How to extract matrixL() and matrixU() when using Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT? - c++

I'm trying to use Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT for Cholesky decomposition, however, it seems that I could not get matrixL() and matrixU(). How can I extract matrixL() and matrixU() from Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT for future use?

A partial answer to integrate what others have said.
Consider Y ~ MultivariateNormal(0, A). One may want to (1) evaluate the (log-)likelihood (a multivariate normal density), (2) sample from such density.
For (1), it is necessary to solve Ax = b where A is symmetric positive-definite, and compute its log-determinant. (2) requires L such that A = L * L.transpose() since Y ~ MultivariateNormal(0, A) can be found as Y = L u where u ~ MultivariateNormal(0, I).
A Cholesky LLT or LDLT decomposition is useful because chol(A) can be used for both purposes. Solving Ax=b is easy given the decomposition, andthe (log)determinant can be easily derived from the (sum)product of the (log-)components of D or the diagonal of L. By definition L can then be used for sampling.
So, in Eigen one can use:
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT solver(A) (or Eigen::SimplicialLLT), when solver.solve(b) and calculate the determinant using solver.vectorD().diag(). Useful because if A is a covariance matrix, then solver can be used for likelihood evaluations, and matrixL() for sampling.
Eigen::CholmodDecomposition does not give access to matrixL() or vectorD() but exposes .logDeterminant() to achieve the (1) goal but not (2).
Eigen::PardisoLDLT does not give access to matrixL() or vectorD() and does not expose a way to get the determinant.
In some applications, step (2) - sampling - can be done at a later stage so Eigen::CholmodDecomposition is enough. At least in my configuration, Eigen::CholmodDecomposition works 2 to 5 times faster than Eigen::SimplicialLDLT (I guess because of the permutations done under the hood to facilitate parallelization)
Example: in Bayesian spatial Gaussian process regression, the spatial random effects can be integrated out and do not need to be sampled. So MCMC can proceed swiftly with Eigen::CholmodDecomposition to achieve convergence for the uknown parameters. The spatial random effects can then be recovered in parallel using Eigen::SimplicialLDLT. Typically this is only a small part of the computations but having matrixL() directly from CholmodDecomposition would simplify them a bit.

You cannot do this using the given class. The class you are referencing is equotation solver (which indeed uses cholesky decomposition). To decompose your matrix you should rather use Eigen::LLT. Code example from their website:
MatrixXd A(3,3);
A << 4,-1,2, -1,6,0, 2,0,5;
LLT<MatrixXd> lltOfA(A);
MatrixXd L = lltOfA.matrixL();
MatrixXd U = lltOfA.matrixU();

As reported somewhere else, e.g., it cannot be done easily.
I am copying a possible recommendation (answered by Gael Guennebaud himself), even if somewhat old:
If you really need access to the factor to do your own cooking, then
better use the built-in SimplicialL{D}LT<> class. Extracting the
factors from the supernodal internal represations of Cholmod/Pardiso
is indeed not straightforward and very rarely needed. We have to
check, but if Cholmod/Pardiso provide routines to manipulate the
factors, like applying it to a vector, then we could let
matrix{L,U}() return a pseudo expression wrapping these routines.
Developing code for extracting this is likely beyond SO, and probably a topic for a feature request.
Of course, the solution with LLT is at hand (but not the topic of the OP).


How to implement Matlab's mldivide (a.k.a. the backslash operator "\")

