Cost of namespaces - c++

What is the cost of defining namespaces in c++? By that I specifically mean compile-time/run-time increase, and/or memory footprint. Let's say I have trivial program with a header file and a .cpp with main. Would I notice a change in these aforementioned statistics if I, say, define a namespace in my header? What about 10, 100, or 1,000 namespaces? What if they are defined but never used: does that change the answer? I guess you could say I'm curious how this construct interacts with the compiler(s).
Similarly, I am curious about the effect of struct/class definitions and using, but I couldn't think of a good title for a question encompassing all three.

What is the cost of defining namespaces in c++?
You have to write longer names†. This cost is offset by the fact that name conflicts are avoided across different namespaces. A short name is of no use if the name has a conflict.
†Not really though: A namespace lets you get off with less writing, since you don't always need to retype the namespace into unqualified identifiers.
By that I specifically mean compile-time
Potentially marginally.
run-time increase
None in practice.
Would I notice a change in these aforementioned statistics if I, say, define a namespace in my header?
You can find out by measuring.
You probably won't notice.

By that I specifically mean compile-time
Namespace can significantly reduce compile times since the compiler may have less overload to check when using a function.
This advantage is lost when using using namespace xyz;
Further compile time improvement can be done by using friend functions instead of free function, since ADL will have even less overload to check (in case of operators or if you already were using ADL)

I can't help it, but here is a real-life (although anecdotal) example of real cost of namespaces.
Several years ago I was working in a major company with very strong technological presence (no more would be said about them here). One of the distinctive aspects of their codebase was that it was dominantly server-side, Unix binaries compiled in 32 bit mode. One of the coding conventions used in the company was that every name should have been put in 3 nested namespaces - the rather long company name namespace, followed by 3 character name namespace, and than another one of 5 characters. (There were exceptions for legacy code).
The codebase was huge (as in linking of the executable would take up to 15 minute on a very powerful machine) and they were coming to the natural limit of executable size for 32 bit. Coming quickly - the new code was added, and the doom limit approached. A lot of solutions were discussed in a fire-sale urgency mode, and the one was that if we just used the shorthand for company name in the namespace, and may be used less characters in nested namespaces, we would postpone the doom of 32 bit limitation by several months!
Full disclosure - I do not know how this sutuation was resolved, I left the company before doomsday.


What's the difference between using std::cout and using ::std::cout?

As we already know :: is global namespace. And we have already know that using namespace has some downsides.
So we decide to type less and type in the beggining of our file using ::std::cout;, but we can also type using std::cout;. So is there any difference?
Some people write ::std::cout in order to be absolutely sure that they're getting the cout from the standard library, since the leading :: roots the type at the global namespace.
Otherwise it's conceivable that lookup could find some ::haha::trolling::std::cout name. However, I'd say that this is unlikely.
I do sometimes write ::std in short function templates that are designed to be highly reusable, just for maximum portability, but it's fairly uncommon. I've seen one SO contributor who stuck to it religiously, but that's about it.

