often 0.