Why test assemblies are not filtering in VSTS azure build pipeline despite putting test assembly patterns? - unit-testing

Here is my test assembly patterns (configuration)
After triggering build, here is the log where integration test assembly is also there (this file must be filtered and should be here)
2019-04-23T13:10:33.6689787Z C:\VSTSAgent\A1\_work\1\s\myapp\myapp.Services.Test\bin\Release\myapp.Services.Test.dll
2019-04-23T13:10:33.6690018Z C:\VSTSAgent\A1\_work\1\s\myapp\myapp.Services.Integration.Test\bin\Release\myapp.Services.Integration.Test.dll
Becuase of this integration test cases are also running and I want to run only unit test cases.
Any idea?

I've found the solution, here is my latest configuration for the same which working absolutely as expected now.
If you notice the line which says that exclude path which contains this pattern;
and below pattern matches and will not be included in the result.
2019-04-23T13:10:33.6690018Z C:\VSTSAgent\A1\_work\1\s\myapp\myapp.Services.Integration.Test\bin\Release\myapp.Services.Integration.Test.dll


How to merge code coverage results in VSTS

I have a Visual Studio solution with multiple projects. I have added corresponding unit test projects in my solution. I am using Cobertura in VSTS to find the code coverage for these projects.
Cobertura publishes separate Cobertura.xml files for all the test projects. 
I would like a way to have a merged code coverage report. I couldn't specify path to multiple summary files in VSTS task for publishing code coverage. Is there a way I could achieve that ?
Additional info - All test cases are run against the same DB
I couldn't find any direct way to do this. So, I used powershell script in another VSO task to achieve the result. Since the tool generates xml with number of lines in one of the attributes, I have written a script to get the files and read that count and generate new xml with desired Coverage report. It worked since all test projects are for same Database and every project targets different set of stored procedures. It doesn't work if two tests target same stored procedure.
Hope this helps.
* EDIT Adding Powershell Script which I used to merge
(First 3 parameters are coverage paths from different unit test projects) *
[xml]$XmlContent = Get-Content $UnitTestPath1
$coverage = [float]$XmlContent.coverage.'lines-covered'
$XmlContent = Get-Content $UnitTestPath2
$coverage += [float]$XmlContent.coverage.'lines-covered'
$XmlContent = Get-Content $UnitTestPath13
$coverage += [float]$XmlContent.coverage.'lines-covered'
$node = $XmlContent.SelectNodes("/coverage");
I think there is a way that we can do this by Enabling the "Code Coverage Enabled" option in VSTS Test Assemblies Task at the time of Build definition without passing the path in code-coverage.

SonarQube: see details of failed tests

In SonarQube 5.6.6, I can see on http://example.com/component_measures/metric/test_failures/list?id=myproject that my unit test results were successfully imported. This is indicated by
Unit Test Failures: 1
which I produced by a fake failing test.
I also see the filename of the failing test class in a long list, and I see the number of failed tests (again: 1).
But I can't find any more information: which method, stack trace, stdout/err, just everything which is also included in the build/reports/test/index.html files generated by gradle? Clicking to the list entry points me to the code and coverage view, but I can't find any indicator, which test failed.
Am I doing something wrong in the frontend, is it a configuration problem, or am I looking for a feature which doesn't exist in SonarQube?
This is how it looks currently:
http://example.com/component_measures/domain/Coverage: Here I see that one test failed:
http://example.com/component_measures/metric/test_success_density/list: I can see which file it is:
But clicking on the line above only points me to the source file. Below the test which "failed". There is no indication that this test failed. And I can't find any way to see stack trace or the name of the failed test method:
Btw: The page of the first screenshot show Information about unit tests. But if the failing test is an integration test, I don't even see these numbers
Something like this is probably what I'm looking for:
(found on https://deors.wordpress.com/2014/07/04/individual-test-coverage-sonarqube-jacoco/)
I never saw such a view on my installation, don't know how to get it and if it is implemented in the current version.
Unfortunately Test execution details is a deprecated feature Sonar Qube 5.6
If you install older version such as Sonar Qube 4.x, we will get following screen which provides test case result details.
But this screen itself has been removed.
Ref # https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARCS-657
Basically the issue is Unit test case details report requires links back to source code files. But now the unit test cases are only linked to assemblies.

