Highlight a particular point in chart JS - chart.js

I want to highlight a particular point in chartjs and I want x and y axis interception at the data points in chart js .
The point (753.17,126.52) should be high lightened with marker where the rest of the point should not high lightened in the line chart .
Below is the image I want to create a chart as the below .
<apex:page >
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.Chartjs}"/>
<script language="JavaScript">
window.onload = function displayLineChart() {
var data = {
labels: [669.426, 669.427,735.618,753.170,801.809],
datasets: [
fillColor: "rgb(255,255,255)",
strokeColor: "rgb(0,0,128,1.0)",
pointColor: "rgba(176,196,222)",
borderColor: "lightgreen",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
data: [0.00, 50, 100, 126.52, 200]
var ctx = document.getElementById("lineChart").getContext("2d");
var options = {
scale: {
ticks: {
display: false
var lineChart = new Chart(ctx).Line(data, {
//Boolean - If we show the scale above the chart data
scaleOverlay : false,
//Boolean - If we want to override with a hard coded scale
scaleOverride : false,
//** Required if scaleOverride is true **
//Number - The number of steps in a hard coded scale
scaleSteps : null,
//Number - The value jump in the hard coded scale
scaleStepWidth : null,
//Number - The scale starting value
scaleStartValue : null,
//String - Colour of the scale line
scaleLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.1)",
//Number - Pixel width of the scale line
scaleLineWidth : 2,
//Boolean - Whether to show labels on the scale
scaleShowLabels : false,
//Interpolated JS string - can access value
scaleLabel : "<%=value%>",
//String - Scale label font declaration for the scale label
scaleFontFamily : "'Arial'",
//Number - Scale label font size in pixels
scaleFontSize : 12,
//String - Scale label font weight style
scaleFontStyle : "normal",
//String - Scale label font colour
scaleFontColor : "#666",
///Boolean - Whether grid lines are shown across the chart
scaleShowGridLines : false,
//String - Colour of the grid lines
scaleGridLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
//Number - Width of the grid lines
scaleGridLineWidth : 1,
//Boolean - Whether the line is curved between points
bezierCurve : true,
//Boolean - Whether to show a dot for each point
pointDot : true,
//Number - Radius of each point dot in pixels
pointDotRadius : 5,
//Number - Pixel width of point dot stroke
pointDotStrokeWidth : 1,
//Boolean - Whether to show a stroke for datasets
datasetStroke : true,
//Number - Pixel width of dataset stroke
datasetStrokeWidth : 2,
//Boolean - Whether to fill the dataset with a colour
datasetFill : true,
//Boolean - Whether to animate the chart
animation : true,
//Number - Number of animation steps
animationSteps : 60,
//String - Animation easing effect
animationEasing : "easeOutQuart",
//Function - Fires when the animation is complete
onAnimationComplete : null
= false;
<div class="box">
<canvas id="lineChart" height="500" width="600"></canvas>

I've tested one possible solution with Chart.js version 2.8.0. It's based on it's Scriptable Option and on the excellent sample you can find here.
The example below is a simplified and executable html/js code you can test by running its snippet (the button below the code).
The key is the line radius : customRadius,, where customRadius refers to the function customRadius( context ) which is also in the code. That's because radius is a Scriptable Option.
The function tells the application to make the radius equals to 10 when the index is 3 (label 'd') or the value is equals or greater than 8.
let ctx = document.getElementById( 'actual_chart' );
new Chart(
type : 'line',
data : {
labels : [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ],
datasets: [
data: [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ]
options: {
legend : {
display: false
elements: {
point: {
radius : customRadius,
display: true
} );
function customRadius( context )
let index = context.dataIndex;
let value = context.dataset.data[ index ];
return index === 3 || value >= 8 ?
10 :
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.8.0/Chart.bundle.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="actual_chart"></canvas>
The resulting chart is something like this:
You can find more details on the references in the first paragraph of this answer.
Please, let us know if it helped.


chart.js animate data through time? [duplicate]

I created an basic bar chart using chartjs and it works fine. Now I want to update the values on a time based interval. My problem is that after I created the chart, I do not know how to update its values correctly...
My code:
var ctx = $("#myChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
var dts = [
fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
data: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
var data = {
labels: ["Core#1", "Core#2", "Core#3", "Core#4", "Total"],
datasets: dts
var chart = new Chart(ctx);
//test code
setInterval( function () {
data.datasets[0].data = [random(), random(), random(), random(), random()];
in the test code, I am updating the values with datasets[0].data- is this the right way to do it? The problem with this is that everytime I call chart.Bar(), the values are reset to 0 then animated to the random value (like I am recreating the chart). This way, all animations are always from 0 to value which looks strange. I would expect that if I update a value from 50 to 10 the bar would go down to 10 from 50 and not setted to 0 then animated to 10.
I did not found anything in the docs about this... am I doing something wrong or this is impossible with this library?
Update: Looks like chartjs has been updated (see comment below). There are some examples up that look very nice:
Here's an example of updating a line chart using new data: http://jsbin.com/yitep/5/edit
Here's how we can update existing data on a line chart: http://jsbin.com/yitep/4/edit
Original Post
As of Nov 2013, there seem to be very few options for updating charts.
There is a good example here (duplicated below) of adding new points to a line chart. Still kind of jumpy but not too bad. However, I think the effect probably depends on the chart you are using.
It does look like this is somewhere in the development pipeline. I don't see any indication of a release date yet though: https://github.com/nnnick/Chart.js/issues/13 [Closed as of Jul 26, 2014]
var count = 10;
var data = {
labels : ["1","2","3","4","5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"],
datasets : [
fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : [65,59,90,81,56,45,30,20,3,37]
fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : [28,48,40,19,96,87,66,97,92,85]
// this is ugly, don't judge me
var updateData = function(oldData){
var labels = oldData["labels"];
var dataSetA = oldData["datasets"][0]["data"];
var dataSetB = oldData["datasets"][1]["data"];
var newDataA = dataSetA[9] + (20 - Math.floor(Math.random() * (41)));
var newDataB = dataSetB[9] + (20 - Math.floor(Math.random() * (41)));
dataSetB.shift(); };
var optionsAnimation = {
//Boolean - If we want to override with a hard coded scale
scaleOverride : true,
//** Required if scaleOverride is true **
//Number - The number of steps in a hard coded scale
scaleSteps : 10,
//Number - The value jump in the hard coded scale
scaleStepWidth : 10,
//Number - The scale starting value
scaleStartValue : 0
// Not sure why the scaleOverride isn't working...
