How to get variable from another instance of the same class? - c++

Im using SFML to make a simple fighting game.
I have a class called Fighter that I use to make two objects.
In main:
Fighter fighterOne;
Fighter fighterTwo;
Both fighters modify the same variables, mainly isLow() and isGuarded().
To check collision between the two fighters I call checkHit() in updateFighter() (basically if the fighter updates a move, check if it hit) I check the collision in my collision.h class
Note: I chane which fighter is currently being updated with a bool called isRight. if its true, it modifies the 2nd fighter, else, it modifies the first one.
void Fighter::updateFighter(Sprite& fighter, Sprite& otherFighter, bool isRight)
if (Keyboard:isKeyPressed(attack)
//animates the attack
collision.checkHit(fighter, otherFighter, isLow, isGuarded, lowAttack, isRight);
Problem is, with the above, Im trying to check the value of isLow of the opposite fighter object (fighterTwo). But when i call it like this, it goes off the currently being used isLow, which belongs to fighterOne. How do I pass fighterTwo's isLow value to checkHit instead of fighterOne's?


Cocos2d-x PhysicsContact Object Reference

I'm trying to make a videogame with C++ in Cocos2d-x but I have an issue with PhysicContact.
In my gamescene I have a contact listener that check for collisions with the character and objects' PhysicBody of class Item. It all works fine, but now I want to recognize what object has collided because I want to call a method of the object's class called getThrow().
class Item : public cocos2d::Layer
Sprite* itemArt;
int itemType;
PhysicsBody* itemCollider;
void createArt(int type);
void getThrow();
Item(int type);
I have tried it with the PhysicContact information, first I obtain the object PhysicBody and then its Node, but with this I just obtain the object's Sprite and at this point I don't know how to reach the object to call his method.
bool Level0::onContactBegin(PhysicsContact &contact)
auto bodyA = contact.getShapeA()->getBody()->getNode();
auto bodyB = contact.getShapeB()->getBody()->getNode();
//HERE IS WHERE I WANT TO RUN bodyB->getThrow()
return true;
I also have tried with getUserData() and getUserObject() but I don't know how to call a method with an object pointer.
I don't know if I'm trying something incorrectly, but I would appreciate your answers.
Thanks in advance! (If more details are needed just tell me, I'm new at this big community)
You need to do this:
((Item*) b->getNode())->getThrow();

Accessing child function, while using parent class

I am doing an assignment for the university course and me and my partner have a problem. Program we are making is a game.
We have several classes, which all inherit from the base class, called Creature. These are all enemies player needs to deal with and they all run their own AIs. There are 4 different types of child classes, all within namespace Creature(Including parent, Creature), with one class having special functions that only it needs. This class is called Bunny.
Now, my job is to call AI functions as needed. Problem is, I do not always know what class I am calling out, as such, when I ask the game board to tell me what Creature I get.
All enemies are saved as pointers like so, in game board squares:
struct Square
// Pointers to Morso class, where the enemy is saved
Creature::Creature* creature;
//Undeeded stuff removed
Now, this is all and fine until we need to access to special functions. Pupu will multiply if certain conditions are filled. As such, with in Pupu there are few functions I need to call to make sure it carries out it's act correctly.
However, here comes the problem.
I call our board class to give me the creature that is in the coordinates I give to it.
void GameEngine::GameEngine::runAI()
Creature::Creature* creature= NULL;
for(unsigned int y = 0; y < dimY; y++)
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < dimX; x++)
Coordinate target;
creature= board_->returnCreature(target);
//If there is a creature in the target, run its AI
if(creature!= NULL)
//If it is, check special procedures
if(creature->returnType() == "bunny")
}//for x
}//for y
Now, :
void GameEngine::GameEngine::bunnyReproduce(Ccreature::Creature* creature)
//Checks that it really is a bunny
if( creature->returnType() != "bunny"){ return; }
//Check is there another bunny near
The problem is, creature, at this point, can't call for checkForMate, which is public member of Bunny, but not Creature. Do we need to make virtual function into Creature?
I tried making checkForMate into Creature::Bunny, but since the original value I try to give to it is Creature class, I can't do so. Do we need to to create an empty virtual function in Creature class and then override it it Bunnyclass?
I am running Qt Creator 2.7.0, with QT 5.0.2.
You should add virtual function reproduce to Creature class and implement it in Bunny or any other creature you may later add to the game. So that any creature will reproduce itself in it's own way. You don't even need to check creature type in this case. Since if you have some non reproducible creatures, you may just implement reproduce as empty method that will do nothing.
Ideally, your engine shouldn't need to care at all what kind of creature it's working with.
If you want the bunny to reproduce on each ai() step, why not do it in the bunny's ai()?
After all, shouldn't it be the bunny's responsibility to decide when to reproduce, rather than some almighty external Engine?
void Creature::Bunny::ai()
if (niceMateNearby())

Is it possible to initialise two classes, that require pointers to each other, at the same time?

