"No Extension exists for streamingml" error in WSO2 SP - wso2

When I try using #streamingml extension in WSO2 SP, I get the error that extension is not available.
However I have made sure that siddhi-execution-streamingml-1.0.15 is downloaded and placed within the /lib directory.
I am running this on Ubuntu 16.04 as a docker service. I have downloaded the extension and have placed it under the /lib directory.
#info(name = 'training-query')
from ProductionTrainingStream**#streamingml:updateHoeffdingTree**('SweetTypeModel', 5, density, volume, sweetType)
select *
insert into TemporaryStream;

The HoeffdingTree classification is supported by the siddhi-gpl-execution-streamingml.
Download its latest version from maven and copy it to SP_HOME/lib directory.


Connect Tableau to Athena on Mac OS

Tableau Version 2021.1.2
Java Version
openjdk 16.0.1 2021-04-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK-16.0.1+9 (build 16.0.1+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK-16.0.1+9 (build 16.0.1+9, mixed mode, sharing)
I placed the driver under ~/Library/Tableau/Drivers, but consistently getting the error message as shown in the attachment.Error Message from Tableau Desktop
I think that you are placing drivers in the wrong folders, you have to copy the .jar file inside the folder
C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers
If it doesn't exist you have to create it.
From the Tableau Drivers download page:
Follow these steps to install the JDBC driver for Amazon Athena on
your Windows computer:
Download the JDBC driver (.jar file) from the Amazon Athena User Guide
on Amazon's website. Move the downloaded .jar file to C:\Program
Try putting it as
Try to unhide the hidden folder from the account which you mainly sign in from your Mac because there is a hidden Library folder where you would need to put the appropriate jar file in that's located in the folder.
My url was Computer/MacintoshHD/Users/myusername/Library
This is the Library directory where I pressed shirt+command+. to unhide it. There, you should be able to find an already created Tableau Folder which contains another directory known as Driver. You would need to place the appropriate jar file in the Driver folder.
Hope this helps!

Installing PGroonga on Windows 10 for PostgreSQL 11

PostgreSQL extension Novice here.
So I am trying to install PGroonga on Windows 10 for PostgreSQL 11(already installed)
The instructions it telling me to extract the downloaded PGroonga package. And I need to specify PostgreSQL folder as extract target folder as show below.
If you installed installer version PostgreSQL,
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\%POSTGRESQL_VERSION%
is the extract target folder.
If you installed zip version PostgreSQL,
is the extract target folder.
I installed my PostgreSQL using the installer version however,I am unable to find this folder on my PostgreSQL and therefore can’t install the extension.
Any help will be highly appreciated .
The extracted pGroonga file has bin, etc, include, lib, share folder. While my installed pg11 also has bin etc include init lib and share folder. Extracting this file here will update the files which I think is not good. I have however copied the files to respective folder but I still get an error when.

Server can't find packages after upgrade

Private nuget server can't find packages after upgrade
I had to update the nuget server to get it to accept packages that were failing to upload (apparently the package format changed in dotnet core or something). Now all the previously uploaded packages aren't showing up in nuget. I can see all of them on the server just sitting there in their directories. But they can't be found. New packages are ending up in the server's package directory rather than their own directories.
From prior experience I don't think just copying the packages into the packages directory is going to work.
Trying to actually upgrade the NuGet.Server package from v2.8.6 to v3.0.2 appears to work but in the end the package is still at v2.8.6.
Don't try to upgrade nuget.server projects. That way lies madness.
Carry out the instructions like making a new one.
1) Create a new empty Web Project; target framework is NET Framework 4.6
2) Add NuGet.Server version 3.0.2
3) Fix duplicate <compilation> tag in web.config
4) Apply your API key to web.config and any other nuget configurations you have.
5) Remove old project from installation directory; leaving behind only the Packages directory and optionally any static files you uploaded to the installation directory itself (I keep a copy of nuget.exe and local project icons there).
6) Copy build output of new project to web installation directory.
It starts working. I don't know what's up with upgrading but it ends up with a smashed web.config and who knows what else.

Data folder location incorrect Sitecore 8.2 Update 1

As per Sitecore documentation with version 8.2 rev.161115 the data folder has been relocated to be under website/App_Data folder of the installation.
I installed the vanilla Sitecore installation of Sitecore XP 8.2 rev. 161115 (8.2 Update-1) through the exe web application installer. However in the fresh installation, I noticed that the data folder is still located outside root of my application. The iis instance and databases were correctly configured by the web installer though.
Is this the expected behavior? As the exe just runs a wizard I don't see an option to configure the default data folder.
If you are installing Sitecore from the exe or the zip file then the data folder is still located outside from the root application:
From section 4.1 Installation Process Overview in the installation guide:
Extract the .zip archive to create the following folders:
If you check the structure of the zip package then you will see the same structure:
The data folder has however been moved inside the website/App_Data folder for Azure PaaS installation, which makes sense given the nature of AppService containers and the fact that the application is essentially deployed to the root (so folders cannot reside outside). If you check the structure of the packages for Azure AppService from the Sitecore download page then you will notice the same:

How to install pecl memcached extension on wamp?

I need to install memcached for my windows 64bit wamp running on localhost. My specific php version is 5.5.12.
I am using version 2.2.0 of the extension found here:
How do I install the extension as it is a .tgz file?
I tried finding a working dll for this extension without any success.
Step 1:
Check in your PHP’s extension directory (like: C:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.25\ext) if not exists file php_memcache.dll, go to the page http://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/memcache/3.0.8/
to download this file (depends on your PHP version) and put php_memcache.dll in your directory C:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.25\ext
Step 2:
Edit your file php.ini, add this line:
Step 3: restart apache
and check now your phpinfo