var optionsNoAnimation = {
animation : false,
//Boolean - If we want to override with a hard coded scale
scaleOverride : true,
//** Required if scaleOverride is true **
//Number - The number of steps in a hard coded scale
scaleSteps : 20,
//Number - The value jump in the hard coded scale
scaleStepWidth : 10,
//Number - The scale starting value
scaleStartValue : 0
//Get the context of the canvas element we want to select
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
var optionsNoAnimation = {animation : false}
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx);
myNewChart.Line(data, optionsAnimation);
myNewChart.Line(data, optionsNoAnimation)
;}, 2000
// ChartJS
var Chart=function(s){function v(a,c,b){a=A((a-c.graphMin)/(c.steps*c.stepValue),1,0);return b*c.steps*a}function x(a,c,b,e){function h(){g+=f;var k=a.animation?A(d(g),null,0):1;e.clearRect(0,0,q,u);a.scaleOverlay?(b(k),c()):(c(),b(k));if(1>=g)D(h);else if("function"==typeof a.onAnimationComplete)a.onAnimationComplete()}var f=a.animation?1/A(a.animationSteps,Number.MAX_VALUE,1):1,d=B[a.animationEasing],g=a.animation?0:1;"function"!==typeof c&&(c=function(){});D(h)}function C(a,c,b,e,h,f){var d;a=
Math.floor(Math.log(e-h)/Math.LN10);h=Math.floor(h/(1*Math.pow(10,a)))*Math.pow(10,a);e=Math.ceil(e/(1*Math.pow(10,a)))*Math.pow(10,a)-h;a=Math.pow(10,a);for(d=Math.round(e/a);d<b||d>c;)a=d<b?a/2:2*a,d=Math.round(e/a);c=[];z(f,c,d,h,a);return{steps:d,stepValue:a,graphMin:h,labels:c}}function z(a,c,b,e,h){if(a)for(var f=1;f<b+1;f++)c.push(E(a,{value:(e+h*f).toFixed(0!=h%1?h.toString().split(".")[1].length:0)}))}function A(a,c,b){return!isNaN(parseFloat(c))&&isFinite(c)&&a>c?c:!isNaN(parseFloat(b))&&
isFinite(b)&&a<b?b:a}function y(a,c){var b={},e;for(e in a)b[e]=a[e];for(e in c)b[e]=c[e];return b}function E(a,c){var b=!/\W/.test(a)?F[a]=F[a]||E(document.getElementById(a).innerHTML):new Function("obj","var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};with(obj){p.push('"+a.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g," ").split("<%").join("\t").replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g,"$1\r").replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g,"',$1,'").split("\t").join("');").split("%>").join("p.push('").split("\r").join("\\'")+"');}return p.join('');");return c?
b(c):b}var r=this,B={linear:function(a){return a},easeInQuad:function(a){return a*a},easeOutQuad:function(a){return-1*a*(a-2)},easeInOutQuad:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a:-0.5*(--a*(a-2)-1)},easeInCubic:function(a){return a*a*a},easeOutCubic:function(a){return 1*((a=a/1-1)*a*a+1)},easeInOutCubic:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a*a:0.5*((a-=2)*a*a+2)},easeInQuart:function(a){return a*a*a*a},easeOutQuart:function(a){return-1*((a=a/1-1)*a*a*a-1)},easeInOutQuart:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?
0.5*a*a*a*a:-0.5*((a-=2)*a*a*a-2)},easeInQuint:function(a){return 1*(a/=1)*a*a*a*a},easeOutQuint:function(a){return 1*((a=a/1-1)*a*a*a*a+1)},easeInOutQuint:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a*a*a*a:0.5*((a-=2)*a*a*a*a+2)},easeInSine:function(a){return-1*Math.cos(a/1*(Math.PI/2))+1},easeOutSine:function(a){return 1*Math.sin(a/1*(Math.PI/2))},easeInOutSine:function(a){return-0.5*(Math.cos(Math.PI*a/1)-1)},easeInExpo:function(a){return 0==a?1:1*Math.pow(2,10*(a/1-1))},easeOutExpo:function(a){return 1==
a?1:1*(-Math.pow(2,-10*a/1)+1)},easeInOutExpo:function(a){return 0==a?0:1==a?1:1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*Math.pow(2,10*(a-1)):0.5*(-Math.pow(2,-10*--a)+2)},easeInCirc:function(a){return 1<=a?a:-1*(Math.sqrt(1-(a/=1)*a)-1)},easeOutCirc:function(a){return 1*Math.sqrt(1-(a=a/1-1)*a)},easeInOutCirc:function(a){return 1>(a/=0.5)?-0.5*(Math.sqrt(1-a*a)-1):0.5*(Math.sqrt(1-(a-=2)*a)+1)},easeInElastic:function(a){var c=1.70158,b=0,e=1;if(0==a)return 0;if(1==(a/=1))return 1;b||(b=0.3);e<Math.abs(1)?(e=1,c=b/4):c=b/(2*
Math.PI)*Math.asin(1/e);return-(e*Math.pow(2,10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b))},easeOutElastic:function(a){var c=1.70158,b=0,e=1;if(0==a)return 0;if(1==(a/=1))return 1;b||(b=0.3);e<Math.abs(1)?(e=1,c=b/4):c=b/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(1/e);return e*Math.pow(2,-10*a)*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b)+1},easeInOutElastic:function(a){var c=1.70158,b=0,e=1;if(0==a)return 0;if(2==(a/=0.5))return 1;b||(b=1*0.3*1.5);e<Math.abs(1)?(e=1,c=b/4):c=b/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(1/e);return 1>a?-0.5*e*Math.pow(2,10*
(a-=1))*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b):0.5*e*Math.pow(2,-10*(a-=1))*Math.sin((1*a-c)*2*Math.PI/b)+1},easeInBack:function(a){return 1*(a/=1)*a*(2.70158*a-1.70158)},easeOutBack:function(a){return 1*((a=a/1-1)*a*(2.70158*a+1.70158)+1)},easeInOutBack:function(a){var c=1.70158;return 1>(a/=0.5)?0.5*a*a*(((c*=1.525)+1)*a-c):0.5*((a-=2)*a*(((c*=1.525)+1)*a+c)+2)},easeInBounce:function(a){return 1-B.easeOutBounce(1-a)},easeOutBounce:function(a){return(a/=1)<1/2.75?1*7.5625*a*a:a<2/2.75?1*(7.5625*(a-=1.5/2.75)*
a+0.75):a<2.5/2.75?1*(7.5625*(a-=2.25/2.75)*a+0.9375):1*(7.5625*(a-=2.625/2.75)*a+0.984375)},easeInOutBounce:function(a){return 0.5>a?0.5*B.easeInBounce(2*a):0.5*B.easeOutBounce(2*a-1)+0.5}},q=s.canvas.width,u=s.canvas.height;window.devicePixelRatio&&(s.canvas.style.width=q+"px",s.canvas.style.height=u+"px",s.canvas.height=u*window.devicePixelRatio,s.canvas.width=q*window.devicePixelRatio,s.scale(window.devicePixelRatio,window.devicePixelRatio));this.PolarArea=function(a,c){r.PolarArea.defaults={scaleOverlay:!0,
