How to connect to Postgres RDS through Postico or other client - amazon-web-services

I've been reading this very basic tutorial from AWS:
I opened up my Postico, copy/pasted the endpoint for my RDS database in the server field:, chose port 5432, configured my username and password, and hit connect. Elas:
Is the server running on host "" (123.456.789.12) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Great question, is it? Well I configured the security group to accept inbound connections from my IP on 5432, so it should be? Or am I missing something?
The RDS is created on a VPC, but I still don't understand what role it plays for my RDS instance. Isn't defining the white list for my ip enough to accept connections? What other things should I configure?


How do you connect an amazon rds to a django app

I have added the correct name, engine, user, password etc. Then I modified the inbound security rules to give my computer access to the database and I still cant connect the postgres database to the django app does anyone know what could cause this?
I keep getting this error
port 5432 failed: Connection timed out
Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?

Unable to connect to AWS RDS server: could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060)

I am trying to connect to AWS RDS database using pgAdmin4, I encounter and error:
Unable to connect to server:
could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060)
Is the server running on host "" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
I have tried to Allow Public Accessibility and InBound Rules from my IP. But I am still getting the error? What seems to be the issue?
I was facing the same error but for the MySQL database in rds. What I did was, I
went to and checked the IP shown. I copied that IP and created a new security group by adding two rules, one is your standard all traffic rule, and the second is the one with custom IP which you just copied. Then went to rds and changed VPC security grp to both default and the one I just created. Do this and try to connect again. It worked for me
For a quick test, try opening your inbound rule like this. If it works, then you know the issue is your IP address in your inbound rule:
Once you set this- can you connect?

AWS RDS listen on port 80

I have a simple AWS RDS instance which I wish to connect to from behind a corporate firewall which blocks all outgoing ports except for 80.
From the configuration, it appears RDS prohibits listening on ports < 1150.
What is the simplest way to get around this? I could create a EC2 instance to act as a proxy but this seems overkill.
Is there an AWS service or configuration I can use to achieve the above?
Create another machine and use it as SSH tunnel. I do it for connecting MongoDB, but the client tool should support to enter SSH tunnel details.
Find in my blog about details on how to create a machine with SSH connection on port 80:

Amazon RDS db connects locally but not on production

I was able to connect to the amazon rds aurora database locally, and run queries.
But on production EC2 server, the connection returns 500 server error "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out".
I've added the same credentials for the database to production, and can see they are being used in the error log.
I enabled the 'allow public access' setting.
I added all the security groups I have to the database (this is probably the problem, I didnt create any special groups, just whatever amazon suggested I let them do).
How could it be working locally but not on production?
Can you check your production server security group outbound rules. if it is connecting from local and not connecting from production machine , so should be some outbound traffic timeout.
It was a security group issue.
The default rds-setup-wizard security group was applied to my database instance, and this gave me local access. I guess it had my ip address or similar as an inbound rule.
I had to add a new security group and add that new group to the database instance.
My new security group needed an inbound rule that looked like this:
Type: MYSQL/Aurora
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 3306
Source: my EC2's private ipv4 address with /32. Eg:

Can't resolve AWS RDS sql express server, Error, cant connect to ip,port
I have followed the guide, disabled my firewall, verified my security group allows access to everything (initially set to public). Still, 2 installs of mysql won't let ssms connect. No idea why this doesn't work
ALL Traffic
ALL Traffic
Security Group that my db is using
All traffic
sg-23ae465c (default)
postgres gives me
could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060) Is the server running on host "" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
mysql can connect, might have to go with that
ecurity groups are not under RDS, they are under EC2's console. ACL's options are under VPC's console. This is not even mentioned in the guide. Seen someone connect on youtube with my exact settings...
This could be one of many things with the given information. The first thing I would check if you know your security groups are set up correctly is to open the port on the Network ACL Inbound Rules.