I am trying to convert some C++ code to C for my compiler that can't run with C++ code. I'd like to create the template below to C. This template converts the decimal integer to hexadecimal, and adds 0 in front of value if the size of the hexadecimal string is smaller than (sizeof(T)*2). Data type T can be unsigned char, char, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long long, and unsigned long long.
template< typename T > std::string hexify(T i)
std::stringbuf buf;
std::ostream os(&buf);
os << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(sizeof(T) * 2)
<< std::hex << i;
std::cout<<"sizeof(T) * 2 = "<<sizeof(T) * 2<<" buf.str() = "<<buf.str()<<" buf.str.c_str() = "<<buf.str().c_str()<<std::endl;
return buf.str().c_str();
Thank you for tour help.
Edit 1: I have tried to use the declaration
char * hexify (void data, size_t data_size)
but when I call with the int value int_value:
char * result = hexify(int_value, sizeof(int))
it doesn't work because of:
noncompetitive type (void and int).
So in this case, do I have to use a macro? I haven't tried with macro because it's complicated.
C does not have templates. One solution is to pass the maximum width integer supported (uintmax_t, in Value below) and the size of the original integer (in Size). One routine can use the size to determine the number of digits to print. Another complication is C does not provide C++’s std::string with is automatic memory management. A typical way to handle this in C is for the called function to allocate a buffer and return it to the caller, who is responsible for freeing it when done.
The code below shows a hexify function that does this, and it also shows a Hexify macro that takes a single parameter and passes both its size and its value to the hexify function.
Note that, in C, character constants such as 'A' have type int, not char, so some care is needed in providing the desired size. The code below includes an example for that.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char *hexify(size_t Size, uintmax_t Value)
// Allocate space for "0x", 2*Size digits, and a null character.
size_t BufferSize = 2 + 2*Size + 1;
char *Buffer = malloc(BufferSize);
// Ensure a buffer was allocated.
if (!Buffer)
"Error, unable to allocate buffer of %zu bytes in %s.\n",
BufferSize, __func__);
// Format the value as "0x" followed by 2*Size hexadecimal digits.
snprintf(Buffer, BufferSize, "0x%0*" PRIxMAX, (int) (2*Size), Value);
return Buffer;
/* Provide a macro that passes both the size and the value of its parameter
to the hexify function.
#define Hexify(x) (hexify(sizeof (x), (x)))
int main(void)
char *Buffer;
/* Show two examples of using the hexify function with different integer
types. (The examples assume ASCII.)
char x = 'A';
Buffer = hexify(sizeof x, x);
printf("Character '%c' = %s.\n", x, Buffer); // Prints "0x41".
int i = 123;
Buffer = hexify(sizeof i, i);
printf("Integer %d = %s.\n", i, Buffer); // Prints "0x00007b".
/* Show examples of using the Hexify macro, demonstrating that 'A' is an
int value, not a char value, so it would need to be cast if a char is
Buffer = Hexify('A');
printf("Character '%c' = %s.\n", 'A', Buffer); // Prints "0x00000041".
Buffer = Hexify((char) 'A');
printf("Character '%c' = %s.\n", 'A', Buffer); // Prints "0x41".
You don't need templates if you step down to raw bits and bytes.
If performance is important, it is also best to roll out the conversion routine by hand, since the string handling functions in C and C++ come with lots of slow overhead. The somewhat well-optimized version would look something like this:
char* hexify_data (char*restrict dst, const char*restrict src, size_t size)
const char NIBBLE_LOOKUP[0xF+1] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
char* d = dst;
for(size_t i=0; i<size; i++)
size_t byte = size - i - 1; // assuming little endian
*d = NIBBLE_LOOKUP[ (src[byte]&0xF0u)>>4 ];
*d = NIBBLE_LOOKUP[ (src[byte]&0x0Fu)>>0 ];
*d = '\0';
return dst;
This breaks down any passed type byte-by-byte, using a character type. Which is fine, when using character types specifically. It also uses caller allocation for maximum performance. (It can also be made endianess-independent with an extra check per loop.)
