Adding a CSV file to a project in Visual Studio - visual-studio-2017

I am working on a project where I have to read in serveral pre-existing CSV (dog.csv, horse.csv, etc.). I want to know how would I add these file into my project so that I may test to see if my print functions work (the code is written in c++). Would I have to copy and paste the files into the debugging folder or would I place it under the test folder of the project?

You can include the files in your project in whatever (sub)folder you wish by using Right click -> Add -> Existing Item. Then, right-click on each file and choose Properties. Set up "Copy to output directory" to "Copy if newer".
Then after build, your files will be copied into the bin/debug folder.
To read the file, you can just use:

Another possible way is to add a file within project, right click and select properties, and then in Copy to Output Directory, select Copy always. This way, csv file will be automatically copied in your debug and release packages too.
string executableLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(
string csvLocation= Path.Combine(executableLocation, "file.csv");
Above code will read file location from bin directory where your csv file will be stored.

This link should help guide you how to add CSV files to a project.
If you wanted to do a down and dirty way you could just save the CSV's somewhere on your local machine, and then hard code the file path to that location.
c:\test\Dog.csv and then set that as a variable for whenever you need to read in the csv file.


How do you add a file to an existing project in Codelite?

I've got my workspace, project and a single file currently. I want to add an additional file to my src folder but can't figure out how.
I tried adding a new file to my project folder using ctrl+N and it shows up with my first file when I go to Edit -> Open file. However, it won't show up in my src folder while I've got my workspace/project open; that part is still only showing the original file I created when I made the project.
Right click on the src folder and select Add an existing file

File not being created in correct directory C++

I'm trying to use fstream to create a file, however the file i'm trying to create wont appear in the .exe directory or anywhere else in the file directory. After searching in my computer for the file, I found that was created in a different directory entirely even though i'm using a relative directory.
This is the code to create the file:
ofstream file;"something.jpg", ios::out|ios::binary|ios::beg);
Directory of created file: C:\Users\user-pc
Directory of project: D:\Users\user-pc\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\recvFile
by the way, using an absolute directory works perfectly fine. Could this be a problem with the projects working directory?
In your Visual Studio right-click on your project, click Properties, then go to Configuration Properties, then Debugging. There is a row "Working Directory". You can set the working directory there. If you need to do this programmatically, you can use SetCurrentDirectory .
If you need to create the file in the same directory as the .exe location, you can use this approach:
Call GetModuleFileName() using 0 as a module handle...
If the .exe is installed in a shared directory like Program Files, then creation of the file in the same directory could require additional permissions and may be a bad idea. If the .exe is just cloned to the directory where it should create files, then there is no such problem.
Try adding "../" to the link:"../something.jpg", ios::out|ios::binary|ios::beg);
File will be created in Debug/Release folder of your project. try what Timo Rzipa suggested.

Cant open html resource file using ifstream::open - Visual Studio 2013

I am working on a project which requires me to open an HTML file and use its contents. I added it to Resource files but when I try to open it lie this:
std::ifstream templateFile;"filename.html", std::ifstream::in);
The operation fails. I checked it by using
The above operation works when I provide the full path. The file lies in the project folder along with other files. I tried setting build action to content but still it doesnt work. Please Help.
Output directory, where your executable is compiled and put into differs from the source directory, where you create all your .cpp/.hpp files (I assume there is filename.html file). Local path filename.html is supposed to be local for your executable file, not the source file.
Read more about changing the output directory here:
Under Configuration Properties / Debugging, see what your Working Directory is using the macros dialog box. Move your file into this folder.
Click the button shown in the figure. There, click either Edit or Browse. Browse will take you to the working directory. Edit will expose the link to open the macros box

git pull shows merge conlict in .cproject file

What is exactly the .cproject file?
I didn't add any new files to my project.
I didn't change any project properties.
Is it auto-generated?
Is it safe to take the remote version if I didn't touch this file explicitly?
add this file to your git ignore so it will not be added to the repository.
You can use this online tool for that:
or simply edit (or create) '.gitignore' it in your root folder with the following content:
This file is auto-generated, which contains your project setting information. you can use a notepad to open it. Without this, you need to re-configure your project.

VS2010 doesnot pick up file from resources folder

I am required to parse a text file in my VS project in mfc in c++. The text file is supposed to be a part of the entire exe product. For that purpose, I placed the text file in my resources folder and set the path in my code as:
char fileName[] = "../myFile.txt";
The problem I'm facing is that VS doesn't find this file in its Resources folder. I added the file in the project file, but that just gave me a corrupt file error. However, the file access works if I provide the absolute path to the file in my code i.e. "C/abc/myFile.txt"
I need the code running on all machines, hence need some method to get VS to read this file using a relative path. Can anybody please provide some assistance? I am a newbie and have tried all that's in my knowledge.
Actually, if it's a resource file it should be copied over to the bin folder, which means your fileName should just be:
char fileName[] = "myFile.txt";
if that doesn't work then, you might need to change the properties of your myFile.txt to ensure it does get copied over with the build process.
Here you can find an answer for your question: