Calculating Disk Read/Write in Linux with C++ - c++

My requirement is to profile current process disk read/write operations with total disk read/write operations (or amount of data read/written). I need to take samples evry second and plot a graph between these two. I need to do this on Linux (Ubuntu 12.10) in c++.
Are there any APIs/Tools available for this task ? I found one tool namely iotop but I am not sure how to use this for current process vs system wide usage.
Thank You

You can read the file /proc/diskstats every second. Each line represents one device.
From kernel's "Documentation/iostat.txt":
Field 1 -- # of reads completed
This is the total number of reads completed successfully.
Field 2 -- # of reads merged, field 6 -- # of writes merged
Reads and writes which are adjacent to each other may be merged for
efficiency. Thus two 4K reads may become one 8K read before it is
ultimately handed to the disk, and so it will be counted (and queued)
as only one I/O. This field lets you know how often this was done.
Field 3 -- # of sectors read
This is the total number of sectors read successfully.
Field 4 -- # of milliseconds spent reading
This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all reads (as
measured from __make_request() to end_that_request_last()).
Field 5 -- # of writes completed
This is the total number of writes completed successfully.
Field 7 -- # of sectors written
This is the total number of sectors written successfully.
Field 8 -- # of milliseconds spent writing
This is the total number of milliseconds spent by all writes (as
measured from __make_request() to end_that_request_last()).
Field 9 -- # of I/Os currently in progress
The only field that should go to zero. Incremented as requests are
given to appropriate struct request_queue and decremented as they finish.
Field 10 -- # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
This field increases so long as field 9 is nonzero.
Field 11 -- weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
This field is incremented at each I/O start, I/O completion, I/O
merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress
(field 9) times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the
last update of this field. This can provide an easy measure of both
I/O completion time and the backlog that may be accumulating.
For each process, you can get use /proc/<pid>/io, which produces something like this:
rchar: 2012
wchar: 0
syscr: 7
syscw: 0
read_bytes: 0
write_bytes: 0
cancelled_write_bytes: 0
rchar, wchar: number of bytes read/written.
syscr, syscw: number of read/write system calls.
read_bytes, write_bytes: number of bytes read/written to storage media.
cancelled_write_bytes: from the best of my understanding, caused by calls to "ftruncate" that cancel pending writes to the same file. Probably most often 0.


Audio manipulation and delete some part of the audio

I'm new in voice codding, now I am succeed to recording microphone in the files and save each 10 seconds in a file with SaveRecordtoFile function(doing this with no problem)
Now I want to delete for example 2 seconds from the recorded data so my output will be 8 seconds instead of 10, in the randomTime array 0 is the number of seconds witch I want to be delete...
In a for-loop I copy the data of waveHeader->lpData in a new buffer if (randomTime[i] == '1')
It seems this is a true algorithm and should works but the problem is the outputs, some of the outputs are good (about 70% or more) but some of them are corrupted
I think I have a mistake in the code but I debug this code for some days and I don't understand what is the problem?
And as my 70% or more of outputs are good I think It's not because of bytes or samples
Your code can break a sample apart, after that the stream is out of sync and you hear a loud noise.
How it happens? Your sample size is 4 bytes. So you must never copy anything that is not a multiple of 4. 10 seconds of audio will take 10x48000×4=1920000 bytes. However Sleep(10000) will always be near 10 seconds but not exactly 10 seconds. So you can get 1920012 bytes. Then you do:
dwSamplePerSec = waveHeader->dwBytesRecorded / 10; // 10 Secs
that returns 192001 (which is not multiple of 4) and the steam gets out of sync. If you're lucky you receive 1920040 bytes for 10 second and that remains multiple of 4 after division on 10 and you're ok.