We can make the call a bit more convenient with a wrapper macro:
#define hexify(buf, var) hexify_data(buf, (char*)&var, sizeof(var))
Full example:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define hexify(buf, var) hexify_data(buf, (char*)&var, sizeof(var))
char* hexify_data (char*restrict dst, const char*restrict src, size_t size)
const char NIBBLE_LOOKUP[0xF+1] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
char* d = dst;
for(size_t i=0; i<size; i++)
size_t byte = size - i - 1; // assuming little endian
*d = NIBBLE_LOOKUP[ (src[byte]&0xF0u)>>4 ];
*d = NIBBLE_LOOKUP[ (src[byte]&0x0Fu)>>0 ];
*d = '\0';
return dst;
int main (void)
char buf[50];
int32_t i32a = 0xABCD;
puts(hexify(buf, i32a));
int32_t i32b = 0xAAAABBBB;
puts(hexify(buf, i32b));
char c = 5;
puts(hexify(buf, c));
uint8_t u8 = 100;
puts(hexify(buf, u8));
an optional solution is to use format string like printf
note that you can't return pointer to local variable, but you can get the buffer as argument, (here it is without boundaries check).
char* hexify(char* result, const char* format, void* arg)
int size = 0;
if(0 == strcmp(format,"%d") || 0 == strcmp(format,"%u"))
else if(0 == strcmp(format,"%hd") || 0 == strcmp(format,"%hu"))
else if(0 == strcmp(format,"%hhd")|| 0 == strcmp(format,"%hhu"))
else if(0 == strcmp(format,"%lld") || 0 == strcmp(format,"%llu") )
//printf("size=%d", size);
return result;
int main()
char result[256];
printf("%s", hexify(result,"%hhu", 1));
return 0;
int computeHMACSHA1Hash(const char * unhashedcstr, char * hashedcstr, const char * key, int returncode)
string hashed;
size_t unhashlength = strlen(unhashedcstr);
char * nonconstunhashcstr = new char[unhashlength];
strcpy_s(nonconstunhashcstr, unhashlength + 1, unhashedcstr);
unsigned char* pixels = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(nonconstunhashcstr);
returncode = 0;
HMAC_CTX* context = HMAC_CTX_new();
size_t unhashedstrlength = sizeof(unhashedcstr);
if (context != NULL)
if (HMAC_Init_ex(context, key, strlen(key), EVP_sha1(), NULL))
if (HMAC_Update(context, pixels, unhashedstrlength))
unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
unsigned int lengthOfHash = 0;
if (HMAC_Final(context, hash, &lengthOfHash))
std::stringstream ss;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthOfHash; ++i)
ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)hash[i];
hashed = ss.str();
size_t outputSize = hashed.length() + 1; // +1 for null terminator
strcpy_s(hashedcstr, outputSize, hashed.c_str());
returncode = 0;
returncode = 7;
returncode = 6;
returncode = 5;
returncode = 4;
return returncode;
int main()
const char * unhashedcstr = "a=services&l=v1&p=open&k=SD58292829&i=20200918125249803&n=2124&t=1600404769&f={\"invoiceCode\": \"11111\",\"invoiceNo\": \"2222\",\"inTaxAmount\": \"\",\"exTaxAmount\": \"\"}";
char * hashedcstr = new char[100];
int returncode = 0;
const char * key = "SD886A11B0EE428F";
int result = computeHMACSHA1Hash(unhashedcstr, hashedcstr, key, returncode);
return 0;
I tried the code above to calculating the HMAC SHA1 hash value for a content, but compared the results on https://www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html#before-output
it looks like I didn't do it right. I'm not sure what I have done wrong though. Any help would be appreciated.
It turned out the result was "d916b4c2d277319bbf18076c158f0cbcf6c3bc57", while on the website https://www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html#before-output, the result was "71482b292f2b2a47b3eca6dad5e7350566d60963". Even when I tried using the string "a=services&l=v1&p=open&k=SD58292829&i=20200918125249803&n=2124&t=1600404769&f={"invoiceCode": "11111","invoiceNo": "2222","inTaxAmount": "","exTaxAmount": ""}" which removed the escape characters, the result was "09be98b6129c149e685ed57a1d19651a602cda0d". It didn't match the correct one.
Is there anything wrong with my code?
