I am trying to use a while loop to create a timer that consistently measures out 3000μs (3 ms) and while it works most of the time, other times the timer can be late by as much as 500μs. Why does this happen and is there a more precise way to make a timer like this?
int getTime() {
chrono::microseconds μs = chrono::duration_cast< chrono::microseconds >(
chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() //Get time since last epoch in μs
return μs.count(); //Return as integer
int main()
int target = 3000, difference = 0;
while (true) {
int start = getTime(), time = start;
while ((time-start) < target) {
time = getTime();
difference = time - start;
if (difference - target > 1) { //If the timer wasn't accurate to within 1μs
cout << "Timer missed the mark by " + to_string(difference - target) + " microseconds" << endl; //Log the delay
return 0;
I would expect this code to log delays that are consistently within 5 or so μs, but the console output looks like this.
Edit to clarify: I'm running on Windows 10 Enterprise Build 16299, but the behavior persists on a Debian virtual machine.
You need to also take into account other running processes. The operating system is likely preempting your process to give CPU time to those other processes/threads, and will non-deterministically return control to your process/thread running this timer.
Granted, this is not 100% true when we consider real-time operating systems or flat-schedulers. But this is likely the case in your code if you're running on a general purpose machine.
Since you are running on Windows, that RTOS is responsible for keeping time through NTP, as C++ has no built-in functions for it. Check out this Windows API for the SetTimer() function: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644906(v=vs.85).aspx.
If you want the best and most high-resolution clock through C++, check out the chrono library:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include "chrono_io"
int main()
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;
auto t1 = Clock::now();
auto t2 = Clock::now();
std::cout << t2-t1 << '\n';
What is the best way in C++11 to implement a high-resolution timer that continuously checks for time in a loop, and executes some code after it passes a certain point in time? e.g. check what time it is in a loop from 9am onwards and execute some code exactly at 11am. I require the timing to be precise (i.e. no more than 1 microsecond after 9am).
I will be implementing this program on Linux CentOS 7.3, and have no issues with dedicating CPU resources to execute this task.
Instead of implementing this manually, you could use e.g. a systemd.timer. Make sure to specify the desired accuracy which can apparently be as precise as 1us.
a high-resolution timer that continuously checks for time in a loop,
First of all, you do not want to continuously check the time in a loop; that's extremely inefficient and simply unnecessary.
...executes some code after it passes a certain point in time?
Ok so you want to run some code at a given time in the future, as accurately as possible.
The simplest way is to simply start a background thread, compute how long until the target time (in the desired resolution) and then put the thread to sleep for that time period. When your thread wakes up, it executes the actual task. This should be accurate enough for the vast majority of needs.
The std::chrono library provides calls which make this easy:
System clock in std::chrono
High resolution clock in std::chrono
Here's a snippet of code which does what you want using the system clock (which makes it easier to set a wall clock time):
// c++ --std=c++11 ans.cpp -o ans
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// do some busy work
int work(int count)
int sum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++)
sum += i;
return sum;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point make_scheduled_time (int yyyy, int mm, int dd, int HH, int MM, int SS)
tm datetime = tm{};
datetime.tm_year = yyyy - 1900; // Year since 1900
datetime.tm_mon = mm - 1; // Month since January
datetime.tm_mday = dd; // Day of the month [1-31]
datetime.tm_hour = HH; // Hour of the day [00-23]
datetime.tm_min = MM;
datetime.tm_sec = SS;
time_t ttime_t = mktime(&datetime);
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point scheduled = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(ttime_t);
return scheduled;
void do_work_at_scheduled_time()
using period = std::chrono::system_clock::period;
auto sched_start = make_scheduled_time(2019, 9, 17, // date
00, 14, 00); // time
// Wait until the scheduled time to actually do the work
// Figoure out how close to scheduled time we actually awoke
auto actual_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto start_delta = actual_start - sched_start;
float delta_ms = float(start_delta.count())*period::num/period::den * 1e3f;
std::cout << "worker: awoken within " << delta_ms << " ms" << std::endl;
// Now do some actual work!
int sum = work(12345);
int main()
std::thread worker(do_work_at_scheduled_time);
return 0;
On my laptop, the typical latency is about 2-3ms. If you use the high_resolution_clock you should be able to get even better results.
There are other APIs you could use too, such as Boost where you could use ASIO to implement high res timeout.
I require the timing to be precise (i.e. no more than 1 microsecond after 9am).
