Trouble instaling ML.NET Model Builder package - visual-studio-2017

I´m trying to install ML.NET 1.0 package into Visual Studio 2017, so I can practice the ML.NET Model Builder,
Then I get the flollowing message:
This is my Visual Studio installation
So I wolud like to know I someone have the same problem, and how to solve it.


The module "%VSINSTALLDIR%\DIA SDK\bin\msdia140.dll" failed to load, while trying to install llvm on windows 10

I am trying to get started with compiler development using llvm, I follow official setup page on the 10th step and am getting the following error
The module "%VSINSTALLDIR%\DIA SDK\bin\msdia140.dll" failed to load make sure the binary is stored at specified path or debug it to check for problems with binary or dependent .DLL files. The specified module could not be found.
Visual Studio 2022 information :
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022
Version 17.1.6
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.04084
Installed Version: Community
Visual C++ 2022 00482-90000-00000-AA606
Microsoft Visual C++ 2022
ASP.NET and Web Tools 2019 17.1.363.30963
ASP.NET and Web Tools 2019
Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0 17.1.363.30963
Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0
C# Tools 4.1.0-5.22165.10+e555772db77ca828b02b4bd547c318387f11d01f
C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.
Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines
Microsoft MI-Based Debugger 1.0
Provides support for connecting Visual Studio to MI compatible debuggers
Microsoft Visual C++ Wizards 1.0
Microsoft Visual C++ Wizards
Microsoft Visual Studio VC Package 1.0
Microsoft Visual Studio VC Package
NuGet Package Manager 6.1.0
NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit
Test Adapter for Boost.Test 1.0
Enables Visual Studio's testing tools with unit tests written for Boost.Test. The use terms and Third Party Notices are available in the extension installation directory.
Test Adapter for Google Test 1.0
Enables Visual Studio's testing tools with unit tests written for Google Test. The use terms and Third Party Notices are available in the extension installation directory.
TypeScript Tools 17.0.1229.2001
TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
Visual Basic Tools 4.1.0-5.22165.10+e555772db77ca828b02b4bd547c318387f11d01f
Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.
Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter Host Package 1.0
Interop layer for hosting Visual Studio Code debug adapters in Visual Studio
Visual Studio IntelliCode 2.2
AI-assisted development for Visual Studio.
Visual Studio Tools for CMake 1.0
Visual Studio Tools for CMake
I am trying to get llvm up and running, The .dll files are available at the given location, please help.
$ ls
amd64/ arm/ arm64/ msdia140.dll*
I had the same problem as you at first, please read my solution carefully:
You need to use the cd command to enter the folder where you want to install LLVM. Regarding the cd command, I suggest you search for usage methods on Google, I believe it will be easier to understand than what I described.
The documentation mentions that You may install the llvm sources in
other location than c:\llvm but do not install into a path containing
spaces (e.g. c:\Documents and Settings...) as it will fail.
Run the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 as an administrator.
Enter regsvr32 "%VSINSTALLDIR%\DIA SDK\bin\msdia140.dll" to get the following result.
Please look carefully at Figure 1.

I am not able to create a unreal engine 4 c++ project

whenever i create a unreal engine 4 c++ project it throw this error
Running E:/program_files/UE_4.24/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project="D:/Game Development/MyProject2/MyProject2.uproject" -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project...
ERROR: Could not find NetFxSDK install dir; this will prevent SwarmInterface from installing. Install a version of .NET Framework SDK at 4.6.0 or higher.
I have installed ue4 4.24 version and visual studio 2019 and game development with c++ is also selected during the installination of visual studio 2019 . i downloaded .NET framework from microsoft website but when i install it says Your installination will not occur see below for reason why .NET Framework 4.8 or a later update is already installed on this computer. So what can i do Please Help Me !
Thanks in Advance
I had the same problem, when I tried downloaded .NET framework from microsoft website it said Your installation is not possible because .NET Framework 4.8 or a later update is already installed.
This fix worked:
"crioto: Hello! As mentioned in the output, you need to install/update .NET Framework. You can do this by running Microsoft Visual Studio Installer, then click on "Modify" next to installed version of Visual Studio, switch tab to Individual Components and check latest version of .NET SDK.*"
Modifying the VS Installer solved the Issue

Can't install DotNetNuke (DNN) Development Project Templates on Visual Studio 2017

I'm trying to create a DNN project in my Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.9.19), like described in
When I'm searching for "Dotnetnuke" in Marketplace I've no results.
If I try to install the vsix file downloaded from
I got this error:
Any kind of solution/advice will be great!
Thanks in advance!

How to ensure Visual studio updates the registry when installing compiler

I'm having a frustrating time trying to get the visual studio compiler up and running. I'm trying to install the visual studio compiler to use with matlab.
After installing build tools from here, for some reason, the registry is not updated and matlab is not able to find the compiler. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling after cleaning the registry using ccleaner but that doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Any help will be much appreciated.
Turns out the new version of visual studio 2017 doesn't actually update the registry or something like that (see here: .
I ended up installing the older version of visual studio community (VS 2015 with updates) and matlab was able to find it.

Adding ArUco to Visual Studios community 2017

I'm having problems implementing the aruco library to visual studios. I have already added OpenCV 3.2.0 without any problems. I have tried by downloading the newest aruco package (2.0.19) and the aruco package you can install via package manager console on visual studios. the package manager download the 1.2.4 version of aruco and opencv 2.4.8
I've tried to include it in my code, but without any luck
Can anyone help me?