Your hash is calculated over the bytes a=se, which are the first four bytes of the whole input string. Thus, you get d916b4c2d277319bbf18076c158f0cbcf6c3bc57 instead of the 09be98b6129c149e685ed57a1d19651a602cda0d that would correspond to the whole string.
The reason is this:
size_t unhashedstrlength = sizeof(unhashedcstr);
Here, sizeof(unhashedcstr) is the size of the unhashedcstr pointer itself (which is of type const char*), not the size of the null-terminated C-style string this unhashedcstr pointer is pointing to. You are compiling a 32-bit program, so the size of a pointer is 4 bytes. Thus, unhashedstrlength is 4.
To get the length of the C-style string, you can do this instead:
size_t unhashedstrlength = strlen(unhashedcstr);
But just as a comment, in modern C++, you should avoid using raw pointers (such as const char*, char*, unsigned char*), C functions (like strlen(), strcpy_s()) and manual memory management (new / delete and new[] / delete[]). You should prefer to use std::string and/or std::vector<unsigned char> instead, wherever possible. When you need to pass a buffer's address to an API function, you can use std::string::data(), std::vector::data(), or more generally, std::data().
By the way, you currently leak memory: you dynamically allocate buffers using new[], but you never deallocate those (using delete[]). So that memory is released by the OS only after the program exits. This is called a memory leak.
I was asked in an interview to serialize data (so it could be stored in a buffer and sent over some network). This is what I came up with -
struct AMG_ANGLES {
float yaw;
float pitch;
float roll;
char b[sizeof(struct AMG_ANGLES)];
char* encode(struct AMG_ANGLES *a)
std::memcpy(b, &a, sizeof(struct AMG_ANGLES));
return b;
void decode(char* data)
// check endianess
AMG_ANGLES *tmp; //Re-make the struct
std::memcpy(&tmp, data, sizeof(tmp));
Is this correct? Can anyone give alternate designs? I did not get callback so I'm just trying to learn what I could have improved.
Is this correct?
Most likely, no.
The point of serialization is to convert the data into a form that is completely platform independent - e.g. does not rely on things like endianess or if a float is an IEEE 754 or something very different. This requires:
a) strict agreement on the intended format - e.g. if it's some kind of text (XML, JSON, CSV, ...) or if it's "raw binary" with explicit definitions of the meaning of each individual byte (e.g. like maybe "byte 1 is always the lowest 8 bits of the significand").
b) correct conversion to whatever the intended format is (e.g. maybe like ensuring that byte 1 is always the lowest 8 bits of the significand regardless of any/all platform differences)
However; it is at least technically possible that the code is not supposed to be portable and the specification ("agreement on the intended format") happens to match what you ended up with for the only platform that the code is designed for; and therefore it's at least technically possible that the code is correct.
There could be lots of improvements, but instead of telling all of them I suggest you to examine into cereal . It is widely used serialization/deserialization library, so lots of keypoints are thought.
Some of my thoughts are :
Your code depends on hardware which the program running on because of alignment and endianness. So the serialized data is not portable and compiler dependant.
char* encode(struct AMG_ANGLES *a) function returns char*, it is possibly leaked. To prevent the issue, let std::unique_ptr<T> decide its lifetime or wrap it with a class. But get rid of pointers somehow.
Templatize your serialize/deserialize operations. Otherwise, you could write same functions for other types.
template<typename T>
char* encode( T* a ) // I leave signature as is, just to demonstrate
std::memcpy( b , &a , sizeof(T) );
return b;
If the format is up to you, it is better to prefer human readable ones rather than binary archiving such as JSON, XML
can someone give alternate design in C?