Do you really need it to be accurate to the microsecond? Consider that at this resolution, you will also need to take into account all sorts of other factors, including system load, latency, clock jitter, and so on. Your code can start to execute at close to that time, but that's only part of the problem.
My suggestion would be to use timer_create(). This allows you to get notified by a signal at a given time. You can then implement your action in the signal handler.
In any case you should be aware that the accuracy of course depends on the system clock accuracy.
So I'm trying to call a function every n seconds. The below is a simple representation of what I'm trying to achieve. I wanted to know if the below method is the only way to achieve this. I would love if the "if" condition can be avoided.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
void print_hello(int i) {
printf("%d\n", i);
int main () {
time_t start_t, end_t;
double diff_t;
int i = 0;
while(1) {
// printf("here in main");
i = i + 1;
diff_t = difftime(end_t, start_t);
if(diff_t==5) {
// printf("Execution time = %f\n", diff_t);
The usage of time in OPs program can be reduced to something like
// get tStart;
// set tEnd = tStart + x;
do {
// get t;
} while (t < tEnd);
This is what is called busy-wait.
It might be used to write code with most precise timing as well as in other special cases. The draw-back is that the waiting consumes ful CPU load. (You might be even able to hear this – by raising ventilation noise.)
In general, however, spinning is considered an anti-pattern and should be avoided, as processor time that could be used to execute a different task is instead wasted on useless activity.
Another option is to delegate the wake-up to the system, which reduces the load of process/thread to minimum while waiting:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
void print_hello(int i)
std::cout << "hello\n"
<< i << '\n';
int main ()
using namespace std::chrono_literals; // to support e.g. 5s for 5 sceconds
auto tStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
auto tEnd = tStart + 2s;
tStart = tEnd;
Live Demo on coliru
(I had to reduce number of iterations and the waiting times to prevent the TLE in online compiler.)
Blocks the execution of the current thread until specified sleep_time has been reached.
The clock tied to sleep_time is used, which means that adjustments of the clock are taken into account. Thus, the duration of the block might, but might not, be less or more than sleep_time - Clock::now() at the time of the call, depending on the direction of the adjustment. The function also may block for longer than until after sleep_time has been reached due to scheduling or resource contention delays.
The last sentence mentions the draw-back of this solution: The OS may decide to wake-up the thread/process later than requested. That may happen e.g. is OS is under high load. In the “normal” case, the latency shouldn't be more than a few milli-seconds. So, the latency might be tolerable.
Please, note how tEnd and tStart are updated in loop. The current wake-up time is not considered to prevent accumulation of latencies.
I basically have a school project testing the time it takes different sort algorithms and record how long they take with n amount of numbers to sort. So I decided to use Boost library with c++ to record the time. I am at the point I am not sure how to do it, I have googled it and have found people using different ways. for examples
auto start = boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto end = boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto time = (end-start).count();
or even using something like this
boost::timer::cpu_timer and boost::timer::auto_cpu_time
boost::posix_time::ptime start = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time( );
so I want to be sure on how to do it right now this is what I have
typedef boost::chrono::duration<double, boost::nano> boost_nano;
auto start_t = boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// call function
auto end_t = boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
boost_nano time = (end_t - start_t);
cout << t.count();
so am I on the right track?
You likely want the high resolution timer.
You can use either that of boost::chrono or std::chrono.
Boost Chrono has some support for IO builtin, so it makes it easier to report times in a human friendly way.
I usually use a wrapper similar to this:
template <typename Caption, typename F>
auto timed(Caption const& task, F&& f) {
using namespace boost::chrono;
struct _ {
high_resolution_clock::time_point s;
Caption const& task;
~_() { std::cout << " -- (" << task << " completed in " << duration_cast<milliseconds>(high_resolution_clock::now() - s) << ")\n"; }
} timing { high_resolution_clock::now(), task };
return f();
Which reports time taken in milliseconds.
The good part here is that you can time construction and similar:
std::vector<int> large = timed("generate data", [] {
return generate_uniform_random_data(); });
But also, general code blocks:
timed("do_step2", [] {
// step two is foo and bar:
And it works if e.g. foo() throws, just fine.
Live On Coliru
int main() {
return timed("demo task", [] {
return 42;
-- (demo task completed in 1000 milliseconds)
I typically use time(0) to control the duration of a loop. time(0) is simply one time measurement that, because of its own short duration, has the least impact on everything else going on (and you can even run a do-nothing loop to capture how much to subtract from any other loop measurement effort).