C++ Naming variables [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Variable Naming Conventions in C++
(12 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
In many examples of code that I've seen, they name their variable in a specific way.
class obj
int mInt;
bool gTexture;
Why do they name them in such way, and there are for sure more ways, I think...
How do you name them, and why?
Thank You
The m in mInt represents that the int is a member variable, while the g in gTexture denotes the variable being global.
This comes from Hungarian Notation.
Naming is personally. To answer your second question, I don't use such a naming convention, and I append an underscore to class attributes.
Companies have often naming conventions. You may want to have alook at Google's naming conventions:
The example you have given uses 'm' for member varibles and 'g' for globals. This is something that is used by some people. It makes it easy to see in a member function (when the function is a bit larger than a few lines, so you can't just look up at the top of the function to see the name of the parameters, local variables and so on), what is "local variable" and what affects "outside of the function".
If you work for a company, in a school or on an open source project, most likely, there is a coding standard that tells what the naming convention is. If it's your personal project, then decide on something you think works for you. The main point is that it's consistent. If not ALL member variables start with 'm', and not all global variables start with 'g', then it's pretty pointless to have it some places - just gives a false sense of security.
You haven't to follow a specific notation but it's cool if you do.
All is about clarity of your code, a variable without any upper case is truly less understandable than a variable with a good synthax. (At the first view, when you look quickly a part of code)
For a clear code, I can recommend the google's norme for c++ code :
Why do they name them in such way, and there are for sure more ways, I think...
Generally it is difficult to understand other people's code; If enough time passes, it is difficult to understand your own code as well.
Because of this, software teams set up conventions to make sure the code their team writes is as similar as possible to the code they themselves would have written.
This refers to structuring code, used elements (interfaces, classes, namespaces, etc), naming functions and variables, what to document and in which format, and so on.
When done properly and consistently, it has a significant effect of shortening code maintenance time within a team.
There are a few known conventions, mostly from the conventions used in implementing large code bases and used libraries.
Java tends to use camelCaseNotation (start with small letter, use no underscores, capitalize each word).
MFC used the Hungarian notation, where variable names are prefixed with a few letters specifying scope and type of data (m_XXX for member variables, g_XXX for globals, s_XXX for statics, etc).
In particular the Hungarian convention can be gotten right (by using prefixes for semantic information) or horribly wrong (by using prefixes for syntactical information).
(MFC got it horribly wrong.)
ANSI C++ (and std:: namespace) tends to use small_letters_with_underscores for identifiers.
There are others and most software teams set up a convention that is a variation of one of the big ones.
How do you name them, and why?
These days I follow the ANSI C++ conventions, mostly because I want my code to integrate seamlessly with library code. I also think it looks simple and obvious (and this is very subjective).
I rarely use one letter variables (only when the meaning is clear) and prefer full words, to shortened ones.
indexes: int index, line_index, col_index;
class names: class recordset; class task_details; etc.
Not a real question. Everyone name them as they want to. You may read these guidelines, though:

manifest constants vs C++ keyword "const"

Reading the book of Meyers (item 2 "Prefer const to #define) I'd like to understand some sentences that I list below:
With reference to the comparison between #define ASPECT_RATIO 1.653 and const aspect_ratio = 1.653 Meyers asks that "... in the case of floating point constant (such as in this example) use of the constant may yield smaller code than using #define."
The questions are:
With smaller code Meyers means the a smaller space on disk of executable file?
Why it is smaller? I thought that this may be valid on system with 32 bit because in this case an int (or pointer) needs 4 bytes and a double 8 bytes. Because ASPECT_RATIO may not get entered into symbol table the name is replaced with the value, while in other cases may be used a const pointer to a unique double value. In this case this concept would no longer be valid on machines with 64 bit (because pointer and double are the same number of bytes). I do not know if I explained well what I mean, and especially if this idea is correct?
Then Meyers asks that " ...though good compilers won't set aside storage for const objects of integral types (unless you create a pointer or reference to the object) sloppy compilers may, and you may not be willing to set aside memory for such objects..."
In this context the memory is the RAM occupied by the process in execution? If it is correct to verify this I can use task manager (in Win) or top (in Linux)?
First, micro-optimizations are stupid. Don't care about a couple of constant double values eating up all your RAM. It won't happen. If it does, handle it then, not before you know it's even relevant.
Second, #define can have nasty side effects if used too much, even with the ALL_CAPS_DEFINES convention. Sooner or later you're going to mistakenly make a short macro that is used in some other variable's name, with preprocessor replacement giving you an unfathomable and avoidable error and no debuggability at all. As the linked question in the question comments states, macro's lack namespace and class scope, and are definitely bad in C++.
Third, C++11 adds constexpr, which allows typesafe macro-performant (whatever this misnomer should mean) constant expressions. There are even those (see the C++ Lounge in SO Chat) that do whole calculations at compile time using constexpr. Unfortunately, not all major compilers claiming C++11 support, actually support enough C++11 features to be truly useful (I'm looking at you, MSVC2012!).
The reason that it "may" yield smaller code is that multiple uses of a define will probably (probably: optimizers do weird stuff) also generate the same constant again and again. Whereas using a const will only generate one definition, and then reference the same definition (if the optimizer doesn't calculate stuff inline).
The linker outputs several parts when linking your executable. Some part contains constants, some other part executable code. Wether or not your (operating) system loads the executable into ram before executing, is not defined within the C++ standard. I've used systems where the code executes from flash storage, so only the stack and dynamically allocated memory uses ram.

C++ class function in assembly

Hello Community
I am look at C++ assembly, I have compiled a benchmark from the PARSEC suite and I am having difficulty knowing how do they name the class attribute functions in assembly language. for example if I have a class with some functions to manipulate it, in cpp we call them like test.increment();
After some investigation I found out that this function is
represented as:
in assembly, or at least this is what I have found out.
Let me know if I am wrong!
Is there some fixed rule for the mapping? or are they random?
It's called name mangling, is necessary because of overloads and templates and such (i.e. the plain chars-and-numbers name isn't enough to identify a chunk of code unambiguously; embedding spaces or <> or :: in names usually isn't legal; copying the additional information in uncondensed, human-readable form would be wasteful), and it therefore depends on types, arity, etc.
The exact scheme can vary, but usually each compiler is self-consistent for a relatively long time (sometimes even several compilers can settle for one way).
That's called name mangling.. It is compiler dependant. No standard way, sorry :)
C++ allows function overloading, this means that one can have two functions with the same name but different parameters. Since your binary formats do not understand type this is a proble. The way that this is worked around is to use a scheme called name mangling. This adds a whole function of type information to the name used in the source file and ensures one calls the correct overload.
The extra letters etc that are added are governed by the particular Application Binary Interface (ABI) being used. Different compilers (and sometimes even different versions) may use different ABIs.
Yes there's a standard method for creating these symbols known as name mangling.

