Better to use each and check for type vs where to filter for the type in ActiveRecord Relation - ruby-on-rails-4

Wondering if say events is an ActiveRecord Relation that this...
events.each do |e|
next unless
is worse than this...
es = events.where(event_type: "game")
es.each do |e|
I was thinking that filtering via SQL may be faster than iterating over each but not sure if looping over each is no different in performance

Each is much slower. You should always prioritize ActiveRecord method/queries over vanilla Ruby.
es = events.where(event_type: "game")
es.find_each do |e|
events.where(...) will return an ActiveRecord relation. Because of that you can use find_each. The docs suggest not using find_each on small collections, but I like to plan for scalability
EDIT: If you have any limit or offset, find_each will ignore the limit and use the default find_in_batches which overwrites the limit to be 1000.


Neptune and Cypher - Poor Performance

I am wanting to use Neptune for an application with cypher as my query language. I have a pretty small dataset of around ~8500 nodes and ~8500 edges edges. I am trying to do what seem to be fairly straightforward queries, but the latency is very high (~6-8 seconds for around 1000 rows). I have tried with various instance types, enabling and disabling caches, enabling and disabling the OSGP index to no avail. I'm really at a loss as to why the query performance is so poor.
Does anyone have any experience with poor query query performance using Neptune? I feel I must be doing something incorrect to have such high query latency.
Here is some more detailed information on my graph structure and my query.
I have a graph with 2 node types A and B and a single edge type
MAPS_TO which always is directed from an A node to a B node. The relation is MAPS_TO is many to many, but with the current dataset
it is primarily one-to-one, i.e. the graph is mainly
disconnected subgraphs of the form:
What I would like to do is for all A nodes to collect the distinct B nodes which they map to satisfying some conditions. I've experimented with my queries a bit and the fastest one I've been able to arrive at is:
WHERE a.Owner = $owner AND a.IsPublic = true
MATCH (a)-[r:MAPS_TO]->(b:B)
WHERE (b)<-[:MAPS_TO {CreationReason: "origin"}]-(:A {Owner: $owner})
OR (b)<-[:MAPS_TO {CreationReason: "origin"}]-(:A {IsPublic: true})
WITH a, r, b ORDER BY a.AId SKIP 0 LIMIT 1000
} AS A, collect(distinct b {
B: {BId: b.BId, Name: b.Name, other properties on B nodes...}
R: {CreationReason: r.CreationReason, other relation properties}
The above query takes ~6 seconds on the t4g.medium instance type. I tried upping to a r5d.2xlarge instance type and this cut the query time in half to 3-4 seconds. However, using such a large instance type seems quite excessive for such a small amount of data.
Really I am just trying to figure out why my query seems to perform so poorly. It seems to me that with the amount of data I have it should not really be possible to have a Neptune configuration with such performance.
Unfortunately, there are many reasons that performance could be suffering, be it instance size, data not in buffer cache, instance size, concurrent processes, query optimization, etc. so it is hard to provide specific suggestions with the information available.
To better understand the issue, I'd suggest taking a look at how the query is being processed. These details can be found using the openCypher explain feature which will provide low-level details on what the query is doing and where the time is being spent. If possible, I suggest opening a support case with AWS support.

