Is there any change in windows 10 related to deviceiocontrol? - deviceiocontrol

Received Error code 6 when calling ::DeviceIoControl with command CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, IOCTL_USB_INDEX(0x0000) + 4, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) on windows 10. Getting error on windows 10 version 1809 but same code was/is working on windows 10 version 1803. Is there any change in windows 10 patches?
I am communicating with hardware on USB port.


Blocked communication with API under windows 7 but not windows 10

I created a 32 bit program with Rad studio 10.4 in C++. This program must communicate with 2 APIs.
My development machine is running Windows 10 x64 and all tests are going well. The program communicates perfectly with APIs.
I put the program in production at my client, on a Windows 7 x64 machine and there, the communication is not done, return code 0.
I test on a new VM in Windows 7 x64 and the problem is the same.
I'm testing on a new VM in Windows 10 x64 and no worries, communication is fine.
I of course disabled the firewall, also added rules in the firewall but nothing changes.
Do you have any idea where the problem could come from ?
Thanks a lot
this->RESTClient_maj->BaseURL = "urlapi";
this->RESTRequest_maj->Params->Items[0]->Value = "token 1234";
I use components from Rad Studio and get and patch methods.
what additional information can I provide ?

Does not Vmware workstation support hibernation on windows 10 virtual machine?

I developed some windows kernel driver. And I should test this driver on hibernating situation on windows 10 desktop.
So I tried to test on windows 10 virtual machine. But I can't find any way to hibernate the machine.
I already tried to execute command line with "powercfg /h on". And set registry "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\HibernateEnabled" to 1.
But powercfg returns error message to me, "The system do not support hibernation"
I know windows 10 support power mode from S0 to S4(as known as hibernation). And that is related to apci ability.
Finally, I think apci driver of vmware workstation dose not support apci s4 mode(hibernation).
Is there any way to enable hibernation on windows 10 machine?

What is the equivalent of System.setProperty() (Java) in C++?

I'm trying to set os name and os arch with my app (C++);
in java I've previously worked with System.setProperty(), what I exactly need to do is:
System.setProperty("", "Windows 7");
System.setProperty("os.arch", "x86");
PS: I am trying to run an external exe file with Windows 7 compatibility mode; because I am using an exe which is only compatible with Windows 7, so I want to make it compatible with newer Windows versions (8, 10)

Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v7 problems while running on windows 7 64bits

i am new in using Infragistics, i have an application deployed on client server and it s working fine while browsing it from windows xp 32bits. But currently he want to navigate the application using windows 7 64bits. So how can i fix the problem without changing the dll version. i m currently using version 7 infragistics.

Windows 2008 R2 64 bit + ColdFusion 8 + 64 Bit JVM - Error loading: C:/ColdFusion8/runtime/jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

We have ColdFusion 8 running on Windows 2003 and JVM 1.6 Build 17 and they work without any issues. We are trying to upgrade to Windows 2008 R2 and when we point ColdFusion 8 to the 64 bit JVM 1.6_17, we get this error in ColdFusion out logs.
Error loading: C:/ColdFusion8/runtime/jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
We figured out msvcr71.dll has been missing and copied it to the C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\bin directory, but nothing seems to be changing.
In the Windows event viewer I can see this message The ColdFusion 8 Application Server service terminated with service-specific error The system cannot find the file specified..
It looks that JVM.DLL has some more dependencies dlls, which are missing on the file system. How can we get the dependencies the jvm.dll has been looking for? Or can we know which specified file its not able to find?
I was having the exact same issue. I installed the 64 bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ redistributional version 2010. ColdFusion started fine after that.