So in a loop running for 3 (or 10 seconds), how many times can the loop invoke the thing you are trying to measure?
Here is an example of how my older code measures the duration of 'getpid()'
uint32_t spinPidTillTime0SecChange(volatile int& pid)
uint32_t spinCount = 1; // getpid() invocation count
// no measurement, just spinning
::time_t tStart = ::time(nullptr);
::time_t tEnd = tStart;
while (0 == (tEnd - tStart)) // (tStart == tEnd)
pid = ::getpid();
tEnd = ::time(nullptr);
spinCount += 1;
Invoke this 3 (or 10) times, adding the return values together. To make it easy, discard the first measurement (because it probably will be a partial second).
Yes, I am sure there is a c++11 version of accessing what time(0) accesses.
Use std::chrono::steady_clock or std::chrono::high_resolution_clock (if it is steady - see below) and not std::chrono::system_clock for measuring run time in C++11 (or use its boost equivalent). The reason is (quoting system_clock's documentation):
on most systems, the system time can be adjusted at any moment
while steady_clock is monotonic and is better suited for measuring intervals:
Class std::chrono::steady_clock represents a monotonic clock. The time
points of this clock cannot decrease as physical time moves forward.
This clock is not related to wall clock time, and is best suitable for
measuring intervals.
Here's an example:
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// do something
auto finish = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
double elapsed_seconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<
std::chrono::duration<double> >(finish - start).count();
A small practical tip: if you are measuring run time and want to report seconds std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds> is rarely what you need because it gives you whole number of seconds. To get the time in seconds as a double use the example above.
As suggested by Gregor McGregor, you can use a high_resolution_clock which may sometimes provide higher resolution (although it can be an alias of steady_clock), but beware that it may also be an alias of system_clock, so you might want to check is_steady.
Is there any way in C++ to calculate how long does it take to run a given program or routine in CPU time?
I work with Visual Studio 2008 running on Windows 7.
If you want to know the total amount of CPU time used by a process, neither clock nor rdtsc (either directly or via a compiler intrinsic) is really the best choice, at least IMO. If you need the code to be portable, about the best you can do is use clock, test with the system as quiescent as possible, and hope for the best (but if you do, be aware that the resolution of clock is CLOCKS_PER_SEC, which may or may not be 1000, and even if it is, your actual timing resolution often won't be that good -- it may give you times in milliseconds, but at least normally advance tens of milliseconds at a time).
Since, however, you don't seem to mind the code being specific to Windows, you can do quite a bit better. At least if my understanding of what you're looking for is correctly, what you really want is probably GetProcessTimes, which will (separately) tell you both kernel-mode and user-mode CPU usage of the process (as well as the start time and exit time, from which you can compute wall time used, if you care). There's also QueryProcessCycleTime, which will tell you the total number of CPU clock cycles used by the process (total of both user and kernel mode in all threads). Personally, I have a hard time imagining much use for the latter though -- counting individual clock cycles can be useful for small sections of code subject to intensive optimization, but I'm less certain about how you'd apply it to a complete process. GetProcessTimes uses FILETIME structures, which support resolutions of 100 nanoseconds, but in reality most times you'll see will be multiples of the scheduler's time slice (which varies with the version of windows, but is on the order of milliseconds to tens of milliseconds).
In any case, if you truly want time from beginning to end, GetProcessTimes will let you do that -- if you spawn the program (e.g., with CreateProcess), you'll get a handle to the process which will be signaled when the child process exits. You can then call GetProcessTimes on that handle, and retrieve the times even though the child has already exited -- the handle will remain valid as long as at least one handle to the process remains open.
Here's one way. It measures routine exeution time in milliseconds.
clock_t begin=clock(); starts before the route is executed and clock_t end=clock(); starts right after the routine exits.
The two time sets are then subtracted from each other and the result is a millisecod value.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
double get_CPU_time_usage(clock_t clock1,clock_t clock2)
double diffticks=clock1-clock2;
double diffms=(diffticks*1000)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return diffms;
void test_CPU_usage()
cout << "Standby.. measuring exeution time: ";
for (int i=0; i<10000;i++)
cout << "\b\\" << std::flush;
cout << "\b|" << std::flush;
cout << "\b/" << std::flush;
cout << "\b-" << std::flush;
cout << " \n\n";
int main (void)
clock_t begin=clock();
clock_t end=clock();
cout << "Time elapsed: " << double(get_CPU_time_usage(end,begin)) << " ms ("<<double(get_CPU_time_usage(end,begin))/1000<<" sec) \n\n";
return 0;
The __rdtscp intrinsic will give you the time in CPU cycles with some caveats.