Slow insertion using Neptune and Gremlin

I'm having problems with the insertion using gremlin to Neptune.
I am trying to insert many nodes and edges, potentially hundred thousands of nodes and edges, with checking for existence.
Currently, we are using inject to insert the nodes, and the problem is that it is slow.
After running the explain command, we figured out that the problem was the coalesce and the where steps - it takes more than 99.9% of the run duration.
I want to insert each node and edge only if it doesn’t exist, and that’s why I am using the coalesce and where steps.
For example, the query we use to insert nodes with inject:
properties_list = [{‘uid’:’1642’},{‘uid’:’1322’}…]
.coalesce(__.unfold(), __.addV(label).property(Cardinality.single,'uid','1')))
With 1000 nodes in the graph and properties_list with 100 elements, running the query above takes around 30 seconds, and it gets slower as the number of nodes in the graph increases.
Running a naive injection with the same environment as the query above, without coalesce and where, takes less than 1 second.
I’d like to hear your suggestions and to know what are the best practices for inserting many nodes and edges (with checking for existence).
Thank you very much.
If you have a set of IDs that you want to check for existence, you can speed up the query significantly by also providing just a list of IDs to the query and calculating the intersection of the ones that exist upfront. Then, having calculated the set that need updates you can just apply them in one go. This will make a big difference. The reason you are running into problems is that the mid traversal V has a lot of work to do. In general it would be better to use actual IDs rather than properties (UID in your case). If that is not an option the same technique will work for property based IDs. The steps are:
Using inject or sideEffect insert the IDs to be found as one list and the corresponding map containing the changes to conditionally be applied in a separate map.
Find the intersection of the ones that exist and those that do not.
Using that set of non existing ones, apply the updates using the values in the set to index into your map.
Here is a concrete example. I used the graph-notebook for this but you can do the same thing in code:
ids = "['1','2','9998','9999']"
data = "[['id':'1','value':'XYZ'],['id':'9998','value':'ABC'],['id':'9999','value':'DEF']]"
we can do something like this:
which correctly finds the ones that do not already exist:
{'id': 9998, 'value': 'ABC'}
{'id': 9999, 'value': 'DEF'}
You can use this pattern to construct your conditional inserts a lot more efficiently (I hope :-) ). So to add the new vertices you might do:
As a side note, we are adding two new steps to Gremlin - mergeV and mergeE that will allow this to be done much more easily and in a more declarative style. Those new steps should be part of the TinkerPop 3.6 release.

Elasticsearch scoring on multiple indexes: dfs_query_then_fetch returns the same scores as query_then_fetch

I have multiple indices in Elasticsearch (and the corresponding documents in Django created using django-elasticsearch-dsl). All of the indices have these settings:
settings = {'number_of_shards': 1,
'number_of_replicas': 0}
Now, I am trying to perform a search across all the 10 indices. In order to retrieve consistent scoring between the results from different indices, I am using dfs_query_then_fetch:
search = Search(index=['mov*'])
search = search.params(search_type='dfs_query_then_fetch')
objects = search.query("multi_match", query='Tom & Jerry', fields=['title', 'actors'])
I get bad results due to inconsistent scoring. A book called 'A story of Jerry and his friend Tom' from one index can be ranked higher than the cartoon 'Tom & Jerry' from another index. The reason is that dfs_query_then_fetch is not working. When I remove it or substitute with the simple query_then_fetch, I get absolutely the same results with the identical scoring.
I have tested it on URI requests as well, and I always get the same scores for both search types.
What can be the reason for it?
UPDATE: The results are actually not the same, but they are only really slightly different, e.g. a score of 50.1 with dfs and 50.0 without dfs, while the same model within one index has a score of 80.0.
If the number of shards is 1, then dfs_query_then_fetch and query_then_fetch will return the same result. DFS query will do a query to all shards and then show you results based on the scores computed, but in this case there is only one shard.
Regarding the scoring, you might wanna have a look at your actors field too. Also, do let us know what are the analyzer and tokenizer if you have used custom ones?

