How can I make a SQL application work offline? - c++

I'm making a c++/Qt application. It connects to a small online database to find different information. I need to make sure that the application works offline. So I would like to do the following
On start up of application:
- Check if internet connection is available
- if available connect to online database, download database to local (for next time no internet is available)
- if not available connect to the kocally stored version of the database
My problem is I can't find a simple solution how to "download" the database. The user will not update the database, so there is no need for syncing when online again, just the ability to download the newest version of the database, whenever online. It is a MS SQL server that the application uses.
My only idea for a solution is to have an SQLite db in the application, and then write a script that clears the SQLite database and then puts everything from the online server into it, but this requires that I write a script that goes through all of the databse. There must be a better solution. I'm also not sure how this solution should work if the database structure changes. A solution for this could just be to send out a update for the application if the structure changes with a new SQLite db with the new structure.
I tried searching for a solution, but I could not find anything that are simple. Since I don't neew syncing back and forth, I thought there must be a simple solution. Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.


How to use SQLite database from one platform(iOS) to another(Windows)

I don't know its a valid question or not.
I am working on one MFC/C++ application where
I want to use SQLite database from iOS application in my windows application.
My iOS database is encrypted using command sqlite_key.
While I am trying it for my windows application for the same database
It throws an exception for any operation on the database.
While Searching on Google I am not able to get right track for this.
Can anyone tell me is it possible?
And if yes please help me on this.
If your plan is to "export" it, i.e you want to reuse the data inserted by your ios application into your windows one, then you simply need to locate on your iphone the sqlite database file (sqlite store everything in one single location) and copy it on your computer, and tell your windows software the location of this file.
If your is to "share" the database, i.e both should be able to modify it in "realtime", then you will have to roll something on your own, as Sqlite3 does not provide any network support, it's just a library to read and write data in a file, in a SQL way.

Neo4j-Neoclipse Concurrent access issue

I am creating a few nodes in neo4j using spring data, and then I am also accessing them via findByPropertyValue(prop, val).
Everything works correctly when I am reading/writing to the embedded DB using spring data.
Now, as per the Michael Hunger's book : Good Relationship, I opened up Neoclipse in read-only mode connection to my currently active Neo4j connection in Java..
But, it somehow still says that Neo4j's kernel is actively used by some other program or something.
Question 1 :What am I doing wrong here?
Also, I have created a few nodes and persisted them. Whenever I restart the embedded neo4j db, I can view all my nodes when I do findAll().
Question 2 :When I try to visualize all my nodes in Neoclipse(considering the db is accessible), I can only see one single node(which is empty), has no properties associated to it, whereas I have a name property defined.
I started my java app, persisted few nodes, traversed and got the output from in the java console. Now, I shutdown the application and started the Neoclipse IDE, connected to my DB and found that no nodes are present(Problem of Question 2).
After trying again(heads down), I go back to my Java app and ran my app, and surprisingly I found that I am getting a Lucene-file-corrupted error(unrecognized file format) error. I had no code changes, I did not delete anything, but still got this error.
Question 3 :Not sure what I am doing wrong. But since I found this discussion on my bug(lucene/concurrent db access), I am willing to know if this is a bug or if this is due to any programatic error.(Does it have to do something with Eclipse Juno)
Any reply would be highly appreciated.
Make sure you are properly committing the transactions.
Data is not immediately flushed to the disk by Neo4j and hence you might not be viewing the nodes immediately in Neoclipse. I always restart the application that is using Neo4j in
embedded mode so that data is flushed to the disk and then open neoclipse.
Posting your code would help us to check for any issues.

