Converting an AWS Lambda Function into a container - amazon-web-services

I currently have a bunch of AWS Lambda functions and would like to spin them each up in containers (preferably Docker) to integrate with the current CICD pipeline. It's totally OK to have these containers spun up in an Amazon service such as Fargate -- the important thing is that it must be spun up in a container. The closest thing I've found is this repo by Amazon that converts images into Lambdas, though this is the opposite of what I'm looking for.
Is this task possible, and if so what's the best way to go about it?

Behind the scenes, a Lambda "function" is a Python script that listens for invocation events and invokes the actual handler function. This means that you can pretty easily invoke the function using the standard Python "script" code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = # this is the tricky part
ctx = # some dict that looks like what Lambda expects
handler(args, ctx)
These two parameters are just dicts, so if you can populate them with something that looks right then you can wrap the entire thing in a container and deploy it to ECS or Batch, or your own Docker daemon.
The problem is how you populate them, and that depends on what your lambda functions do -- which you don't say -- and how they're invoked -- which you also don't say.
You could use command-line parameters. For example, if your lambda is intended to respond to an S3 PutObject operation, then all you really need is the bucket and key name. From that you can easily create a dummy S3 invocation event, using fake values for all of the other fields.
If you invoke your Lambda in response to an SQS message it's even easier: your "main" handler enters a loop that polls SQS, and reformats the messages that it pulls off the queue.
Other event sources are going to be much harder. It may make sense (depending on why you're doing this) to use SQS for all invocations, and simply pass a fully-formed event message into the queue.


Patterns for HTTP endpoint Lambda calling other Lambdas and returning value to user

i have a question about lambda anti patterns, and how to address my specific situation.
My current setup is this:
user/webpage -> ApiGateway -> Lambda1 -> synchronously calls Lambda2 (my other microservice) -> back to lambda1 -> back to user
Currently my lambda2 is behind an apigateway as well, but I toyed with idea of invoking directly. Either way it's basically another microservice that I control.
I understand that generally, lambdas calling other lambdas are considered an antipattern. All the blogs/threads/etc online mention using stepfunctions instead, or sqs, or something else.
In my situation, I don't see how I could use stepfunctions, since I have to return something to the webpage/user. If I used a stepfunction, it seems like I would have to then poll for the results, or maybe use websockets; basically in my webpage I would not be able to just call my endpoint and get a result, I'd have to have some way to asynchronously get my result.
Similarly with a queue, or any other solution I saw online, it's basically all asynchronous.
Is there any other pattern or way of doing this?
While invoking a lambda from another lambda, everything will work fine except when the second lambda timeouts or it throttles. If your business logic is built in such a way that failures are handled gracefully and has idempotent behaviour built in, then a lambda calling another lambda (via API gateway or direct invocation) should work fine. Having said that, AWS has come out with Synchronous Express Workflows for AWS Step Functions. The linked blog has detailed examples of using it. The only caveat here is that your entire operation should get over in 5 minutes. The maximum duration an express workflow can run is 5min. So if your application flow is completing within that time limit then this is the recommended way of orchestrating services.

Have Lambda function dispatch a task and return response right away

Im a little confused since AWS has a lot of features and I do not know what to use.
So, I was creating a Lambda function that does a lot of stuff with a remote web, process could last at least a minute.
So my idea was creating an API that calls this lambda, have lambda create an unique ID and return a response right away to the client with a token., save this token to a DB.
Then have lambda process all this stuff with a remote web and, when it finishes, save the results to the DB and a bucket (a file), so this result is ready to deliver when the client makes another call to another API that makes a query to the DB to know the status of this process.
Thing is, it seems that if a response is sent from the handler, lambda terminates the execution, Im afraid the processing with the remote web will never finish.
I have read that step functions is the way to go, but I cant figure out which service will take the processing, ¿maybe another lambda?
Is there another service that is more suitable for this type of work?, this process involves scrapping a page and downloading files, is written in python.
I have read that step functions is the way to go, but I cant figure
out which service will take the processing, ¿maybe another lambda?
Yes, another Lambda function would do the background processing. You could also just have the first Lambda invoke a second Lambda directly, without using Step Functions. Or the first Lambda could place the task info in an SQS queue that another Lambda polls.
Is there another service that is more suitable for this type of work?
Lambda functions are fine for this. You just need to split your task into multiple functions somehow, either by one Lambda calling the other directly, or by using Step Functions, or an SQS queue or something.

