reCaptcha Is not loading in Custom Web Browser Desktop Application MFC,C++ - c++

I have custom web browser which is build using COM and Active X control using C++ or MFC.
In custom web browser am passing the my URL/Page which is having code to load the recaptcha " " its not loading buts its working fine in normal browser. i can see in the fiddler this URL is redirecting to webworker.js, anchor.htm and bframe.htm.
but from custom web browser after this " nothing happening i mean its not redirecting to webworker.js, anchor.htm and bframe.htm.
I have use the IDocHostUIHandler if want you can grow through the following links ""
I have enable the downloading in my custom Web Browser i can see the downloaded files such the script, theme, css or html page and also "recaptcha__en[1].js" in machine expect webworker.js, anchor.htm and bframe.htm.
Please Help me out.
Thanks and Regards


Django - Server only works in one browser until I restart it

I have a Django project (it's a big project meanwhile) and I can only connect to it via localhost using one browser (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, it doesn't matter which browser I use). When I connect to it once, Django is "locked" in this browser. When I try to connect to Django using another browser, it gets timed out. When I restart it I can again choice which browser I would like to use. But then Django gets "locked" again in this browser.
Django Server starts; I use Chrome; I can't use Opera, Firefox or any other browser anymore.
Django Server restarts; I use Opera; I can't use Chrome, Firefox or any other browser anymore.
I know this isn't a question about code but I don't know where this question fits except for Stackoverflow.
Do you have any idea?
I also have this strange behaviour when I use incognito.
I tried to reset the middlewares but that didn't change anything.

Error. Recording apps is not supported

I am testing out the load tester from shiny and I am having trouble recording a session. From this youtube video from Rstudio , the instructor mentions grabbing the url of the deployed application. I have tried both the url from my server/browser application and the url from my deployed application on shinyapps io. I have also tried running it on Rstudio Cloud and I am redirected to a login which then shoots me to a 404 error. I have tried getting the URL from Mozzila, Microsoft Edge, and Chrome without luck.
#server application
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(appUrl, handle = h) :
Failed to connect to port 3793: Connection refused
#deployed shiny app
record_session("")#this is not the real url
Error in .subset2(public_bind_env, "initialize")(...) :
Recording apps is not supported
I am looking to find the right url to add to record_session so I can begin load testing my application. Thank you.
From the package's vigentte and on the GitHub thread the author was clear that you cannot benchmark against a Shiny app hosted on
Under Deployment Limitations it says:
1. WebSockets are required: On RStudio Connect and Shiny Server Pro, SockJS is used instead of plain WebSockets in order to support browsers and load balancers that don’t support WebSockets. Even though Shiny works in the absence of WebSocket support, shinyloadtest does not.
2. unsupported: Applications deployed on can’t be recorded or load tested.
Instead, the documentation suggested that you should install the package on your development machine.
Otherwise, shinyloadtest works perfectly fine (tested on multiple versions of R 3.5 and above). The function record_session() takes the URL of the deployed application as an argument:
Taken from the documentation:
Running the function will open a browser displaying the app. Once open, interact with the application as a normal user would and then close the browser. After closing the browser window or tab, a file will be created that contains a recording of the session. This recording, written to recording.log by default, will serve as the basis for the load test.

Access DOM inside chrome from native application

I need to access DOM of web application that is running inside Chrome browser.
Same functionality can be achieved quite easily with IE using
SHDocVw::ShellWindows and SHDocVw::IWebBrowser2. Now I have to support Google Chrome and it seems that there is no simple way to achieve that.
The Chrome browser doesn't expose its DOM to external processes. You need to be in process. So in order to access the Chrome browser's DOM you need to be inside a Chrome extension.

Using qunit with web app in iframe

I'm attempting to use qUnit to perform some unit testing that requires the screens generated by my web app to run. My idea is to put my application into an iframe embedded in my qUnit test page. However this does not seem to work (in chrome) I don't seem to be able to access the web app's iframe. If I do this in chrome's console I get undefined:
I think this is to do with some kind of cross domain scripting security but, both my web app and my test page are being served from localhost so I don't see why this is occurring, also I have started Chrome with the --disable-web-security parameter but this has not fixed.
Is there a better way to do unit testing that requires output from my application?
You can try publish these tests on localhost by any simple http server, for example if you have a node you can use
I have a similar situation tests are running in iframe and this work without problems.

loading gwt app from django

I am trying to load a google web toolkit application with django, but the gwt host page does not seem to work (just a blank screen) when I invoke it with render_to_response() from my django view. I have verified that a plain hello-world html file loads fine from the gwt war directory, so it's not a path issue. Also the host page renders if I manually open it in a browser. I am running my django app in development mode using runserver. Any ideas?
When you say you've tried it manually within the browser - is that over HTTP or file:///
Does sound like a path issue, TBH. Have a look in Safari or Firebug to see the HTTP activity when the host page loads. The 'nocache' JS file you include the in the host page loads the appropriate compiled JS for that user agent. Maybe it can't find JS.