I'm currently trying to develop a small matrix-oriented math library (I'm using Eigen 3 for matrix data structures and operations) and I wanted to implement some handy Matlab functions, such as the widely used backslash operator (which is equivalent to mldivide ) in order to compute the solution of linear systems (expressed in matrix form).
Is there any good detailed explanation on how this could be achieved ? (I've already implemented the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse pinv function with a classical SVD decomposition, but I've read somewhere that A\b isn't always pinv(A)*b , at least Matalb doesn't simply do that)
For x = A\b, the backslash operator encompasses a number of algorithms to handle different kinds of input matrices. So the matrix A is diagnosed and an execution path is selected according to its characteristics.
The following page describes in pseudo-code when A is a full matrix:
if size(A,1) == size(A,2) % A is square
if isequal(A,tril(A)) % A is lower triangular
x = A \ b; % This is a simple forward substitution on b
elseif isequal(A,triu(A)) % A is upper triangular
x = A \ b; % This is a simple backward substitution on b
if isequal(A,A') % A is symmetric
[R,p] = chol(A);
if (p == 0) % A is symmetric positive definite
x = R \ (R' \ b); % a forward and a backward substitution
[L,U,P] = lu(A); % general, square A
x = U \ (L \ (P*b)); % a forward and a backward substitution
else % A is rectangular
[Q,R] = qr(A);
x = R \ (Q' * b);
For non-square matrices, QR decomposition is used. For square triangular matrices, it performs a simple forward/backward substitution. For square symmetric positive-definite matrices, Cholesky decomposition is used. Otherwise LU decomposition is used for general square matrices.
Update: MathWorks has updated the algorithm section in the doc page of mldivide with some nice flow charts. See here and here (full and sparse cases).
All of these algorithms have corresponding methods in LAPACK, and in fact it's probably what MATLAB is doing (note that recent versions of MATLAB ship with the optimized Intel MKL implementation).
The reason for having different methods is that it tries to use the most specific algorithm to solve the system of equations that takes advantage of all the characteristics of the coefficient matrix (either because it would be faster or more numerically stable). So you could certainly use a general solver, but it wont be the most efficient.
In fact if you know what A is like beforehand, you could skip the extra testing process by calling linsolve and specifying the options directly.
if A is rectangular or singular, you could also use PINV to find a minimal norm least-squares solution (implemented using SVD decomposition):
x = pinv(A)*b
All of the above applies to dense matrices, sparse matrices are a whole different story. Usually iterative solvers are used in such cases. I believe MATLAB uses UMFPACK and other related libraries from the SuiteSpase package for direct solvers.
When working with sparse matrices, you can turn on diagnostic information and see the tests performed and algorithms chosen using spparms:
x = A\b;
What's more, the backslash operator also works on gpuArray's, in which case it relies on cuBLAS and MAGMA to execute on the GPU.
It is also implemented for distributed arrays which works in a distributed computing environment (work divided among a cluster of computers where each worker has only part of the array, possibly where the entire matrix cannot be stored in memory all at once). The underlying implementation is using ScaLAPACK.
That's a pretty tall order if you want to implement all of that yourself :)

Two point boundary with odeint

I am trying to solve two point boundary problem with odeint. My equation has the form of
y'' + a*y' + b*y + c = 0
It is pretty trivial when I have boundary conditions of y(x_1) = y_1 , y'(x_2) = y_2, but when boundary conditions are y(x_1) = y_1 , y(x_2) = y_2 I am lost. Does anybody know the way to deal with problems like this with odeint or other scientific library?
In this case you need a shooting method. odeint does not have such a method, it solved the initial value problem (IVP) which is your first case. I think in the Numerical Recipies this method is explained and you can use Boost.Odeint to do the time stepping.
An alternative and more efficient method to solve this type of problem is finite differences or finite elements method. For finite differences you can check Numerical Recipes. For finite elements I recommend dealii library.
Another approach is to use b-splines: Assuming you do know the initial x0 and final xfinal points of integration, then you can expand the solution y(x) in a b-spline basis, defined over (x0,xfinal), i.e.
y(x)= \sum_{i=1}^n A_i*B_i(x),
where A_i are constant coefficients to be determined, and B_i(x) are b-spline basis (well defined polynomial functions, that can be differentiated numerically). For scientific applications you can find an implementation of b-splines in GSL.
With this substitution the boundary value problem is reduced to a linear problem, since (am using Einstein summation for repeated indices):
A_i*[ B_i''(x) + a*B_i'(x) + b*B_i(x)] + c =0
You can choose a set of points x and create a linear system from the above equation. You can find information for this type of method in the following review paper "Applications of B-splines in Atomic and Molecular Physics" - H Bachau, E Cormier, P Decleva, J E Hansen and F Martín
I do not know of any library solving directly this problem, but there are several libraries for B-splines (I recommend GSL for your needs), that will allow you to form the linear system. See this stackoverflow question:
Spline, B-Spline and NURBS C++ library

Alglib: solving A * x = b in a least squares sense

I have a somewhat complicated algorithm that requires the fitting of a quadric to a set of points. This quadric is given by its parametrization (u, v, f(u,v)), where f(u,v) = au^2+bv^2+cuv+du+ev+f.
The coefficients of the f(u,v) function need to be found since I have a set of exactly 6 constraints this function should obey. The problem is that this set of constraints, although yielding a problem like A*x = b, is not completely well behaved to guarantee a unique solution.
Thus, to cut it short, I'd like to use alglib's facilities to somehow either determine A's pseudoinverse or directly find the best fit for the x vector.
Apart from computing the SVD, is there a more direct algorithm implemented in this library that can solve a system in a least squares sense (again, apart from the SVD or from using the naive inv(transpose(A)*A)*transpose(A)*b formula for general least squares problems where A is not a square matrix?
Found the answer through some careful documentation browsing:
rmatrixsolvels( A, noRows, noCols, b, singularValueThreshold, info, solverReport, x)
The documentation states the the singular value threshold is a clamping threshold that sets any singular value from the SVD decomposition S matrix to 0 if that value is below it. Thus it should be a scalar between 0 and 1.
Hopefully, it will help someone else too.

