my opencart checkout page show,internal server error - opencart

i was trying to integrate zoho email with my opencart website,as my hostgator team suggested,to point to the domain first,so it was already did,so i deleted an old one and point again to zoho,and after that pointing thing,my payumoneys stop working.
i am really sure,that i didnt delete anyfile from anywhere,but still got internal server error,i dont get it why is this happening,this is my first time to integrate payment gateway with opencart,somebody please give me some,solution for this.enter image description here

It sounds like you've switched your mail settings in OpenCart from "mail" to "SMTP" and tried to configure Zoho?
If the SMTP settings are wrong it could throw an error at the checkout and if your server is not configured to display errors these will appear in the error log only - not on the page.
You should try switching back to "mail" to see if that solves the issue and that would then confirm the above diagnosis.


django-rest-framework-social-oauth2: error 400 - redirect_uri_mismatch

I've been trying to add google login to my django app following this tutorial:
By following exactly the instructions, everything works fine in local.
However, when I try to replicate the same on the server, I get the following error on the redirect page of the login:
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
redirect_uri: http://localhost:8000/auth/complete/google-oauth2/
What is strange to me is, in my google developer console, I have set up the correct redirect url in my app, as follows:
And I have also put '' under 'Authorised JavaScript origins'.
So my question is, why google keeps telling me that the redirect url is
which is not the one I have set up in the console? Perhaps there is something obvious that I'm missing here. Thank you!
Why google keeps telling me that the redirect url is
Because your application is sending its in your code the app is running on http://localhost:8000 and if you are using a client library its probably adding the rest automatically.
The redirect uri must exactly match what you are sending from your application.
You need to add
Javascript origin is only needed if your code is using javascript.
This video will show you how to fix the error. Google OAuth2: How the fix redirect_uri_mismatch error. Part 2 server sided web applications.
If you want your code to send then your going to have to be running it from probably and you may need to figure out how to configure it so that it is running from the correct host.

Google Cloud Platform credentials page not loading

For the past 12 or so hours when I go here:
I just get the spinning / loading animation. I have tried other browsers and other computers to no avail. I just need to add another OATH key. Is the service somehow broken? Is there something else I can do?
The browser shows some errors.
Refused to display ' [ stuff deleted] in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
and a few 404s[deleted]:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
like it's able to load the front end but not access the data it needs.
Sounds like it's a Google issue, just got a response back from Google:
We are experiencing elevated latency in the API Credentials page of Google
Developers Console beginning at 2019-02-09 20:06 PST.
We are using the external issue tracker as the main communication channel
to provide updates on this issue. Please star the issue here to receive
further updates:
This Issue Tracker entry is the authoritative source for public information
regarding this issue. All publicly-applicable updates will be posted there.
How to diagnose:
1. Visit Google Developers Console.
2. Select "APIs & Services".
3. Select "Credentials".
Result: Credentials page will continuously load.
There's no workaround available at this time, but we'll let you know via
the external issue tracker ( if
we learn of one.

Cannot see any option in WSO2 Identity Server dashboard

I'm evaluating WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 but I'm getting a strange issue using the dashboard.
I installed it on a server of mine (so it is not on localhost) and configured the following configuration files so that WSO2 knows where to point
File wso2is-5.0.0/repository/conf/carbon.xml
File wso2is-5.0.0/repository/conf/security/
File wso2is-5.0.0/repository/conf/security/sso-idp-config.xml
As stated in the official documentation I should see some blocks and after clicking the "View details" buttons I should be able to do the operations of the dashboard related to each block.
However, when I login in the Dashboard I can see the blocks, but when I click "View details" I get a blank-content page a you can see in the following screenshot of the "My Profiles" page
The same thing happens for the other blocks.
What can I do? Maybe I didn't configure something?
Thank you in advance
If you have installed the identity server other than localhost, You would see some issues with dashboard. I also experienced same type of issues. But you can resolve them by configuring the host name and port properly. Unfortunately there are few places that you need to edit. Please find them below. I have already to report a jira to improve them to configure from one config file.
modify the url of the user_profile (i.e. http://{IP}:{port}/portal/gadgets/user_profile/gadget.xml ) in "repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/dashboard/apis/gadget.json" file in to HTTP and Port in to 9763.