Django filter exact m2m objects

Let's say I have a team model, and a team has members.
class Team(models.Model):
team_member = models.ManyToManyField('Employee')
class Employee(models.Model):
Lets say I have a list of employee ids like team_members = [1001, 1003, 1004] and I want to find the Team, that is made up of exactly those three members.
I don't want the team that has [1001, 1003, 1004, 1005] or the team that has [1001, 1003].
Only team [1001, 1003, 1004].
This is what I'm doing now:
teams = Team.objects.all()
for t in teams:
if set([ for x in t.team_member.all()]) == set(team_members):
team = t
if not team:
team = Team.objects.create()
team.team_member = team_members
But it seems a bit ham-handed. Is there a cleaner way, with fewer nested loops?
The short answer
No, I don't know of a much simpler way in terms of code appearance.
However there are some things you could do to make your code a little more graceful and potentially a lot faster. Plus it is possible to do the work in the database, albeit quite inefficiently for large team sizes.
The DB option listed below is pretty much as ham-handed as the for loop you provided, but could be more efficient depending on your data set, DB, etc.
Longer answer: ways to be less 'ham-handed'
There are a couple of places I'd clean up the style here.
Plus, in my experience with Django, loops like the one you built do tend to become pretty expensive on large data sets. If you end up loading, say, 10,000 teams into memory, having the ORM convert them to Team objects, and then iterating over them, you'll probably see some significant slowdown.
Two things to try for speed & grace:
Use Team.values_list('team_members') for your in-python filter loop, which skips the step where Django organizes all of the SQL data into Model objects. I've found this to save lots of time instantiating objects (sometimes around an order of magnitude).
straighten out your set() calls. Currently you're re-converting team_members to a set() on every iteration, plus you're turning t.team_member implicitly into TeamMember objects (as they're fetched from the DB), then into a list of ids and then into a set. For the first item, just make a team_members_set = set(team_members) up front and reuse it. For the second item, you can do set(t.team_member.values_list('id', flat=True)) which will skip the heaviest ORM step of instantiating TeamMembers (which could be as bad as O(n^2) in your example depending on the data set and Django's caching).
use Team.objects.all().iterator() to not load the Teams all into memory at once. This will help if you're running into memory issues.
But with any performance optimization, of course test your perf with real or real-ish data to be sure you're not making things worse!
Longer answer: the DB option
After trying all manner of Q() manipulation and other approaches listed in the answers here, to no avail, I found this answer by #Todor.
Basically you need to do repeated filter()s, one for each team_member. On top of that you use a Count filter to make sure that you don't end up choosing a Team with a superset of the desired members.
desired_members = [1001, 1003, 1004]
initial_queryset = Team.objects.annotate(cnt=models.Count('team_members')).filter(cnt=len(desired_members))
matching_teams = reduce( # Can of course use a for loop if you prefer that to reduce()
lambda queryset, member: queryset.filter(team_members=member),
Note that the resulting query will likely have perf issues for large teams, since it will do one JOIN for every one of your desired_members. It'd be nice to avoid that but I don't know of another way to do this all in the database without changing your data structure. I'd love to learn a better way, and if you end up doing some perf testing I'd be curious to find what you learn!
Maybe you can use annotate for the count of team_member. Can you try this?
To get the Team with those exact three members you can use:
Team.objects.get(team_member__pk=team_members) # This code was untested
You could also try with a list of Employee objects:
# team_members = Employee.objects.filter(pk__in=tem_members)
team_members = [<Employee: Employee object>, <Employee: Employee object>, <Employee: Employee object>]

JPA 2.0: Batching queries with IN clause

I am looking for a strategy to batch all my queries (with IN clause) to overcome the restrictions by databases on IN clause (See here).
I usually get list of size 100000 to 305000. So, this has become very important to tackle.
I have tried two strategies so far.
Strategy 1:
Create an entity and hence a table with one column to hold such values (can we create temp tables on the fly with JPA 2.0 vendor-independent?) and use the data from the temp table as a subquery to the original query before eventually cleaning up the temp table.
Advantage: Very performant queries. Really quick, I must admit for the numbers I have mentioned, it was mostly under a minute.
Possible drawback: Use of temp table which is actually a permanent one in my case thus far.
Strategy 2:
Calculate the batch size for the given input list and for each batch execute the query and accumulate the result.
Advantage: No temp tables. Easy for any threads within the same transaction.
Disadvantage: A big disadvantage is amount of time it takes to execute all the batches. For the mentioned numbers, this is at an unacceptable level at the moment. Takes anything between 5 to 15 mins!
I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions or improvements from all you JPA gurus.
I only tested up to 50,000 integers but I have some pretty good performance data around splitting large lists using various methods, with CLR and a numbers table leading the pack at the higher end:
Splitting a list of integers : another roundup
Not sure if you are using integers or strings but the results should be roughly equivalent.
As an aside, I'll confess I have no idea what JPA 2.0 is, but I assume you can control the format of the lists that it sends to SQL Server.