Why don't vector elements print? - c++

I have a regex function that parses a URL request and finds a match for an IP and port pattern. I want to push these matches into a vector and then print them out to the screen. The size of the vector prints to the screen but nothing is printed to the screen when I attempt to iterate through the vector and print the elements.
std::vector<std::string> matchVector;
std::smatch m;
std::regex e ("\\/([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3})\\:?([0-9]{1,5})");
while (std::regex_search (requestURL,m,e))
for (auto x:m)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << x;
std::string str = ss.str();
std::cout << "match " << str << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
requestURL = m.suffix().str();
std::cout << "print vector of size : " << matchVector.size()<< '\n';
//this is where nothing prints to the screen
for (int i =0; i < matchVector.size(); i++)
std::cout << matchVector[i];
current output:
match /192.xxx.111.xxx:8080 match 192.xxx.111.xxx match 8080
print vector of size : 3

std::cout is buffered, so it's not synchronized with what you see on the terminal. Try simply flushing std::cout after your print loop:
std::cout << std::flush;


How to convert a string to a dictionary of letters?

I need to convert letters into a dictionary of characters.
Here's an example:
l: 1
e: 2
t: 2
r: 1
I did some research and found this helpful answer, but that was using getline() and separating words by spaces. Since I am trying to split by character I don't think I can use getline() since '' isn't a valid split character. I could convert to a char* array but I wasn't sure where that would get me.
This is fairly easy in other languages so I thought it wouldn't be too bad in C++. I was hoping there would be something like a my_map[key]++ or something. In Go I would write this as
// Word map of string: int values
var wordMap = make(map[string]int)
// For each letter, add to that key
for i := 0; i < len(word); i++ {
// In the end you have a map of each letter.
How could I apply this in C++?
How could I apply this in C++?
It could look rather similar to your Go code.
// Word map of char: int values
// (strings would be overkill, since you know they are a single character)
auto wordMap = std::map<char,int>{};
// For each letter, add to that key
for ( char c : word )
Here is the unicode version of Drew Dormann's answer:
#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>
std::string word = "some unicode: こんにちは世界";
std::map<char32_t, uint> wordMap;
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<char32_t>, char32_t> converter;
for (auto c : converter.from_bytes(word)) {
for (const auto [c, v] : wordMap) {
std::cout << converter.to_bytes(c) << " : " << v << std::endl;
I wrote an article about this which can be checked out here. Below i have given 2 versions of the program. Version 1 keeps track of the character count in alphabetical order. But sometimes(in case) you want the character count in insertion order for which you can use Version 2.
Version 1: Get character count in ͟a͟l͟p͟h͟a͟b͟e͟t͟i͟c͟a͟l͟ ͟o͟r͟d͟e͟r͟
#include <iostream> //needed for std::cout, std::cin
#include <map> //needed for std::map
#include <iomanip> //needed for formating the output (std::setw)
int main()
std::string inputString; //user input will be read into this string variable
std::cout << "Enter a string: " << std::endl;
std::getline(std::cin, inputString);
//this map maps the char to their respective count
std::map < char, int > charCount;
//iterate through the inputString
for (char & c: inputString)
charCount[c]++;//increment the count for character c
std::cout << "Total unique characters are: " << charCount.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Character" << std::setw(10) << "Count" << std::endl;
std::cout << "------------------------------------" << std::endl;
for (std::pair < char, int > pairElement: charCount)
std::cout << std::setw(4) << pairElement.first << std::setw(13) << pairElement.second << std::endl;
return 0;
Version 2: Get character count in i͟n͟s͟e͟r͟t͟i͟o͟n͟ ͟o͟r͟d͟e͟r͟
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
int main()
std::string inputString;
std::cout << "Enter a string: " << std::endl;
std::getline(std::cin, inputString);
std::map < char, int > charCount;
for (char & c: inputString)
std::cout << "Total unique characters are: " << charCount.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Character" << std::setw(10) << "Count" << std::endl;
std::cout << "------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::size_t i = 0;
//just go through the inputString instead of map
for(char &c: inputString)
std::size_t index = inputString.find(c);
if(index != inputString.npos && (index == i)){
std::cout << std::setw(4) << c << std::setw(13) << charCount.at(c)<<std::endl;
return 0;