Moving from C++ to C

After a few years coding in C++, I was recently offered a job coding in C, in the embedded field.
Putting aside the question of whether it's right or wrong to dismiss C++ in the embedded field, there are some features/idioms in C++ I would miss a lot. Just to name a few:
Generic, type-safe data structures (using templates).
RAII. Especially in functions with multiple return points, e.g. not having to remember to release the mutex on each return point.
Destructors in general. I.e. you write a d'tor once for MyClass, then if a MyClass instance is a member of MyOtherClass, MyOtherClass doesn't have to explicitly deinitialize the MyClass instance - its d'tor is called automatically.
What are your experiences moving from C++ to C?
What C substitutes did you find for your favorite C++ features/idioms? Did you discover any C features you wish C++ had?
Working on an embedded project, I tried working in all C once, and just couldn't stand it. It was just so verbose that it made it hard to read anything. Also, I liked the optimized-for-embedded containers I had written, which had to turn into much less safe and harder to fix #define blocks.
Code that in C++ looked like:
if(uart[0]->Send(pktQueue.Top(), sizeof(Packet)))
turns into:
if(UART_uchar_SendBlock(uart[0], Queue_Packet_Top(pktQueue), sizeof(Packet)))
Queue_Packet_Dequeue(pktQueue, 1);
which many people will probably say is fine but gets ridiculous if you have to do more than a couple "method" calls in a line. Two lines of C++ would turn into five of C (due to 80-char line length limits). Both would generate the same code, so it's not like the target processor cared!
One time (back in 1995), I tried writing a lot of C for a multiprocessor data-processing program. The kind where each processor has its own memory and program. The vendor-supplied compiler was a C compiler (some kind of HighC derivative), their libraries were closed source so I couldn't use GCC to build, and their APIs were designed with the mindset that your programs would primarily be the initialize/process/terminate variety, so inter-processor communication was rudimentary at best.
I got about a month in before I gave up, found a copy of cfront, and hacked it into the makefiles so I could use C++. Cfront didn't even support templates, but the C++ code was much, much clearer.
Generic, type-safe data structures (using templates).
The closest thing C has to templates is to declare a header file with a lot of code that looks like:
TYPE * Queue_##TYPE##_Top(Queue_##TYPE##* const this)
{ /* ... */ }
then pull it in with something like:
#define TYPE Packet
#include "Queue.h"
#undef TYPE
Note that this won't work for compound types (e.g. no queues of unsigned char) unless you make a typedef first.
Oh, and remember, if this code isn't actually used anywhere, then you don't even know if it's syntactically correct.
EDIT: One more thing: you'll need to manually manage instantiation of code. If your "template" code isn't all inline functions, then you'll have to put in some control to make sure that things get instantiated only once so your linker doesn't spit out a pile of "multiple instances of Foo" errors.
To do this, you'll have to put the non-inlined stuff in an "implementation" section in your header file:
#ifdef implementation_##TYPE
/* Non-inlines, "static members", global definitions, etc. go here. */
And then, in one place in all your code per template variant, you have to:
#define TYPE Packet
#define implementation_Packet
#include "Queue.h"
#undef TYPE
Also, this implementation section needs to be outside the standard #ifndef/#define/#endif litany, because you may include the template header file in another header file, but need to instantiate afterward in a .c file.
Yep, it gets ugly fast. Which is why most C programmers don't even try.
Especially in functions with multiple return points, e.g. not having to remember to release the mutex on each return point.
Well, forget your pretty code and get used to all your return points (except the end of the function) being gotos:
TYPE * Queue_##TYPE##_Top(Queue_##TYPE##* const this)
TYPE * result;
if(this->head == this->tail)
result = 0;
goto Queue_##TYPE##_Top_exit:;
/* Figure out `result` for real, then fall through to... */
return result;
Destructors in general.
I.e. you write a d'tor once for MyClass, then if a MyClass instance is a member of MyOtherClass, MyOtherClass doesn't have to explicitly deinitialize the MyClass instance - its d'tor is called automatically.
Object construction has to be explicitly handled the same way.
That's actually a simple one to fix: just tack a prefix onto every symbol. This is the primary cause of the source bloat that I talked about earlier (since classes are implicit namespaces). The C folks have been living this, well, forever, and probably won't see what the big deal is.
I moved from C++ to C for a different reason (some sort of allergic reaction ;) and there are only a few thing that I miss and some things that I gained. If you stick to C99, if you may, there are constructs that let you program quite nicely and safely, in particular
designated initializers (eventually
combined with macros) make
initialization of simple classes as
painless as constructors
compound literals for temporary variables
for-scope variable may help you to do scope bound resource management, in particular to ensure to unlock of mutexes or free of arrays, even under preliminary function returns
__VA_ARGS__ macros can be used to have default arguments to functions and to do code unrolling
inline functions and macros that combine well to replace (sort of) overloaded functions
The difference between C and C++ is the predictability of the code's behavior.
It is a easier to predict with great accuracy what your code will do in C, in C++ it might become a bit more difficult to come up with an exact prediction.
The predictability in C gives you better control of what your code is doing, but that also means you have to do more stuff.
In C++ you can write less code to get the same thing done, but (at leas for me) I have trouble occasionally knowing how the object code is laid out in memory and it's expected behavior.
Nothing like the STL exists for C.
There are libs available which provide similar functionality, but it isn't builtin anymore.