DB inserts in a Django app gradually get slower as more inserts are executed

I am inserting a large amount of rows to a Postgresql db using Django ORM bulk_create(). I have roughly the following code:
entries = []
start = time()
for i, row in enumerate(initial_data_list):
serializer = serializer_class(data=row, **kwargs)
if i % 1000 == 0:
end = time()'processed %d inserts... (%d seconds per batch)' % (i, end-start))
start = time()
entries = []
Measured execution times:
processed 1000 inserts... (16 seconds per batch)
processed 2000 inserts... (16 seconds per batch)
processed 3000 inserts... (17 seconds per batch)
processed 4000 inserts... (18 seconds per batch)
processed 5000 inserts... (18 seconds per batch)
processed 6000 inserts... (18 seconds per batch)
processed 7000 inserts... (19 seconds per batch)
processed 8000 inserts... (19 seconds per batch)
processed 9000 inserts... (20 seconds per batch)
etc., the time keeps growing as more insertions are made. The requests run inside a transaction using the Django settings DATABASES['default']['ATOMIC_REQUESTS'] = True, however, turning it off does not seem to have any effect. DEBUG mode is turned off.
Some observations:
When the request is finished, and I execute an identical request, the measured times look pretty much identical: Start from decently low, and begin growing from there. No process-restart between the requests.
The effect is the same, whether I'm doing individual insertions using, or bulk_create().
The execution time of the bulk_create() line itself keeps about the same, a bit more than half a seconds.
If I remove the insertion entirely, the loop is executed at constant time, which points to something going on in the db-connection layer, that slows down the entire process as the quantity of insertions grows...
During execution, The Python process' memory consumption pretty much stays constant after reaching the first bulk_create(), as does Postgres process memory, so that does not look to be the problem.
What is happening that makes the inserts grow slower? Since new requests start fast again (without process-restart needed), could I perform some sort of clean-ups during the request to restore speed?
The only solution I found working was to disable ATOMIC_REQUESTS in, which allows me to call db.connection.close() and db.connection.connect() every now and then during the request, to keep the execution time from growing.
Does MyModel have any indexes at the database level? Could it be that those are affecting the processing time by being updated after each insertion?
You could try to remove the indexes (if there are any) and see if that changes anything.
Big disclaimer : i'm still a novice so...
From what i can see in your code is
for 1000 entries 16seconds
for 9000 entries 20seconds
for me it looks like a normal thing that time increase, inserting more entries takes more time no??
Sorry if i'm misunderstanding something