The "standard" way would be to use printf and scanf to create an ascii representation of the data:
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
struct AMG_ANGLES {
float yaw;
float pitch;
float roll;
// declare a buffer at least this long to be sure encode works properly
3 * ( /* 3 floats */ \
2 + /* digit and dot */ \
FLT_DECIMAL_DIG - 1 + /* digits after dot */ \
4 /* the 'e±dd' part */ \
) \
+ 2 /* spaces */ \
+ 1 /* zero terminating character */ \
int encode(char *dest, size_t destsize, const struct AMG_ANGLES *a) {
return snprintf(dest, destsize, "%.*e %.*e %.*e",
FLT_DECIMAL_DIG - 1, a->yaw,
FLT_DECIMAL_DIG - 1, a->pitch,
FLT_DECIMAL_DIG - 1, a->roll);
// my pedantic self wants to add `assert(snprintf_ret < AMG_ANGLES_BUFSIZE);`
int decode(struct AMG_ANGLES *dest, const char *data) {
return sscanf(data, "%e %e %e", &dest->yaw, &dest->pitch, &dest->roll) == 3 ? 0 : -1;
int main() {
const struct AMG_ANGLES a = { FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN };
encode(buf, sizeof(buf), &a);
struct AMG_ANGLES b;
const int decoderet = decode(&b, buf);
assert(decoderet == 0);
assert(b.yaw == FLT_MIN);
assert(b.pitch == FLT_MAX);
assert(b.roll == FLT_MIN);
However in bare-metal embedded I try not to use scanf - it's a big function with some dependencies. So it's better to call strtof itself, but it needs some thinking:
int decode2(struct AMG_ANGLES *dest, const char *data) {
errno = 0;
char *endptr = NULL;
dest->yaw = strtof(data, &endptr);
if (errno != 0 || endptr == data) return -1;
if (*endptr != ' ') return -1;
data = endptr + 1;
dest->pitch = strtof(data, &endptr);
if (errno != 0 || endptr == data) return -1;
if (*endptr != ' ') return -1;
data = endptr + 1;
dest->roll = strtof(data, &endptr);
if (errno != 0 || endptr == data) return -1;
if (*endptr != '\0') return -1;
return 0;
or with removed code duplication:
int decode2(struct AMG_ANGLES *dest, const char *data) {
// array of pointers to floats to fill
float * const dests[] = { &dest->yaw, &dest->pitch, &dest->roll };
const size_t dests_cnt = sizeof(dests)/sizeof(*dests);
errno = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dests_cnt; ++i) {
char *endptr = NULL;
*dests[i] = strtof(data, &endptr);
if (errno != 0 || endptr == data) return -1;
// space separates numbers, last number is followed by zero
const char should_be_char = i != dests_cnt - 1 ? ' ' : '\0';
if (*endptr != should_be_char) return -1;
data = endptr + 1;
return 0;
I needed to use some google and re-read chux answers to properly recall how to use FLT_DECIMAL_DIG in printf to print floats, that's most probably because I rarely worked with floats.
Keep in mind that, when using memcpy different architectures and different compilers will apply padding and endianness differently. To prevent the padding of the struct you could use an attribute provided by GCC
__attribute__ ((packed))
Nevertheless, this does not protect you from alternating endiannes.
The code for serializing and deserializing using memcpy might look like this:
#include <memory>
#include <cstring>
struct __attribute__((packed)) AMG_ANGLES {
float yaw;
float pitch;
float roll;
//The buffer is expected to be the same size as the T
template<typename T>
int serialize(const T &data,const std::unique_ptr<char[]> &buffer){
std::memcpy(buffer.get(), &data, sizeof(T));
return sizeof(T);
//The buffer is expected to be the same size as the ReturnType
template<typename ReturnType>
ReturnType deserialize(const std::unique_ptr<char[]> &buffer){
ReturnType tmp;
std::memcpy(&tmp, buffer.get(), sizeof(ReturnType));
return tmp;
int main()
struct AMG_ANGLES angles = {1.2, 1.3, 1.0};
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[sizeof(struct AMG_ANGLES)]);
int size = serialize(angles, buffer);
struct AMG_ANGLES angles_serialized = deserialize<AMG_ANGLES>(buffer);
It's better to make some kinds of class like std::stringstream..
std::stringstream is not good to save binary data but it works the same way you want.
so I could make some example that works with std::stringstream..
This code implement only for serialization but it also add code for deserialization.