Matlab Hilbert Transform in C++

First, please excuse my ignorance in this field, I'm a programmer by trade but have been stuck in a situation a little beyond my expertise (in math and signals processing).
I have a Matlab script that I need to port to a C++ program (without compiling the matlab code into a DLL). It uses the hilbert() function with one argument. I'm trying to find a way to implement the same thing in C++ (i.e. have a function that also takes only one argument, and returns the same values).
I have read up on ways of using FFT and IFFT to build it, but can't seem to get anything as simple as the Matlab version. The main thing is that I need it to work on a 128*2000 matrix, and nothing I've found in my search has showed me how to do that.
I would be OK with either a complex value returned, or just the absolute value. The simpler it is to integrate into the code, the better.
Thank you.
The MatLab function hilbert() does actually not compute the Hilbert transform directly but instead it computes the analytical signal, which is the thing one needs in most cases.
It does it by taking the FFT, deleting the negative frequencies (setting the upper half of the array to zero) and applying the inverse FFT. It would be straight forward in C/C++ (three lines of code) if you've got a decent FFT implementation.
This looks pretty good, as long as you can deal with the GPL license. Part of a much larger numerical computing resource.
Simple code below. (Note: this was part of a bigger project). The value for L is based on the your determination of your order, N. With N = 2L-1. Round N to an odd number. xbar below is based on the signal you define as the input to your designed system. This was implemented in MATLAB.
L = 40;
n = -L:L; % index n from [-40,-39,....,-1,0,1,...,39,40];
h = (1 - (-1).^n)./(pi*n); %impulse response of Hilbert Transform
h(41) = 0; %Corresponds to the 0/0 term (for 41st term, 0, in n vector above)
xhat = conv(h,xbar); %resultant from Hilbert Transform H(w);
Not a true answer to your question but maybe a way of making you sleep better. I believe that you won't be able to be much faster than Matlab in the particular case of what is basically ffts on a matrix. That is where Matlab excels!
Matlab FFTs are computed using FFTW, the de-facto fastest FFT algorithm written in C which seem to be also parallelized by Matlab. On top of that, quoting from
For FFT dimensions that are powers of 2, between 214 and 222, MATLAB
software uses special preloaded information in its internal database
to optimize the FFT computation.
So don't feel bad if your code is slightly slower...

CUBLAS - matrix addition.. how?

I am trying to use CUBLAS to sum two big matrices of unknown size. I need a fully optimized code (if possible) so I chose not to rewrite the matrix addition code (simple) but using CUBLAS, in particular the cublasSgemm function which allows to sum A and C (if B is a unit matrix): *C = alpha*op(A)*op(B)+beta*c*
The problem is: C and C++ store the matrices in row-major format, cublasSgemm is intended (for fortran compatibility) to work in column-major format. You can specify whether A and B are to be transposed first, but you can NOT indicate to transpose C. So I'm unable to complete my matrix addition..
I can't transpose the C matrix by myself because the matrix is something like 20000x20000 maximum size.
Any idea on how to solve please?
cublasgeam has been added to CUBLAS5.0.
It computes the weighted sum of 2 optionally transposed matrices
If you're just adding the matrices, it doesn't actually matter. You give it alpha, Aij, beta, and Cij. It thinks you're giving it alpha, Aji, beta, and Cji, and gives you what it thinks is Cji = beta Cji + alpha Aji. But that's the correct Cij as far as you're concerned. My worry is when you start going to things which do matter -- like matrix products. There, there's likely no working around it.
But more to the point, you don't want to be using GEMM to do matrix addition -- you're doing a completely pointless matrix multiplication (which takes takes ~20,0003 operations and many passes through memory) for an operatinon which should only require ~20,0002 operations and a single pass! Treat the matricies as 20,000^2-long vectors and use saxpy.
Matrix multiplication is memory-bandwidth intensive, so there is a huge (factors of 10x or 100x) difference in performance between coding it yourself and a tuned version. Ideally, you'd change structures in your code to match the library. If you can't, in this case you can manage just by using linear algebra identities. The C-vs-Fortran ordering means that when you pass in A, CUBLAS "sees" AT (A transpose). Which is fine, we can work around it. If what you want is C=A.B, pass in the matricies in the opposite order, B.A . Then the library sees (BT . AT), and calculates CT = (A.B)T; and then when it passes back CT, you get (in your ordering) C. Test it and see.