animateRotate:!0,animateScale:!1,onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.PolarArea.defaults,c):r.PolarArea.defaults;return new G(a,b,s)};this.Radar=function(a,c){r.Radar.defaults={scaleOverlay:!1,scaleOverride:!1,scaleSteps:null,scaleStepWidth:null,scaleStartValue:null,scaleShowLine:!0,scaleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",scaleLineWidth:1,scaleShowLabels:!1,scaleLabel:"<%=value%>",scaleFontFamily:"'Arial'",scaleFontSize:12,scaleFontStyle:"normal",scaleFontColor:"#666",scaleShowLabelBackdrop:!0,scaleBackdropColor:"rgba(255,255,255,0.75)",
scaleBackdropPaddingY:2,scaleBackdropPaddingX:2,angleShowLineOut:!0,angleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",angleLineWidth:1,pointLabelFontFamily:"'Arial'",pointLabelFontStyle:"normal",pointLabelFontSize:12,pointLabelFontColor:"#666",pointDot:!0,pointDotRadius:3,pointDotStrokeWidth:1,datasetStroke:!0,datasetStrokeWidth:2,datasetFill:!0,animation:!0,animationSteps:60,animationEasing:"easeOutQuart",onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Radar.defaults,c):r.Radar.defaults;return new H(a,b,s)};this.Pie=function(a,
c){r.Pie.defaults={segmentShowStroke:!0,segmentStrokeColor:"#fff",segmentStrokeWidth:2,animation:!0,animationSteps:100,animationEasing:"easeOutBounce",animateRotate:!0,animateScale:!1,onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Pie.defaults,c):r.Pie.defaults;return new I(a,b,s)};this.Doughnut=function(a,c){r.Doughnut.defaults={segmentShowStroke:!0,segmentStrokeColor:"#fff",segmentStrokeWidth:2,percentageInnerCutout:50,animation:!0,animationSteps:100,animationEasing:"easeOutBounce",animateRotate:!0,animateScale:!1,
onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Doughnut.defaults,c):r.Doughnut.defaults;return new J(a,b,s)};this.Line=function(a,c){r.Line.defaults={scaleOverlay:!1,scaleOverride:!1,scaleSteps:null,scaleStepWidth:null,scaleStartValue:null,scaleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",scaleLineWidth:1,scaleShowLabels:!0,scaleLabel:"<%=value%>",scaleFontFamily:"'Arial'",scaleFontSize:12,scaleFontStyle:"normal",scaleFontColor:"#666",scaleShowGridLines:!0,scaleGridLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.05)",scaleGridLineWidth:1,bezierCurve:!0,
pointDot:!0,pointDotRadius:4,pointDotStrokeWidth:2,datasetStroke:!0,datasetStrokeWidth:2,datasetFill:!0,animation:!0,animationSteps:60,animationEasing:"easeOutQuart",onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Line.defaults,c):r.Line.defaults;return new K(a,b,s)};this.Bar=function(a,c){r.Bar.defaults={scaleOverlay:!1,scaleOverride:!1,scaleSteps:null,scaleStepWidth:null,scaleStartValue:null,scaleLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.1)",scaleLineWidth:1,scaleShowLabels:!0,scaleLabel:"<%=value%>",scaleFontFamily:"'Arial'",
scaleFontSize:12,scaleFontStyle:"normal",scaleFontColor:"#666",scaleShowGridLines:!0,scaleGridLineColor:"rgba(0,0,0,.05)",scaleGridLineWidth:1,barShowStroke:!0,barStrokeWidth:2,barValueSpacing:5,barDatasetSpacing:1,animation:!0,animationSteps:60,animationEasing:"easeOutQuart",onAnimationComplete:null};var b=c?y(r.Bar.defaults,c):r.Bar.defaults;return new L(a,b,s)};var G=function(a,c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m;g=Math.min.apply(Math,[q,u])/2;g-=Math.max.apply(Math,[0.5*c.scaleFontSize,0.5*c.scaleLineWidth]);
m);k=g/j.steps;x(c,function(){for(var a=0;a<j.steps;a++)if(c.scaleShowLine&&(b.beginPath(),b.arc(q/2,u/2,k*(a+1),0,2*Math.PI,!0),b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor,b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth,b.stroke()),c.scaleShowLabels){b.textAlign="center";b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;var e=j.labels[a];if(c.scaleShowLabelBackdrop){var d=b.measureText(e).width;b.fillStyle=c.scaleBackdropColor;b.beginPath();b.rect(Math.round(q/2-d/2-c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(u/2-k*(a+
1)-0.5*c.scaleFontSize-c.scaleBackdropPaddingY),Math.round(d+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(c.scaleFontSize+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingY));b.fill()}b.textBaseline="middle";b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor;b.fillText(e,q/2,u/2-k*(a+1))}},function(e){var d=-Math.PI/2,g=2*Math.PI/a.length,f=1,h=1;c.animation&&(c.animateScale&&(f=e),c.animateRotate&&(h=e));for(e=0;e<a.length;e++)b.beginPath(),b.arc(q/2,u/2,f*v(a[e].value,j,k),d,d+h*g,!1),b.lineTo(q/2,u/2),b.closePath(),b.fillStyle=a[e].color,b.fill(),
c.segmentShowStroke&&(b.strokeStyle=c.segmentStrokeColor,b.lineWidth=c.segmentStrokeWidth,b.stroke()),d+=h*g},b)},H=function(a,c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m;a.labels||(a.labels=[]);g=Math.min.apply(Math,[q,u])/2;d=2*c.scaleFontSize;for(e=l=0;e<a.labels.length;e++)b.font=c.pointLabelFontStyle+" "+c.pointLabelFontSize+"px "+c.pointLabelFontFamily,h=b.measureText(a.labels[e]).width,h>l&&(l=h);g-=Math.max.apply(Math,[l,1.5*(c.pointLabelFontSize/2)]);g-=c.pointLabelFontSize;l=g=A(g,null,0);d=d?d:5;e=Number.MIN_VALUE;
h=Number.MAX_VALUE;for(f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++)for(m=0;m<a.datasets[f].data.length;m++)a.datasets[f].data[m]>e&&(e=a.datasets[f].data[m]),a.datasets[f].data[m]<h&&(h=a.datasets[f].data[m]);f=Math.floor(l/(0.66*d));d=Math.floor(0.5*(l/d));m=c.scaleShowLabels?c.scaleLabel:null;c.scaleOverride?(j={steps:c.scaleSteps,stepValue:c.scaleStepWidth,graphMin:c.scaleStartValue,labels:[]},z(m,j.labels,j.steps,c.scaleStartValue,c.scaleStepWidth)):j=C(l,f,d,e,h,m);k=g/j.steps;x(c,function(){var e=2*Math.PI/
