CPP unit setup for C++ - c++

In CPP unit we run unit test as part of build as part of post build setup. We will be running multiple tests as part of this. In case if any test case fails post build should not stop, it should go ahead and run all the test cases and should report summary how many test cases passed and failed. how can we achieve this.

His question is specific enough. You need a test runner. Encapsulate each test in its own behavior and class. The test project is contained separately from the tested code. Afterwards just configure your XMLOutputter. You can find an excellent example of how to do this in the linux website. http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/CppUnit.html
We use this way to compile our test projects for our main projects and observe if everything is ok. Now it all becomes the work of maintaining your test code.

Your question is too vague for a precise answer. Usually, a unit test engine return a code to tell it has failed (like a non zero return code in the shell on linux) or generate some output file with results. The calling system handle this. If you have written it (some home made scripts) you have to give the option to go on tests execution even if an error occurred. If you are using some tools like continuous integration server, then you have to go through the doc and find the option that allows you to go on when tests fails.
A workaround is to write a script that return a "OK" result even if the unit test fails, but there you lose some automatic verification ...
Be more specific if you want more clues.

I would just write your tests this way. Instead of using the CPPUNIT_ASSERT macros or whatever you would write them in regular C++ with some way of logging errors.
You could use a macro for this too of course. Something like:
LOGASSERT( some_expression )
could be defined to execute some_expression and to log the expression together with FILE and LINE if it fails, and you can also log exceptions of course, as well as ones that are not thrown, simply by writing them in your tests (with macros if you want to log the expression that caused them with FILE and LINE).
If you are writing macros I would advise you to limit the content of your macro to calling an inline function with extra parameters.


Python Sub-Process Coverage

I'm attempting to get coverage reports for a project that uses both C++ and Python. I'm using LCOV/GCOV for C++, and attempting to use Coverage.py for the python stuff. The only issue is, most of the python code that's being used is simply utility functions being called one function at a time. No initialization, no real life-cycle, or exit. So no real way to use the API to start/stop/save, or use the coverage command line to measure.
With this, I thought the easiest way to accomplish this would be using the sitecustomize.py method like outlined here. I have gotten that to work, and it measures all configured python code as expected. Now I'm looking at how to accomplish this with compiled python code (.pyc).
I can get it to work if I keep source(.py) and (.pyc) in the same directory when running, and then reporting. However, I'm looking for a way to RUN the files and generate the measurement data. Then at a later time point to the actual source files, and run the actual reports. Ideally I wouldn't need the source(.py) files at all, but I haven't found a way to accomplish this.
In the end I want to be able to compile the python files(.pyc), install them on the target, and run coverage like stated above. It will generate coverage data files, then pull those files to my host machine which houses the source(.py) .. and do the actual coverage reporting.
Is this possible currently?
[Edit] Thanks to Ned's advice, I looked into the [paths] usage, and it worked exactly how I needed it to.

Log level in boost unit test framework

I am using the boost unit test framework. I use the BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE function, and therefore I need to set the log level to at least message.
From reading the doc, I can do the following:
I can add somehwere boost::unit_test::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level( boost::unit_test::log_messages); However, the doc indicates it to be generally considered bad practice.
I can set the environment variable BOOST_TEST_LOG_LEVEL appropriately. This is a bad solution for me, as I will distribute my code, and I do not have a good way to constrain the user to set this environment variable appropriately in their bashrc.
Does anyone know a proper solution to this?
The best solution was simply to use the command line argument --log_level when running my binary.

Looking for executable-based test framework

I've inherited an old program that works, but has pretty ugly source code. I need to make the code nicer without changing the functionality. This program takes an input file, performs all sorts of calculations and generates an output file.
The program is currently written in a C/C++ combination. At first I'm going to keep it a C++ program, but in the not-so-far future I'm going to convert it, or parts of it, to Python.
Naturally, the original developers haven't taken the time to create unit tests, or any other kind of test. Since I want to make sure my modifications haven't changed the program's behavior, I want to start by creating some tests. These will not be unit tests, but rather tests of the entire program.
I want each test to take one input file and a set of command line arguments, run the program and compare the output (which is the output file, stdout output and stderr output) to the expected output.
Since I need to support both C++ and Python, the test framework needs to be language agnostic - it should be able to run an executable, collect stdout and stderr and compare them, as well as another file, to the prerecorded outputs.
I couldn't find a test framework that can do that. Is there anything like that? I'd rather not develop one myself.
Well, off the top of my head, you could certainly run the executable with your desired inputs in python using subprocess or some similar module, parse the output and then use the unittest module to set expectations on what sort of output you're looking for.

