Google Cloud Storage access after end of trial - google-cloud-platform

I started a project using the free trial, and now that the trial is over I can't access the data in the bucket.
How can I download the data?

After your trial ends the following will happen (This is just the main points that concerns you for now):
All resources are stopped and becomes inaccessible.
Any data stored in Compute Engine is lost. (You try to access GCS bucket so the data is still there)
As soon as trial ends, you have 30 days to retrieve any data created during the trial period (except Compute Engine as stated in 2nd point).
What to do to recover the data:
Option A) Upgrading to a paid account
Option B) "Contact Google Billing Support to export any data you stored in GCP services" as stated in the documentation.
All these information can be found in the GCP Free Tier > Recovering data documentation.


Google cloud won't let me increase GPU quota until I've used my present quota, which is 0?

Apparently google will not offer support for free trials, so there is no way to get official help on this.
I am trying to set up a free trial version of google cloud, to run a deep learning project on a cloud GPU. After setting up a project, I wish to add a machine learning VM. I go there, and it tells me I need to increase my GPU quota. However, when I follow the 'change quota' link, I can't change the GPU quota, because I am not using my currently available quota (which is 0) ...
Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? The aim for me was to make a guide for my students who will need this resource in a few days. I got it to work on another google account in summer, but need to go through it again on a fresh account, so I can tell my students what it will look like for them. So, I think I'm familiar with most of the steps, but I haven't seen this "service usage history" error before.
Google has restricted few products in free trial. You can upgrade the account during the free trial. Both free trial and paid will be running simultaneously but you will be paying only for restricted products which were not available in free trial. .
The GPUs on Compute Engine are no longer in beta and are shown in free trial. But, you can start machine learning in free trial mode as the quota is 0.
However you can try products which are machine learning based like Auto ML, Vision API, Bigquery(Depending on your project and your needs) as per free tier usage limits. Also check out GPU pricing.
This issue seems to somehow be related to the fact that I have already used the 300 USD on a different google account. I tried it with a colleague who had not used any paid google product before, and it worked just as it should.
So, somehow, either through my credit card info or something else, google cloud knows about the other account.

Is there any way to recover data after free trial on Google Cloud WITHOUT being charged?

I know that there is an extremely similar topic (Recover VM Instance when Google Cloud Console Free Trial expires) but it doesnt answer my question. I wanted to ask if there is any way to download my files after the free trial without paying? The trial just expired a few hours ago.
You have 30 days to solve this problem at which point Google can and often does delete your data. My recommendation is for you to solve the account problem (billing and payments) so that you can download your data. Unless you have a huge amount of data, you are looking at pennies to download data. Then delete the project and billing account to prevent future charges.
The following links will help you enable your account and then once you have downloaded your data to delete the project and billing account.
End of Free Trial
Create, modify, or close your self-serve Cloud Billing account
Shutting down (deleting) projects

GCP Billing "Frontend Instances" appear

All of a sudden I am being billed for "Frontend Instances" and have no idea why because I have never been charged before. Actually, I have never been charged for anything on gcp until this month when gcp forced me to sign up for a billing account.
Except for once ever being charged $0.01 for "Cloud Datastore Read Ops", I have never been charged for anything else other than the "Frontend Instances" charges to which this question refers.
Today my charges this month are as shown in the graph below. Those charges started on July 6 which is one day after the $0.01 charge for "Cloud Datastore Read Ops" mentioned above. Also, in the graph notice that there are no charges before July 6, none on July 20 and 21, and none after July 25. Does that inform the situation at all?
Almost immediately after I signed up for the billing account I realized my project had been "hijacked" by some unknown users and they have been storing messages in a datastore "Log" on a small part of my project. I quickly eliminated the "Log" and access to it from my project completely. I believe that the $0.01 charge was on the day I stumbled on the "hijacked" messages (see below), and manually deleted a few thousand.
Likely I was forced into the billing account by google because of the hijacking, but they never mentioned the problem. I only stumbled on the problem by coincidence because it is such an unused feature of my app. (So, also, it was not hard to justify just removing that feature.)
It is clear that I don't understand what "Frontend Instances" are. Could you explain "Frontend Instances" in the context of my description above?
(Could the "hijackers" still be doing something to my project, for example?)
What can I do or what is happening here?
The primary change to my code is suggested below. In the definition of app I removed all mention of the Log such as "('/mainlog', LogMainPage),". Elsewhere, I also renamed all mentions of Log to NoLog, for example.
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(
[('/', MainPage),
('/details.txt', Details),
('/mapowner', OwnerMap),
('/add_map', AddMap),
('/update_datastore', UpdateDS)],
[One other peculiarity of my project is that years ago google forced me to migrate the datastore from a master/slave to an "hrd" system. Google provided an automatic migration tool that altered the project name from projectname to projectname-hrd but somehow users are only aware of the original projectname even though both project names continue and I access the project myself via projectname-hrd only. I thought google was requiring the billing account because of this peculiarity, but when I stumbled upon the hijacking, I convinced myself that the "hijack" precipitated their demands.]
The Frontend Instances are App Engine instances class F (F1 F2 F4 F4_1G). Reference 1

What could have happened to my website files on my google cloud platform?

I was using google cloud platform to host a ckan based website. The website had a file library with about 5 gigs of documents. Our project got put on hold and I removed billing on the website about 8 months ago. Now we are trying to migrate the data, but when I look at the project in Google Cloud Platform, there are no compute instances, buckets or files under the various storage modules. I cannot find the 5gigs of files we uploaded and filed by various categories on the ckan website. What could have happened to them? I'm not very experience with this platform and a bit confused. Is there any way for me to recover my data?
As the GCP public documentation indicates, if your billing account remains invalid for a protracted period, some resources might be removed from the projects associated with your account. For example, if you use Google Cloud, your Compute Engine resources might be removed.
Removed resources are not recoverable, the best option you had was to review your case with tech support and have a more specific answer, I noticed that there isn't any way to recover resources 30 days later it had been removed, this is also described in Data deletion term, including existing copies.

Google Cloud project resources removed after trial periode

I used Google Cloud for 1 year and after that I stopped using it for almost a year.
Now I want to use it again, but the resources (VM'S, Snapshots, etc) are removed by Google. Accordering to Google, all resources will be removed after the trial periode has been exceeded by 30 day's.
Is is possible to file a restore request (whole project, or at least a VM or Snapshot? Paid, or unpaid restore doesn't matter for me.
Please advice.
Thank you.
upgraded my account to a paid account (pay as you go). But still no resources.
Only my project name is visible.
The GCP Free Tier documentation is very clear in this aspect, as it states in the "Recovering data" section:
Recovering Data
Contact Google Billing Support to export any data you stored in GCP services (other than on Compute Engine) during your trial period. Your data and resources are only available for 30 days after the free trial ends.
Maybe a couple days after the 30 days you would still have a chance to request it and have it done, but more than that is very unlikely. This kind of deadlines are in place to protect and free some of the shared resources of GCP.
Your only realistic possibility here is contacting GCP support, explain your situation and hope that something could be recovered, but understand that it's very unlikely.