how to simulate a backspace in notepadd ++ regex - regex

i have this txt
i want it to look like this
how can i achieve this using notepad++ regular expression function

This is possible with the "Extended" syntax only, you don't even need regular expressions.
Find: \r\nz


Regular Expression Pattern which should not allow ,;:|

I need the regular expression pattern which should not allow to put any of following characters into input in HTML
You may get some idea from this.

regular expression replace reserve part of the original string

I want to replace the text
<Header="...", Style=Something>
while reserving the ... part. Can I do it with regular expression or some features of Sublime Text? Thanks!
Yes if you prefer. Use Ctrl + H to open the Search and Replace, enable Regular Expression..
Find What: Tag="([^"]+)",
Replace With: <Header="\1", Style=Something>
For content like this:
Tag="this is a \"simple\" test",
pattern: Tag="((?>\\.|[^"])*)",
Replace: <Header="\1", Style=Something>

Find and replace using regular expressions in Notepad++

I have to make changes to URL's in a couple of notepad files. I was hoping if this could be done using regular expressions.
The URL's are in the following structure,
I have to remove the part before the hxxp so what remains after the search and replace is,
What is the regular expression I need to use to get the desired result ?
Thanks for your help.
Okay, as per your confirmation, a proper regex that won't match too much would be this:
Where [0-9]+ will match any amount of numbers.
regex101 demo.
Don't forget to check the 'regular expression' checkbox in the Find/Replace dialog box.
FIND: [ a-z 0-9 _ / ]+/hxxp

How to say remove all the content with in style='' from regular expression

I want to format html document and it has full of inline css. I use notpad++ and try regular expression to format it.
I want to replace style='font-family:"Arial","sans-serif"....... etc ' with style=''
How to do this with regular expressions?
I am new to regular expressions.
Replace :
[^']+ matches one or more characters that is not quote(')

regular expression for find and replace

I've got strings like:
('Michael Herold','Michael Herold'),
but I need to remove the last parts so I end up with:
('Michael Herold'),
I'm still new to Regular Expressions so they confuse me. I'm using Notepad++.
find: \('([^']*)','\1'\)
Replace: ('\1')
So the actual function you use will depend on the language. Notepad++ is a text editor, not a language.
The regular expression that you will want will be ",'Michael Herold'" and you'll replace any matches with "", the empty string.
So in PHP for example, you'll have
$source = "('Michael Herold','Michael Herold')";
$pattern = "/(,'Michael Herold')+/";
$newString = $preg_replace($pattern, $source, "");
Do the equivalent in whatever language you use.
I'm not sure what flavor of regular expressions Notepad++ uses, but try replacing this expression:
with this one:
The \1 matches whatever was found in the first set of single quotes (Michael Herold in your example), and $1 is replaced with that same string. (Try \1 if $1 doesn't work in Notepad++.)
See it in action here.