// C++11
template < typename T, typename decltype(std::declval<T>().to_string())* = nullptr>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, T&& val)
auto str = val.to_string();
std::operator <<(stream, str);
return stream;
struct AMG_ANGLES {
float yaw;
float pitch;
float roll;
std::string to_string() const
std::stringstream stream;
stream << yaw << pitch << roll;
return stream.str();
void Test()
std::stringstream stream;
stream << 3 << "Hello world" << AMG_ANGLES{1.f, 2.f, 3.f };
so I am trying to convert some integers in to character arrays that my terminal can write. so I can see the value of my codes calculations for debugging purposes when its running.
as in if the int_t count = 57 I want the terminal to write 57.
so char* would be an array of character of 5 and 7
The kicker here though is that this is in an freestanding environment so that means no standard c++ library.
this means No std::string, no c_str, no _tostring, I cant just print integers.
The headers I have access to are iso646,stddef,float,limits,stdint,stdalign, stdarg, stdbool and stdnoreturn
Ive tried a few things from casting the int as an const char*, witch just led to random characters being displayed. To feeding my compiler different headers from the GCC collection but they just keeped needing other headers that I continued feeding it until I did not know what header the compiler wanted.
so here is where the code needs to be used to be printed.
uint8_t count = 0;
while (true)
terminal_writestring((const char*)count);
any advice with this would be greatly appreciated.
I am using an gnu, g++ cross compiler targeted at 686-elf and I guess I am using C++11 since I have access to stdnoreturn.h but it could be C++14 since I only just built the compiler with the latest gnu software dependencies.
Without C/C++ Standard Library you have no options except writing conversion function manually, e.g.:
template <int N>
const char* uint_to_string(
unsigned int val,
char (&str)[N],
unsigned int base = 10)
static_assert(N > 1, "Buffer too small");
static const char* const digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
if (base < 2 || base > 16) return nullptr;
int i = N - 1;
str[i] = 0;
str[i] = digits[val % base];
val /= base;
while (val != 0 && i > 0);
return val == 0 ? str + i : nullptr;
template <int N>
const char* int_to_string(
int val,
char (&str)[N],
unsigned int base = 10)
// Output as unsigned.
if (val >= 0) return uint_to_string(val, str, base);
// Output as binary representation if base is not decimal.
if (base != 10) return uint_to_string(val, str, base);
// Output signed decimal representation.
const char* res = uint_to_string(-val, str, base);
// Buffer has place for minus sign
if (res > str)
const auto i = res - str - 1;
str[i] = '-';
return str + i;
else return nullptr;
char buf[100];
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(42, buf)); // Will print '42'
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(42, buf, 2)); // Will print '101010'
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(42, buf, 8)); // Will print '52'
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(42, buf, 16)); // Will print '2A'
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(-42, buf)); // Will print '-42'
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(-42, buf, 2)); // Will print '11111111111111111111111111010110'
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(-42, buf, 8)); // Will print '37777777726'
terminal_writestring(int_to_string(-42, buf, 16)); // Will print 'FFFFFFD6'
Live example: http://cpp.sh/5ras
You could declare a string and get the pointer to it :
std::string str = std::to_string(count);
str += "\n";
#define msize 4096
struct memory
int a[msize];
void read(struct memory *m)
int i;
int main()
struct memory m;
m.a[0]=250; // temperature value of 25,0
m.a[4]=01; // heater status OFF
m.a[8]=240; // temperature value of 24,0
m.a[12]=00; // heater status ON
m.a[16]=220; // temperature value of 22,0
m.a[20]=00; // heater status ON
return 0;
I have created a structure of a particular memory size and inserted some values to the array and reading those values from the array. I have a difficulty to convert this value to ASCII.
In for(i=0;i<sizeof(msize);i++), it will not be i<4096,rather it will compare i to the size of an integer on your platform.In 32-bit systems,it will be 4.So the loop will exit after just 4 iterations.
Further in your function, &m->a[i] will be m->a[i] as m is a pointer.
PS There is something very wrong with the logic of your program.You are assigning some values to the array elements in main(),but are overwriting the same in the function read().
As for converting integer values from an array to ASCII, it's fairly simple.You just have to use the %c format specifier and pass the array elements are arguments.But I must point out there aren't 450 ASCII values to print.Since a character only has one byte,the max you can manage with it is 256 characters.
PS Many of the ASCII characters you want to print are not print-able.One is whose ASCII value equals 0.