a.datasets[0].data.length;b.save();b.translate(q/2,u/2);if(c.angleShowLineOut){b.strokeStyle=c.angleLineColor;b.lineWidth=c.angleLineWidth;for(var d=0;d<a.datasets[0].data.length;d++)b.rotate(e),b.beginPath(),b.moveTo(0,0),b.lineTo(0,-g),b.stroke()}for(d=0;d<j.steps;d++){b.beginPath();if(c.scaleShowLine){b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor;b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth;b.moveTo(0,-k*(d+1));for(var f=0;f<a.datasets[0].data.length;f++)b.rotate(e),b.lineTo(0,-k*(d+1));b.closePath();b.stroke()}c.scaleShowLabels&&
(b.textAlign="center",b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily,b.textBaseline="middle",c.scaleShowLabelBackdrop&&(f=b.measureText(j.labels[d]).width,b.fillStyle=c.scaleBackdropColor,b.beginPath(),b.rect(Math.round(-f/2-c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(-k*(d+1)-0.5*c.scaleFontSize-c.scaleBackdropPaddingY),Math.round(f+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingX),Math.round(c.scaleFontSize+2*c.scaleBackdropPaddingY)),b.fill()),b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor,b.fillText(j.labels[d],0,-k*(d+
1)))}for(d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++){b.font=c.pointLabelFontStyle+" "+c.pointLabelFontSize+"px "+c.pointLabelFontFamily;b.fillStyle=c.pointLabelFontColor;var f=Math.sin(e*d)*(g+c.pointLabelFontSize),h=Math.cos(e*d)*(g+c.pointLabelFontSize);b.textAlign=e*d==Math.PI||0==e*d?"center":e*d>Math.PI?"right":"left";b.textBaseline="middle";b.fillText(a.labels[d],f,-h)}b.restore()},function(d){var e=2*Math.PI/a.datasets[0].data.length;b.save();b.translate(q/2,u/2);for(var g=0;g<a.datasets.length;g++){b.beginPath();
b.moveTo(0,d*-1*v(a.datasets[g].data[0],j,k));for(var f=1;f<a.datasets[g].data.length;f++)b.rotate(e),b.lineTo(0,d*-1*v(a.datasets[g].data[f],j,k));b.closePath();b.fillStyle=a.datasets[g].fillColor;b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[g].strokeColor;b.lineWidth=c.datasetStrokeWidth;b.fill();b.stroke();if(c.pointDot){b.fillStyle=a.datasets[g].pointColor;b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[g].pointStrokeColor;b.lineWidth=c.pointDotStrokeWidth;for(f=0;f<a.datasets[g].data.length;f++)b.rotate(e),b.beginPath(),b.arc(0,d*-1*
v(a.datasets[g].data[f],j,k),c.pointDotRadius,2*Math.PI,!1),b.fill(),b.stroke()}b.rotate(e)}b.restore()},b)},I=function(a,c,b){for(var e=0,h=Math.min.apply(Math,[u/2,q/2])-5,f=0;f<a.length;f++)e+=a[f].value;x(c,null,function(d){var g=-Math.PI/2,f=1,j=1;c.animation&&(c.animateScale&&(f=d),c.animateRotate&&(j=d));for(d=0;d<a.length;d++){var l=j*a[d].value/e*2*Math.PI;b.beginPath();b.arc(q/2,u/2,f*h,g,g+l);b.lineTo(q/2,u/2);b.closePath();b.fillStyle=a[d].color;b.fill();c.segmentShowStroke&&(b.lineWidth=
c.segmentStrokeWidth,b.strokeStyle=c.segmentStrokeColor,b.stroke());g+=l}},b)},J=function(a,c,b){for(var e=0,h=Math.min.apply(Math,[u/2,q/2])-5,f=h*(c.percentageInnerCutout/100),d=0;d<a.length;d++)e+=a[d].value;x(c,null,function(d){var k=-Math.PI/2,j=1,l=1;c.animation&&(c.animateScale&&(j=d),c.animateRotate&&(l=d));for(d=0;d<a.length;d++){var m=l*a[d].value/e*2*Math.PI;b.beginPath();b.arc(q/2,u/2,j*h,k,k+m,!1);b.arc(q/2,u/2,j*f,k+m,k,!0);b.closePath();b.fillStyle=a[d].color;b.fill();c.segmentShowStroke&&
(b.lineWidth=c.segmentStrokeWidth,b.strokeStyle=c.segmentStrokeColor,b.stroke());k+=m}},b)},K=function(a,c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m,t,r,n,p,s=0;g=u;b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;t=1;for(d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++)e=b.measureText(a.labels[d]).width,t=e>t?e:t;q/a.labels.length<t?(s=45,q/a.labels.length<Math.cos(s)*t?(s=90,g-=t):g-=Math.sin(s)*t):g-=c.scaleFontSize;d=c.scaleFontSize;g=g-5-d;e=Number.MIN_VALUE;h=Number.MAX_VALUE;for(f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++)for(l=
0;l<a.datasets[f].data.length;l++)a.datasets[f].data[l]>e&&(e=a.datasets[f].data[l]),a.datasets[f].data[l]<h&&(h=a.datasets[f].data[l]);f=Math.floor(g/(0.66*d));d=Math.floor(0.5*(g/d));l=c.scaleShowLabels?c.scaleLabel:"";c.scaleOverride?(j={steps:c.scaleSteps,stepValue:c.scaleStepWidth,graphMin:c.scaleStartValue,labels:[]},z(l,j.labels,j.steps,c.scaleStartValue,c.scaleStepWidth)):j=C(g,f,d,e,h,l);k=Math.floor(g/j.steps);d=1;if(c.scaleShowLabels){b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;
for(e=0;e<j.labels.length;e++)h=b.measureText(j.labels[e]).width,d=h>d?h:d;d+=10}r=q-d-t;m=Math.floor(r/(a.labels.length-1));n=q-t/2-r;p=g+c.scaleFontSize/2;x(c,function(){b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth;b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor;b.beginPath();b.moveTo(q-t/2+5,p);b.lineTo(q-t/2-r-5,p);b.stroke();0<s?(b.save(),b.textAlign="right"):b.textAlign="center";b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor;for(var d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++)b.save(),0<s?(b.translate(n+d*m,p+c.scaleFontSize),b.rotate(-(s*(Math.PI/180))),b.fillText(a.labels[d],
b.strokeStyle=c.scaleGridLineColor,b.lineTo(n+r+5,p-(d+1)*k)):b.lineTo(n-0.5,p-(d+1)*k),b.stroke(),c.scaleShowLabels&&b.fillText(j.labels[d],n-8,p-(d+1)*k)},function(d){function e(b,c){return p-d*v(a.datasets[b].data[c],j,k)}for(var f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++){b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[f].strokeColor;b.lineWidth=c.datasetStrokeWidth;b.beginPath();b.moveTo(n,p-d*v(a.datasets[f].data[0],j,k));for(var g=1;g<a.datasets[f].data.length;g++)c.bezierCurve?b.bezierCurveTo(n+m*(g-0.5),e(f,g-1),n+m*(g-0.5),
