How does the rasterizer create fragments? - opengl

Does the rasterizer (in OpenGL) create one fragment for each pixel the triangle is mapped to? So if we have 4 triangles and each triangle covers the whole screen (each triangle has a different z value) and my resolution is 1080*720, are there then 1080*720*4 fragments created?
I got confused with this concepts because I haven't seen it mentioned clearly somewhere. And will the fragment shader then render all these fragments or are they discarded based on the depth function settings before rendering?
Im assuming there is no multisampling.

That's pretty much the crux of it. The only complication in this case may be thrown up by depth testing, which may discard fragments if the Z test fails. So assuming each triangle is rendered in front of the proceeding triangle, then yes you'll have 1080*720*4 fragments.


GLSL shader: occlusion order and culling

I have a GLSL shader that draws a 3D curve given a set of Bezier curves (3d coordinates of points). The drawing itself is done as I want except the occlusion does not work correctly, i.e., under certain viewpoints, the curve that is supposed to be in the very front appears to be still occluded, and reverse: the part of a curve that is supposed to be occluded is still visible.
To illustrate, here are couple examples of screenshots:
Colored curve is closer to the camera, so it is rendered correctly here.
Colored curve is supposed to be behind the gray curve, yet it is rendered on top.
I'm new to GLSL and might not know the right term for this kind of effect, but I assume it is occlusion culling (update: it actually indicates the problem with depth buffer, terminology confusion!).
My question is: How do I deal with occlusions when using GLSL shaders?
Do I have to treat them inside the shader program, or somewhere else?
Regarding my code, it's a bit long (plus I use OpenGL wrapper library), but the main steps are:
In the vertex shader, I calculate gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Vertex; and pass further the color info to the geometry shader.
In the geometry shader, I take 4 control points (lines_adjacency) and their corresponding colors and produce a triangle strip that follows a Bezier curve (I use some basic color interpolation between the Bezier segments).
The fragment shader is also simple: gl_FragColor = VertexIn.mColor;.
Regarding the OpenGL settings, I enable GL_DEPTH_TEST, but it does not seem to have anything of what I need. Also if I put any other non-shader geometry on the scene (e.g. quad), the curves are always rendered on the top of it regardless the viewpoint.
Any insights and tips on how to resolve it and why it is happening are appreciated.
Update solution
So, the initial problem, as I learned, was not about finding the culling algorithm, but that I do not handle the calculation of the z-values correctly (see the accepted answer). I also learned that given the right depth buffer set-up, OpenGL handles the occlusions correctly by itself, so I do not need to re-invent the wheel.
I searched through my GLSL program and found that I basically set the z-values as zeros in my geometry shader when translating the vertex coordinates to screen coordinates (vec2( vertex.xy / vertex.w ) * Viewport;). I had fixed it by calculating the z-values (vertex.z/vertex.w) separately and assigned them to the emitted points (gl_Position = vec4( screenCoords[i], zValues[i], 1.0 );). That solved my problem.
Regarding the depth buffer settings, I didn't have to explicitly specify them since the library I use set them up by default correctly as I need.
If you don't use the depth buffer, then the most recently rendered object will be on top always.
You should enable it with glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST), set the function to your liking (glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL)), and make sure you clear it every frame with everything else (glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)).
Then make sure your vertex shader is properly setting the Z value of the final vertex. It looks like the simplest way for you is to set the "Model" portion of ModelViewProjectionMatrix on the CPU side to have a depth value before it gets passed into the shader.
As long as you're using an orthographic projection matrix, rendering should not be affected (besides making the draw order correct).