How to organize C++ test apps and related files?

I'm working on a C++ library that (among other stuff) has functions to read config files; and I want to add tests for this. So far, this has lead me to create lots of valid and invalid config files, each with only a few lines that test one specific functionality. But it has now got very unwieldy, as there are so many files, and also lots of small C++ test apps. Somehow this seems wrong to me :-) so do you have hints how to organise all these tests, the test apps, and the test data?
Note: the library's public API itself is not easily testable (it requires a config file as parameter). The juicy, bug-prone methods for actually reading and interpreting config values are private, so I don't see a way to test them directly?
So: would you stick with testing against real files; and if so, how would you organise all these files and apps so that they are still maintainable?
Perhaps the library could accept some kind of stream input, so you could pass in a string-like object and avoid all the input files? Or depending on the type of configuration, you could provide "get/setAttribute()" functions to directly, publicy, fiddle the parameters. If that is not really a design goal, then never mind. Data-driven unit tests are frowned upon in some places, but it is definitely better than nothing! I would probably lay out the code like this:
In each testN directory you would have a cpp file associated to the config files in the input directory.
Then, assuming you are using an xUnit-style test library (cppunit, googletest, unittest++, or whatever) you can add various testXXX() functions to a single class to test out associated groups of functionality. That way you could cut out part of the lots-of-little-programs problem by grouping at least some tests together.
The only problem with this is if the library expects the config file to be called something specific, or to be in a specific place. That shouldn't be the case, but if it is would have to be worked around by copying your test file to the expected location.
And don't worry about lots of tests cluttering your project up, if they are tucked away in a tests directory then they won't bother anyone.
Part 1.
As Richard suggested, I'd take a look at the CPPUnit test framework. That will drive the location of your test framework to a certain extent.
Your tests could be in a parallel directory located at a high-level, as per Richard's example, or in test subdirectories or test directories parallel with the area you want to test.
Either way, please be consistent in the directory structure across the project! Especially in the case of tests being contained in a single high-level directory.
There's nothing worse than having to maintain a mental mapping of source code in a location such as:
and having the test(s) located somewhere such as:
And I've worked on projects where someone did that!
What a waste of wetware cycles! 8-O Talk about violating the Alexander's concept of Quality Without a Name.
Much better is having your tests consistently located w.r.t. location of the source code under test:
Part 2
As for the API config files, make local copies of a reference config in each local test area as a part of the test env. setup that is run before executing a test. Don't sprinkle copies of config's (or data) all through your test tree.
BTW Really glad to see you asking this now when setting things up!
In some tests I have done, I have actually used the test code to write the configuration files and then delete them after the test had made use of the file. It pads out the code somewhat and I have no idea if it is good practice, but it worked. If you happen to be using boost, then its filesystem module is useful for creating directories, navigating directories, and removing the files.
I agree with what #Richard Quirk said, but also you might want to make your test suite class a friend of the class you're testing and test its private functions.
For things like this I always have a small utility class that will load a config into a memory buffer and from there it gets fed into the actually config class. This means the real source doesn't matter - it could be a file or a db. For the unit-test it is hard coded one in a std::string that is then passed to the class for testing. You can simulate currup!pte3d data easily for testing failure paths.
I use UnitTest++. I have the tests as part of the src tree. So:
solution/project1/src <-- source code
solution/project1/src/tests <-- unit test code
solution/project2/src <-- source code
solution/project2/src/tests <-- unit test code
Assuming that you have control over the design of the library, I would expect that you'd be able to refactor such that you separate the concerns of actual file reading from interpreting it as a configuration file:
class FileReader reads the file and produces a input stream,
class ConfigFileInterpreter validates/interprets etc. the contents of the input stream
Now to test FileReader you'd need a very small number of actual files (empty, binary, plain text etc.), and for ConfigFileInterpreter you would use a stub of the FileReader class that returns an input stream to read from. Now you can prepare all your various config situations as strings and you would not have to read so many files.
You will not find a unit testing framework worse than CppUnit. Seriously, anybody who recommends CppUnit has not really taken a look at any of the competing frameworks.
So yes, go for a unit testing franework, but do not use CppUnit.