Interpreting PGI_ACC_TIME output

I have some OpenACC-accelerated C++ code that I've compiled using the PGI compiler. Things seem to be working, so now I want to play efficiency whack-a-mole with profiling information.
I generate some timing info by setting:
export PGI_ACC_TIME=1
And then running the program.
The following output results:
-bash-4.2$ ./a.out not found
Accelerator Kernel Timing data
PGI_ACC_SYNCHRONOUS was set, disabling async() clauses
_MyProgram NVIDIA devicenum=1
time(us): 97,667
75: data region reached 2 times
75: data copyin transfers: 3
device time(us): total=101 max=82 min=9 avg=33
76: compute region reached 1000 times
76: kernel launched 1000 times
grid: [1938] block: [128]
elapsed time(us): total=680,216 max=1,043 min=654 avg=680
95: compute region reached 1000 times
95: kernel launched 1000 times
grid: [1938] block: [128]
elapsed time(us): total=487,365 max=801 min=476 avg=487
110: data region reached 2000 times
110: data copyin transfers: 1000
device time(us): total=6,783 max=140 min=3 avg=6
125: data copyout transfers: 1000
device time(us): total=7,445 max=190 min=6 avg=7
real 0m3.864s
user 0m3.499s
sys 0m0.348s
It raises some questions:
I see time(us): 97,667 at the top. This seems like a total time, but, at the bottom, I see real 0m3.864s. Why is there such a difference?
If time(us): 97,667 is the total, why is it so much smaller than values lower down, such as elapsed time(us): total=680,216?
This kernel including the line (elapsed time(us): total=680,216 max=1,043 min=654 avg=680) was run 1000 times. Are max, min, and avg values based on per-run values of the kernel?
Since the [grid] and [block] values may vary, are the elapsed total values still a good indicator of hotspots?
For data regions (device time(us): total=6,783) is the measurement transfer time or the entire time spent dealing with the data (preparing to transfer, post-receipt operations)?
The line numbering is weird. For instance, Line 76 in my program is clearly a for loop, Line 95 in is a close-brace, and Line 110 is a variable definition. Should line numbers be interpreted as "the loop most closely following the indicated line number", or in some other way?
The kernel at 76 contains the kernel at 95. Are the times calculated for 76 inclusive of time spent in 95? If so, is there a convenient way to find the time spent in a kernel minus the times of all the subkernels?
(Some of these questions are a bit anal retentive, but I haven't found documentation for this, so I thought I'd be thorough.)
Part of the issue here is that the runtime can't find the CUDA Profiling library (, hence you're only seeing the PGI CPU side profiling not the device profiling. PGI ships library with the compilers (under $PGI/[linux86-64|linuxpower]/2017/cuda/[7.5|8.0]/lib64) but this is an optional install so you may not have it install on the system you're running. CUPTI also ships with the CUDA SDK, so if the system has CUDA install, you can try setting you're LD_LIBRARY_PATH there instead. On my system it's installed in "/opt/cuda-8.0/extras/CUPTI/lib64/".
The missing CUPTI library is why you're seeing the bad time, 97,667, for the file time. Also since you're missing CUPTI, the time you're seeing is being measured from the host. With CUPTI, in addition to the elapsed time, you'd see the device time for each kernel. The difference between the elapsed time and the device time is the launch overhead per kernel.
Are max, min, and avg values based on per-run values of the kernel?
4.Since the [grid] and [block] values may vary, are the elapsed total values still a good indicator of hotspots?
I tend to first look at the avg time since there's typically more opportunities to tune these loops. If you are varying the amount of work per kernel iteration (i.e the grid size changes), then it might not be as useful, but a good starting point.
Now if you had a low average but many calls, then the elapsed time may be dominated by kernel launch overhead. In which case, I'd look to see if you can combine loops or push more work into each loop.
5.For data regions (device time(us): total=6,783) is the measurement transfer time or the entire time spent dealing with the data
(preparing to transfer, post-receipt operations)?
Just the data transfer time. For the overhead, you would need to use PGPROF/NVPROF.
6.The line numbering is weird. For instance, Line 76 in my program is clearly a for loop, Line 95 in is a close-brace, and Line 110 is a
variable definition. Should line numbers be interpreted as "the loop
most closely following the indicated line number", or in some other
It's because the code's been optimized so the line number may be a bit off though it should correspond to the line numbers from compiler feedback messages (-Minfo=accel). So "the loop most closely..." option should be correct.

GNURadio issues with timing

I am having trouble getting a custom block to operate at high frequency.
The block I would like to use is going to take in data from an external radio.
I am using an Ettus USRP block to stream data in from this radio, and I can display this on the QT Scope. I can set this block's sample rate to 15 MHz, and with the scope this seems to work ok.
I have tried making a simple block with the gnuradio gr_modtool which takes in 2 floats as input and has 0 outputs. The block has private members "timer", a time_t, and "counter", an int. In the "work" function, my code simply does this at the moment:
const float *in_i = (const float *) input_items[0];
const float *in_q = (const float *) input_items[1];
if (count == 0){
if (*in_i > 0.5){
timer = clock();
count = 30000;
count --;
if(count == 0){
timer = clock()-timer;
printf("Count took %d clicks, or %f seconds\n",timer,(float)timer/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// Tell runtime system how many output items we produced.
return 0;
However, when I run this code, it takes longer than the expected time.
For 30000 cycles, it takes 0.872970 to complete, instead of the desired 0.002 seconds. Since the standard gnuradio block generated with gr_modtool is a sync block, and the input stream to the block is coming from the 15 MHz USRP, I would have expected this block to run at that same frequency. This is not currently the case.
Eventually my goal is to be able to store data streaming in over a period of time, and write it to file with certain formatting(A block already exists to do this, but there is some sort of bug that is preventing that block and the USRP block from working at the same time, so I am attempting to write my own.). However, unless I can keep up with the sample rate of 15 MHz, I will lose data. Since this block is fairly simple, I would have hoped it would be able to run quickly enough to keep up. However, the input stream block is able to pull data from the radio and output at 15 MHz, so I know my computer is capable of it.
How can I make this custom block operate more quickly, and keep up with the 15 MHz frequency?(Or, how can I make this sync block operate at the input stream frequency, since it currently does not)
Your block is not consuming any samples. I presume you're writing a sync_block (work function, not general_work), so your number of produced items is identical to the number of consumed items. But as your source code says:
// Tell runtime system how many output items we produced.
return 0;
In other words, your block tells GNU Radio that it didn't use any of the input GNU Radio offered, and produced no output. That means GNU Radio can't do nothing. You must return the number of items you've produced, and for sync blocks, that's the number of items you consumed – even if you're a sink, with zero output streams!