Opengl ES draw wireframe over GL_TRIANGLES correctly

I need to draw a wireframe around a cube,I have everything made but I have some problem with the alpha testing, whatever I do the GL_LINES keep either overlapping the GL_TRIANGLES when they dont have to(they are behind them) or the GL_TRIANGLES keep overlapping the GL_LINES (when the lines should be visible)., GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);;
Also the wireframe is a little bigger than the cube.
The TriangleRenderer3D.get().render and LineRenderer3D().render just load the vertices and call gl_drawarrays
By enabling depth mask the cube GL_TRIANGLES overlap the lines
Do I need to enable something that I missing here?
It is worth mentioning that line primitives have different pixel coverage rules than triangles. A line must cross through a diamond-shaped pattern in the center of a pixel to be visible, where as a triangle needs to cover the top-left corner. This documentation is for Direct3D, but it does an infinitely better job describing these rules (which are the same in GL) than any OpenGL documentation I have come across.
As for fixing this problem, a small offset applied to all vertex positions in order to better align their centers is the most common approach. This is typically done by translating X and Y by 0.375 units.
Another Microsoft document explains this as well.
While some of the issues described in the first paragraph may be primitive coverage related, none are in the last paragraph.
The issue described in the final paragraphs can be addressed this way:
// Write wires wherever the line's depth is less than or equal to the triangles.
glDepthFunc (GL_LEQUAL);
By rendering the triangles first, and then only drawing the lines where they are either in front of or at the same depth as (default depth test discards this scenario) you should get the behavior you want. Leave depth writes enabled.

How can I apply a depth test to vertices (not fragments)?

TL;DR I'm computing a depth map in a fragment shader and then trying to use that map in a vertex shader to see if vertices are 'in view' or not and the vertices don't line up with the fragment texel coordinates. The imprecision causes rendering artifacts, and I'm seeking alternatives for filtering vertices based on depth.
Background. I am very loosely attempting to implement a scheme outlined in this paper ( The idea is to represent arbitrary virtual objects as lots of tangent discs. While they wanted to replace triangles in some graphics card of the future, I'm implementing this on conventional cards; my discs are just fans of triangles ("Discs") around center points ("Points").
This is targeting WebGL.
The strategy I intend to use, similar to what's done in the paper, is:
Render the Discs in a Depth-Only pass.
In a second (or more) pass, compute what's visible based solely on which Points are "visible" - ie their depth is <= the depth from the Depth-Only pass at that x and y.
I believe the authors of the paper used a gaussian blur on top of the equivalent of a GL_POINTS render applied to the Points (ie re-using the depth buffer from the DepthOnly pass, not clearing it) to actually render their object. It's hard to say: the process is unfortunately a one line comment, and I'm unsure of how to duplicate it in WebGL anyway (a naive gaussian blur will just blur in the background pixels that weren't touched by the GL_POINTS call).
Instead, I'm hoping to do something slightly different, by rerendering the discs in a second pass instead as cones (center of disc becomes apex of cone, think "close the umbrella") and effectively computing a voronoi diagram on the surface of the object (ala redbook The idea is that an output pixel is the color value of the first disc to reach it when growing radiuses from 0 -> their natural size.
The crux of the problem is that only discs whose centers pass the depth test in the first pass should be allowed to carry on (as cones) to the 2nd pass. Because what's true at the disc center applies to the whole disc/cone, I believe this requires evaluating a depth test at a vertex or object level, and not at a fragment level.
Since WebGL support for accessing depth buffers is still poor, in my first pass I am packing depth info into an RGBA Framebuffer in a fragment shader. I then intended to use this in the vertex shader of the second pass via a sampler2D; any disc center that was closer than the relative texture2D() lookup would be allowed on to the second pass; otherwise I would hack "discarding" the vertex (its alpha would be set to 0 or some flag set that would cause discard of fragments associated with the disc/cone or etc).
This actually kind of worked but it caused horrendous z-fighting between discs that were close together (very small perturbations wildly changed which discs were visible). I believe there is some floating point error between depth->rgba->depth. More importantly, though, the depth texture is being set by fragment texel coords, but I'm looking up vertices, which almost certainly don't line up exactly on top of relevant texel coordinates; so I get depth +/- noise, essentially, and the noise is the issue. Adding or subtracting .000001 or something isn't sufficient: you trade Type I errors for Type II. My render became more accurate when I switched from NEAREST to LINEAR for the depth texture interpolation, but it still wasn't good enough.
How else can I determine which disc's centers would be visible in a given render, so that I can do a second vertex/fragment (or more) pass focused on objects associated with those points? Or: is there a better way to go about this in general?