Think that would be one of my biggest problems... Knowing with which tool I could solve the problem, but not having the tools available in the language I have to use.
In my line of work - which is embedded, by the way - I am constantly switching back & forth between C and C++.
When I'm in C, I miss from C++:
templates (including but not limited to STL containers). I use them for things like special counters, buffer pools, etc. (built up my own library of class templates & function templates that I use in different embedded projects)
very powerful standard library
destructors, which of course make RAII possible (mutexes, interrupt disable, tracing, etc.)
access specifiers, to better enforce who can use (not see) what
I use inheritance on larger projects, and C++'s built-in support for it is much cleaner & nicer than the C "hack" of embedding the base class as the first member (not to mention automatic invocation of constructors, init. lists, etc.) but the items listed above are the ones I miss the most.
Also, probably only about a third of the embedded C++ projects I work on use exceptions, so I've become accustomed to living without them, so I don't miss them too much when I move back to C.
On the flip side, when I move back to a C project with a significant number of developers, there are whole classes of C++ problems that I'm used to explaining to people which go away. Mostly problems due to the complexity of C++, and people who think they know what's going on, but they're really at the "C with classes" part of the C++ confidence curve.
Given the choice, I'd prefer using C++ on a project, but only if the team is pretty solid on the language. Also of course assuming it's not an 8K μC project where I'm effectively writing "C" anyway.
Couple of observations
Unless you plan to use your c++ compiler to build your C (which is possible if you stick to a well define subset of C++) you will soon discover things that your compiler allows in C that would be a compile error in C++.
No more cryptic template errors (yay!)
No (language supported) object oriented programming
Pretty much the same reasons I have for using C++ or a mix of C/C++ rather than pure C. I can live without namespaces but I use them all the time if the code standard allows it. The reasons is that you can write much more compact code in C++. This is very usefull for me, I write servers in C++ which tend to crash now and then. At that point it helps a lot if the code you are looking at is short and consist. For example consider the following code:
uint32_t p_PlayerId)
MutexLock lock(m_Lock);
uint32_t highScore = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_Players.Size(); i++)
Player& player = m_Players[i];
if(player.m_Score > highScore)
highScore = player.m_Score;
return highScore;
In C that looks like:
ScoreList* p_ScoreList)
uint32_t highScore = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < Array_GetSize(p_ScoreList->m_Players); i++)
Player* player = p_ScoreList->m_Players[i];
if(player->m_Score > highScore)
highScore = player->m_Score;
return highScore;
Not a world of difference. One more line of code, but that tends to add up. Nomally you try your best to keep it clean and lean but sometimes you have to do something more complex. And in those situations you value your line count. One more line is one more thing to look at when you try to figure out why your broadcast network suddenly stops delivering messages.
Anyway I find that C++ allows me to do more complex things in a safe fashion.
yes! i have experienced both of these languages and what i found is C++ is more friendly language. It facilitates with more features. It is better to say that C++ is superset of C language as it provide additional features like polymorphism, interitance, operator and function overloading, user defined data types which is not really supported in C. The thousand lines of code is reduce to few lines with the help of object oriented programming that's the main reason of moving from C to C++.
I think the main problem why c++ is harder to be accepted in embedded environment is because of the lack of engineers that understand how to use c++ properly.
Yes, the same reasoning can be applied to C as well, but luckily there aren't that many pitfalls in C that can shoot yourself in the foot. C++ on the other hand, you need to know when not to use certain features in c++.
All in all, I like c++. I use that on the O/S services layer, driver, management code, etc.
But if your team doesn't have enough experience with it, it's gonna be a tough challenge.
I had experience with both. When the rest of the team wasn't ready for it, it was a total disaster. On the other hand, it was good experience.
Certainly, the desire to escape complex/messy syntax is understandable. Sometimes C can appear to be the solution. However, C++ is where the industry support is, including tooling and libraries, so that is hard to work around.
C++ has so many features today including lambdas.
A good approach is to leverage C++ itself to make your code simpler. Objects are good for isolating things under the hood so that at a higher level, the code is simpler. The core guidelines recommend concrete (simple) objects, so that approach can help.
The level of complexity is under the engineer's control. If multiple inheritance (MI) is useful in a scenario and one prefers that option, then one may use MI.
Alternatively, one can define interfaces, inherit from the interface(s), and contain implementing objects (composition/aggregation) and expose the objects through the interface using inline wrappers. The inline wrappers compile down to nothing, i.e., compile down to simple use of the internal (contained) object, yet the container object appears to have that functionality as if multiple inheritance was used.
C++ also has namespaces, so one should leverage namespaces even if coding in a C-like style.
One can use the language itself to create simpler patterns and the STL is full of examples: array, vector, map, queue, string, unique_ptr,... And one can control (to a reasonable extent) how complex their code is.
So, going back to C is not the way, nor is it necessary. One may use C++ in a C-like way, or use C++ multiple inheritance, or use any option in-between.