Adding ArUco to Visual Studios community 2017 - c++

I'm having problems implementing the aruco library to visual studios. I have already added OpenCV 3.2.0 without any problems. I have tried by downloading the newest aruco package (2.0.19) and the aruco package you can install via package manager console on visual studios. the package manager download the 1.2.4 version of aruco and opencv 2.4.8
I've tried to include it in my code, but without any luck
Can anyone help me?


Installing boost via vcpkg, I get the wrong toolset

I recently switched from using the Visual Studio 2015 IDE to the Visual Studio 2019 IDE. Around that same time I started using vcpkg for library installations. I've been using a pre-build version of an earlier version of boost, which I compiled myself. Thinking I ought to switch to a newer version of boost using vcpkg, I installed it with:
vcpkg.exe install boost --triplet x64-windows-static
Yet when I look inside C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows-static\lib I see that vc140 - the Visual Studio 2015 toolset - is the version of boost built. Note that I am not using cmake. I am working purely in the IDE. How do I tell vcpkg I want the vc142 toolset, the version for Visual Studio 2019, built?
The answer is a modified version of the GitHub issues,
Edit file from your VCPKG path
To add line

Installing Magick++ in visual studio 2019

I have tried to install Magick++.h in visual studio 2019.
First I download ImageMagick++ and installed my pc. Then I copied include & library path to project properties. there is no error when I am writing the program. after compiling, there is a build error. Can someone help to solve this problem?

How Can I add OpenTLD into OpenCV 3.4.1 and VS2015?

I uploaded all of opencv libraries by Cmake for Visual Studio 2015 but i didn't add OpenTLD into OpenCV. Do you know how can I add it. May you describe step by step.
openTLD on vs2015 screen shot
CMake screen shot
Thanks for your help

Cannot Port Existing Visual Studio Qt Project To Ubuntu

I developped a Qt 5.5 application using OpenCV and Flycapture camera libraries in Visual Studio 2013. Now, I would like to compile, build, and run this code in Ubuntu 14.04. I kept track of the steps in that link. After applying the step 11, I encountered this error message. Actually, I added the include path of Flycapture in Visual Studio. I don’ t know how to fix this problem.
You need to compile that library on Ubuntu then include it in your project.

How to add opencv compiler to dev c++ 5.6.2?

I am trying to add OpenCV to Dev C++ for developing a project that uses image processing. But I am unable to find the exact steps for installing OpenCV on the current version of Dev C++ (5.6.2).
Any leads as to how to integrate it with Visual Studio 2013 will also be appreciated.