Grid Columns data overlapping in semantic-ui-react? - semantic-ui-react
I wasn't expecting column1 data to start overlapping into column2's instead of going down as it is now exceeding the grid column width.
What is the solution for this?

Columns are not overlapping. It's your <p> element takes more space than columns.
Add this style to it:
word-break: break-word;
Before word-break:
After word-break:


Google Sheets conditional formatting if a row title is in capital letters

My spreadsheet has a column of titles in column A (starting at row 22) with data values across the rows.
The title column has conditional formatting to change the color based upon the titles either starting with the word Crit or the title being uppercase, or both.
How do I extend these formulas to apply to the entire row? So that entire rows are formatted the same way as their title in column A.
I have achieved this on my own, these were my solutions
Those formulas can format the rows which start with CRIT or Crit in their title.
And this formula works to format the uppercase titled rows and NOT label the blank rows.
try to apply it to the whole range instead of just A22
green: =REGEXMATCH($A22, "^Crit|^Crit.*")
yellow: =REGEXMATCH($A22, "^CRIT|^CRIT [A-Z0-9]+$")
red: =REGEXMATCH($A22, "^[A-Z0-9 ]+$")

CSS grid to ignore column if column doesn't exist

If I have
grid-template-columns: 20vw 20vw 20vw 20vw;
But only 3 items, can I get the 3 items to center ignoring the 4th space? Or is that the wrong tool for this job and I should use another method like flexbox.

how to increase apex 5.0.3 report font size

I have an interactive report retrieving numbers and I want to make these numbers a little bigger.
How can I do that? Is that even a thing in apex?
How can I increase the report overall font size or a specific column font size?
I tried changing the region item size to Large and XLarge but that changed nothing.
I keep finding posts suggesting something like this:
<style type="text/css">
.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td{
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
but I don't know where to put it to apply it to the report/region or column I want to apply that font to.
There are several possibilies to do this. You need to open column properties and find there a Column formatting section. There are following fields:
HTML Expression. Here you can put an HTML code, which will be inserted in a table cell. For example:
<div style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;">#COLUMN_NAME#</div>
#COLUMN_NAME# here is a substitution string, it will be replaced with the value of sql column with name COLUMN_NAME. Put the name of your column here. You can even make column formatting dependent on value of another column.
CSS Classes. A name of a CSS class, which is be described in a css file or in page's properties (for example, CSS -> Inline). This class will be applied to the table cell.
CSS Style. Inline css style, will be added directly to the sell. For example, put there
font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;
You can use one of these ways or combine them.
Thinking aloud: if this particular IR has "small font" and you want to enlarge it, I presume that all other pages in your application use the same, small font. Is that so? If YES, an out-of-a-box solution: why wouldn't you simply enlarge the whole page in your browser? In Mozilla Firefox, shortcut keys for that are [Ctrl +] (press Ctrl, hold it and press "plus" sign). Because, maybe you made it smaller by accident and didn't notice it.

Change order for Foundation small-12 column

I have a layout with an image to the left and a text on the right for medium and large views. I want to the text to be BEFORE the image on "small-12" though.
The pull/push mechanism does not seem to work with "xxx-12" columns.
These are my divs:
<div class="large-4 medium-6 small-12">Image</div>
<div class="large-8 medium-6 small-12">Text</div>
Here you go. You are missing columns. You want to order the small content first. Then push pull

Dynamic resize gridview edit template based on size of Item template

I have a GridView that displays data in up to 30 columns. Sometimes this has the effect that the gridview expand to a width that requre a horizontal scrollbar but not always. The length of the data in the columns also vary and I don't want to set a specific width, it's nice that the grid is small if half of the columns are empty.
The problem is when I enter edit mode, labels gets replaced by textboxes and those take up more width and the whole table resizes itself.
Is there any way I can keep the item template and it's labels without a fixed size but at the same time always make sure the edit template will have the same size.
I was thinking about something like this:
On "enter edit mode event"
EditTemplateTextBox.Width = CurrentItemTemplate.Width;
I was able to keep my GridView from resizing when switched to edit mode (except for the new "Update" and "Cancel" columns that get added) using this CSS:
table input
width: 95%;
You can use 100% if you want, but 95% gave a little bit of spacing between the cells.
Also, if you have other tables on the page that you don't want to be affected by this, give your GridView a CssClass and replace 'table' with the name of your css class like so:
<asp:GridView ... CssClass="myGridView">
.myGridView input
width: 95%;