c,b){var e,h,f,d,g,k,j,l,m,t,r,n,p,s,w=0;g=u;b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;t=1;for(d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++)e=b.measureText(a.labels[d]).width,t=e>t?e:t;q/a.labels.length<t?(w=45,q/a.labels.length<Math.cos(w)*t?(w=90,g-=t):g-=Math.sin(w)*t):g-=c.scaleFontSize;d=c.scaleFontSize;g=g-5-d;e=Number.MIN_VALUE;h=Number.MAX_VALUE;for(f=0;f<a.datasets.length;f++)for(l=0;l<a.datasets[f].data.length;l++)a.datasets[f].data[l]>e&&(e=a.datasets[f].data[l]),a.datasets[f].data[l]<
h&&(h=a.datasets[f].data[l]);f=Math.floor(g/(0.66*d));d=Math.floor(0.5*(g/d));l=c.scaleShowLabels?c.scaleLabel:"";c.scaleOverride?(j={steps:c.scaleSteps,stepValue:c.scaleStepWidth,graphMin:c.scaleStartValue,labels:[]},z(l,j.labels,j.steps,c.scaleStartValue,c.scaleStepWidth)):j=C(g,f,d,e,h,l);k=Math.floor(g/j.steps);d=1;if(c.scaleShowLabels){b.font=c.scaleFontStyle+" "+c.scaleFontSize+"px "+c.scaleFontFamily;for(e=0;e<j.labels.length;e++)h=b.measureText(j.labels[e]).width,d=h>d?h:d;d+=10}r=q-d-t;m=
Math.floor(r/a.labels.length);s=(m-2*c.scaleGridLineWidth-2*c.barValueSpacing-(c.barDatasetSpacing*a.datasets.length-1)-(c.barStrokeWidth/2*a.datasets.length-1))/a.datasets.length;n=q-t/2-r;p=g+c.scaleFontSize/2;x(c,function(){b.lineWidth=c.scaleLineWidth;b.strokeStyle=c.scaleLineColor;b.beginPath();b.moveTo(q-t/2+5,p);b.lineTo(q-t/2-r-5,p);b.stroke();0<w?(b.save(),b.textAlign="right"):b.textAlign="center";b.fillStyle=c.scaleFontColor;for(var d=0;d<a.labels.length;d++)b.save(),0<w?(b.translate(n+
k),c.scaleShowGridLines?(b.lineWidth=c.scaleGridLineWidth,b.strokeStyle=c.scaleGridLineColor,b.lineTo(n+r+5,p-(d+1)*k)):b.lineTo(n-0.5,p-(d+1)*k),b.stroke(),c.scaleShowLabels&&b.fillText(j.labels[d],n-8,p-(d+1)*k)},function(d){b.lineWidth=c.barStrokeWidth;for(var e=0;e<a.datasets.length;e++){b.fillStyle=a.datasets[e].fillColor;b.strokeStyle=a.datasets[e].strokeColor;for(var f=0;f<a.datasets[e].data.length;f++){var g=n+c.barValueSpacing+m*f+s*e+c.barDatasetSpacing*e+c.barStrokeWidth*e;b.beginPath();
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h1>Live Updating Chart.js</h1>
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="150"></canvas>
The update() triggers an update of the chart.
chart.update( )
Triggers an update of the chart. This can be safely called after updating the data object. This will update all scales, legends, and then re-render the chart. A config object can be provided with additional configuration for the update process.
update() can be safely called after updating values of one or more existing points within the the data object, rendering the changes in one animated render loop.
// update the first dataset's value of 'March' to be 50
myBarChart.data.datasets[0].bars[2].value = 50;
// animate update of 'March' from 90 to 50.
Here is how to do it in the last version of ChartJs:
chart.data.datasets[0].data[5] = 80;
chart.data.labels[5] = "Newly Added";
Look at this clear video
or test it in jsfiddle
You also can use destroy() function. Like this
if( window.myBar!==undefined)
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
window.myBar = new Chart(ctx).Bar(barChartData, {
responsive : true,
You just need to change the chartObject.data.datasets value and call update() like this:
chartObject.data.datasets = newData.datasets;
chartObject.data.labels = newData.labels;
Remove the canvas dom and add in again.
function renderChart(label,data){
$("#canvas-wrapper").html("").html('<canvas id="storeSends"></canvas>');
var lineChartData = {
labels : label,
datasets : [
fillColor : "rgba(49, 195, 166, 0.2)",
strokeColor : "rgba(49, 195, 166, 1)",
pointColor : "rgba(49, 195, 166, 1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : data
var canvas = document.getElementById("storeSends");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
myLine = new Chart(ctx).Line(lineChartData, {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false
I think the easiest way is to write a function to update your chart including the chart.update()method. Check out this simple example I wrote in jsfiddle for a Bar Chart.
//value for x-axis
var emotions = ["calm", "happy", "angry", "disgust"];
//colours for each bar
var colouarray = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue'];
//Let's initialData[] be the initial data set
var initialData = [0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.6];
//Let's updatedDataSet[] be the array to hold the upadted data set with every update call
var updatedDataSet;
/*Creating the bar chart*/
var ctx = document.getElementById("barChart");
var barChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: emotions,
datasets: [{
backgroundColor: colouarray,
label: 'Prediction',
data: initialData
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
min: 0,
max: 1,
stepSize: 0.5,
/*Function to update the bar chart*/
function updateBarGraph(chart, label, color, data) {
label: label,
backgroundColor: color,
data: data
/*Updating the bar chart with updated data in every second. */
setInterval(function() {
updatedDataSet = [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()];
updateBarGraph(barChart, 'Prediction', colouarray, updatedDataSet);
}, 1000);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.3.0/Chart.min.js"></script>
<h1>Update Bar Chart</h1>
<canvas id="barChart" width="800" height="450"></canvas>
<script src="barchart.js"></script>
Hope this helps.
