GitHub Pages User Project Custom Domain - github-pages

I am trying to use the custom domain for my GitHub project page found at
I'm most of the way there. But at the moment, shows a white screen with a console error of GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404.
I assume this means that the is being replaced with instead of replacing the whole GH Page URL with my custom domain.
I have the 4 A records that GitHub specify, and the CNAME pointing to as they suggest.
Supplementary info: I'm using create-react-app and gh-pages to deploy to GH Pages
What am I doing wrong?

It turns out I needed to update the homepage field in my package.json file.
Read more about the answer here:


Why not create (github page)

I have created github page.
When I access my page, I get a 404 error. I can not find the site. (
There seems to be a limit to the creation. Help.
When I create a GitHub-page, the URL is - So, try adding the name of your project to the URL (Like You can also see the link to your GitHub-page in the settings of your repository.

Sub-pages on a GitHub pages site

I've just set up a new GitHub Pages page: I'm not using Jekyll.
My GitHub repo has a web folder that itself contains a number of sub-folders, e.g. web/2044. Within each is an html file, with a name such as Abbey-Academies-Trust.html.
I was expecting to be able to view the relevant page at, but I'm getting a 404 error.
In that particular folder - web/2044 - I've also created an index.html file, but I'm getting a 404 error for too.
I'm clearly missing something, but I can't see anything in the documentation that suggests why this isn't working.
For the first url, it's a caps problem on Trust :
For the second url everything is ok. The problem was certainly that you have near 2000 pages and that Github page took a while to generate your site.

Sitecore Homepage Shows Error Message, but is viewable at different URL

In my sitecore instance, (8.2 rev 170407), I'm having an issue viewing the homepage in both my dev enviroment and my staging server. Going to the homepage (the root of the server) redirects to this URL
The message says:
The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) may have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Additional Information:
Requested URL: /
Requested Layout: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Requested Device: Default
In testing this, I set the Home item to have an alias of /home, which I can visit and see the page looking fine.
This issue began when I set up Helix via the Yeoman script, and built it in VS2015. This is my first Sitecore Site so I handily accept that I made a mistake -- for example when I built the Solution for the first time it overwrote my Web.config. I had a backup of that Web.config and was able to bring the site back online but the Homepage has eluded me.
I've published, and republished. In my naive experience, I find it odd I can see the homepage at /home but not /. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

middleman blog articles not rendered on github pages

I've deployed my blog to github pages. Index page works fine, but when I click on post page, it forces browser to download file instead of rendering post.
I want to use pretty urls so I've followed middleman docs.
I get this error 'Failed to load resource: frame loading interrupted'
In my config file I have:
activate :directory_indexes
set :relative_links, true
activate :blog do |blog|
blog.prefix = "blog"
blog.permalink = ":year/:month/:title"
It works fine locally though. Any idea?
ok so the issue was that files generated after build process were missing extension (html).
Since directory_indexes option is on, you should end up with directory/index.html, where directory's name is actually your blog post name.
To fix it, make sure you add the extension to permalink settings, just like that.
blog.permalink = "{year}/{month}/{title}.html"

github user pages for my domain not working

i have a domain and i want to host some static pages for that domain on github.
I'm using User pages not the project pages on github.
What i did :
1). created a github repo called
2). under master branch of repo i have index.html, CNAME, files.
In CNAME file i have my domain mentioned.
when navyad.github.iois entered in browser, it takes me to the But the index file is not displayed. instead it is going to the page from where i have bought that domain
what can be the issue ?.
That should mean that:
You did follow the first part of the GitHub help page on custom domain: "Setting the domain in your repo", and GitHub does take you to your actual domain
But you might not have completed the second step "Setting up DNS", which you should do in the administration page, setting up an A record pointing to