Lambda Low Latency Messaging Options

I have a Lambda that requires messages to be sent to another Lambda to perform some action. In my particular case it is passing a message to a Lambda in order for it to perform HTTP requests and refresh cache entries.
Currently I am relying on the AWS SDK to send an SQS message. The mechanics of this are working fine. The concern that I have is that the SQS send method call takes around 50ms on average to complete. Considering I'm in a Lambda, I am unable to perform this in the background and expect for it to complete before the Lambda returns and is frozen.
This is further compounded if I need to make multiple SQS send calls, which is particularly bad as the Lambda is responsible for responding to low-latency HTTP requests.
Are there any alternatives in AWS for communicating between Lambdas that does not require a synchronous API call, and that exhibits more of a fire and forget and asynchronous behavior?
Though there are several approaches to trigger one lambda from another, (in my experience) one of the fastest methods would be to directly trigger the ultimate lambda's ARN.
Did you try invoking one Lambda from the other using AWS SDKs?
(for e.g. in Python using Boto3, I achieved it like this).
See below, the parameter InvocationType = 'Event' helps in invoking target Lambda asynchronously.
Below code takes 2 parameters (name, which can be either your target Lambda function's name or its ARN, params is a JSON object with input parameters you would want to pass as input). Try it out!
import boto3, json
def invoke_lambda(name, params):
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
params_bytes = json.dumps(params).encode()
response = lambda_client.invoke(FunctionName = name,
InvocationType = 'Event',
LogType = 'Tail',
Payload = params_bytes)
except ClientError as e:
return None
return response
Hope it helps!
For more, refer to Lambda's Invoke Event on Boto3 docs.
Alternatively, you can use Lambda's Async Invoke as well.
It's difficult to give exact answers without knowing what language are you writing the Lambda function in. To at least make "warm" function invocations faster I would make sure you are creating the SQS client outside of the Lambda event handler so it can reuse the connection. The AWS SDK should use an HTTP connection pool so it doesn't have to re-establish a connection and go through the SSL handshake and all that every time you make an SQS request, as long as you reuse the SQS client.
If that's still not fast enough, I would have the Lambda function handling the HTTP request pass off the "background" work to another Lambda function, via an asynchronous call. Then the first Lambda function can return an HTTP response, while the second Lambda function continues to do work.
You might also try to use Lambda Destinations depending on you use case. With this you don't need to put things in a queue manually.
But it limits your flexibility. From my point of view chaining lambdas directly is an antipattern and if you would need that, go for step functions

Send push notifications/emails when a query/mutation happends in AppSync/Aurora

I am using AppSync with Aurora/RDS.
I would like that in some cases, when a query/mutation is sent to the db, then, after that, I want to send an email and push notification, but this should be detached from the query/mutation, that is, it does not matter if it fails or works.
At the moment I see all these options:
Can you tell me which one I should use?
Create a query that calls a lambda function that sends the
push/email and call it from the client once the actual
query/mutation is done. I don't like this because the logic is in
the client rather than the server. Seems easy to implement, and I
guess it is easy to ignore the result of the second operation from a
client point of view.
A variation of the previous one. Pack both operations in a single
network request. With GraphQL, that is easy, but I don't want the
client waits for the second operation. (Is it possible to create
lambda functions that return immediately, like a trigger of other
Attach my queries/mutations to lambda functions instead of RDS
directly. Then, those lambda functions call other lambda functions
for notifications. Seems more difficult to program, but more
micro-services architecture friendly. Probably this is the best one,
not sure.
Use SQL triggers and call lambda functions from those triggers. I
don't know if this is even possible. Researching...
Use pipelines resolvers. The first one is the query/mutation, the
second one is the lambda function that sends the push/email. I would
say this is a bad option because I don't want the client to wait for
the second operation or manage the logic when the second resolver
Amazon RDS Events: It appears it is possible to attach lambda
functions to specific AWS RDS events. It
seems it is about creating DBs, restoring... and that kind of
things. I don't see anything like creating a row, updating a row...
So, I discard this unless I am wrong.
Invoking a Lambda Function with an Aurora MySQL Stored Procedure
CALL mysql.lambda_async ( lambda_function_ARN,lambda_function_input )
"For example, you might want to send a notification using Amazon
Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) whenever a row is inserted
into a specific table in your database." That is exactly what I am
looking for. I like this idea, but I don't know if that is possible
with Aurora Serverless. Researching... It seems it is not possible
when using server-less:
Use step functions: No idea about how to use it.
Somehow, attach this lambda notification function to GraphQL/AppSync
instead of the database, but I guess it is not a good idea because I
need to read the database to the push notification token and the
email of the use who is going to receive the notifications.
Which method do you recommend me? I am using amplify cli.
Thanks a lot.
Currently AWS AppSync can only send notifications when the app is active. We are looking into implementation of the non active case.
If you want to send notifications when the app is not active, you can use the push notifications on iOS: silent push/interactive push or push notifications on Android.
If you want to send emails, voice/text message or notifications on phone when the app is not active, you can integrate with Amazon Pinpiont.

How do you run ('invoke') an AWS lambda function?

I have written and saved a lambda function. I see:
Congratulations! Your Lambda function "lambda_name" has been
successfully created. You can now change its code and configuration.
Choose Test to input a test event when you want to test your function.
Now how do I run it? I cannot see a 'run' or 'invoke' button as I would expect
The lambda doesn't accept any arguments (it's extremely simple - for the purposes of this question, please presume it's simply 2 * 2 so when I run it it should not require any inputs and should return 4).
Also note
I can see a tonne of different ways to run the lambda here. I just want the simplest way (preferably a button in the browser)
Sending a test message via the Lambda console will run your Lambda function. The test message that you configure will define what is in the event parameter of your lambda handler function.
Since you are not doing anything with that message, you can send any arbitrary test message and it should work for you. You can just use the default hello world message and give it an arbitrary name.
It should then show you the results: any logs or returned objects right in the AWS Lambda console.
Further reading here
AWS Lambda functions are typically triggered by an event, such as an object being uploaded to Amazon S3 or a message being send to an Amazon SNS topic.
This is because Lambda functions are great at doing a small task very often. Often, Lambda functions only run for a few seconds, or even less than a second! Thus, they are normally triggered in response to something else happening. It's a bit like when somebody rings your phone, which triggers you to answer the phone. You don't normally answer your phone when it isn't ringing.
However, it is also possible to directly invoke an AWS Lambda function using the Invoke() command in the AWS SDK. For convenience, you can also use the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) aws lambda invoke command. When directly invoking an AWS Lambda function, you can receive a return value. This is in contrast to situations where a Lambda function is triggered by an event, in which case there is nowhere to 'return' a value since it was not directly invoked.