If destroy() and clear() is not working (just like what i had experience) you can use jquery to remove the canvas and append it again.
$('#chartBar').append('<canvas id="chartAmazon"></canvas>');
var ctxAmazon = $("#chartAmazon").get(0).getContext("2d");
var AmazonChart = new Chart(ctxAmazon, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: dataAmazon,
options: optionsA
I don't think it's possible right now.
However that's a feature which should come soon, as the author hinted here:
This is an example with ChartJs - 2.9.4
var maximumPoints = 5;// with this variable you can decide how many points are display on the chart
function addData(chart, label, data) {
chart.data.datasets.forEach((dataset) => {
var d = data[0];
var canRemoveData = false;
chart.data.datasets.forEach((dataset) => {
if (dataset.data.length > maximumPoints) {
if (!canRemoveData) {
canRemoveData = true;
window.onload = function () {
var canvas = document.getElementById('elm-chart'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: [],
datasets: [
data: [],
label: 'Dataset-1',
backgroundColor: "#36a2eb88",
borderColor: "#36a2eb",
data: [],
label: 'Dataset-2',
backgroundColor: "#ff638488",
borderColor: "#ff6384",
options: {
responsive: false,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
var index = 0;
setInterval(function () {
var data = [];
myLineChart.data.datasets.forEach((dataset) => {
data.push(Math.random() * 100);
addData(myLineChart, index, data);
}, 1000);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.4/Chart.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="elm-chart" width="640" height="480"></canvas>
There are 2 ways to solve it:
Delete existing chart using chart.destroy() and create new chart object.
The simplest way is to replace the canvas element and then call new Chart() again:
function reloadMyChart() {
$('myChart').replaceWith('<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>');
new Chart(document.getElementById("myChart"), {
data: yourChartData,
type: yourChartType,
options: yourChartOptions
Of course, you must replace yourChartData, yourChartType and yourChartOptions with the correct values required to initialize Chart.js. See Chart.js Docs.
You can call reloadMyChart function on a button click or any other event you need. Probably you'll add parameters to this function and use these to make a REST call to dynamically update your chart, like this:
function reloadMyChart(param1, param2) {
$('myChart').replaceWith('<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>');
$.get("restUrl?param1=" + param1 + "&param2=" + param2 + ",
function(data) {
// call new Chart() here and use returned data
Hope it helps! =)
Showing realtime update chartJS
function add_data(chart, label, data)
var today = new Date();
var time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds();
myLineChart.data.datasets[0].data.push(Math.random() * 100);
myLineChart.data.datasets[1].data.push(Math.random() * 100);
setInterval(add_data, 10000); //milisecond
full code , you can download in description link
As of 2022 and using ChartJS v3.7.1 you can use the code below.
Note that it is based on the JSBin snippets in doub1ejack's answer but these were not up to date and wouldn't work with the latest ChartJS version, mainly because the path to charts' data changed (now being yourChart._metasets[0]._dataset.data).
var canvas = document.getElementById('updating-chart'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
startingData = {
labels: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
datasets: [
fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.2)",
strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40]
fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.2)",
strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointColor: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
data: [28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90]
// Reduce the animation steps for demo clarity.
const myLiveChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: startingData,
options: {
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true
maintainAspectRatio: false,
// Get a random index point
var indexToUpdate = Math.round(Math.random() * startingData.labels.length);
// Update one of the points in the second dataset
myLiveChart._metasets[0]._dataset.data[indexToUpdate] = Math.random() * 100;
}, 5000);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Updating chart example</title>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js"></script>
<canvas id="updating-chart" width="500" height="300"></canvas>
You can check instance of Chart by using Chart.instances.
This will give you all the charts instances.
Now you can iterate on that instances and and change the data, which is present inside config.
suppose you have only one chart in your page.
for (var _chartjsindex in Chart.instances) {
* Here in the config your actual data and options which you have given at the
time of creating chart so no need for changing option only you can change data
Chart.instances[_chartjsindex].config.data = [];
// here you can give add your data
// update will rewrite your whole chart with new value
My solve was to actually store the charts outside of the state of Vue. Store the charts in a const variable in like a utility.js file. Then I was able to simply do this:
const PVR_CANVASES = {}
//This was my vue method for building the charts
build_metrics() {
this.votingResults.metrics.forEach(metric => {
const el = document.getElementById(metric.metric_data.canvas);
const n_chart = new Chart(el, {
type: 'line',
data: metric.chart.data,
options: {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: true,
layout: {
autoPadding: false
plugins: {
legend: {
display: false,
scales: {
x: {
display: false
y: {
display: false
elements: {
line: {
tension: 0.4
point: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'
PVR_CANVASES[metric.chart.id] = n_chart;
this.votingResults.metrics.forEach(metric => {
const n_chart = PVR_CANVASES[metric.chart.id];
n_chart.data = metric.chart.data;
So simple, Just replace the chart canvas element.
$('#canvas').replaceWith(' id="canvas" height="200px"

How to create linear gradient with background mask in Chart.js

I would like to recreate this chart color scheme in Chart.js.
So far I've succeeded in creating the horizontal linear gradient for both the stroke and background colors, but I can't find a way to create the opacity mask for the background color to 'blend' it into the page background.
This is my chart so far
I can create an opacity mask on the canvas itself using css property:
-webkit-mask-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left 50%, left bottom, from(rgba(0,0,0,1)), to(rgba(0,0,0,0)))
But this method masks the whole lower bottom of the chart, i.e the stroke of the chart, for example
How would I go about masking only the background color of the chart?
