Django - Server only works in one browser until I restart it - django

I have a Django project (it's a big project meanwhile) and I can only connect to it via localhost using one browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, it doesn't matter which browser I use). When I connect to it once, Django is "locked" in this browser. When I try to connect to Django using another browser, it gets timed out. When I restart it I can again choice which browser I would like to use. But then Django gets "locked" again in this browser.
Django Server starts; I use Chrome; I can't use Opera, Firefox or any other browser anymore.
Django Server restarts; I use Opera; I can't use Chrome, Firefox or any other browser anymore.
I know this isn't a question about code but I don't know where this question fits except for Stackoverflow.
Do you have any idea?
I also have this strange behaviour when I use incognito.
I tried to reset the middlewares but that didn't change anything.


django same localhost not responding in another browser or second instance

my new created django project working fine with this information
Django version 2.1.7, using settings 'django_server_api.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
running fine
then i opened in one browser is loaded quickly working quickly.
but if i open same local host in another browser it is taking more than 5 minutes, i dont know what is the issues? may be django is like this? or do i need to change any config in the setting,py file ?
Some browsers (Firefox) has a problem browsing to localhost on some Windows machines.
You can solve it by switching off ipv6, which isn't really recommended.
Using directly is another way round the problem.
Note : If there are heavy media is can also slow downs django

Django development server hangs and suddenly does all requests on CTRL+C

I am using django for a REST API at my company and have a few people using the first small part of my app via a Samsung tablet. They connect via WiFi to a angular front-end on Apache, that makes API requests to my django development server.
But every now and again the server just freezes intermittently. The front end would work and you can navigate it, but no API calls are going through. And then when ever I press CTRL+C on the development server console, suddenly all the request go through. Depending on how long someone have struggle, there may be 20 API requests that all go through.
At these moments even when I change something in Django in vs-code, nothing happens server side, but when I press CTRL+C suddenly even ALL the server restarts also go through. So I can see that all the request are standing in line just waiting for the server to wake up and then they are all processed. It also looks to me if this mostly happens with the tablet (and not my desktop), where we are using Chrome.
I read that the server is now multi threaded, so that can not be the problem, and I also do not have anti-virus that can stop the server requests.
I do not really know what else to say, it has been 2 weeks of frustration now and continual searching for answer with no luck.
I suspect that the issue is with you using the dev server, where one request is taking too long. If you already have apache installed you can use mod_wsgi to connect to Django like described here
Django With Apache

reCaptcha Is not loading in Custom Web Browser Desktop Application MFC,C++

I have custom web browser which is build using COM and Active X control using C++ or MFC.
In custom web browser am passing the my URL/Page which is having code to load the recaptcha " " its not loading buts its working fine in normal browser. i can see in the fiddler this URL is redirecting to webworker.js, anchor.htm and bframe.htm.
but from custom web browser after this " nothing happening i mean its not redirecting to webworker.js, anchor.htm and bframe.htm.
I have use the IDocHostUIHandler if want you can grow through the following links ""
I have enable the downloading in my custom Web Browser i can see the downloaded files such the script, theme, css or html page and also "recaptcha__en[1].js" in machine expect webworker.js, anchor.htm and bframe.htm.
Please Help me out.
Thanks and Regards

Why does Selenium WebDrivers always open addon "Welcome" page when running the driver?

Ok this started happening to me today when running my script. I have been working on a refreshing program that opens several pages and refreshes them randomly on python. Recently I updated firefox and updated my browser (addons, themes, etc.), I think this update may be the cause to my problem but it happened before as well but only with the firefox welcome page. I basically want to make a script specific WebDriver profile(w/ Selenium) that doesn't have any one my normal browser addons or cookies. (a default Firefox webdriver)
I have reset the browsers plugin and settings and this didn't work. It only reset the preferences for my main browser. I also reinstalled selenium and this didn't change a thing. I've looked everywhere for maybe a line of code to disable plugins on firefox, but haven't had any luck. I hope somebody has an answer this is very annoying! Feel free to ask me for left out info.
python 2.7
selenium 2.48

How to set up Django app to make cookies work on subdomain

I have deployed my application on (it works only on that one subdomain). Everything works fine except the fact that from time to time users cannot log in to application (the message "Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable cookies, reload this page, and try again" is shown when trying to log into admin panel). I've noticed that restarting the web server eliminates this problem for some time.
Does anyone have experience with setting up django project on subdomain and can guide me how to configure my application to make it work correctly without need to ocasionally make reset?
I'd tried to set up SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '' setting but it didn't solve the problem (maybe I set it wrong?)
I use Django 1.1.1, Python 2.5.4 for this project. Project is deployed in provider I use for other projects and cookies works there perfectly. Other projects run also on subdomains and do not have SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN set at all.
in your settings do you have SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN set? If so, is it set to something that isn't the domain the site is operating on?