Can't add my own .h file to standard libraries VS 2017 - c++

I'm trying to use VS 2017 and add my own .h file to standard libraries so I can include it normally in whatever C++ project (I used to copy the .h file to Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include and just put it there).
It worked with VS 2013/2015 but 2017 is not detecting it after putting it there.
I know this is a bad practice but I just want to know why it's not detecting it and how to make it do so.
Thanks in advance.


Is there a way to build a project with multiple C++ files efficiently in Visual Studio Code?

I have a project in Visual Studio code with > 10 .cpp files. The reason they're split up this way was to make compilation faster, and it is faster in Visual Studio 2022. However, when using a build task in Visual Studio Code that simply includes all .cpp files it can find, it obviously compiles really slowly, as expected. But, is there a way it can compile individual .cpp files into object files, and link them at the end, only recompiling each .cpp file if it's contents have changed?
Also, I'm running Windows.
Solution: Use CMake. It's less complicated and more reliable than Visual Studio build tasks. Comments on my original question clear up how that's done.

C++ visual studio community source files

I would like to know how to find the source files for visual studio projects as I need to upload my projects for marking, I received the message is quotes below from my teacher but I am not sure where to find the .cpp and the .h / .hpp files in my visual studio project/lab folders. I am assuming with just these files he will be able to open the projects in programs other than visual studio?
"Please just upload the source files if you can (.cpp and .h / .hpp file) – I don’t require additional Visual Studio Packages etc."
By default your projects are stored in "%UserProfile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects" or similar depending on your version of IDE (ie. which Visual Studio version You use).
Assuming your project is named Project1, it's directory will be named the same and within this directory you will find yet another directory with the same name (so in default scenario it will all sum up to "%UserProfile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project1\Project1". Within this directory you shall find source (.c, .cpp) and header (.h, .hpp) files.
In most cases those files contain all the work you've done on the project. Most of other files populating project directory are non-essential, template, auto-generated or debug/release process products or by-products.
Hence to examine and judge what was written in programming language or rebuild your project in any other IDE or outside of IDE, those files would be all that's necessary.

Adding .mes and .mc files to a c++ project in visual studio 2010

I am trying to compile a piece of code to a static library that was developed using visual studio version 6 in vs2010. During compilation I see errors related to error codes that were defined in .mes and .mc files as I didn't add these files to source files or header files, but they are part of include directories.
Can some one let me know how to add .mes and .mc files to a vs 2010 project.
Thanks in advance.

Trouble With Building Live555 Media Server in VS2005

This could be a very silly question to any long time C++, visual studio or live555 users but I am having problems building the live555 source code with visual studio 2005. I have found a good walk through guide for creating the projects manually because .mak files are no longer supported by newer versions of visual studio but am still having problems. It seems that visual studio cannot open the .hh files that come in the include folders and I have added to the header folders of each seperate project.
Is there something special you have to do to the compilier or a plugin for the IDE to allow VS2005 to open .hh header files?
This is the error I am getting:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file
'BasicUsageEnvironment.hh': No such file or directory.
It seems to me that Visual studios cannot find the file, rather than it not being able to open that file type. If you right click on your project and go to
Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories
Now browse to the location of the .hh file and add it to the path. Visual studios should now be able to find the file in question. You may also have to add library paths to your solution. Please let me know if there are additional errors.

Visual Studio 2010 compiling .cpp files as .c files

I'm working one a Visual Studio solution which was generated using CMake (not sure if this is relevant).
In this solution there a c file, I wanted to change it into a cpp file, so I renamed it and changed the extension.
However, Visual Studio still treats it like a c file and gives compiler errors whenever I add any c++ style code.
I'm stuck, any advice would be much appreciated.
Project Properties, Configuration, C/C++, Advanced, change "Compile As".