Why not create github.io (github page) - github-pages

I have created github page.
URL : https://github.com/khkong/khkong.github.io
When I access my page, I get a 404 error. I can not find the site. (https://khkong.github.io)
There seems to be a limit to the creation. Help.

When I create a GitHub-page, the URL is https://adarkhero.github.io/PROJECTNAME/ - So, try adding the name of your project to the URL (Like https://khkong.github.io/testproject). You can also see the link to your GitHub-page in the settings of your repository.


404 not found . hekp me to solve this

I made my own page in github but it doesn’t open it's only showing 404 not found. All this for coursera HTML, CSS, Java Script course.
Here's my page
The default Jekyll configuration would generate a site in _site, not site.
Try and set in config.yml your destination : ./site, and see if the site/ folder would be now recognized as GitHub pages.
If not, try and follow the documentation, like this step by step tutorial.

GitHub Pages User Project Custom Domain

I am trying to use the custom domain https://tahdo.app/ for my GitHub project page found at https://votemike.github.io/todo/
I'm most of the way there. But at the moment, https://tahdo.app/ shows a white screen with a console error of GET https://tahdo.app/todo/static/css/main.3bffc114.chunk.css net::ERR_ABORTED 404.
I assume this means that the https://votemike.github.io is being replaced with https://tahdo.app/ instead of replacing the whole GH Page URL with my custom domain.
I have the 4 A records that GitHub specify, and the CNAME pointing to votemike.github.io as they suggest.
Supplementary info: I'm using create-react-app and gh-pages to deploy to GH Pages
What am I doing wrong?
It turns out I needed to update the homepage field in my package.json file.
Read more about the answer here: https://dev.to/brettcnelson/getting-create-react-app-to-work-with-custom-domains-on-github-user-project-pages-2hp2

Sub-pages on a GitHub pages site

I've just set up a new GitHub Pages page: https://philipnye.github.io/ainfo. I'm not using Jekyll.
My GitHub repo has a web folder that itself contains a number of sub-folders, e.g. web/2044. Within each is an html file, with a name such as Abbey-Academies-Trust.html.
I was expecting to be able to view the relevant page at https://philipnye.github.io/ainfo/web/2044/Abbey-Academies-trust.html, but I'm getting a 404 error.
In that particular folder - web/2044 - I've also created an index.html file, but I'm getting a 404 error for https://philipnye.github.io/ainfo/web/2044/index.html too.
I'm clearly missing something, but I can't see anything in the documentation that suggests why this isn't working.
For the first url, it's a caps problem on Trust : https://philipnye.github.io/ainfo/web/2044/Abbey-Academies-Trust.html.
For the second url everything is ok. The problem was certainly that you have near 2000 pages and that Github page took a while to generate your site.

GitHub pages index page url

I just created my first GitHub page.
I created new repository with the name of my user name and I pushed index.html file to master branch. Everything according to documentation.
They said in the documentation, that i can access my index page by http(s)://username.github.io url.
But I get 404 at this url. I have to type http(s)://username.github.io/USERNAME to make it working.
https://vadzvnik.github.io/vadzvnik/ - works
https://vadzvnik.github.io - doesn't work
Maybe someone already had this issue? How to make it working with out username at the end of the url?
Thank you for your help.
Dude, your problem is that you created a repository with just your username so it will be live at https://USERNAME.github.io/USERNAME, to make it appear on your root domain you need to create a new repository or rename it to username.github.io in your case vadzvnik.github.io that will make your website be at https://vadzvnik.github.io. Hope I helped you.

sitecore Access denied error

I am using Sitecore 7.2 and have created many content items, everything is working fine except items in an "admin" folder.
When I try to access Blog admin from admin folder, I get noaccess error, I have checked permissions and they look fine. The following string is added to the URL and redirect to the my 404 page.
I have inherited this project from a different developer, so I am trying to figure out if any config can disable the access or not.
I have also tried removing all renderings but still getting same error.
Items are published properly and I have checked them in Sitecore web database.
Where should I look to find out the problem?