Chart.js setup
data = {
labels: labels,
datasets: [
label: 'Dataset 1',
fill: true,
data: Utils.numbers(NUMBER_CFG),
borderColor: getGradient,
pointBorderColor: getGradient,
pointBackgroundColor: getGradient,
pointHoverBackgroundColor: getGradient,
pointHoverBorderColor: getGradient,
backgroundColor: getGradient
let width, height, gradient;
function gradient(ctx, chartArea) {
const chartWidth = chartArea.right - chartArea.left;
const chartHeight = chartArea.bottom - chartArea.top;
if (!gradient || width !== chartWidth || height !== chartHeight) {
// Create the gradient because this is either the first render
// or the size of the chart has changed
width = chartWidth;
height = chartHeight;
var gradientStroke = ctx.createLinearGradient(chartArea.right, chartArea.top, chartArea.left, chartArea.top);
gradientStroke.addColorStop(0, "#80b6f4");
gradientStroke.addColorStop(1, "#f49080");
return gradientStroke;
function getGradient(context) {
const chart = context.chart;
const {ctx, chartArea} = chart;
if (!chartArea) {
// This case happens on initial chart load
return gradient(ctx, chartArea);
I hope you have solved that by now. In any case, I think you should try to change the values you pass to createLinearGradient function. See this example (it's not mine, but helped me to understand that).
var ctx = document.getElementById("chart").getContext("2d");
/*** Gradient ***/
var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 200);
gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(250,174,50,1)');
gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(250,174,50,0)');
var data = {
labels : ["02:00","04:00","06:00","08:00","10:00","12:00","14:00","16:00","18:00","20:00","22:00","00:00"],
datasets: [
fillColor : gradient, // Put the gradient here as a fill color
strokeColor : "#ff6c23",
pointColor : "#fff",
pointStrokeColor : "#ff6c23",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "#ff6c23",
data : [25.0,32.4,22.2,39.4,34.2,22.0,23.2,24.1,20.0,18.4,19.1,17.4]
var options = {
responsive: true,
datasetStrokeWidth : 3,
pointDotStrokeWidth : 4,
tooltipFillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",
tooltipFontStyle: "bold",
tooltipTemplate: "<%if (label){%><%=label + ' hod' %>: <%}%><%= value + '°C' %>",
scaleLabel : "<%= Number(value).toFixed(0).replace('.', ',') + '°C'%>"
var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx).Line(data, options);
<canvas id="chart" width="800" height="400"></canvas>

Range at the end of the line chart

Is it possible to put a range at the right side of the line chart to compare the distance between the last 2 points of the 2 lines?
This can be achieved via a custom plugin making direct draw calls to the canvas, an example of which I've included below. Note that the code makes a lot of assumptions based on your screenshot and should be considered as a starting point rather than a perfect drop-in solution.
let myChart = new Chart(document.getElementById('chart'), {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'],
datasets: [{
label: 'Group1',
data: [-1000, -2000, -2000, -3000, -4000, -3000, -5000],
backgroundColor: '#F48496'
}, {
label: 'Group2',
data: [-4000, -4000, -3000, -6000, -6000, -5000, -9000],
backgroundColor: '#61B2E9'
options: {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
layout: {
padding: {
right: 100
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
plugins: {
afterRender: function(c) {
// calculate difference between values of last two points in first and second datasets.
d = c.config.data.datasets[0].data[c.config.data.datasets[0].data.length - 1] - c.config.data.datasets[1].data[c.config.data.datasets[1].data.length - 1],
// position of last point in first dataset.
xy0 = c.getDatasetMeta(0).data[c.getDatasetMeta(0).data.length - 1]._model,
// position of last point in second dataset.
xy1 = c.getDatasetMeta(1).data[c.getDatasetMeta(1).data.length - 1]._model;
// draw the line.
c.ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
c.ctx.moveTo(xy0.x + 10, xy0.y);
c.ctx.lineTo(xy0.x + 15, xy0.y); // draw the upper horizontal line.
c.ctx.lineTo(xy0.x + 15, xy1.y); // draw the vertical line.
c.ctx.lineTo(xy1.x + 10, xy1.y); // draw the lower horizontal line.
// draw the text.
c.ctx.font = '20px sans-serif';
c.ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
d, // text
c.chartArea.right + 25, // text x position
xy0.y + ((xy1.y - xy0.y) / 2) // text y position
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.7.2/Chart.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="chart"></canvas>

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'draw' of undefined for object scale

I am following the Chart.js example. But when I try to render thaat example, I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'draw' of undefined
Here is the example I am following. I've done everything accordingly and I have no idea why it would be causing this problem.
Below is my implementation of the example.
My module
.controller('AboutController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.data = [
value: 300,
color: '#F7464A',
highlight: '#FF5A5E',
label: 'Red'
value: 50,
color: '#46BFBD',
highlight: '#5AD3D1',
label: 'Green'
value: 100,
color: '#FDB45C',
highlight: '#FFC870',
label: 'Yellow'
// Chart.js Options
$scope.options = {
// Sets the chart to be responsive
responsive: true,
//Boolean - Whether we should show a stroke on each segment
segmentShowStroke: true,
//String - The colour of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeColor: '#fff',
//Number - The width of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeWidth: 2,
//Number - The percentage of the chart that we cut out of the middle
percentageInnerCutout: 50, // This is 0 for Pie charts
//Number - Amount of animation steps
animationSteps: 100,
//String - Animation easing effect
animationEasing: 'easeOutBounce',
//Boolean - Whether we animate the rotation of the Doughnut
animateRotate: true,
//Boolean - Whether we animate scaling the Doughnut from the centre
animateScale: false,
//String - A legend template
legendTemplate: '<ul class="tc-chart-js-legend"><% for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%><li><span style="background-color:<%=segments[i].fillColor%>"></span><%if(segments[i].label){%><%=segments[i].label%><%}%></li><%}%></ul>'
And here is my html code
<canvas tc-chartjs-doughnut chart-options="options" chart-data="data" auto-legend></canvas>
I should add that I am able to render the legend for the chart.
draw is a Chart.js method—are you sure that you have included all of the dependencies?
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/Chart.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/tc-angular-chartjs.js"></script>
You will also need to list it as a requirement of your app/angular.module:
angular.module( 'main', ['tc.chartjs']);
Make sure you have a compatible version of Chart.js. Version 1.0.2 works ok for the example you have with tc-angular v1.0.11
Make sure you have no other libraries loaded (at least to start with), apart from angular, tc-angular and Chart.js.
