Go directly to the nth find hit - visual-studio-2017

I want to go directly to the nth find hit in a document.
For example if I ctrl+f and type in foo and get 109 hits, how can I go directly to foo 42?
I know I can push F3 42 times, but I'm concerned I'd lose count.
Is there some shortcut, like ctrl+g for "Goto Line"? Or some other way?


regex to match max of input numeric string

I have incoming input entries.
Like these
And There is an lookup table like given below
So when I will receive my first entry, in this case its 750. So this will look up into lookup entry table will try to match with a string which having max match from left to right.
So for 750, max match case would be 75.
I was wondering, Is that possible if we could write a regex for this kind of scenario. Because if I choose using startsWith java function It can get me output of 7 as well.
As input entries will be coming from text file one by one and all lookup entries present in file different text file.
I'm using java language.
May I know how can I write a regex for this flavor..?
This doesn't seem like a regex problem at first, but you could actually solve it with a regex, and the result would be pretty efficient.
A regex for your example lookup table would be:
This will do what you want, and it will avoid the repeated searches of a naive "check every one" approach.
The regex would get complicated,though, as your lookup table grew. Adding a couple of terms to your lookup table:
We now have:
This is obviously going to get complicated quickly. The trick would be programmatically constructing the appropriate regex for arbitrary data--not a trivial problem, but not insurmountable either.
That said, this would be an..umm...unusual thing to implement in production code.
I would be hesitant to do so.
In most cases, I would simply do this:
Find all the strings that match.
Find the longest one.
(?: 25 | 5 | 75? )
There is free software that automatically makes full blown regex trie for you.
Just put the output regex into a text file and load it instead.
If your values don't change very much, this is a very fast way to do a lookup.
If it does change, generate another one.
Whats good about a full blown trie here, is that it never takes more than 8
steps to match.
The one I just did http://imgur.com/a/zwMhL
App screenshot
Even a 175,000 Word Dictionary takes no more than 8 steps.
Internally the app initially makes a ternary tree from the input
then converts it into a full blown regex trie.

Skipping the second automatically generated quote in QtCreator

When I begin my program and type
cout << "
it automatically puts the closing quote ("") and places the cursor in the middle, which is nice; however, I can't seem to find a way to get past the second one without having to move my hand to use the arrow keys, use the mouse, or put another " manually, which defeats the purpose.
My buddy said tab should skip it, but it just does an indent.
I am sorry if this sounds disappointing, but there is no other way than using:
a) arrow key.
b) end button on the keyboard in the regular way.
c) typing another quote.
Basically what you also mentioned yourself in the question. Even if the tab was working, you would not spare anything as you already have at least two keys with which you get over.

How to increase or decrease numbers in a visual block on the fly?

I often find myself adding numbers on the fly to a list of numbers.
12 x
215 x
98 x
03 x
What I want to do is to select a visual block of numbers (x in the above example)
and increase or decrease the numbers with another number.
I tried to do it using two macro's (I suppose one macro isn't possible):
#a to increase the number --> 5#a --> to increase every number with 5 (#a = '^Aj')
#x to decrease the number --> 5#x --> to decrease every number with 5 (#x = '^Xj')
I don't know
1) how to use the macro only in my selection (without counting lines)
2) how to change the increase/decrease number on the fly without creating a whole new macro.
3) How to resolve this: when I add 100 to the above numbers, the numbers 12, 98 and 03 are moved 1 character to the right.
Another solution is to create a function but it is i.m.o. to complex to add every time a value in an input box for a few numbers I have to change.
Once you have all your lines selected, you can do:
:'<,'>norm 5<C-v><C-a> <-- inserts ^A
to add 5 to every number.
The alignment problem can't be avoided AFAIK and yes, vimscript is probably the right tool for the job.
Increment the numbers isn't to bad. You have a handful of options, but I personally suggest using Tim Pope's speeddating plugin. It will provide a nice <c-a> visually mode mapping.
However if you want a quick and dirty mapping here you go:
xnoremap <silent> <c-a> :<c-u>exe "'<,'>norm! ".min([col("'<"),col("'>")]).'<bar>'.v:count1."\<c-a>"<cr>
Since you mentioned alignment you may also want to look at godlygeek's Tabular plugin. Drew over at vimcasts did a screencast on using tabular.
If you decide to make your own mapping/function/plugin I would also suggest you look into the following:
:h :s
:h /\%V
:h sub-replace-expression
:h printf(