Multi-pass shading using render-to-texture

I'm trying to implement a multi-pass rendering method using OpenSceneGraph. However, I'm not entirely certain my problem is theoretical or due to a lack of applied knowledge of OSG. Thus far, I've successfully implemented multi-pass shading by rendering to a texture using an orthogonal projection, but I cannot seem to make a perspective projection work.
It may be that I don't quite understand how to implement multi-pass shading. Of course, I have to pre-render the entire scene with the multi-pass shaders to a texture, then use the texture in the final render. However, I'm not talking about creating a separate texture for each object in the scene, but effectively capturing a screenshot of the entire prerendered scene. Then, from that texture alone, applying the rendered effects to the individual geometries.
I assume this means I would have to do an extra conversion of the vertex coordinates for each geometry in the vertex shader. That is, after computing:
gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Vertex;
I would need to go a step further and calculate the vertex's screen coordinates in order to map the vertices correctly (again, given that the texture consists of an entire screen shot of the scene).
If I am correct, then I must be able to pre-render the scene in a perspective view identical to the view used in the final render, rather than an orthogonal view. This is where I have troubles. I can make an orthogonal view do what I want, but not the perspective view.
Am I correct in my approach? The only other approach I can imagine is to render everything to a screen-filling quad (in effect, the same thing as converting to screen coordinates), but that doesn't alleviate the need to use a perspective projection in the pre-render stage.
Thoughts? Links??
edit: I should also point out that in my successful attempts, I used a fragment shader only. The perspective projection worked, but, of course, the screen aligned quad I was using was offset rather than centered. I added a pass-through vertex shader and everything went blank.
As it turns out, my approach was correct. It's especially nice as it avoids having to add another camera to my scene graph to render the final output - I can simply use the main camera. Unfortunately, it means that all of my output textures are rendered at the screen resolution, rather than a resolution appropriate to the size of the object. That is, if my screen is 1024 x 1024, then so is the output texture, one for each pre-render camera in the graph. Not exactly efficient, but it'll do for now.

Why doesn't OpenGL clip primitives from my geometry shader that lie partially outside the viewing volume? says that "primitives that lie on the boundary between the inside of the viewing volume and the outside are split into several primitives" after the geometry shader is run and before fragments are rasterized. Everything else I've ever read about OpenGL has also described the clipping process the same way. However, by setting gl_FragDepth in the fragment shader to values that are closer to the camera than the actual depth of the point on the triangle that generated it (so that the fragment passes the depth test when it would have failed if I were copying fixed-pipeline functionality), I'm finding that fragments are being generated for the entire original triangle even if it partially overlaps the far viewing plane. On the other hand, if all of the vertices are behind the plane, the whole triangle is clipped and no fragments are sent to the fragment shader (I suppose more technically you would say it is culled, not clipped).
What is going on here? Does my geometry shader replace some default functionality? Are there flags/hints I need to set or additional built-in variables that I need to write to in order for the next step of the rendering pipeline to know how to do partial clipping?
I'm using GLSL version 1.2 with the GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 extension on an NVIDIA GeForce 9400M.
That sounds like a driver bug. If you can see results for fragments that should have been outside the viewing region (ie: if turning off your depth writes causes the fragments to disappear entirely), then that's against the spec's behavior.
Granted, it's such a corner case that I doubt anyone's going to do anything about it.
Most graphics hardware tries as hard as possible to avoid actually clipping triangles. Clipping triangles means potentially generating 3+ triangles from a single triangle. That tends to choke the pipeline (pre-tessellation at any rate). Therefore, unless the triangle is trivially rejectable (ie: outside the clip box) or incredibly large, modern GPUs just ignore it. They let the fragment culling hardware take care of it.
In this case, because your fragment shader is a depth-writing shader, it believes that it can't reject those fragments until your fragment shader has finished.
Note: I realized that if you turn on depth clamping, that turns off near and far clipping entirely. Which may be what you want. Depth values written from the fragment shader are clamped to the current glDepthRange.
Depth clamping is an OpenGL 3.2 feature, but NVIDIA has supported it for near on a decade with NV_depth_clamp. And if your drivers are recent, you should be able to use ARB_depth_clamp even if you don't get a 3.2 compatibility context.
If I understood you correctly, you wonder that your triangles aren't clipped against the far plane.
Afaik OpenGL just clips against the 4 border planes after the vertex assembly. The far and near clipping gets done (by spec afaik) after the fragment shader. Ie when you zoom in extremely and polygons collide with the near plane they get rendered to that point and don't pop away as a whole.
And I don't think that the specs note splitting primitives at all (even when the hw might do that in screenspace ignoring fragdepth), it just notes skipping primitives as a whole (in the case that none vertex lies in the view frustum).
Also relying on a wiki for word-exact rules is always a bad idea.
PS: explains the actual border and near&far clipping very good.