find the longest word in a vector c++

So i have a c++ vector which contains about 106 thousand words which are stored on vector<string>words i need to find the longest word in this vector and i also need to get the location at which the word is, for example (1,2,3) in my vector. I need this location because i have two other vectors which has the meaning and the type for the words. vector<string>definition, vector<string>type
Please help
My current code
this code is not working at all
copy_if(words.begin(), words.end(), back_inserter(length), [](const string& x) { return x.length() > 40; });// looks for words longer than 7 letters
for (const string& s : length)
cout << "found!!" << endl;
auto i = find(words.begin(), words.end(), s);//looks for the word in the words vector
if (i != words.end())
auto pos = i - words.begin();
//displays the word, type and the definition of the word that the user has entered
cout << "Word : " << words[pos] << '\n';
cout << "Type : " << definitions[pos] << '\n';
cout << "Definition: " << types[pos] << '\n';
cout << '\n';
cout << "word not found" << endl;
You could use the standard algorithm std::max_element to search through the vector<string>.
#include <algorithm> // max_element
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator> // distance
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> words{"a", "bb", "ccc"};
auto it = std::max_element(words.begin(), words.end(),
[](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return a.size() < b.size();
std::cout << "The longest word is " << *it << " at (zero-based) pos "
<< std::distance(words.begin(), it) << '\n';
The longest word is ccc at (zero-based) pos 2
I would prefer thinking simply: just check length of elements according to each indice and update information according to that.
std::vector<std::string> length;
// initialize the vector length
size_t max_length = 0; // the length of longest word(s)
std::vector<size_t> max_indice; // the indice of longest word(s)
for (size_t i = 0; i < length.size(); i++) {
size_t this_len = length[i].length();
if (this_len > max_length) {
// new record
max_length = this_len;
} else if (this_len == max_length) {
// tie
for (size_t pos : max_indice) {
cout << "Word : " << words[pos] << '\n';
cout << "Type : " << definitions[pos] << '\n';
cout << "Definition: " << types[pos] << '\n';
cout << '\n';

splitting one vector into almost-equal sub vectors then storing into another vector

I am trying to split one large user given vector into x sub vectors. Everything "seems" to work as it should but the outcome is not right.
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> split_to_sub_vectors(std::vector<std::string> initial_vector, int thread_amount) {
std::cout << "initial size: " << initial_vector.size() << std::endl;
int size_for_splitting = initial_vector.size();
std::cout << "split amount: " << thread_amount << std::endl;
int r = size_for_splitting / thread_amount;
std::cout << r << " need to be in each sub-vector" << std::endl;
std::cout << "There will be: " << size_for_splitting % thread_amount << " element remaining" << std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> perm_vector;
for (int x = 0; x < thread_amount; x++) {
std::vector<std::string> temp_vector;
for (int a = 0; a < r; a++) {
std::cout << hm << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size of vector holding the sub vectors after splitting: " << perm_vector.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << perm_vector[0][0];
return perm_vector;
Running this code will give you this:
initial size: 7
split amount: 3
2 need to be in each sub-vector
There will be: 1 element remaining
Size of vector holding the sub vectors after splitting: 3
the vector i pass in is called test holds strings and is like so:
Everything up until the last print statement seems to work. So perm_vector should hold 3 sub vectors containing every element in the main user given vector. When you print perm_vector[0][0] you would expect the output to be "1", but it is 2, also 7 should not be in the vector and 6 should be the last one but since it starts at 2, 7 is in it. the counter is defined outside of the function and it starts at 0. My question is why is it starting at 2?
I see two problems in your code:
hm is incremented before use. Furthermore, there is no point in making it global.
size_for_splitting is the result of an integer division, so the remainder is missing
I modified your code so the issues with hm are solved. I get the intended output <<1, 2>, <3, 4>, <5, 6>>, the 7 is missing as mentioned above.
#include <iostream>
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > split_to_sub_vectors(std::vector<std::string> initial_vector, int thread_amount) {
std::cout << "initial size: " << initial_vector.size() << std::endl;
int size_for_splitting = initial_vector.size();
std::cout << "split amount: " << thread_amount << std::endl;
int r = size_for_splitting / thread_amount;
std::cout << r << " need to be in each sub-vector" << std::endl;
std::cout << "There will be: " << size_for_splitting % thread_amount << " element remaining" << std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > perm_vector;
int hm = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < thread_amount; x++) {
std::vector<std::string> temp_vector;
for (int a = 0; a < r; a++) {
std::cout << hm << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size of vector holding the sub vectors after splitting: " << perm_vector.size() << std::endl;
return perm_vector;
int main()
std::vector<std::string> test;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > out = split_to_sub_vectors(test, 3);
Even if hm starts at 0, you increment it before you use it. Probably if you increment at the end of the internal for loop, you might get the output you expect. It's hard to tell the problem because I don't know what's in 'initial_vector', I assume initial_vector[0] = 1?
If you use the range-v3 library, implementing this logic becomes much easier, and less error prone:
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>
namespace rs = ranges;
namespace rv = ranges::views;
auto split_to_sub_vectors(std::vector<std::string> initial_vector, int thread_amount) {
auto res = initial_vector
| rv::chunk(thread_amount)
| rs::to<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>>;
if (res.back().size() != thread_amount)
return res;
Here's a demo.