I am making a snake game. I have two classes, snake and food. When I call snake->move() it needs to check that there are no collisions and for this purpose it needs to know what food's position is and therefore requires a pointer to food. food has a function that moves it to a new random position, move->setNewPosition(), which needs to know the position of snake so that it doesn't collide with the snake when it moves. For this purpose, it requires a pointer to snake.
Therefore, for both classes, I would need to supply a pointer to the other class which must be initialised. But to initialise the other class I need to initialise the other class and so on. Is there any way to initialise two classes, that require pointers to each other, at the same time?
If not, what would be a better way of structuring my program that would allow me to check the coordinates of the other class?
If i don't misunderstand you, create init function that call before game loop starts:
void initSnake()
auto snake = new Snake();
auto food = new Food();
They just need the facility to find the location of other snakes and food items when their movement functions are invoked. There's no need to know of their existence at initialisation time!
You can therefore have a collection of snakes and a collection of food items, and pass a reference to those collections to any newly created snakes and food items. Just create those collections first.
You could do this via another class, perhaps, which could also act as a factory.
class GameManager;
class Snake
friend class GameManager;
int getX() { return _x; }
int getY() { return _y; }
void setPosition(int x, y) { /* ... */ }
Snake(GameManager* manager, int x, int y) : _manager(manager), _x(x), _y(y) {}
GameManager* _manager;
int _x, _y;
class GameManager
const std::vector<Snake*>& Snakes() { return _snakes; }
Snake* SpawnSnake(int x, int y)
Snake* newSnake = new Snake(this, x, y);
return snake;
std::vector<Snake*> _snakes;
(Just an example. Code not tested to see if it actually compiles. E&OE)
The GameManager ensures that all created snakes are found in the snakes vector because the Snake constructor is private. Each snake can call _manager.Snakes() to get a vector containing all the other snakes in the game which it can then query individually for their positions. This is easily generalised to support food items as well.
This has the small advantage over the "construct-initialise" pattern suggested in other answers in that it ensures that when you get a new Snake object it is actually ready for use... this example isn't quite RAII, but it would require a minimum of effort to make it reasonably exception-safe.
You can define one base class for them, which has these methods:
virtual void setPosition(const int x, const int y)
virtual void getPosition(int &x, int &y) const
Snake should use them too, just override them if you need to. Now both classes can call each other's setPosition and getPosition directly if you give the other object as a parameter with type Base.
An other way would be; In your main()-function, or wherever you define your snake:
int main()
Snake* s = new Snake;
Food* f = new Food;
Snake->setLocation(0,0); // Wherever you want the snake to start from
And whenever you create a new food, give it snake's location: f->setRandomLocation(snake->getLocation()) where the parameter would be coordinates where NOT to place it.
One alternative would be to have a Manager class which both of them send their requests to, which would make more sense (but doesn't solve your particular problem).
Nevertheless, if you have class A and class B, and each one needs the other, you can do the following:
A *a = new A;
B *b = new B;
// check a and b to make sure they are not NULL
Mmn, not sure how your game works but I assume there would be a lot of food objects?
Maybe an idea would be to create a Collision class that accepts a Snake player and stores all the Food players in the game.
So the Collision constructor might look like this
Collison(Snake &snake, Vector<Food*> &foods)
The Collision class would also have an collision update to loop that you call somewhere in your code.. This loop would check if the snake object collides with a food object.. and you can do whatever you want.. remove the food from the foods vector change the food position, whatever.
collison.UpdateCollisions() ;
I would suggest breaking the cyclic dependency, instead of hammering it in: make both moving functions take the environment (i.e. a list of things it can collide with) as a parameter.

Why is `this` equal to 0x0, causing my program to crash?