My suggestion is inputting by character if you want to store in ASCII.
like this
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define msize 4096
struct memory {
char a[msize];
m.a[0]=250; // temperature value of 25,0
m.a[4]=01; // heater status OFF
m.a[8]=240; // temperature value of 24,0
m.a[12]=00; // heater status ON
m.a[16]=220;// temperature value of 22,0
m.a[20]=00; // heater status ON
int read(struct memory *m){
char inputbuff[4+1];
int i=0;
memset(m->a, ' ', sizeof(m->a)/sizeof(m->a[0]));//initialize by space
printf("input temperature value e.g.25,0 : 250(and enter)\n");
fgets(inputbuff, sizeof(inputbuff), stdin);
strncpy(m->a + i*4, inputbuff, 3);
printf("input heater status ON or OFF e.g.ON : 00 , OFF : 01(and enter)\n");
fgets(inputbuff, sizeof(inputbuff), stdin);
strncpy(m->a + (i+1)*4, inputbuff, 2);
i += 1;
printf("continue input? (y or n) : ");
fgets(inputbuff, sizeof(inputbuff), stdin);
if(*inputbuff=='n' || *inputbuff=='N'){
return i;
int main(void){
struct memory m;
//check print
printf("%s\n", m.a);
return 0;
ADD for more
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define msize 4098
int *storeInt(void *address){
int *ip =(int*)address;
*ip = 777;//ip[0]=777;ip[1]=888;...
return ip;
char *storeChars(void *address){
char *cp =(char*)address;
strcpy(cp, "hello");
return cp;
void dump(void *address, size_t length){
unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char*)address;
size_t i;
if(i % 16 == 0) printf("\n");
printf("%02X ", *cp++);
int main(void){
static char memory[msize];//create a static memory of a particular size
char *block1, *block2;
block1 = &memory[0];
block2 = &memory[1024*2];//split a virtual
int *ip;
ip=storeInt(block1);//store some values in the memory
printf("%d\n", *ip);//read the values from the memory
char *cp;
cp=storeChars(block2);//set hello\0
printf("%s\n", cp);//say hello
char ascValue[12];
int value = *ip;//777
//convert "value of int" to Ascii
sprintf(ascValue, "%d", value);
//Display it
printf("value is %s\n", ascValue);
dump(block1, 8);
dump(block2, 8);
return 0;
If your read() function is intended to read from memory and print to a terminal then you should be using printf() instead of scanf(). printf() will convert integer values to ASCII through the %d format string. scanf() reads from the standard input and stores to memory. scanf() converts from ASCII to integer through the %d format string.
I'm reading a string from a file so it's in the form of a char array. I need to tokenize the string and save each char array token as a uint8_t hex value in an array.
char* starting = "001122AABBCC";
// ...
uint8_t[] ending = {0x00,0x11,0x22,0xAA,0xBB,0xCC}
How can I convert from starting to ending? Thanks.
Here is a complete working program. It is based on Rob I's solution, but fixes several problems has been tested to work.
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
const char* starting = "001122AABBCC";
int main()
std::string starting_str = starting;
std::vector<unsigned char> ending;
ending.reserve( starting_str.size());
for (int i = 0 ; i < starting_str.length() ; i+=2) {
std::string pair = starting_str.substr( i, 2 );
ending.push_back(::strtol( pair.c_str(), 0, 16 ));
for(int i=0; i<ending.size(); ++i) {
printf("0x%X\n", ending[i]);
strtoul will convert text in any base you choose into bytes. You have to do a little work to chop the input string into individual digits, or you can convert 32 or 64bits at a time.
ps uint8_t[] ending = {0x00,0x11,0x22,0xAA,0xBB,0xCC}
Doesn't mean anything, you aren't storing the data in a uint8 as 'hex', you are storing bytes, it's upto how you (or your debugger) interpretes the binary data
With C++11, you may use std::stoi for that :
std::vector<uint8_t> convert(const std::string& s)
if (s.size() % 2 != 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Bad size argument");
std::vector<uint8_t> res;
res.reserve(s.size() / 2);
for (std::size_t i = 0, size = s.size(); i != size; i += 2) {
std::size_t pos = 0;
res.push_back(std::stoi(s.substr(i, 2), &pos, 16));
if (pos != 2) {
throw std::runtime_error("bad character in argument");
return res;
Live example.
