VS2017 - StartUp project with dependent projects fails unless all projects start first - visual-studio-2017

I have 3 projects in my solution:
Console App (Client)
Web API (asp.net core 2.2)
StartUp Project: Console App (Client)
Dependent Projects: IdentityServer and Web API
Error received when I hit Ctrl-F5:
"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
However, this error no longer appears and the above set-up works fine if I first run all 3 as "Multiple StartUp Projects".
Why does VS2017 work this way? Or is this symptomatic of a configuration I am overlooking?
Any insight would be appreciated.


Codename One: Webservice not available

I used the CN1 Webservice Wizard to add a the webservice proxy to my mobile app and to generate all the server side code. I have a local XAMPP installation with a tomcat linked within my Eclipse IDE. Also, I imported the server generated code as a new Java Project and added the "Dynamic Web Module" project facet to it so that I could launch it not as a local Java application but rather on the Tomcat server.
When starting my client, I noted that I get HTTP 404, resource not found errors. I traced the error back to the URL, where the server is hosted to.
I know I have to adapt the urlPatterns parameter in the generated class CN1WebServiceServlet, which I did. Also, I checked the context of my app in the Web project settings and defined the value for context root. So, in my client app, the URL to call the service should be
http://localhost:8080/< context root>/< urlPattern>
However, even when calling that in the browser, I should get the result of the doGet method of the server generated code, showing the message "Webservice access only". Instead, I get 404 errors all the time.
Is there some problem to importing the server generated code as a plain Java project and adding the web parts to it afterwards? How would that be done in the ideal case?
And what other problems might be hindering the URL from properly being published on the server side?
Thanks and best regards
I stripped everything from the project to limit the options and I found the cause: when using the web service wizard to dump the source files into a new directory, adding that with the Eclipse import wizard, it will be looked at as a plain java project without any web components. Using the project settings to add the dynamic web piece to it (Eclipse calls those project facets), the CN1 webservice will NOT work.
If instead you create a "Dynamic Web Project" first and then use the CN1 Webservice Wizard to dump the server source files into the "src" folder of that project, it works without any issues.

Bitness confusion

We are migrating a sharepoint farm from a traditional DC to a private cloud.
One of the forms in a site is calling some web services, both the sharepoint site and Web Service application are housed by the same IIS server. Sharepoint site and the Web Services application are having different application pool.
After migrating, one of the forms that is calling some Web Services is throwing an error about: data connection error. Looking at the sharepoint logs, we found that there is http error 500 when hitting the form's URL and that we realized that hitting the WSDL from the browser is throwing the same error too.
The error in WSDL is about: Could not load file or assembly <...> or one of its dependencies. This error is gone if we set the application pool settings to Enable 32 bit = true.
However, the rendering of form is not completed because setting the WSDL application pool to 32 bit is causing to throw a FileNotFoundException with stack trace:
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(SPFarm farm, Uri requestUri, Boolean contextSite, SPUserToken userToken)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(String requestUrl) at ...
We are sure that the cause of the problem here is the binary "bitness" because we are able to simulate the above exception and able to resolve in the other forms by just setting back the 32bit option to false in application pool.
We would like to seek anyone's idea on how to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, we only have the DLL of the Web Service, it will take for us a while to get some source codes so we are hoping for some solution that requires no re-compilation. Also, the source code that we are to receive is not guaranteed to produce the same DLL that is deployed to production due to the age of this legacy system turned blackbox.
For more information on the versions of softwares used:
IIS, source: IIS 6; destination: IIS 7.5
Sharepoint: 2007 (yes unfortunately due to alot of reasons upgrade cannot be done just yet) - source and destination are of the same version
OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 - source and destination are of the same version

execute delphi web service from browser

I've been working on a set of ISAPI web service DLLs in Delphi 2005 that interact with our server application but I'm having real difficulty debugging issues in the web services.
At this time, I have a test SOAP server application as a Web App Debugger executable which uses the same units as the real DLLs.
I can compile and run my SOAP EXE, run the Web App Debugger tool, start the ServerInfo server, and see my SOAP app in the list of Registered Servers.
If I select it from the list and click on Go, it shows the normal Service Info Page, where I can view interfaces and the WSDL.
What I now want to do is Execute one of the methods (a simple one that returns the version info of the ISAPI DLL), and view the request and response by looking at the Log tab of the Web App Debugger, however, I've not found a way to execute the method.
Do I really need to code a special client app to test my web methods? Most examples I've seen online just say to use http://server/service/class/method?parameter=value to execute a web service method, but that doesn't seem to work with a Delphi SOAP web service.
You need to change the client to connect to the machine running the WebAppDebugger. (Typically localhost)
Run the WebAppDebugger and click on the Start button. The 'default URL' lights up... by default is
Then run your WAD server project within the IDE and put in your desired breakpoint somewhere in the server code.
If running your client on the same machine, change your client to use the local host address... if you connect today to:
change the client to connect to something like this for debugging the traffic:
The name of the Web Application Debugger class is defined when you create the WAD project.

Debug web service running on local machine?

I'm using PowerBuilder Classic 12.1 to deploy a .NET Web Services target to IIS 7 running on my local machine. I'd like to be able to debug it. The documentation from Sybase says I should be able to. But when I run the debugger it says "Attaching to ASP.NET worker" and "Time left: 20 seconds". It counts down to 0 and then I see "Failed attaching to ASP.NET worker process."
I'm running PowerBuilder as an administrator, so I don't think that's the problem.
Open your your project object that you are using to deploy with. If you have multiple project objects, then right click on your target in the tree-view painter and click preferences to open a dialog that let's you choose which target object will be used for deployment. Choose the one that is set with DEBUG symbol on and set to debug build.
I have had good luck debugging PB Web Services both IIS hosted and self-hosted.
I also found this in the PowerBuilder help file for you:
Using the DEBUG symbol
If you used the DEBUG conditional compilation symbol in code for the nonvisual objects you deploy as a Web service and you want this code to run, you must make sure that the enable DEBUG symbol check box is selected before you deploy the project. If you plan to debug the assembly or Web service, you should make sure the project is deployed as a debug build.
** added additional details here on 1-26-13
This blog article will help you get WCF debugging to work in PowerBuilder.NET.
Testing & Debugging PowerBuilder.NET WCF Web Services

Is it possible to debug locally WebService on Google App Engine

I am new on web services development and I will be using the app engine.
I would like to know if it is possible to debug locally a web service (at localhost:8888/) and debug at the same time the web app that will be using the service.
The App Engine SDK ships with a local server implementation that you typically debug on. You'd debug the web app in your browser.
Yes, you can debug both client and server.
However I assume that client and server are separate code bases - in this case you would have two IDE projects open each running it's own debug session.
Since you are new to GAE, I would advice to use one of rich IDE's available out there. For example, I can mention Eclipse or IntelliJ which make it very easy to debug and find issues in GAE apps.
Here are some links:
Intellij GAE support
Eclypse GAE plugin