I'm designing a simple Connect 4 game. So far, I have 4 underlying classes:
Colour - responsible for representing colours (RGBA). Includes conversion operators.
Player - represents a player of the game. Each Player has a Colour and a name.
Board - represents the playing board. It contains dimensions, as well as a 2D vector of Tiles with those dimensions.
Tile - a nested class within Board. Represents one space on the board. Each Tile has a Colour and an std::unique_ptr to the owner of that tile. The owner starts as nullptr and can be changed once to a Player. The colour starts as a transparent black.
I've tested my Colour class and it appears to be working fine. My Player class is in tip-top shape as well. However, I'm having some problems with the Board/Tile classes.
My test consisted of creating two players, and a board. These executed normally. Next, I loop through the dimensions of the board, once for each tile. I then call
board.tile (j, i).claimBy (p2);
The loop goes through rows with i and columns with j, the way you'd expect to print it.
tile (j, i) retrieves the tile I'm working with. It works as expected.
Chain of Events Leading to the Crash:
claimBy (p2) sets the tile to become claimed by player 2. It is implemented as follows:
bool Board::Tile::claimBy (const Player &owner)
if (!_owner)
*_owner = owner;
_colour = owner.colour();
return true;
return false;
_owner is my std::unique_ptr<Player>. It first checks whether the owner of the tile has been set before (i.e. is not nullptr). If not, it sets the Player inside to the one passed in. It then updates the tile's colour and returns true. If the tile has been previously claimed, it returns false.
Following the debugger, the crash occurs in the line *_owner = owner;. Stepping in takes me to the line struct Player (my declaration of the Player class), which I take to be the implicit copy constructor (remember the class only has a Colour _colour and a std::string _name).
Stepping in again leads me to Colour::operator= (which makes sense for a copy constructor to call). Here's the definition:
Colour &Colour::operator= (const Colour &rhs)
if (*this != rhs)
_red =;
_green =;
_blue =;
_alpha = rhs.alpha();
return *this;
The path turns into *this != rhs. This is just a reverse call to operator==, which is:
return red() ==
&& green() ==
&& blue() ==
&& alpha() == rhs.alpha();
The first comparison here red() == has red() which is just return _red;. This is the point at which the program crashes. The debugger states that this (this->_red) is 0x0.
I'm clueless about why this is happening. My best guess is that I'm using the smart pointer wrongly. I've never actually used one before, but it should be pretty similar to normal pointers, and I didn't think release would accomplish anything if the pointer is nullptr.
What could be the cause of this being 0x0?
I'm sure everything is initialized, as I do so in each constructor, in member initializers (e.g. Board::Tile::Tile() : _colour (Colours::NONE), _owner (nullptr){}), where NONE is a transparent black.
I'm also not too proficient with a debugger, as I haven't used it that much over printing debugging values.
The line
*_owner = owner;
means "make a copy of the owner object, and store it at the place that _owner points to." The problem is that _owner doesn't point to anything yet; it's still null.
If you really want to make a copy of the Player object in each tile that the player controls, you'd need to do
_owner.reset(new Player(owner));
But making copies of the Player object is a strange thing to do. Consider using shared_ptr instead — you can have both owner and _owner be shared_ptrs, and just assign one to the other in the usual way.
You start off with a default initialized std::unique_ptr<Player>. That is to say, the equivalent of a NULL pointer with some cleanup semantics. Then you try to dereference it in the statement *_owner=owner; so that you can assign to it.
Thus the statement *_owner=owner; is basically equivalent to ((Player*)NULL)->operator=(owner);, calling the implicit assignment operator. The first thing this does is then equivalent to ((Player*)NULL)->_colour=owner._colour; Finding this==NULL is not surprising here; indeed, it's expected.
The fix depends on what you actually want to happen. Should each Board::Tile be given a completely new copy of its owner? Then you want to instead say _owner.reset(new Player(owner)). Do you just want each tile to hold a reference to an already existing player? Can you guarantee that the Player object owner will outlive the Board::Tile object? Then you want a raw pointer: (in declaration of Board::Tile) Player const *_owner; (in implementation) _owner=&owner;.

How to write an elegant collision handling mechanism?