I think any canonical answer (w.r.t. the bounty notes) would involve some distinct phases in the solution:
Error checking for valid input
Length check and
Data content check
Element conversion
Output creation
Given the usefulness of such conversions, the solution should probably include some flexibility w.r.t. the types being used and the locale required.
From the outset, given the date of the request for a "more canonical answer" (circa August 2014) liberal use of C++11 will be applied.
An annotated version of the code, with types corresponding to the OP:
std::vector<std::uint8_t> convert(std::string const& src)
// error check on the length
if ((src.length() % 2) != 0) {
throw std::invalid_argument("conversion error: input is not even length");
auto ishex = [] (decltype(*src.begin()) c) {
return std::isxdigit(c, std::locale()); };
// error check on the data contents
if (!std::all_of(std::begin(src), std::end(src), ishex)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("conversion error: input values are not not all xdigits");
// allocate the result, initialised to 0 and size it to the correct length
std::vector<std::uint8_t> result(src.length() / 2, 0);
// run the actual conversion
auto str = src.begin(); // track the location in the string
std::for_each(result.begin(), result.end(), [&str](decltype(*result.begin())& element) {
element = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(std::stoul(std::string(str, str + 2), nullptr, 16));
std::advance(str, 2); // next two elements
return result;
The template version of the code adds flexibility;
template <typename Int /*= std::uint8_t*/,
typename Char = char,
typename Traits = std::char_traits<Char>,
typename Allocate = std::allocator<Char>,
typename Locale = std::locale>
std::vector<Int> basic_convert(std::basic_string<Char, Traits, Allocate> const& src, Locale locale = Locale())
using string_type = std::basic_string<Char, Traits, Allocate>;
auto ishex = [&locale] (decltype(*src.begin()) c) {
return std::isxdigit(c, locale); };
if ((src.length() % 2) != 0) {
throw std::invalid_argument("conversion error: input is not even length");
if (!std::all_of(std::begin(src), std::end(src), ishex)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("conversion error: input values are not not all xdigits");
std::vector<Int> result(src.length() / 2, 0);
auto str = std::begin(src);
std::for_each(std::begin(result), std::end(result), [&str](decltype(*std::begin(result))& element) {
element = static_cast<Int>(std::stoul(string_type(str, str + 2), nullptr, 16));
std::advance(str, 2);
return result;
The convert() function can then be based on the basic_convert() as follows:
std::vector<std::uint8_t> convert(std::string const& src)
return basic_convert<std::uint8_t>(src, std::locale());
Live sample.
uint8_t is typically no more than a typedef of an unsigned char. If you're reading characters from a file, you should be able to read them into an unsigned char array just as easily as a signed char array, and an unsigned char array is a uint8_t array.
I'd try something like this:
std::string starting_str = starting;
uint8_t[] ending = new uint8_t[starting_str.length()/2];
for (int i = 0 ; i < starting_str.length() ; i+=2) {
std::string pair = starting_str.substr( i, i+2 );
ending[i/2] = ::strtol( pair.c_str(), 0, 16 );
Didn't test it but it looks good to me...
You may add your own conversion from set of char { '0','1',...'E','F' } to uint8_t:
uint8_t ctoa(char c)
if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) return c - '0';
else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) return 0xA + c - 'a';
else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) return 0xA + c - 'A';
else return 0;
Then it will be easy to convert a string in to array:
uint32_t endingSize = strlen(starting)/2;
uint8_t* ending = new uint8_t[endingSize];
for( uint32_t i=0; i<endingSize; i++ )
ending[i] = ( ctoa( starting[i*2] ) << 4 ) + ctoa( starting[i*2+1] );
This simple solution should work for your problem
char* starting = "001122AABBCC";
uint8_t ending[12];
// This algo will work for any size of starting
// However, you have to make sure that the ending have enough space.
int i=0;
while (i<strlen(starting))
// convert the character to string
char str[2] = "\0";
str[0] = starting[i];
// convert string to int base 16
ending[i]= (uint8_t)atoi(str,16);
uint8_t* ending = static_cast<uint8_t*>(starting);