Excluding tests from tfs build

I want to exclude some tests from my continuous integration build but I haven't found a way to do so.
One of the things I've tried was to set up the priority of those tests to -2 and then on the build I specified Minimum Test Priority = -1 but it still run those tests.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Instead of using "Test Lists" that have been described, you should use the "Test Category" method. The test lists & VSMDI functionality have actually been deprecated in Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft may remove the feature completely in a future version of Visual Studio.
If you'd like some more information about how to use test categories especially with your automated build process, check out this blog post: http://www.edsquared.com/2009/09/25/Test+Categories+And+Running+A+Subset+Of+Tests+In+Team+Foundation+Server+2010.aspx
You can also exclude test categories from running by specifying the ! (exclamation point) character in front of the category name to further define your filter.
If you are using MSTest you can create a Test List for the tests that you need in you continuous integration.
With MSTest, you can simply create two test projects (assemblies) and only specify one in the build config to use for testing. In MSBuild, this was the way to go. For the new WF-Based build definitions, I currently don't have a sample at hand:
If the RunTest property is set to true then the following test arguments will be used to run
tests. Tests can be run by specifying one or more test lists and/or one or more test containers.
To run tests using test lists, add MetaDataFile items and associated TestLists here. Paths can
be server paths or local paths, but server paths relative to the location of this file are highly
<MetaDataFile Include="$(BuildProjectFolderPath)/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.vsmdi">
To run tests using test containers, add TestContainer items here:
<TestContainer Include="$(OutDir)\AutomatedBuildTests.dll" />
<TestContainer Include="$(SolutionRoot)\TestProject\WebTest1.webtest" />
<TestContainer Include="$(SolutionRoot)\TestProject\LoadTest1.loadtest" />
Use %2a instead of * and %3f instead of ? to prevent expansion before test assemblies are built
Tip: To use a generic build definition, we name all our Test projects "AutomatedBuildTests", i.e. there is no solution difference. So the build definition can be included in any existing build definition (or even be a common one) that always executes the right set of tests. It would be an easy task to prepend an "if exists" check in order to allow a build definition to only run tests when a Test assembly is present. We do not use this in order to get build errors when no test assembly is found as we absolutely want test with all those builds that use this definition.
My preference would be as above using a Test List, but some people have issued merging/editing the vsmdi files... We end up with separate solutions and use a pattern match to execute all tests in the appropriate DLL.
In Visual Studio 2012 and later you can configure your build definition using the Test case filter setting.
This setting is part of your build definition.
Open the build definition and navigate to the Process tab. In the section 3. Test you can define mutiple test sources. For each test source your can specify a Test case filter.
You can find the details in this MSDN article: Running selective unit tests in VS 2012 RC using TestCaseFilter
I have copied the supported operators and some examples from this article:
Operators supported in RC are:
1.= (equals)
2.!= (not equals)
3.~ (contains or substring only for string values)
4.& (and)
5.| (or)
6.( ) (paranthesis for grouping)
Expresssion can be created using these operators as any valid logical condition. & (and) has higher
precedence over | (or) while evaluating expression.
Another possibility would be to have some test sources in one build definition in some (i.e. more or fewer) test sources in other build definitions.

How would I produce JUnit test report for groovy tests, suitable for consumption by Jenkins/Hudson?