Login error to Sharepoint 2013 repository using openCMIS Workbench

using the OpenCMIS Workbench 0.8.0, I can load the sharepoint 2013 (GA) repositories fine but get the following error when I try to login to one of the repositories such as Documents:
"Invalid Argument: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid"
Found a blog with some instructions but those didn't work for me:
Note: Here is the service url format that I am using:
Does anybody know what the problem is?
Here is the stack trace from Workbench:
> 11:05:17 DEBUG ncmis.client.bindings.spi.http.HttpUtils: GET http://MYServer/_vti_bin/cmis/rest/f8134afe-176a-4c48-9fd2-a9f97e5dc91d?getTypeDefinition&typeId=cmis%3Adocument
> 11:05:17 TRACE ncmis.client.bindings.spi.http.HttpUtils: GET http://MYServer/_vti_bin/cmis/rest/f8134afe-176a-4c48-9fd2-a9f97e5dc91d?getTypeDefinition&typeId=cmis%3Adocument > Headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 400 One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid.], Server=[Microsoft-IIS/7.5], SPRequestDuration=[124], SPIisLatency=[27], X-FRAME-OPTIONS=[SAMEORIGIN], Content-Type=[plain/text; charset=utf-8], Date=[Wed, 30 Jan 2013 19:05:02 GMT], X-SharePointHealthScore=[1], Cache-Control=[private], X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-Powered-By=[ASP.NET], X-MS-InvokeApp=[1; RequireReadOnly], request-id=[5ef0f99b-24ec-909f-6192-6eaf6feccabc], Content-Length=[167], MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices=[], SPRequestGuid=[5ef0f99b-24ec-909f-6192-6eaf6feccabc], X-AspNet-Version=[4.0.30319]}
> 11:05:17 ERROR hemistry.opencmis.workbench.ClientHelper: CmisInvalidArgumentException: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid.
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisInvalidArgumentException: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid.
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.AbstractAtomPubService.convertStatusCode(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.AbstractAtomPubService.getTypeDefinitionInternal(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.RepositoryServiceImpl.getTypeDefinition(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.impl.RepositoryServiceImpl.getTypeDefinition(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.runtime.SessionImpl.getTypeDefinition(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.workbench.model.ClientSession.createOperationContexts(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.workbench.model.ClientSession.createSession(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.workbench.LoginDialog$2.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
> 11:05:17 ERROR hemistry.opencmis.workbench.ClientHelper: Error code: 0
Another thing that I noticed is that none of the URLs from the service document work when I use them from a browser. So i think the service doc doesn't have valid urls.
Give the latest CMIS Workbench a try:
Didn't have the time to post the solution but here is basically what I had to do after getting help from Microsoft. I was missing Step B below:
A. Activate the CMIS feature for your sub site
Go to the Sharepoint 2013 Central Administration
Click on the Sites link and then click on your sub site. Or navigate directly to it. eg http://myserver/mysitename
Click on the Settings icon (gear top right) and then select Site Settings
Under Site Actions, click Manage Site Features
Click Activate for the CMIS producer.
B. Check Alternate Access Mappings
Go to the Central Administration page
Under System Settings, click Configure Alternate Access Mappings
There should be at least two urls. One with server short name and one with server full name.
If the url is missing, click Add Internal Urls
For the Alternate Access Mapping Collection, click the No Selection link, change and select:
SharePoint - 80
Set the url such as (full domain name)
Set Zone: any such as Intranet
Click Save
My suggestion would be to:
start the Workbench, do not login yet
close the connection popup
open the Log window with the button on the top right corner
increase the log level to DEBUG or more verbose
try to connect
check the logs again, possibly posting them here
The actual root of the problem turned out to be a missing Alternate Access Mapping. Not sure why it was missing in the first place.
So I added an internal url that has the full server name address instead of just the short name. A microsoft dev helped me figure this out.
Remove any proxy settings from internet explorer before you launch OpenCMIS, also reset any system wide proxy settings: netsh winhttp reset proxy
Make sure your share point web app is set to accept only basic authentication as described in the blog post you mentioned
Removing the proxy from IE and system wide fixed my problem .. I can now login to sharepoint 2013 using OpenCMIS
ah before i forget the URL syntax should be http://server:port/_vti_bin/cmis/rest/?getRepositories
Good luck

Recaptcha: An internal error occurred

I'm using Recaptcha within Django. I was using the following tutorial to integrate it in my web application:
The captcha doesn't show up on my machine. Instead of the captcha the following error message is displayed:
An internal error occurred: 4A6376441D250.ADE1949.3546A435
(I get a different code each time).
To which domain did you sign the recaptcha? If you entered "" in the registration make sure you use this one and not "localhost".
Today, I got this error on one of my client's website.
It was working great but suddenly it stop working. Then upon googling I find this link and renewed my API key.
But after I switched to Secure (SSL Enabled) side of my website then It stops working again.
Then, In I got this function there
recaptcha_get_html(PUBLIC_KEY, $error, true);
The third argumentation use the SSL Server, I've to enable it.
This fixed everything for me.