C++ Regex Alpha without Equal sign

im new to Regex and C++.
My problem is, that '=' is matching when I search for [a-zA-Z]. But this is only a-z without '='?
Can anyone help me please?
string string1 = "s=s;";
enum states state = s1;
regex statement("[a-zA-Z]+[=][a-zA-Z0-9]+[;]");
regex rg_left_letter("[a-zA-Z]");
regex rg_equal("[=]");
regex rg_right_letter("[a-zA-Z0-9]");
regex rg_semicolon("[;]");
for (const auto &s : string1) {
cout << "Current Value: " << s << endl;
// step(&state, s);
if (regex_search(&s, rg_left_letter)) {
cout << "matching: " << s << endl;
} else {
cout << "not matching: " << s << endl;
// cout << "Step Executed with sate: " << state << endl;
This outputs:
Current Value: s
matching: s
Current Value: =
matching: =
Current Value: s
matching: s
Current Value: ;
not matching: ;
When you write
regex_search(&s, rg_left_letter)
you basically search the C-String &s for a match character-wise, beginning at the character s. Therefore, your loop will search for a match in the remaining sub-strings
Which will always succeed, except in the last case, as there is always one character in the entire string that fits your regex. Note however that this assumes that std::string has some 0-termination added, which is, as far as I can tell, not guaranteed if you do not explicitely use the c_str() method, making your code UB.
What you really want to use is the function regex_match, together with your original regex just as simple as:
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
int main()
std::regex statement("[a-zA-Z]+[=][a-zA-Z0-9]+[;]");
if(std::regex_match("s=s;", statement)) { std::cout << "Hooray!\n"; }
This is working for me:
int main(void) {
string string1 = "s=s;";
enum states state = s1;
regex statement("[a-zA-Z]+[=][a-zA-Z0-9]+[;]");
regex rg_left_letter("[a-zA-Z]");
regex rg_equal("[=]");
regex rg_right_letter("[a-zA-Z0-9]");
regex rg_semicolon("[;]");
//for (const auto &s : string1) {
for (int i = 0; i < string1.size(); i++) {
cout << "Current Value: " << string1[i] << endl;
// step(&state, s);
if (regex_match(string1.substr(i, 1), rg_left_letter)) {
cout << "matching: " << string1[i] << endl;
} else {
cout << "not matching: " << string1[i] << endl;
// cout << "Step Executed with sate: " << state << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;

Exploit regex_search

I am trying to use Boost regular expressions module to extract the numbers from character strings of this format: "{ 12354,21354, 123 }"
The following code has been written to this end. As I do this operation in a loop the string is stored in it->c_str():
boost::cmatch matches;
boost::regex reNumber("-*[0-9.]+");
boost::regex reFiniteValues(" *\\{.*\\} *");
std::cout << "\ttesting for finite values" << std::endl;
if (boost::regex_match(it->c_str(), matches, reFiniteValues))
boost::regex_search(it->c_str(), matches, reNumber);
std::cout << "matches.size(): " << matches.size() << std::endl;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i)
std::cout << matches[i] << std::endl;
if (matches.size() > 0)
std::cout << "\tpattern found" << std::endl;
However the size of the matches object is 1, and it only contains 12354 in this example. I would like to know how I can retrieve all the numbers from the string.
You could maybe try to loop regex_search(). -
typedef std::string::const_iterator SITR;
std::string str = it->c_str();
SITR start = str.begin();
SITR end = str.end();
boost::smatch m;
while ( boost::regex_search (start, end, m, reNumber ) )
std::cout << m[0].str() << std::endl;
start = m[0].second;