Online / Offline managing Mysql database

I'm creating a software in c++ with Qt library where the database is loaded when you log in to the software.
When it's done you can use it without connection and edit your database, then when you have internet access you can update your online database.
How can I do that ?
Write it into a file with my own format and then parse and do the mysql request when I have internet connection ?
Use a database with localhost and then copy it to the real one ?
An other solution ?
When two users update their database offline, how can I check they don't use the sameId ? By the way I need the ID as father/son elements.
I found a good solution which is to use a sqlite database in my C++ program.
So I have the same requests in both directions ("Upload", "Download") and access to all my data in the whole program (use of singleton for database access)

About Sitecore Backup

I am trying to backup a whole Sitecore website.
I know that the package designer can do part of the job, but not entirely.
Having a backup is always a good way when the site is broken accidently.
Is there a way or a tool to backup the whole Sitecore website?
I am new to the Sitecore, so any advise is welcome.
Thank you!
We've got a SQL job running to back-up the databases nightly.
Apart from that, when I deploy code and it's a small bit I usually end up backing up only the parts I'm going to replace. If it's a big code deploy I just back up the whole website (code-wise anyway) before deploying the code package.
Apart from that we also run scheduled backups of the code (although I don't know the intervals), and of course we've got source control if everything else fails.
If you've got an automated deployment tool you could also automate the above of course.
Before a major deploy of content or code, I typically backup the master database and zip everything in the website directory minus the App_Data and temp directories. That way if the deploy goes wrong, I can restore the code and database fairly quickly and be back to the previous state.
I have no knowledge of a tool that can do this for you, but there are a few ways you can handle this in an easy way:
1) you can create a database backup of the master database, but this only contains content and no files like media files that are saved on disk or your complete and build solution. It is always a good idea to schedule your database backup every night and save the backups for at least a week or more.
2) When you use the package designer, you can create dynamic pacakges that can contain all your content, media files and solution files on disk. This is an easy way to deploy the site onto a new Sitecore installation all at once, but it requires a manual backup every time.
3) Another way you can use is to serialize your entire content-tree to an xml-format on disk from the Developer tab. Once serialized, you can revert them back into the content tree.
I'd suggest thinking of this in two parts, the first part is backing up the application which is a simple as making sure your application is in some SCM system.
For that you can use Team Development for Sitecore. One of it's features allows you to connect a Visual Studio project to your Sitecore instance.
You can select Sitecore items that you want to be stored in your solution and it will serialize them and place them into your solution.
You can then check them into your SCM system and sleep easier.
The thing to note is deciding which item to place in source control, generally you can think of Sitecore items has developer owned and Content Editor owned. The items you will place in your solution are the items that are developer owned; templates, sublayouts, layouts, and content items that you need for the site to function are good examples.
This way if something goes bad a base restoration is quick and easy.
The second part is the backup of the content in Sitecore that has been added since your deployment. For that like Trayek said above use a SQL job to do the back-ups at whatever interval your are comfortable with.
If you're bored I have a post on using TDS (Team Development for Sitecore) you can check out at Working with Sitecore, Part Nine: TDS
Expanding bit more on what Trayek said, my suggestion would be to have a Continuous Integration (CI) and have automated deploy using Team City.
A good answer is also given here on Stack Overflow.
Basically in your case Teamcity would automatically
1. take back up of the current website (i.e. code) and deploy the new code on top of it.
2. Scripts can also be written to take a differential backup of the SQL databases, if need be.
Hope this helps.
Take a look at Sitecore Instance Manager module. Works really well for packaging entire Sitecore instance.

MS Access backend for django

I've been working on a modification of the django-pyodbc package so that it could be used with MS Access.
I need this for a legacy database we are tied to at my organization, and have been doing a rather hacky job specific to my situation, but have also been making useful, generalizable progress in terms of adapting SQL syntax for MS Access.
My question is, is this a project that anyone else in the world is interested in? should I clean up my code and try to fully generalize it, or is everyone else in the world able to solve their MS Access problems by moving to SQL server?
I would move the data to SQL Server if that is an option.
If moving the data is not an option and if my Django app is already connecting to SQL Server, I might just create a linked server on SQL Server and go through SQL Server instead.