I've written several XMLUnit tests (that fit in to the JUnit framework) in groovy and can execute them easily on the command line as per the groovy doco but I don't quite understand what else I've got to do for it to produce the xml output that is needed by Jenkins/Hudson (or other) to display the pass/fail results (like this) and detailed report of the errors etc (like this). (apologies to image owners)
Currently, my kickoff script is this:
def allSuite = new TestSuite('The XSL Tests')
//looking in package xsltests.rail.*
allSuite.addTest(AllTestSuite.suite("xsltests/rail", "*Tests.groovy"))
and this produces something like this:
Running all XSL Tests...
Time: 4.141
OK (4 tests)
How can I make this create a JUnit test report xml file suitable to be read by Jenkins/Hudson?
Do I need to kick off the tests with a different JUnit runner?
I have seen this answer but would like to avoid having to write my own test report output.
After a little hackage I have taken Eric Wendelin's suggestion and gone with Gradle.
To do this I have moved my groovy unit tests into the requisite directory structure src/test/groovy/, with the supporting resources (input and expected output XML files) going into the /src/test/resources/ directory.
All required libraries have been configured in the build.gradle file, as described (in its entirety) here:
apply plugin: 'groovy'
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'
groovy module('org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:1.8.2') {
test {
jvmArgs '-Xms64m', '-Xmx512m', '-XX:MaxPermSize=128m'
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true //not sure about this one, was in official user guide
outputs.upToDateWhen { false } //makes it run every time even when Gradle thinks it is "Up-To-Date"
This applies the Groovy plugin, sets up to use maven to grab the specified dependencies and then adds some extra values to the built-in "test" task.
One extra thing in there is the last line which makes Gradle run all of my tests every time and not just the ones it thinks are new/changed, this makes Jenkins play nicely.
I also created a gradle.properties file to get through the corporate proxy/firewall etc:
With this, I've created a 'free-style' project in Jenkins that polls our Mercurial repo periodically and whenever anyone commits an updated XSL to the repo all the tests will be run.
One of my original goals was being able to produce the standard Jenkins/Hudson pass/fail graphics and the JUnit reports, which is a success: Pass/Fail with JUnit Reports.
I hope this helps someone else with similar requirements.
I find the fastest way to bootstrap this stuff is with Gradle:
# build.gradle
apply plugin: 'groovy'
task initProjectStructure () << {
project.sourceSets.all*.allSource.sourceTrees.srcDirs.flatten().each { dir ->
Then run gradle initProjectStructure and move your source into src/main/groovy and tests to test/main/groovy.
It seems like a lot (really it's <5 minutes of work), but you get lots of stuff for free. Now you can run gradle test and it'll run your tests and produce JUnit XML you can use in build/test-reports in your project directory.
Since you're asking for the purposes of exposing the report to Jenkins/Hudson, I'm assuming you have a Maven/Ant/etc build that you're able to run. If that's true, the solution is simple.
First of all, there's practically no difference between Groovy and Java JUnit tests. So, all you need to do is add the Ant/Maven junit task/plugin to your build and have it execute your Groovy junit tests (just as you'd do if they were written in Java). That execution will create test reports. From there, you can simply configure your Hudson/Jenkins build to look at the directory where the test reports get created during the build process.
You can write your own custom RunListener (or SuiteRunListener). It still requires you to write some code, but it's much cleaner than the script you've provided a link to. If you'd like, I can send you the code for a JUnit reporter I've written in JavaScript for Jasmine and you can 'translate' it into Groovy.

CPP unit setup for C++

In CPP unit we run unit test as part of build as part of post build setup. We will be running multiple tests as part of this. In case if any test case fails post build should not stop, it should go ahead and run all the test cases and should report summary how many test cases passed and failed. how can we achieve this.
His question is specific enough. You need a test runner. Encapsulate each test in its own behavior and class. The test project is contained separately from the tested code. Afterwards just configure your XMLOutputter. You can find an excellent example of how to do this in the linux website. http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/CppUnit.html
We use this way to compile our test projects for our main projects and observe if everything is ok. Now it all becomes the work of maintaining your test code.
Your question is too vague for a precise answer. Usually, a unit test engine return a code to tell it has failed (like a non zero return code in the shell on linux) or generate some output file with results. The calling system handle this. If you have written it (some home made scripts) you have to give the option to go on tests execution even if an error occurred. If you are using some tools like continuous integration server, then you have to go through the doc and find the option that allows you to go on when tests fails.
A workaround is to write a script that return a "OK" result even if the unit test fails, but there you lose some automatic verification ...
Be more specific if you want more clues.
I would just write your tests this way. Instead of using the CPPUNIT_ASSERT macros or whatever you would write them in regular C++ with some way of logging errors.
You could use a macro for this too of course. Something like:
LOGASSERT( some_expression )
could be defined to execute some_expression and to log the expression together with FILE and LINE if it fails, and you can also log exceptions of course, as well as ones that are not thrown, simply by writing them in your tests (with macros if you want to log the expression that caused them with FILE and LINE).
If you are writing macros I would advise you to limit the content of your macro to calling an inline function with extra parameters.