If I need to set the alarm for tuesday and thursday, but i set the alarm on wednesday then how to avoid the instant trigger for past Tuesday but not for the coming Tuesday? Any help
This code only helps to get the alarm weekly(Once a week)
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP,calendar.getTimeInMillis(),AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY *7,pendingIntent);
But If i need to get the alarm on tuesday but i set th alarm on wednesday then it automatically trigger the alarm for the past tuesday which i don't need. I need the alarm only fron next tuesday.
I an new in android, I would be helful if any one can help me
I need a scheduled query only between Monday to Friday between 9 and 7 o'clock:
Scheduled queries is currently: every hour from 9:00 to 19:00
But how to modify for Mo-Fr ?
every monday to friday from 9:00 to 19:00 not working
every monday from 9:00 to 19:00 working (so day of the week is in general not working ?)
UPDATE: The question at hand is much more complex than the Custom setting in BigQuery Scheduled Queries allows. For this purpose, #guillaume blaquiere has the best suggestion: use Cloud Scheduler to run a cron job. Tools like Crontab Guru can be helpful in creating a statement such as 00 9-19 * * 1-5.
For simpler Scheduled Queries, please review the following from the official documentation: Set up scheduled queries.
To specify a custom frequency, select Custom, then enter a Cron-like
time specification in the Custom schedule field; for example every 3
There is excellent documentation in the Custom Interval tab here on the many options you have available in this field.
thanks for the Feedback. So like this one ? But this is not working
How can I use cron expression to schedule quarterly backup? Like Backup at 12:00AM on every 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October.
Try setting up the event with this:
cron(0 12 1 1/3 ? *)
This translates to:
1/3 -> every third month
1 -> on the first day of the month
0 12 at 12 PM
One of the day-of-month or day-of-week values must be a question mark (?)
PS. Keep in mind that time is in UTC+0.
More on Scheduled Expressions in AWS
I want to configure a job that runs at dawn on the first Saturday of every month through Cloud Scheduler.
Considering the Scheduler Job Frequency setting to be the first Saturday of every month, I have designated it as follows.
ex) 45 2 1-7 * 6
However, it was confirmed that the above scheduler was running on the 23rd, last Saturday.
Is it not possible to configure a monthly schedule in Cloud Scheduler?
If you could give me an answer, I would be very grateful.
I have checked these links in relation to the above.
Your current schedule, 45 2 1-7 * 6, reads as At 02:45 on every day-of-month from 1 through 7 and on Saturday. You can check it on Crontab guru.
In order to set a custom interval, you will need to use the App Engine Cron format.
In this case, try first saturday of month 02:45.
Can we use a single AWS data pipeline to run every Monday, Wednesday Friday, without creating multiple pipelines? If we can, how so?
How to calculate expiry date in odoo 10 and how to notify to customers from email/sms before 10 days?
for example:-
If expiry date is near, the customer gets notification through mail or sms.
Can anyone suggest any solution?
You need to create a scheduler it should run everyday. It should calculate the expiry dates which are ending in next 10 days. For those records you have to trigger the mail.
Create a scheduler
Find the expiry dates
Create email template
Trigger Email
Please refer sale subscription it has subscription expiry reminder