MS Access backend for django - django

I've been working on a modification of the django-pyodbc package so that it could be used with MS Access.
I need this for a legacy database we are tied to at my organization, and have been doing a rather hacky job specific to my situation, but have also been making useful, generalizable progress in terms of adapting SQL syntax for MS Access.
My question is, is this a project that anyone else in the world is interested in? should I clean up my code and try to fully generalize it, or is everyone else in the world able to solve their MS Access problems by moving to SQL server?

I would move the data to SQL Server if that is an option.
If moving the data is not an option and if my Django app is already connecting to SQL Server, I might just create a linked server on SQL Server and go through SQL Server instead.


How can I make a SQL application work offline?

I'm making a c++/Qt application. It connects to a small online database to find different information. I need to make sure that the application works offline. So I would like to do the following
On start up of application:
- Check if internet connection is available
- if available connect to online database, download database to local (for next time no internet is available)
- if not available connect to the kocally stored version of the database
My problem is I can't find a simple solution how to "download" the database. The user will not update the database, so there is no need for syncing when online again, just the ability to download the newest version of the database, whenever online. It is a MS SQL server that the application uses.
My only idea for a solution is to have an SQLite db in the application, and then write a script that clears the SQLite database and then puts everything from the online server into it, but this requires that I write a script that goes through all of the databse. There must be a better solution. I'm also not sure how this solution should work if the database structure changes. A solution for this could just be to send out a update for the application if the structure changes with a new SQLite db with the new structure.
I tried searching for a solution, but I could not find anything that are simple. Since I don't neew syncing back and forth, I thought there must be a simple solution. Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.

Online / Offline managing Mysql database

I'm creating a software in c++ with Qt library where the database is loaded when you log in to the software.
When it's done you can use it without connection and edit your database, then when you have internet access you can update your online database.
How can I do that ?
Write it into a file with my own format and then parse and do the mysql request when I have internet connection ?
Use a database with localhost and then copy it to the real one ?
An other solution ?
When two users update their database offline, how can I check they don't use the sameId ? By the way I need the ID as father/son elements.
I found a good solution which is to use a sqlite database in my C++ program.
So I have the same requests in both directions ("Upload", "Download") and access to all my data in the whole program (use of singleton for database access)

Sync Framework 2.1 Local Cache as SQL Server Possible?

Could someone please help me with whether it's possible to use a full blown SQL Server as Local Database Cache instead of CE?
The reason being CE has 4GB limit. CE is not an option for us as our database records will grow significantly within few months.
Any alternative solution will be much appreciated.
if you're referring to the Local Database Cache project item in Visual Studio, the answer is no. Only Sql Compact (SqlCeClientSyncProvider) is supported by that wizard. You can however handcode your own provider and the sync code without using the wizard.
or you can just use the SqlSyncProvider (can be used against Sql Express, Sql Server, Sql Azure).
see: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Express

C++ Database API's - DTL

I'm looking for a C++ API that is able to connect to different types of databases all in one; mainly MySQL, oracle and SQL Server and I believe I have found one with "DTL" ( )
However, I'm struggling to connect my database on localhost. Has anyone used this before and could shed some more light on it other than what their site does with
though I guess what to put in uid and pwd, I'm not sure what it's expecting in 'dsn', are there any REAL examples or have you guys used it before and could help.
This is an ODBC library, so DSN is the ODBC data source name. On Windows, these can be configured under Administrative Tools->Data Sources.
As #Dark Falcon said, the "DSN" refers to an "ODBC data source". What you get is an extra level of indirection like this:
On Windows, you normally create the ODBC data source with the "Data Sources (ODBC)" control panel, which is normally in the "Administrative Tools".
In any case, this separates the configuration/deployment "stuff" from the code. For example, if you want to use your code with a test database during development, then with the "live" database when you deploy it, you can do that without making any changes to your code, and even without changing the connection string. Instead, you change the data source to refer to production server instead of the test server.

How to profile embed firebird database

Did I make wrong to use firebird database I don't know. It has lot's of good futures but I can't figure out why my query (stored procedure) didn't work.
Is there any profiler/monitoring tool for firebird?
Firebird database is working stand alone so it is embeded db. And It doesn't allow to connect with 2 users. If there is a profiler I wonder how it will connect while I'm executing my queries.
IBExpert and Database Worbench have stored procedure debugger
There is also many monitoring tools
I advice you to install server version if you want to have more than 2 users