I'm in a bit of a pickle: say I'm making a simple, 2D, Zelda-like game.
When two Objects collide, each should have a resulting action. However, when the main character collides with something, his reaction depends solely on the type of the object with which he collided. If it's a monster, he should bounce back, if it's a wall, nothing should happen, if it's a magical blue box with ribbons, he should heal, etc. (these are just examples).
I should also note that BOTH things are part of the collision, that is, collision events should happen for both the character AND the monster, not just one or the other.
How would you write code like this? I can think of a number of incredibly inelegant ways, for instance, having virtual functions in the global WorldObject class, to identify attributes - for instance, a GetObjectType() function (returns ints, char*s, anything that identifies the object as Monster, Box, or Wall), then in classes with more attributes, say Monster, there could be more virtual functions, say GetSpecies().
However, this becomes annoying to maintain, and leads to a large cascading switch (or If) statement in the collision handler
MainCharacter::Handler(Object& obj)
There's also the option of using files, and the files would have things like:
And then the code can retrieve the attributes without the need for virtual functions cluttering everything up. This doesn't solve the cascading If problem, however.
And THEN there's the option of having a function for each case, say CollideWall(), CollideMonster(), CollideHealingThingy(). This is personally my least favourite (although they're all far from likeable), because it seems the most cumbersome to maintain.
Could somebody please give some insight into more elegant solutions to this problem?
Thanks for any and all help!
I would do it vice versa - because if the character collides with an object, an object collides with the character as well. Thus you can have a base class Object, like this:
class Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter&) = 0;
class Monster : public Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter&) { /* Monster collision handler */ }
// etc. for each object
Generally in OOP design virtual functions are the only "correct" solution for cases like this:
switch (obj.getType()) {
case A: /* ... */ break;
case B: /* ... */ break;
After your clarification, you will need to adjust the above a bit. The MainCharacter should have overloaded methods for each of the objects it can collide with:
class MainCharacter {
void collideWith(Monster&) { /* ... */ }
void collideWith(EvilScaryDog&) { /* ... */ }
void collideWith(Boss&) { /* ... */ }
/* etc. for each object */
class Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter&) = 0;
class Monster : public Object {
virtual void collideWithCharacter(MainCharacter& c)
c.collideWith(*this); // Tell the main character it collided with us
/* ... */
/* So on for each object */
This way you notify the main character about the collision and it can take appropriate actions. Also if you need an object that should not notify the main character about the collision, you can just remove the notification call in that particular class.
This approach is called a double dispatch.
I would also consider making the MainCharacter itself an Object, move the overloads to Object and use collideWith instead of collideWithCharacter.
How about deriving all collidable objects from one common abstract class (let's call it Collidable). That class could contain all properties that can be changed by a collission and one HandleCollision function. When two objects collide, you just call HandleCollision on each object with the other object as the argument. Each object manipulates the other to handle the collision. Neither object needs to know what other object type it just bounced into and you have no big switch statements.
Make all colidable entities implement an interface (lets say "Collidable") with a collideWith(Collidable) method.
Then, on you collision detection algorithm, if you detect that A collides with B, you would call:
Assume that A is the MainCharacter and B a monster and both implement the Collidable interface.
Would call the following:
MainCharacter::collideWith(Collidable& obj)
// case MONSTER:
// ...
//instead of this switch you were doing, dispatch it to another function
obj->collideWith(this); //Note that "this", in this context is evaluated to the
//something of type MainCharacter.
This would in turn call the Monster::collideWith(MainCharacter) method and you can implement all monster-character behaviour there:
Monster::CollideWith(MainCharacter mc){
//take the life of character and make it bounce back
More info: Single Dispatch
Hope it helps.
What you call "an annoying switch statement" i would call "a great game" so you are on the right track.
Having a function for every interaction/game rule is exactly what I would suggest. It makes it easy to find, debug, change and add new functionality:
void PlayerCollidesWithWall(player, wall) {
player.velocity = 0;
void PlayerCollidesWithHPPotion(player, hpPoition) {
player.hp = player.maxHp;
So the question is really how to detect each of these cases. Assuming you have some sort of collision detection that results in X and Y collide (as simple as N^2 overlap tests (hey, it works for plants vs zombies, and that's got a lot going on!) or as complicated as sweep and prune + gjk)
void DoCollision(x, y) {
if (x.IsPlayer() && y.IsWall()) { // need reverse too, y.IsPlayer, x.IsWall
PlayerCollidesWithWall(x, y); // unless you have somehow sorted them...
if (x.IsPlayer() && y.IsPotion() { ... }
This style, while verbose is
easy to debug
easy to add cases
shows you when you have
logical/design inconsistencies or
omissions "oh what if a X is both a
player and a wall due to the
"PosessWall" ability, what then!?!"
(and then lets you simply add cases
to handle those)
Spore's cell stage uses exactly this style and has approximately 100 checks resulting in about 70 different outcomes (not counting the param reversals). It's only a ten minute game, that's 1 new interaction every 6 seconds for the whole stage - now that's gameplay value!
If I am getting your problem correctly, I would sth like
Class EventManager {
// some members/methods
handleCollisionEvent(ObjectType1 o1, ObjectType2 o2);
// and do overloading for every type of unique behavior with different type of objects.
// can have default behavior as well for unhandled object types