Unable to start build pods for helm project with helm
I am wondering what is the best way to rebuild pods in a helm project on openshift. I am working with java S2i images on openshift 3.10 / 3.11. After updating my Java Code in my repository I would like to start builds.
Eventually I didn't find a solution to solve this problem.
For a new deployment I set a timestamp inside the metadata of the deployment config.
So my question is how to trigger new build with helm? Is there a better way as oc start build?
Based on the information in the comments, I assume you need to set the correct trigger for your OpenShift image builds. The straight-forward approach seems to be to rebuild the image on every change in the repo. Therefore you should not explicitly state the commit in the BuildConfig and set a Webhook-Trigger from your code repo. For github, add this trigger to your BuildConfig:
"type": "GitHub",
"github": {
"secret": "secret101"
Set your github webhook to call http://<openshift_api_host:port>/osapi/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/buildconfigs/<name>/webhooks/<secret>/github
More details can be found in the documentation:
If you need to set the commit-ref explicitly in the BuildConfig, there is an alternative: You can add the ConfigChange-Trigger to your BuildConfig:
"type": "ConfigChange"
But for now, according to the documentation, you need to add a new BuildConfig each time to trigger the build:
Configuration change triggers currently only work when creating a new BuildConfig. In a future release, configuration change triggers will also be able to launch a build whenever a BuildConfig is updated.
See https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.0/dev_guide/builds.html#config-change-triggers
I'm trying to configure Amplify to deploy every branch or PR on my Github repo to a new environment.
Using Previews:
Pull Request Previews is enabled
The configuration for the backend is "Create new backend environment for every Pull Request"
But every build skips the backend step with this message "No backend environment association found, continuing..." and because of that the frontend build fails because it requires the aws-exports file that should be generated on the backend stage.
The same occurs with Branch autodetection (With the option Create new backend environment for every connected branch selected)
I'm opening this question here because I couldn't get any answer from AWS on their repo
We were recently facing the same issue and discovered that in order to be able to automatically create new BE environments for Previews or Branch autodetection, you need to add backend build step into Build settings in Amplify (amplify.yml).
It can be found in Amplify documentation and in the most simple form it should look like this:
- amplifyPush --simple
It is not very well documented or obvious, we stumbled across the solution by chance.
I have a cloud formation template where I have all the resources and details for the project.
I have the cfn-lint setup locally and it is running perfectly fine. However when I push the code changes, build fails at deployment stage due to cfn-nag stating some simple changes which could be fixed.
I'm using windows machine and I need a way to run this cfn-nag locally so that I could check this just like cfn-lint and fix them locally instead of waiting 40 minutes for build till it reaches deployment stage.
I referred several posts online, found below two helpful
What is the difference between cfn-nag and cfn-lint and why lint is not failing on what cfn-nag is complaining about?
The above links have some instructions on Ruby and Brew but I'm using Nodejs, felt lost. Please help.
CFN-Nag looks for patterns in AWS CloudFormation templates that may indicate insecure infrastructure,
IAM rules that are too permissive (wildcards),
Security group rules that are too permissive (wildcards),
Access logs that aren’t enabled,
Encryption that isn’t enabled,
CFN-Lint scans the AWS CloudFormation template by processing a collection of Rules, where every rule handles a specific function check or validation of the template. It validates against AWS CloudFormation Resource specification.
This collection of rules can be extended with custom rules using the --append-rules argument.
Ex: Whitespaces, alignment(YAML), type checks, valid values for resource properties, and other best practices.
Those two links you previded above have all the information needed, just not directly for a Nodejs developer using a Windows machine.
Step1: Pull the docket image stelligent/cfn-nag
Step2: Add the script to your package.json for cfn-nag
"scripts" : {
"cfn:nag": "cfn-nag"
If you're using docker-compose.yml
Add the cfn-nag image details to your docker-compose.yml like below
image: "stelligent/cfn-nag"
-./path_of_cfn_file_to_copy: /path_to_copy_to
command: ${COMMAND: -/path_to_copy_tp/cfn_file}
Just set the scripts in package.json to run via docker-compose
"cfn:nag": "docker-compose run --rm cfn-nag"
Its been a month I have started working on EKS AWS and up till now successfully deployed by code.
The steps which I follow for deployment are given below:
Create image from docker terminal.
Tag and push to ECR AWS.
Create the deployment "project.json" and service file "project-svc.json".
