modifying regex so that it finds space and put minimum length restriction - regex

I currently have the following regex
the issue is that it can't find texts like
0823 2371 2318
+62812 2712 2819
basically what follows 08 or +62 can be a number from 0-9 or a single space or a dot or an _
I also need to restrict such that it needs to find 10 characters or more

You may use
See the regex demo
(?:\+62|08) - +62 or 08
[\s._-]? - a whitespace, ., _ or -
(?=[\d\s._-]{8}) - there must be 8 digits/whitespaces/dots/hyphens or underscores immediately to the right of the current location
\d+ - 1+ digits
(?:[\s._-]\d+)* - zero or more repetitions of a whitespace/dot/underscore/hyphens and then 1+ digits
\b - word boundary.
If you need to restrict it to match substrings with only 10 digits or more, replace the (?=[\d\s._-]{8}) lookahead with (?=(?:[\s._-]*\d){8}), see this regex demo, or use (?:\+62|08)(?:[\s._-]*\d){8,}\b regex.

This RegEx divides your input phone numbers into three groups and it might match your desired patterns in an input string:
You can simply add other boundaries other than +62 or 08 to those groups, if you wish.
Edit: I'm not sure if this would cover your input samples. You could maybe modify it using a RegEx such as this one:


Regex for a promo code that has the following rules

I need to build a regex that have the following:
Rules to be applied:
exactly 14 characters
only letters (latin characters) and numbers
at least 3 letters
Regex still confuses me so I am struggling to get the correct output. I want to use it with swift and swiftui in an app I am making
I tried this. But I know it is not the way
I would use a positive lookahead for the length requirement:
This pattern says to match:
^ from the start of the input
(?=.{14}$) assert exact length of 14
[A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z] zero or more alphanumeric followed by one alpha
[A-Za-z0-9]* any alphanumeric zero or more times
$ end of the input
You need to use
^ - start of string
(?=(?:[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]){3}) - at least three repeations of a letter after any zero or more digits sequence required
[a-zA-Z0-9]{14} - fourteen letters/digits
$ - end of string.
See the regex demo.

Regex - Can quantifier skip certain range?

I have a simple regex like this [0-9a-zA-Z]{32,45} that matches 0-9,a-z,A-Z 32 to 45 times. Is there a way I can have the regex skip a certain range? For example, I don't want to match if there are 40 characters.
One way to do that would be
See proof. You match 32 to 39 occurrences possessively, then an optional occurrence of 2 to 6 repetitions of the pattern.
Another way could be using an alternation | repeating the character class either 41-45 times or 32-39 times.
You could prepend and append a word boundary \b to the pattern.
Regex demo

Need a regex for ONLY Alphanumeric (no pure numbers or letters) AND limit to exactly 10 characters?

I've run into some issues with this one and cannot find it in past questions.
Reject pure digits
Reject pure letters
Reject any symbols
Accept ONLY Alphanumeric combo
MUST be equal to 10 characters total
Here is what I have made and the problems with each:
This fails criteria #2
This fails criteria #1
I have tried some others that meet all criteria but fail the 10 char limit.
Any help is appreciated.
You may use a second lookahead:
See the regex demo and the Regulex graph:
^ - start of string
(?!\d+$) - a negative lookahead that makes sure the whole string is not composed of just digits
(?![a-zA-Z]+$) - the whole string cannot be all letters
[a-zA-Z\d]{10} - 10 letters or digits
$ - end of string.
Try this:
(?=^.{10}$) # there's exactly 10 characters following
^( | )$ # we match the entire string, containing either:
[a-z]+\d[a-z0-9]* # letters, followed by a number, followed by alphanumerics, or
\d+[a-z][a-z0-9]* # numbers, followed by a letter, followed by alphanumerics
Use lookahead to find at least one char of each type you require, and specify the length and char limitation in the "regular" part of your regex:
(?=.*[a-zA-Z])- Look ahead and find a letter,
(?=.*\d) - Look ahead and find a digit
[0-9a-zA-Z]{10} - exactly 10 digit/letter chars

Regex lookahead part of group accepted

I'm using regex in powershell 5.1.
I need it to detect groups of numbers, but ignore groups followed or preceeded by /, so from this it should detect only 9876.
[regex]::matches('9876 1234/56',‘(?<!/)([0-9]{1,}(?!(\/[0-9])))’).value
As it is now, the result is:
More examples: "13 17 10/20" should only match 13 and 17.
Tried using something like (?!(\/([0-9]{1,}))), but it did not help.
You may use
See the regex demo
Alternatively, if the numbers can be glued to text:
See this regex demo.
The first pattern is based on word boundaries \b that make sure there are no letters, digits and _ right before and after an expected match. The second one just makes sure there are no digits and / on both ends of the match.
(?<![/0-9]) - a negative lookbehind making sure there is no digit or / immediately to the left of the current location
[0-9]+ - one or more digis
(?!/?[0-9]) - a negative lookahead making sure there is no optional / followed with a digit immediately to the right of the current location.

Only allow 2 digits in a string using regex

I need regex that only allows a maximum of 2 digits (or whatever the desired limit is actually) to be entered into an input field.
The requirements for the field are as follows:
Allow a-z A-Z
Allow 0-9
Allow - and . characters
Allow spaces (\s)
Do not allow more than 2 digits
Do not allow any other special characters
I have managed to put together the following regex based on several answers on SO:
The above regex is really close. It works successfully for the following:
test 12 test
But it allows an input of:
123 (but not 1234, so it's close).
It only needs to allow an input of 12 when only digits are entered into the field.
I would like some help in finding a more efficient and cleaner (if possible) solution than my current regex - but it must still be regex, no JS.
You could use a positive lookahead like
(?=^(?:\D*\d\D*){2}$) # only two digits
^[- .\w]+$ # allowed characters
See a demo on
You may use a negative lookahead anchored at the start that will make the match fail once there are 3 digits found anywhere in the string:
See the regex demo
^ - start of string
(?!(?:[^0-9]*[0-9]){3}) - the negative lookahead failing the match if exactly 3 following sequences are found:
[^0-9]* - zero or more chars other than digits
[0-9] - a digit (thus, the digits do not have to be adjoining)
[a-zA-Z0-9\s.-]* - 0+ ASCII letters, digits, whitespace, . or - symbols
$ - end of string.