Reading binary files, Linux Buffer Cache

I am busy writing something to test the read speeds for disk IO on Linux.
At the moment I have something like this to read the files:
Edited to change code to this:
const int segsize = 1048576;
char buffer[segsize];
ifstream file;;
while(file.readsome(buffer,segsize)) {}
For foo.dat, which is 150GB, the first time I read it in, it takes around 2 minutes.
However if I run it within 60 seconds of the first run, it will then take around 3 seconds to run. How is that possible? Surely the only place that could be read from that fast is the buffer cache in RAM, and the file is too big to fit in RAM.
The machine has 50GB of ram, and the drive is a NFS mount with all the default settings. Please let me know where I could look to confirm that this file is actually being read at this speed? Is my code wrong? It appears to take a correct amount of time the first time the file is read.
Edited to Add:
Found out that my files were only reading up to a random point. I've managed to fix this by changing segsize down to 1024 from 1048576. I have no idea why changing this allows the ifstream to read the whole file instead of stopping at a random point.
Thanks for the answers.
On Linux, you can do this for a quick troughput test:
$ dd if=/dev/md0 of=/dev/null bs=1M count=200
200+0 records in
200+0 records out
209715200 bytes (210 MB) copied, 0.863904 s, 243 MB/s
$ dd if=/dev/md0 of=/dev/null bs=1M count=200
200+0 records in
200+0 records out
209715200 bytes (210 MB) copied, 0.0748273 s, 2.8 GB/s
$ sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
$ dd if=/dev/md0 of=/dev/null bs=1M count=200
200+0 records in
200+0 records out
209715200 bytes (210 MB) copied, 0.919688 s, 228 MB/s
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches will flush the cache properly
in_avail doesn't give the length of the file, but a lower bound of what is available (especially if the buffer has already been used, it return the size available in the buffer). Its goal is to know what can be read without blocking.
unsigned int is most probably unable to hold a length of more than 4GB, so what is read can very well be in the cache.
C++0x Stream Positioning may be interesting to you if you are using large files
in_avail returns the lower bound of how much is available to read in the streams read buffer, not the size of the file. To read the whole file via the stream, just keep
calling the stream's readsome() method and checking how much was read with the gcount() method - when that returns zero, you have read everthing.
It appears to take a correct amount of time the first time the file is read.
On that first read, you're reading 150GB in about 2 minutes. That works out to about 10 gigabits per second. Is that what you're expecting (based on the network to your NFS mount)?
One possibility is that the file could be at least in part sparse. A sparse file has regions that are truly empty - they don't even have disk space allocated to them. These sparse regions also don't consume much cache space, and so reading the sparse regions will essentially only require time to zero out the userspace pages they're being read into.
You can check with ls -lsh. The first column will be the on-disk size - if it's less than the file size, the file is indeed sparse. To de-sparse the file, just write to every page of it.
If you would like to test for true disk speeds, one option would be to use the O_DIRECT flag to open(2) to bypass the cache. Note that all IO using O_DIRECT must be page-aligned, and some filesystems do not support it (in particular, it won't work over NFS). Also, it's a bad idea for anything other than benchmarking. See some of Linus's rants in this thread.
Finally, to drop all caches on a linux system for testing, you can do:
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
If you do this on both client and server, you will force the file out of memory. Of course, this will have a negative performance impact on anything else running at the time.