Here's the MSDN article
It depends really what you want to measure. For better results take the average of a few million (if not billion) iterations.
The clock() function [as provided by Visual C++ 2008] doesn't return processor time used by the program, while it should (according to the C standard and/or C++ standard). That said, to measure CPU time on Windows, I have this helper class (which is inevitably non-portable):
class ProcessorTimer
ProcessorTimer() { start(); }
void start() { ::GetProcessTimes(::GetCurrentProcess(), &ft_[3], &ft_[2], &ft_[1], &ft_[0]); }
std::tuple<double, double> stop()
::GetProcessTimes(::GetCurrentProcess(), &ft_[5], &ft_[4], &ft_[3], &ft_[2]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
u[i].LowPart = ft_[i].dwLowDateTime;
u[i].HighPart = ft_[i].dwHighDateTime;
double user = (u[2].QuadPart - u[0].QuadPart) / 10000000.0;
double kernel = (u[3].QuadPart - u[1].QuadPart) / 10000000.0;
return std::make_tuple(user, kernel);
FILETIME ft_[6];
class ScopedProcessorTimer
ScopedProcessorTimer(std::ostream& os = std::cerr) : timer_(ProcessorTimer()), os_(os) { }
std::tuple<double, double> t = timer_.stop();
os_ << "user " << std::get<0>(t) << "\n";
os_ << "kernel " << std::get<1>(t) << "\n";
ProcessorTimer timer_;
std::ostream& os_;
For example, one can measure how long it takes a block to execute, by defining a ScopedProcessorTimer at the beginning of that {} block.
This Code is Process Cpu Usage
LastPCounter.QuadPart = 0; // LARGE_INTEGER Init
// cpu get core number
int numProcessors = sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
if (hProcess == NULL)
nResult = 0;
int count = 0;
while (true)
ULONG64 CycleTime;
if (!QueryProcessCycleTime(hProcess, &CycleTime))
nResult = 0;
ULONG64 cycle = CycleTime - LastCycleTime;
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&qpcLastInt))
nResult = 0;
double Usage = cycle / ((double)(qpcLastInt.QuadPart - LastPCounter.QuadPart));
// Scaling
Usage *= 1.0 / numProcessors;
Usage *= 0.1;
LastPCounter = qpcLastInt;
LastCycleTime = CycleTime;
if (count > 3)
printf("%.1f", Usage);
Sleep(1); // QueryPerformanceCounter Function Resolution is 1 microsecond
I am writing a program that will be used on a Solaris machine. I need a way of keeping track of how many seconds has passed since the start of the program. I'm talking very simple here. For example I would have an int seconds = 0; but how would I go about updating the seconds variable as each second passes?
It seems that some of the various time functions that I've looked at only work on Windows machines, so I'm just not sure.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time.
A very simple method:
#include <time.h>
time_t start = time(0);
double seconds_since_start = difftime( time(0), start);
The main drawback to this is that you have to poll for the updates. You'll need platform support or some other lib/framework to do this on an event basis.
Use std::chrono.
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto current_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << "Program has been running for " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(current_time - start_time).count() << " seconds" << std::endl;
return 0;
If you only need a resolution of seconds, then std::steady_clock should be sufficient.
You are approaching it backwards. Instead of having a variable you have to worry about updating every second, just initialize a variable on program start with the current time, and then whenever you need to know how many seconds have elapsed, you subtract the now current time from that initial time. Much less overhead that way, and no need to nurse some timing related variable update.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
void wait ( int seconds );
int main ()
time_t start, end;
double diff;
time (&start); //useful call
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) //this loop is useless, just to pass some time.
printf ("%s\n", ctime(&start));
time (&end);//useful call
diff = difftime(end,start);//this will give you time spent between those two calls.
printf("difference in seconds=%f",diff); //convert secs as u like
return 0;
void wait ( int seconds )
clock_t endwait;
endwait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
while (clock() < endwait) {}
this should work fine on solaris/unix also, just remove win refs
You just need to store the date/time when application started. Whenever you need to display for how long your program is running get current date/time and subtract the when application started.