Save the above file in "kubectl/bin" path and deploy it with following commands below.
"kubectl apply -f projectname.json" and "kubectl apply -f projectname-svc.json".
So if I want to deployment the same project again with change, I push the new image on ECR and delete the existing deployment by using "kubectl delete -f projectname.json" without deleting the existing service and deploy it again using command "kubectl apply -f projectname.json" again.
Now, I'm in confusing that after I delete the existing deployment there is a downtime until I apply or create the deployment again. So, how to avoid this ? Because I don't want the downtime actually that is the reason why I started to use the EKS.
And one more thing is the process of deployment is a bit long too. I know I'm missing something can anybody guide me properly please?
The project is on .NET Core and if there is any simplified way to do deployment using Visual Studio please guide me for that also.
Thank You in advance!
There is actually no need to delete your deployment. Just need to update the desired state (the deployment configuration) and let K8s do its magic and apply the needed changes, like deploying a new version of your container.
If you have a single instance of your container, you will experience a short down time while changes are applied. If your application supports multiple replicas (HA), you can enjoy the rolling upgrade feature.
Start by reading the official Kubernetes documentation of a Performing a Rolling Update.
You only need to use the delete/apply if you are changing (And if you have) the ConfigMap attached to the Deployment.
Is the only change you do is the "image" of the deployment - you must use the "set-image" command.
Kubectl let you change the actual deployment image and it does the Rolling Updates all by itself and with 3+ pods you have the minimum chance for downtime.
Even more, if you use the --record flag, you can "rollback" to your previous image with no effort because it keep track of the changes.
You also have the possibility to specify the "Context" too, with no need to jump from contexts.
You can go like this:
kubectl set image deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME DEPLOYMENT_NAME=IMAGE_NAME --record -n NAMESPACE
OR Specifying the Cluster
As an Eg:
kubectl set image deployment nginx-dep nginx-dep=ecr12345/nginx:latest -n nginx --cluster eu-central-123-prod --user eu-central-123-prod --record
The --record is what let you track all the changes, if you want to rollback just do:
kubectl rollout undo deployment.v1.apps/nginx-dep
More documentations about it here:
Updating a deployment
Roll Back Deployment
I've been calling codebuild and manually overriding the buildspec like this:
aws codebuild start-build --cli-input-json file://servicea/custom.json
and then in custom.json
"projectName": "myproject",
"sourceVersion": "master",
"buildspecOverride": "servicea/buildspec.yml"
Now I want to use bitbucket trigger (or github if bitbucket is not supported) to build the service automatically after it's being pushed to master.
I've been Googling and found this tutorial https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/sample-bitbucket-pull-request.html
However, I met a roadblock where I couldn't build a specific folder with a specific buildspec.
for servicea, the build should run if I push to master and change any files in servicea folder with servicea/buildspec.yaml as the buildspec
for serviceb, the build should run if I push to master and change any files in serviceb folder with serviceb/buildspec.yaml as the buildspec
There is a FILE_PATH filter in the trigger, however there's I couldn't find a way to set the custom buildspec.
Is there any way to achieve this?
I want to use 1 codebuild project for all of my services
Bitbucket's webhook payload doesn't have the list of files changed in them, unlike GitHub.
Set the "git-credential-helper" to "yes" (or true) in your buildspec. Details in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/build-spec-ref.html#build-spec-ref-syntax
You can then fetch the list of file changed for the specific commit using the call mentioned in https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bitbucket-questions/Bitbucket-How-to-get-modified-files-of-a-commit-in-JSON-format/qaq-p/704126
You can obtain the commit from the environment variable: CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION and the branch from: CODEBUILD_WEBHOOK_HEAD_REF. Details in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/build-env-ref-env-vars.html
I can setup a build trigger on GCR to build my Docker image every time my Git repository gets updated. However, I have a single repository with multiple folders, and a Docker file in each folder.
-- service-1
-- service-2
How do I only build Dockerfile-1 when the service-1 folder gets updated?
This is a variation on this GitHub feature request -- in your case, differential behavior based on the changed files (folders) rather than the branch.
We are considering this feature as part of the development of support for more advanced workflow control and will post back on that GitHub issue when it becomes available.
The work-around available to you today is to use a bash script that conditionally builds (or doesn't) based on an inspection of the files changed in the $COMMIT_SHA that triggered the build. Note that the git builder can be used to get the list of files changed via git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $COMMIT_SHA.