What do you need from a test harness?

I'm one of the people involved in the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) IETF group (if interested, feel free to join the mailing list). Many programming languages are starting to adopt TAP as their primary testing protocol and they want more from it than what we currently offer. As a result, we'd like to get feedback from people who have a background in xUnit, TestNG or any other testing framework/methodology.
Basically, aside from a simple pass/fail, what information do you need from a test harness? Just to give you some examples:
Filename and line number (if applicable)
Start and end time
Diagnostic output such as the difference between what you got and what you expected.
And so on ...
Most definitely all things from your list for each individual item:
Line number
Namespace/class/function name
Test coverage
Start time and end time
And/or total time (this would be more useful for me than the top two items)
Diagnostic output such as the
difference between what you got and
what you expected.
From the top of my head not much else but for the group of tests I would like to know
group name
total execution time
It must be very, very easy to write a test, and equally easy to run them. That, to me, is the single most important feature of a testing harness. If someone has to fire up a GUI or jump through a bunch of hoops to write a test, they won't use it.
An arbitrary set of tags - so I can mark a test as, for example "integration, UI, admin".
(you knew I was going to ask for this didn't you :-)
To what you said I'd add:
Method/function/class name
Coverage counting tool, with exceptions (Do not count these methods)
Result of N last runs available
Mandate that ways to easily parse test results must exist
Any sort of diagnostic output - especially on failure is critical. If a test fails, you don't want to always have to rerun the test under a debugger to see what happened - there should be some cludes in the output.
I also like to see a before and after snapshot of critical system variables like memory or hard disk space available as those can provide great clues as well.
Finally, if you're using random seeds for any of the tests, write the seed out to the logfile so that the test can be reproduced if necessary.
I'd like the ability to concatenate and nest TAP streams.
A unique id (uuid, md5sum) to be able to identify an individual test -- say, for use when inserting test results in a database, or identifying them in a bug tracker to make it possible for QA to rerun an individual test.
This would also make it possible to trace an individual test's behavior from build-to-build through the entire lifecycle of multiple revisions of a product. This could eventually allow larger-scale correlations between 'historic' events (new hire, product release, hardware upgrades) and the profile(s) of tests that fail as a result of such events.
I'm also thinking that TAP should be emitted through a dedicated side-channel rather than mixed in with stdout. I'm not sure this is under the scope of the protocol definition.
I use TAP as output protocol for a set of simple C++ test methods, and have seen the following shortcomings:
test steps cannot be put into groups (there's only the grouping into several test scripts; but for running all tests in our software, I need at least one more level of grouping, so that a single test step would be identified by like "DB connection" -> "Reconnection Test" -> "test step #3")
seeing differences between expected and actual output is useful; I either print the diff to stderr (as comment) or actually launch a graphical diff tool
the protocol and tools must be really language-independent. For example, so far I only know of the Perl "prove" tool for running tests, which is limited to running Perl scripts
In the end, the test output must be suitable as basis for easily generating an HTML report file which lists succeeded tests very concisely, gives detailed output for failed tests, and makes it possible to quickly jump into the IDE to the failing test line.
optional ascii coloured output, green for good, yellow for pending, red for errors
the idea of things being pending
a summary at the end of the test report of commands that will run the individual tests where
List item
something went wrong
something in the test was pending
Extension idea for TAP:
ok 1 - yay
not ok 2 - boo
ok 3 - yay #json:{...}
ok 4 - see my json
Ability to attach a #json comment...
- can be safely ignored by existing code
- well-defined tags can be easily reserved at testanything.org
- easy to produce, parse and read complex types
- yaml is a pain