Trying to reproduce your error, I shortly had exactly the same problem - but after just running $ bower install tc-angular-chartjs and copying in all your code this is the result, which just works fine. It also includes the required scripts and the module dependency as shown in the tutorial and mentioned by Tina
<!Doctype html>
<div ng-app="main">
<div ng-controller="AboutController">
<canvas tc-chartjs-doughnut chart-options="options" chart-data="data" auto-legend></canvas>
<script src="bower_components/Chart.js/Chart.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/tc-angular-chartjs/dist/tc-angular-chartjs.min.js"></script>
.module('main', ['tc.chartjs'])
.controller('AboutController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.data = [
value: 300,
color: '#F7464A',
highlight: '#FF5A5E',
label: 'Red'
value: 50,
color: '#46BFBD',
highlight: '#5AD3D1',
label: 'Green'
value: 100,
color: '#FDB45C',
highlight: '#FFC870',
label: 'Yellow'
// Chart.js Options
$scope.options = {
// Sets the chart to be responsive
responsive: true,
//Boolean - Whether we should show a stroke on each segment
segmentShowStroke: true,
//String - The colour of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeColor: '#fff',
//Number - The width of each segment stroke
segmentStrokeWidth: 2,
//Number - The percentage of the chart that we cut out of the middle
percentageInnerCutout: 50, // This is 0 for Pie charts
//Number - Amount of animation steps
animationSteps: 100,
//String - Animation easing effect
animationEasing: 'easeOutBounce',
//Boolean - Whether we animate the rotation of the Doughnut
animateRotate: true,
//Boolean - Whether we animate scaling the Doughnut from the centre
animateScale: false,
//String - A legend template
legendTemplate: '<ul class="tc-chart-js-legend"><% for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%><li><span style="background-color:<%=segments[i].fillColor%>"></span><%if(segments[i].label){%><%=segments[i].label%><%}%></li><%}%></ul>'

Multiple baselines with dual y-axis Google Chart

I'm using the Google Visualization API for a simple sales chart that has two series, number of sales and sales value, that I'm showing on a column chart with two vetical axes. The sales value can be negative, such as for returns, but this is causing the graph to show two different baselines. The zero baseline for number of sales is in line with the lowest sales value figure. Here's an example of the code with some sample data:
google.load('visualization', '1.0', { 'packages': ['corechart'] });
function drawSalesChart() {
var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Order Source');
dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Num Sales');
dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Sales Value');
['Web (Order)', 300, 31000],
['Call Centre (Order)', 700, 61000],
['Call Centre (Return)', 50, -4100],
['Call Centre (Exchange)', 10, 800]
var options = {
title: 'Sales by Order Source',
hAxis: { title: 'Order Source' },
series: {
0: { targetAxisIndex: 0 },
1: { targetAxisIndex: 1 },
vAxes: {
0: { title: 'Num Sales' },
1: { title: 'Sales Value' }
new google.visualization.ColumnChart(
document.getElementById('livesales-chart-container')).draw(dataTable, options);
I've been through the API documentation as there's information on setting the baseline but there doesn't seem to be a way to tie the zero of each vAxis to the same point. I've tried searching Google and StackOverflow and there are similar questions but I can't see that anyone has had this problem.
How can I, or even can I, show a single baseline at zero for both series?
From a visualization perspective, it may be a lot better to create two separate charts on top of each other since the data provided is very different both in scope and in what it is explaining.
You are free to copy and use this sample in accordance with the terms of the
Apache license (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
Google Visualization API Sample
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart']});
<script type="text/javascript">
function drawSalesChart() {
var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Order Source');
dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Num Sales');
dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Sales Value');
['Web (Order)', 300, 31000],
['Call Centre (Order)', 700, 61000],
['Call Centre (Return)', 50, -4100],
['Call Centre (Exchange)', 10, 800]
var dataView1 = new google.visualization.DataView(dataTable);
var dataView2 = new google.visualization.DataView(dataTable);
var options1 = {
title: 'Sales by Order Source',
hAxis: { title: 'Order Source' },
vAxis: { title: 'Num Sales' }
var options2 = {
title: null,
hAxis: { title: null, textPosition: 'none' },
vAxis: { title: 'Sales Value' }
new google.visualization.ColumnChart(
document.getElementById('chart1')).draw(dataView1, options1);
new google.visualization.ColumnChart(
document.getElementById('chart2')).draw(dataView2, options2);
<body style="font-family: Arial;border: 0 none;">
<div id="chart1" style="width: 600px; height: 300px;"></div>
<div id="chart2" style="width: 600px; height: 100px;"></div>
Of course, this would need some prettying-up to make the graphs line up properly, and to make the colors work as you'd like, but this way you can focus on the main data you want to show, while keeping the other info nearby as a reference.
If you are insistent on doing them on the same graph, you will need to write a function to be able to calculate where the grid lines should lie (or figure out how Google does it, but I couldn't find it on a web search).
To figure out what the max/min values should be on a graph, an "easy" way is to take the difference between the minimum and maximum values, count the number of grid lines you will have (default for google is 5), round up to the nearest significant digit of your biggest number, and use those as your grid line dividers.
e.g. Taking your first column: 300, 700, 50, 10
Max Value: 700
Min Value: 10
Exponent: LEN(Max)-1 = 2 = 10^2, nearest 100
Grid Lines: 5 - 1 = 4 (assuming you want the bottom value to serve as the floor at the same rounding, you need 4 more iterations to go over the top value)
Difference Between Max and Min: 690
Required Interval: 690 / 4 = 172.5
Rounded up to the nearest 100: 200
Min Value: FLOOR(Min,200) = 0
Max Value: CEILING(Max,200) = 800
Grid Line 1: 0
Grid Line 2: 200
Grid Line 3: 400
Grid Line 4: 600
Grid Line 5: 800
Note, this matches what your chart shows. However, it won't work for negative values because the math gets a bit more complicated.
First you need to figure out the ratio of negative values to the total difference in min and max values.
e.g. Given your Column 2 data: 31000, 61000, -4100, 800
Min Value: -4100
Max Value: 61000
Difference: 65100
Negative Ratio: 6.3%
So 6.3% of your range is in the negative portion. Given 5 grid lines, that means that one grid line will need to be below 0, and you only have 4 grid lines for the positive portion. Since the negative portion is smaller than the positive portion, the positive portion will determine the grid line spacings.
So now you have 4 grid lines to cover the positive portion (0 - 61000), which means you have 3 segments from 0 to reach 61000.
That means 61000 / 3, rounded up to 4 significant digits, or 30,000.
That makes your gridlines:
Coincidentally, this is what you got in your chart.
Now that you know the second series has 1 negative gridline, you'd have to readjust your first series to match the second one. So instead of having 5 gridlines (0 and 4 above), you now have 1 negative gridline, 1 0, and then 3 above zero that need to reach 700. So you take the 700 positive value you have, divide by 3, for 233.333.
Round that up to the nearest 100, and you get 300.
So your first chart max/min would be readjusted to -300, and 900 for the following gridlines:
This will set the same baseline.
That will solve your problem -- all you need to do is code that logic in to Javascript! Let us know if you do it, I'm sure someone else will have the same issue down the line.