Add trailing zeroes to line in notepad++

I have a file containing (hundreds) of blocks of numbers like below;
This one is fine (16x20, correct number of rows and columns)
This one needs to be padded with trailing zeroes so it is (16x20)
I would like to pad them with zeroes so they are all like the first example. I'm aware of the regular expressions feature in notepad++ but am struggling to get it to work. I appreciate any help given.
You could do it via a macro.
First append a large number of zeroes to the end of each line using a macro.
Caret on the first entry
click record macro
press end
type out 20 zeroes
press down arrow
click stop recording
play the macro until all lines look like this
Caret on first line
click record
press home key
press the right arrow key 20 times
hold shift and press end key
press delete key
press down arrow
click stop recording
play the macro until all lines are processed
You could save the entire process as a single macro so its just a single click in the future.
I can give you a macro solution
go to the beginning of your text
select Macro/Start Recording
press end, press 0 16 times then press Home and down arrow key
select Macro/End Recording
You now have a macro to add sixteen zeros to the end of all lines.
Playback this macro on all lines.
You now have appended zeroes to all lines.
Pressing Alt key and using mouse select the required block(columns) of text you want and paste it into another empty notepad tab
help on column mode editing is there inside notepad ? / help contents menu
Good luck
You can use the plugin ConyEdit to do this.
With ConyEdit running in the background, follow these steps:
use the command line cc.aal 00000000000000000000 to append after lines with twenty zero character.
use the command line cc.gc 1/\d{20}/ to get the first column of regex match.
Looking to do this manualy and not progomaticly ?
Open Findreplace
Copy from the last to rhe first WITHOUT NUMBERS on a line so...
in this example
111111111111111111 <---from here
to here ---> 166616666666663661
paste that into the fine ( yes your effecticly copying the return wich some applications allow you to manualy input others wont )
then in the replace box, type '0' then your return
Hit that magic replace all :D
This will then add a 0 every time it hits a new line, then add a new... new line....
edit : quickly reviewing another method a second to recover for alternate options :P give me 10
edit 2:
Ah ok somthing like this will work :P just tested it.
use [0-9] in the find replace. so if im looking for 123123123123 ( wich is 12 long ) and i need to buff i up to 20,
Your FIND must be in ()
the find would be
([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] )
and the replace is referd to as \1 no the regex, this was my mistake
tested and confirmed !dont forget YOU NEED MATCH ALL on, WRAP off!
And so on for your other numbers, Not sure if you can loop this with macros nd stuff :P but hope it helps more than you have now
two good resources.
base on OP's comment: you could try an editor called vim/gvim
open your file in vim, then type:
:%s/.*/\=printf("%-20s",getline("."))/|%s/ *$/\=substitute(submatch(0)," ","0","g")/
don't forget pressing <Enter> after the above typing.
then you will see the text has been changed into what you want.
of course vim macro can work as well, however, I feel command better... :)

internal code-completion in vim

There's a completion type that isn't listed in the vim help files (notably: insert.txt), but which I instinctively feel the need for rather often. Let's say I have the words "Awesome" and "SuperCrazyAwesome" in my file. I find an instance of Awesome that should really be SuperCrazyAwesome, so I hop to the beginning of the word, enter insert mode, and then must type "SuperCrazy".
I feel I should be able to type "S", creating "SCrazy", and then simply hit a completion hotkey or two to have it find what's to the left of the cursor ("S"), what's to the right ("Crazy"), regex this against all words in the file ("/S\w*Crazy/"), and provide me with a completion popup menu of choices, or just do the replace if there's only one match.
I'd like to use the actual completion system for this. There exists a "user defined" completion which uses a function, and has a good example in the helps for replacing from a given list. However, I can't seem to track down many particulars that I'd need to make this happen, including:
How do I get a list of all words in the file from a vim function?
Can I list words from all buffers (with filenames), as vim's complete does?
How do I, in insert mode, get the text in the word before/after the cursor?
Can completion replace the entire word, and not just up to the cursor?
I've been at this for a couple of hours now. I keep hitting dead ends, like this one, which introduced me to \%# for matching with the cursor position, which doesn't seem to work for me. For instance, a search for \w*\%# returns only the first character of the word I'm on, regardless of where I'm in it. The \%# doesn't seem to anchor.
Although its not exactly following your desired method in the past I've written https://github.com/mjbrownie/swapit which might perform your task if you are looking for related keywords. It would fall down in this scenario if you have hundreds of matches.
It's mainly useful for 2-10 possible sequenced matches.
You would define a list
:SwapList awesomes Awesome MoreAwesome SuperCrazyAwesome FullyCompletelyAwesome UnbelievablyAwesome
and move through the matches with the incrementor decrementor keys (c+a) (c+x)
There are also a few other cycling type plugins like swap words that I know of on vim.org and github.
The advantage here is you don't have to group words together with regex.
I wrote something like that years ago when working with 3rd party libraries with rather long CamelCasePrefixes in every function different for each component. But it was in Before Git Hub era and I considered it a lost jewel, but search engine says I am not a complete ass and posted it to Vim wiki.
Here it is: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Custom_keyword_completion
Just do not ask me what 'MKw' means. No idea.
This will need some adaptation to your needs, as it is looking up only the word up to the cursor, but the idea is there. It works for current buffer only. Iterating through all buffers would be sluggish as it is not creating any index. For those purposes I would go with external grep.