Can PCA be applied on One-Hot-Encoded data? - pca

I'm completely new to the concept of PCA. From what I comprehend, PCA uses sum of squares method. With that said, I Came across a one-hot-encoded data (which means im dealing with categorical data).Can PCA be applied here? If yes, would it yield meaningless results? I'd be grateful for what ever response you provide.Thanks

PCA can be used on One applied on one-Hot_Encoded data and it will give you output with no errors. But it has been designed for continuous variables. here is a detailed explanation of your Question PCA For categorical features


Best way to feature select using PCA (discussion)

Component: PC
loading-score[i,j]: the j feature in PC[i]
I know the question regarding feature selection is asked several times here at StackOverflow (SO) and on other tech-pages, and it proposes different answers/discussion. That is why I want to open a discussion for the different solutions, and not post it as a general question since that has been done.
Different methods are proposed for feature selection using PCA: For instance using the dot product between the original features and the components (here) to get their correlation, a discussion at SO here suggests that you can only talk about important features as loading-scores in a component (and not use that importance in the input space), and another discussion at SO (which I cannot find at the moment) suggest that the importance for feature[j] would be abs(sum(loading_score[:,j]) i.e the sum of the absolute value of loading_score[i,j] for all i components.
I personally would think that a way to get the importance of a feature would be an absolute sum where each loading_score[i,j] is weighted by the explained variance of component i i.e
imp_feature[j]=sum_i (abs(loading_score[i,j])*explained_variance[i].
Well, there is no universal way to select features; it totally depends on the dataset and some insights available about the dataset. I will provide some examples which might be helpful.
Since you asked about PCA, initially it separates the whole dataset into two sets under which the variances. On the other ICA (Independent Component Analysis) is able to extract multiple features simultaneously. Look at this example,
In this example, we mix three independent signals and try to separate out them using ICA and PCA. In this case, ICA is doing it a better way than PCA. In general, if you search Blind Souce Separation (BSS) you may find more information about this. Besides, in this example, we know the independent components thus, separation is easy. In general, we do not know the number of components. Hence, you may have to guess based on some prior information about the dataset. Also, you may use LDA (Linear Discriminate Analysis) to reduce the number of features.
Once you extract PC components using any of the techniques, following way we can visualize it. If we assume, those extracted components as random variables i.e., x, y, z
More information about you may refer to this original source where I took about two figures.
Coming back to your proposition,
imp_feature[j]=sum_i (abs(loading_score[i,j])*explained_variance[i]
I would not recommend this way due to the following reasons:
abs(loading_score[i,j]) when we get absolute values you may loose positive or negative correlations of considered features. explained_variance[i] may be used to find the correlation between features, but multiplying does not make any sense.
In PCA, each component has its explained variance. Explained variance is the ratio between individual component variance and total variance(sum of all individual components variances). Feature significance can be measured by magnitude of explained variance.
All in all, what I want to say, feature selection totally depends on the dataset and the significance of features. PCA is just one technique. Frist understand the properties of features and the dataset. Then, try to extract features. Hope this helps. If you can provide us with an exact example, we may provide more insights.

how to use tf-idf with Naive Bayes?

As per my search regarding the query, that I am posting here, I have got many links which propose solution but haven't mentioned exactly how this is to be done. I have explored, for example, the following links :
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Therefore, I am presenting my understanding as to how the Naive Bayes formula with tf-idf can be used here and it is as follows:
Naive-Bayes formula :
P(word|class)=(word_count_in_class + 1)/(total_words_in_class+total_unique_words_in_all_classes(basically vocabulary of words in the entire training set))
tf-idf weighting can be employed in the above formula as:
word_count_in_class : sum of(tf-idf_weights of the word for all the documents belonging to that class) //basically replacing the counts with the tfidf weights of the same word calculated for every document within that class.
total_words_in_class : sum of (tf-idf weights of all the words belonging to that class)
total_unique_words_in_all_classes : as is.
This question has been posted multiple times on stack overflow but nothing substantial has been answered so far. I want to know that the way I am thinking about the problem is correct or not i.e. implementation that I have shown above. I need to know this as I am implementing the Naive Bayes myself without taking help of any Python library which comes with the built-in functions for both Naive Bayes and tf-idf. What I actually want is to improve the accuracy(currently 30%) of the model which was using Naive Bayes trained classifier. So, if there are better ways to achieve good accuracy, suggestions are welcome.
Please suggest me. I am new to this domain.
It would be better if you actually gave us the exact features and class you would like to use, or at least give an example. Since none of those have been concretely given, I'll just assume the following is your problem:
You have a number of documents, each of which has a number of words.
You would like to classify documents into categories.
Your feature vector consists of all possible words in all documents, and has values of number of counts in each document.
Your Solution
The tf idf you gave is the following:
word_count_in_class : sum of(tf-idf_weights of the word for all the documents belonging to that class) //basically replacing the counts with the tfidf weights of the same word calculated for every document within that class.
total_words_in_class : sum of (tf-idf weights of all the words belonging to that class)
Your approach sounds reasonable. The sum of all probabilities would sum to 1 independent of the tf-idf function, and the features would reflect tf-idf values. I would say this looks like a solid way to incorporate tf-idf into NB.
Another potential Solution
It took me a while to wrap my head around this problem. The main reason for this was having to worry about maintaining probability normalization. Using a Gaussian Naive Bayes would help ignore this issue entirely.
If you wanted to use this method:
Compute mean, variation of tf-idf values for each class.
Compute the prior using a gaussian distribution generated by the above mean and variation.
Proceed as normal (multiply to prior) and predict values.
Hard coding this shouldn't be too hard since numpy inherently has a gaussian function. I just prefer this type of generic solution for these type of problems.
Additional methods to increase
Apart from the above, you could also use the following techniques to increase accuracy:
Feature reduction (usually NMF, PCA, or LDA)
Additional features
Naive bayes is fast, but inherently performs worse than other algorithms. It may be better to perform feature reduction, and then switch to a discriminative model such as SVM or Logistic Regression
Bootstrapping, boosting, etc. Be careful not to overfit though...
Hopefully this was helpful. Leave a comment if anything was unclear
(basically vocabulary of words in the entire training set))
How would this sum up to 1? If using the above conditional probabilities, I assume the SUM is
P(word1|class)+P(word2|class)+...+P(wordn|class) =
(total_words_in_class + total_unique_words_in_class)/(total_words_in_class+total_unique_words_in_all_classes)
To correct this, I think the P(word|class) should be like
(word_count_in_class + 1)/(total_words_in_class+total_unique_words_in_classes(vocabulary of words in class))
Please correct me if I am wrong.
I think there are two ways to do it:
Round down tf-idf as integers, then use the multinomial distribution for the conditional probabilities. See this paper
Use Dirichlet distribution which is a continuous version of the multinomial distribution for the conditional probabilities.
I am not sure if Gaussian mixture will be better.

What is a proper method for minimizing st deviation of dependent variable (e.g. clustering?)

I'm stuck with minimizing the st deviation of a dependent variable being time difference in days. The mean is OK, but the deviation is terrible. Tried clustering by independent variables and noticed quite dissimilar clusters. Now, wondering:
1) How I can actually apply this knowledge from clustering to the independent variable? The fact is that it was not included in initial clustering analysis, as I know it's dependent on the others.
2) Given that I know the variable of time difference is dependent, should I run clustering of it with the variable of cluster number being the result of my initial clustering analysis? Would it help?
3) Is there any other technique apart from clustering that can help me somehow categorize observation groups so that for each group I would have a separate mean of the independent variable with low st deviation?
Any help highly appreciated!
P.S. I was using Stata and SPSS, though I can also use SAS if you can share the code.
It sounds like you're going about this all wrong. Here are some relevant points to consider.
It's more important for the variance to be consistent across groups than it is to be low.
Clustering is (generally) going to organize individuals based on similar patterns of the clustering variables.
Fewer observations will generally not decrease the size of your standard deviation.
Any time you take continuous variables (either IV or DVs) and convert them into categorical variables, you are removing variance from the equation, and including more measurement error. Sometimes there are good reasons to do this, often times there are not.
Analysis should be theory-driven whenever possible, as data driven analysis (like what you're trying to accomplish here) is more likely to produce results that can't be reproduced or generalized to other data sets, samples, or populations.

Logistic Regression with pymc3 - what's the prior for build in glm?

I could not find good explanation for what's going on exactly by using glm with pymc3 in case of logistic regression. So I compared the GLM version to an explicit pymc3 model. I started to write an ipython notebook for documentation, see:
What I don't understand is:
What prior is used for the Parameters in GLM? I assume they are also Normal distributed. I got different results with my explicit model in comparison to the build in GLM. (see link above)
With less data the sampling get's stuck and/or I got really poor results. With more training data I could not observe this behaviour. Is this normal for mcmc?
There are more issue in the notebook.
Thanks for your answer.
What prior is used for the Parameters in GLM
GLM is name for family of methods. Two popular priors: gaussian (corresponds to l2 regularization) and laplacian (corresponds to l1), usually the first one.
With less data the sampling get's stuck and/or I got really poor results. With more training data I could not observe this behaviour. Is this normal for mcmc?
Did you play with prior parameter? If model behaves badly with small amount of data, this may be due to strong prior (= too high regularization), which becomes the main term in optimization.

Best method to recognize objects?

I am trying to recognize traffic signs, I already detect them, but now I have to do something to know which one is each of them, I have been reading about the cascade classifier but i would need 1 for each sign right? Furthermore i am having some issues with the merging of vec files. What do you recommend me to use for this object recognition? i am not sure if the cascade classifer is the best method.....
Thanks a lot fot your help!!
I also posted it here:
Try to use Statistical Invariants + Perceptron (or another classifier such SVM).
Statistical Invariants give abilities to calculate features which still constant under the translation, rotation, isotropic scaling. They are easy for understanding and don't require high computational cost.